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"Cultivating" Allies [GR Dominion of Agamar]

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
"Cultivating" Allies
(Get it, because it's an agricultural world?)
Galactic Republic Dominion of Agamar

Goals: To respond to the Agamarian Council's call for membership with the Galactic Republic, and establish most amicable relations with the honorable and hardworking people of Agamar.

Method: Dialogue and open communication with the Governor of Agamar, Tharm Alga, and positive interactions with its citizens. Politically-minded characters are encouraged to join (this is my first political RP!), though there is no strict focus here.

Possible Objectives:

Objective A: Self-determined objectives of your own design! These objectives use the overall narrative of the Dominion as a tool to facilitate personal character development.

Objective B: Political discussion; the Agamarians called us! They are interested in joining, but there is no need for a debate. The Republic has goals in mind and the Agamarians have desires; we'll each be working to help one another. There will be a panel of representatives from Agamar and the Republic, each answering how the issues labeled here will be addressed by either the Republic or Agamar in order to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship. Any writer is free to place themselves in either the audience asking questions or on the panel, answering them. Keep in mind, Agamar's membership is not necessarily at stake, the discussion is a welcomed exercise to ensure neither party enters this relationship with issues that could have been resolved.

The discussion will focus on three main objectives:

Economic Trade: This topic concerns the agricultural exports of Agamar, and the trade it might expect from nearby Republic worlds. Protecting Agamarian domestic trade is a concern as well, as the world will not want its self-produced goods sold on planet de-vauled by an overly abundant influx of foreign goods.

Educational Exchange: The University of Agamar wishes to initiate an exchange of students between themselves and the greater Republic. Selecting these students and determining what programs will be eligible is an important step toward this goal.

Mandalorian aggression and expansionism: The Agamarian Council is aware of the current Mandalorian transgressions against Republic worlds, and is concerned that union with the Republic will bring war and violence to their system. These concerns need to be addressed by the Republic's military leadership.

Objective C: Spy network: It will be important that intelligence gathering be initiated in the Agamar system. Get together with spies, tell a good story, lay the foundation for good intelligence-gathering assets!

Objective D: Military cohesion: Leaders and members of the Galactic Republic military will meet with the Agamarian Defense Force to share ideas, war stories and culture. Come boast about your passed battles or brag about your accolades!

[member=Mantic Dorn] | [member=Jack Sparrow] | [member=Lady Kay] | [member=Gir Quee] | [member=Megàn Alestria] | [member=Darion Blackstaff] | [member=Tonald Drump] | [member=Ordon Trozky] | [member=Khyros Sunblade] |[member=Auru Taff] | [member=Salete Kel] | [member=Thalia Kaia] | [member=Nick Sept] | [member=Suravi Teigra]

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Senator Martika Varta, of Umbara
Location: University of Agamar
Objective: B, Political Discussion
Post: 1/20

"...We welcome to the stage, the Senator of Umbara, Martika Varta!" Polite applause rang throughout the large auditorium where students of the University of Agamar were accustomed to taking major exams, hosting university events, and often times simply gather for companionship and discussion. The chamber was roughly forty feet high, with a vaulted ceiling paned in glass, through which shone black clouds disgorging rain from the skies above. Martika Varta stepped up to the podium, his dark eyes wide as he waved politely and nodded to those observing him on stage. He was garbed in simple white robes that trailed slightly behind him as he walked.

"To our most gracious hosts, the Agamar Council and Agamar's Governer, Tharm Alga, I say to thee Thank you. The Republic Senate wishes to express to you our greatest appreciation of your hospitality, and we look forward to a long and mutually prosperous relationship with your world."
Martika paused for more applause.
"I come to you tonight with news that the usurper Genevieve Lasedri will be delivered unto justice, and that peace within the Galactic Republic has come at last. To celebrate, allow me to be the first to welcome Agamar and its honorable citizenry, into the fold of this great Republic!"
The applause grew this time. Across the Galaxy, many had waited with baited breath to learn what would be the fate of the Republic's internalized strife. Martika did not know the details of the former Supreme Chancellor's fate, but he did have good news to convey to the people of Agamar.

"We welcome gladly the newly elected Supreme Chancellor, Jack Sparrow, to the reins of the Republic, and we trust him to stalwartly guide our people into a new age of peace and prosperity!"
More applause, coupled with cheering, from the assembly. The recent Republic elections had been followed closely by the independent worlds, who were always anxious to learn if new leaders would seek peaceful cooperation or rapid expansion within their limited terms of rulership. Sparrow was an advocate of peace, and thus worlds such as Agamar, who had lived under the yoke of foreigners throughout history, had been given leave to breathe easy and smile. Agamar would join the Republic as welcome friends and allies, and Martika Varta could ask no more than that.
[member="Geral Varta"]

