Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crystalsong Contracts

In Umbris Potestas Est
Crystalsong. While the world was rather isolated from the rest of the galaxy, it was by no means invisible on the galactic map. Circe had come to this place in order to further an agenda of hers – for a new project she was working on, she needed crystals. And conveniently enough, the planet in question had enough crystals to last Subach a lifetime.

And so it was that with great pleasure, the woman treaded down to the Crystal Caves. The largest tribe of Nioks was here, and it seemed that there was quite a profit to be made – in exchange for a contract being signed allowing Subach to set up shop on the planet within the caves, the company would have the rights to mine crystals – in exchange for selling their technology for low prices. It was a proper deal that would give Subach more than enough access to the crystals necessary for conversion into energy crystals. These energy crystals would be used on some of Subach’s newer projects, and some would be sold back to the Nioks as energy sources.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Descending further into the caves, Circe twinged a bit. The feeling of being underground was something she hadn’t felt since working away at her laboratory. And from her experience, the laboratory was a place you rarely wanted to further meditate at – with all the experiments stored away, including her original body, her treasures, and her relics still locked in the vaults, she was, to say the least, disconcerted. Still, if there was money to be made, it bothered her a very minimal deal.

“Ah, so you must be the High Crystal Hunter.” She smiled, eying over the Niok who was the largest, and whose horns were the most ornate. “My name is Cassandra Cinthra. I came here to do business with you regarding the purchase of crystals.”
In Umbris Potestas Est
“So we have heard.” The large Niok sounded tired almost. “Please, come with me so I may show you our current mining operations.” Circe wasn’t exactly one to refuse as he led her deeper into the caves. What raised her eyebrow was the fact that most of the work was being done by the brutish creatures with pickaxes and other crude tools. While this initially seemed ineffective, the crystals removed from the deposits did have a degree of familiarity about them. Not to mention the deposits themselves seemed larger than usual.

“I’d be glad to deliver you some mining machines and droids that would be willing to do the work for you.” Circe said. “That way the current members of the crystal-mining workforce could be redirected to other, more useful works of physical labor. It would allow you to more adequately ensure that you had proper manpower for other future events – such as warfare, or perhaps even simple power needs. A crystal energized with enough power is quite capable of running devices for years if not decades with no issues.”
In Umbris Potestas Est
“Interesting… If I may inquire, how do you make these crystals?” Assumedly the Niok had never seen or even known about the process of developing energy crystals. This must’ve been new to them that crystals could be used for more than electronics or construction.

“Well… Two primary methods are used.” In one hand, Circe held a stun baton. In the other, electricity arced between her fingers. “Method number one involves me injecting Force Lightning directly into a crystal until it glows brightly. Force energy can also be poured into the crystals through other means, as a friend of mine knows, but I prefer this one. The secondary method is to simply charge the crystals via lightning strikes or antimatter reactors. However, because the inputted power is artificial and not Force-derived, bigger crystals have to be used, which limits their usefulness in things such as guns or generally anything a power cell is good for.”
In Umbris Potestas Est
“Interesting… I assume you want this contract to be signed sooner rather than later?” THe Niok seemed to be the sort of type to get to action as soon as was reasonably possible.

“Of course…” She smiled, pulling out a datapad for him to write his signature on. “One other thing about energy crystals – typically they need to be in a sort of fixture so they can replace power cells and whatnot. Once we’re setup here, I’d be glad to show you how we convert damaged power cells to casings for our smaller-sized energy crystals.” With his signature, the contract was set, and her own sealed the deal. Subach was now ready to get to work.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Over the next few weeks, several Tryton-class Cargo haulers landed on the planet’s surface, in the territory of the Nioks who controlled the mines Subach had a contract for. Some of the cargo containers served as residences for the Subach workers. Others were for storing mined energy crystals, carrying equipment used to more speedily carve out the necessary crystals.

Once cached and stored aboard the transports, they were taken to Subach facilities on Echidna, where the energy crystals were properly shaped and filled with energy from powerful antimatter reactors, Some of these crystals were taken back to Crystalsong and sold to the Nioks, who were beginning to adapt their current level of technology to account for the new power source with much more energy than the fission batteries they were used to using.
In Umbris Potestas Est
“You know,” Circe raised an eyebrow at the creature, “I never did know what your name was. I know the majority of the Nioks – or is it ‘Nee-oks?’ – are given rather general names, but assumedly, being their leader, your name is rather different.

“You may call me Ni. That’s pronounced ‘Nee.’”

“Well, Ni, I had an interesting idea as to how the Nioks could be more properly organized… Perhaps a group of Nioks willing to work for me? Or at the least, willing to provide guard for my miners against any and all intruders on the planet’s surface?”
In Umbris Potestas Est
The Niok leader paused. “I suppose that such is doable… It will raise the work ethic of the men, after all, and we’ve never had an elite group of fighters, warriors, or an elite group in general. Such would raise the prestige of the proletariat to new times. But in order that I might grant you this request, they must have something special relating to myself, to showcase their ultimate loyalty to me. Any ideas?”

Circe scrunched her brow. “Well… your name is Ni. Perhaps in order to make the situation that much more prim and proper, the order could have something to do with you. Where I come from, such elite warriors are sometimes known as Knights… Considering your extraordinarily high level of rulership over them, wouldn’t it make sense for them to bear your name as a symbol of their origins?”
In Umbris Potestas Est
“By this, I assume you mean we include ‘Ni’ somewhere in the organization?”

“Yes, that assumes right…” She paused. “How high of a pitch can your species talk in? Just curious…”

“I suppose our kind can vocalize in the same tones as your own species. You have an idea?”

“Well, saying your name in a rather nasally, high-pitched voice over and over again will be exceptionally demoralizing to anyone confronted with it. Perhaps that tactic might make sense as something this organization could do.”
In Umbris Potestas Est
Their leader paused. “So, the order’s sacred word shall be ‘Ni?’”

“Indeed.” Circe nodded, knowing that she would shortly have a large coalition of tall, workaholic, antlered brutes at her disposal. The level of control she could exert over them was questionable, but still, it would ultimately benefit both her and her goals.

And thus, the Niok order known as The Knights who say “Ni!” was born.


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