Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Custom Map Requests (Sector, Planet, ETC)

Map Request Thread {REOPENED!}
It has come to my attention that factions want there own map specific to there own region of space littered with their detail. Whilst this thread is made with that in mind I am really taking requests from anyone for anything map related. My primary work has been in the galaxy though I am willing to give planet maps a go.

My work with the Star Wars Galaxy:
Topic Link

Q: I don't want to use dropbox, do I have to?
A: No, how you choose to use the files I give you is up to you

Q: I want {INSERT FILE FORMAT HERE} instead of pdf or png, can you do that?
A: Yes, generally I will be able to do any file format needed

Q: Is your material copyrighted?
A: Sort of, its hard to copyright something that already has copyright (IE Star wars universe). The "copyright"/conditions of use are really easy to follow, simply give credit where needed and share alike. In any case I will not be rigidly enforcing anything.

Q: Are you gonna keep each map you make up to date?
A: No, that would be crazy, especially if I get a lot of requests. However I will provide continued support for made maps and teach anyone the basics of editing their map (that doesn't know already)

Q: What do you get out of it?
A: Isn't it obvious? Experience and the spreading of my work, of course.

If you would like to apply for me to make a map for you then follow these steps:
  1. Post in this thread with what you want and why
  2. Include a way to communicate; Please don't make it email (I prefer skype; username is "dskod1" so hack away)
  3. Wait for me to either post a reply or contact you in your posted communication
The commission for my work will go as follows:
  • I will work closely with the people who ask for the commission, making sure they get their desired map
  • I will teach the basic of editing the map so it can be maintained by those who commission it
  • I will support nearly all formats required by the commissioners
  • I will give future support for made maps (IE adding more things to the map, changing it ETC)
[member="The Shadow King"]

You have already failed the application process. I SHALL NOT DEAL WITH THE LIKES OF YOU!


What would you like? and what means of communication can I keep with you that is stable? (I do like asking a lot of questions as I work to make sure I get it how you want it)
[member="The Shadow King"]

I feel like I am missing something really simple so I will end this conversation by simply posting my skype (dskod1) and none will be the wiser.


Would you be interested in creating a map of a vast underground droid foundry on Geonosis? :eek:


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