Objective: Economic trade/military

Elaine had come here seeking contracts for her blaster and armour, to these people. She need more credits, to expand her company. In turn this would help alderaan, become more powerful, and that was her main concern. She had arrived with a small security detail, as well as a creates of blaster infantry armour, and auxiliary grenades which was the main selling point to her blaster. She was going to trade convention, to show case her arms and armour. As well as the conference hall, there was an area she could show off her products fire power. She was getting her sales rep set up shop, as her security personal made sure the goods where not stolen. Whilst this went on she head to bar area, hoping to meet some of the other VIP, as she did not want to mingle with the lower classes.
It was still early, and she was one of the first to arrive here, she got one of the waiters to get her a cup of earl grey. As she sat out over looking, the conferences gardens. She wonder if she would make a major sale or not, though she did have faith in the tactical abilities of her blaster.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Senator Martika Varta, of Umbara
Location: University of Agamar
Objective: B, Political Discussion
Post: 2/20

"Honored beings of Agamar, and esteemed guests of the Republic, I present to you your own Council Minister, Tharm Alga!" Martika clapped as the announcement was made from his seat at the panel on stage. Agamar's aging Minister walked hunched over, using a cane to carry him from the edge of the stage to the podium where he sat heavily upon a lofty cushioned seat. Silence fell in the time it took for Alga to take his place at the podium, and all waited to hear his words. Even Martika, who had never heard the man speak, new him to be a rather rousing individual; exciting in a way that contradicted the expectations of his age. Under Alga's leadership, Agamar had seen increased trade and agricultural production thanks to the implementation of renewable energy sources and advanced genetic modification techniques that produced hardier and more profitable crops. After a briefly held breath, the Agamar Minister placed his wrinkled hands along the edge of the podium and smiled, his mustache jumping up at the corners of his mouth as he did so.

"Agamar...and the Republic." Alga looked around through bushy brows, winking to the crowd. Many of the Agamarian politicians laughed, though the Republic personnel present were lost momentarily. "We have a long history, do we not?" This time, the laughter was heard from all in the chamber.
Alga pressed his index finger against the podium, emphasizing his next words. "We have spent too long independent of the Republic. We have been prosperous, we have been growing, but now is the time we contribute our success to our neighbours!" The crowd remained silent, waiting for his next words.
"Agamar has been a world of many governments, but always, we return to the Republic in their times of need. Our agriculture is essential not only to our economies, but to many of the citizens of the Galaxy! I have said it from day one that Agamar should not succeed alone! We cannot forget this. We cannot forget our import, our cruciality to the wellbeing of others. And so today, on this most beautiful of days..." Alga paused to allow the audience to glance up at the stormy, rainy skies and laugh to themselves one more. "I am proud to welcome the Republic with open arms! Love live Agamar, and love live the Republic for which it stands!"
Applaus thundered throughout the auditorium and Tharm Alga smiled broadly. The bird's feet at the corners of his eyes bunched up as he laughed, and Martika stood to join him at the podium. He placed an arm around the Minister's shoulders and several holos were taken before Martika reached for the mic to announce the gathering's next events.

"Thank you all, thank you. And Minister, from the entirety of the Republic, we welcome you and your wonderful people with equally open and accepting arms." Martika smiled, then looked out across the audience. "We have several events upcoming that focus around some of the issues the Republic and Agamar need to address before a union can be finalized. These issues have been raised by either members of the political or private sector, or the general population. We have a panel of Agamarian and Republic delegates here to address these issues, of which I am a part, and can hopefully come to an accord on all of them. Representatives of each issue will be allowed several minutes to explain their concerns or proposals, and the panel will have the opportunity to reply. First, we will be starting with the issue of economics, presented to you by the University of Agamar's own Head of Economics, Nurat Grovo, tenured professor and an old school mate of mine as well. Please join me in welcoming him to the stage." Martika clapped and stepped aside as Nurat Grovo made his way across the stage in a cream-colored tunic and black trousers. Martika extended his hand and grasped Nurat's as they greeted one another. "It has been some time, Professor!" Martika exclaimed, briefly embracing the man. "We will have to catch up later this evening, Martika," Nurat assured him, smiling. Martika nodded and stepped back from the podium, then returned to his seat at the panel.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective B,C
Posts: 1/20

Kay hitched a ride along with some of the delegates. She missed this. Missed being a Senator. And even though being free from those rules gave her more...well also decreased what she was allowed to do in some respects. However the meeting at the University was a public one, so she was not barred. Her resignation letter hadn't been leaked to the media yet, as far as she was aware, so there wasn't any questioning as to why she was there.

She watched the proceedings with interest, though with different eyes. She had to keep informed of things, had to be on top of things in case there was any danger. It wasn't as though she was policing anyone, but she had people that she answered too. The amount of directions that she was being pulled was staggering. It was as though everyone wanted a piece of her, or more importantly, pieces of the information that she had on various people and places. At some point one of them was going to have to pay her. She'd hate to have to borrow from her friends just to live. At least when she was a Senator, living in her offices was enough. But now she didn't even have those. Lack of sleep and constant worry was starting to take it's toll. But she worried more for the Republic than herself.

Agamar's Minister was well loved. That was clearly seen. She smiled at his speech. There were plenty of worlds that could use their food, plenty of refugees that could have their help, as well as good places to work and thrive. Hopefully [member="Geral Varta"] would bring that up. Otherwise, she just might do so herself, if she was allowed.

Martika Varta

Senator, Umbara; Committee on Civics & Infrastruct
Senator Martika Varta, of Umbara
Location: University of Agamar
Objective: B, Political Discussion
Post: 3/20

Nurat Grovo took to the podium and smiled to the audience before him. After referencing a small datapad and adjusting his spectacles, Nurat looked to the audience and began to speak in rich, rolling tones. "I would like to begin by thanking the Minister's invitation to speak tonight and put a crucial probe to this coming alliance. I would ask that those involved in determining the nature of our relationship with the Republic consider the possible economic ramifications of accepting their taxes, their support, their standards of law and of course their responsibilities to the Galaxy." Nurat glanced down at his datapad and continued. "Agamar is an important agriworld in this part of the Galaxy, and currently our trade is limited so as to guarantee stability. We trade with the Republic, but from a position of power; we are able to withhold our goods in order to guarantee worthwhile prices for our products, which lends the stability to our agricultural system that has allowed us to prosper for the last twenty years."
Nurat took another swift break, sipping from the proffered glass of water. "My question to the panel members of the Republic and Agamar is this: How will you guarantee Agamar's continued bartering strength in an economy more open as required by the Republic capitalist structure?"
| [member="Geral Varta"] |


Ella sat as part of the Republic delegation, to offer counsel and advice when necessary. Leaning across to mutter to Martika, the Jedi asked, "I'd like to respond to the question, if that is okay with you?" The question was more rhetorical. It was a polite gesture, in respect that the Umbaran Senator was in charge.

Rising to her feet, Ella leaned forward to speak into the microphone. "I believe I can answer your question, Councillor."

"Currently, there is a power vacuum in the agricultural sector, particularly in the Republic. The wars that had followed the end of the Four Hundred Darkness has had a significant affect on several business sectors, with most start up corporations focusing on the vehicle, ship and weapons manufacturing sectors."

"As focus has been diverted primarily on the aforementioned sectors, the agricultural sector has been left to it's own devices. I believe worlds, such as Agamar or Chandrila, are uniquely placed to renew interest and trade. So to answer your question, Agamar is well positioned to make a significant and much needed impact in the Republic, if it were to ever begin trading in earnest there."
LOCATION: University of Agamar

Auru Taff sat on the panel, calmly folding his arms over his chest. He didn't know much about Agamar, besides their agricultural strength, but if they wanted to join the Republic, Senator Taff would contribute however he could. The Senator from Caamas waited for a question to come his way. He would answer however he could, but he didn't know if he would be able to answer well, as his mind was other places. Kay's secret resignation still weighed on his mind, clouding his choices. The news had surprised him, and had made him think. The Republic has plenty of flaws, that much is true. Senator Taff would just have to fix it up. And if his presence helped in that endeavor, Taff would do what he could.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Objective: B,C
Posts: 2/20

[member="Ella Nova"] did very well in speaking part of what Kay was thinking of. If she was still a Senator for Commenor, there would have been plenty of trade contracts to be had, and access to trade routes granted. Slaves that she had freed would have been able to find work here and earn themselves a good living if they so wished.

But....that was all behind her now. It wasn't her place to grant such things. So what was her place? What could she do? Gain more allies? Gain more safe havens in case the others were compromised? She almost wanted to become a recluse again for a while, just as she did when her husband was killed. Yet for the moment, she couldn't decide just where to go for that. Somewhere unknown or somewhere familiar? Somewhere in Republic space or out? In the end she'd probably choose whichever felt right.

Kay continued to observe in silence, taking note of the faces and reactions to what was being said and not being said by everyone that was attending. It was a little comforting to see [member="Auru Taff"] present, a familiar and kind face. He was busy watching the others. She half wondered what his part to play in all of this would be...
| [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Auru Taff"] | [member="Geral Varta"] |


As Ella lowered herself into her seat, Arsix was elsewhere, outside of the conference. Mischievous, the little droid was planning a prank, to be played on Ella when she returned to the Sochi Ru. But first, he needed the materials for the prank. Bleeping excitedly, Arsix entered the Agamar conference kitchen. Chefs, waiters and waitresses paid him no attention. After all, it was only a droid and they had an entire conference to cook for.

Rolling through the kitchen, Arsix was looking for something sticky. The plan was to set up a trap in the Sochi Ru. When the cockpit closed on Ella, the trap would be detonated and whatever it was would pour all over Ella, drenching her, might to the glee of the droid. It had been a long time since he had played such a prank. All the serious business that Ella had been on lately hadn't left any room for it, but this was the perfect opportunity.

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