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Approved Tech Crysis' Dual Curved Hilt Sabers

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  • Classification: Stealth Short Sabers
  • Size: Very Small,
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Ghostfire * The Kybers utilized in these short sabers are unique, in they do not emit any form of color, and are instead translucent. Making them difficult to see. This is further amplified by the fact the Kybers give off illusory after images of the user, and sabers motions, resembling a clear ghostfire in the air that constantly trails behind the actual saber location, lingering around for a few moments before dissipating. Not to mention the illusion that the enemy is always somewhere that they may not actually be.

  • Whisper Operation * Another unique quality of these sabers, and their hearts (Kybers) is the fact these saber blades do not offer the usual hum, or tick of their relative weapons. Even activation is nearly dead silent. Nearly. As the weapons still Ionize the air upon activation, it's impossible to circumvent this without form of external stimuli.
  • Safety Igniter * These weapons igniters must be held for a full 1.4 seconds before igniting, a purposeful design flaw to avoid accidental self-impalement. (This however can be circumvented through use of the force)
  • Comfy Grips * Reifflex Padding offers additional grip, and comfortable operation for the user
  • Carry Rings * Triangular Rings at the end of the sabers can be used to carry them on a utility belt, built so the rings may clip off the belt, but not clip away from the sabers.
  • Lightsaber - These Legendary weapons can cut through nearly anything, short of pure Beskar
  • Ghostfire - The Kyber crystals within these sabers offer unique stealth capabilities, and even further in-combat ones that can easily confuse and baffle an unprepared enemy. Easily making the wielder seem supernatural in the midst of combat. Used in tandem with Force Abilities, these weapons are lethal, and rare pieces of equipment.
  • The Dark Path - The Sarrassian Iron used in the hilt construction of the sabers are highly reactant to The Dark Side of the Force. Tiny particles in its makeup in fact, resonate it passively. This helps Dark Side Users hone their arts with even more ease, though more so when the weapons are being held.
  • That thing broken? - These lightsabers are insanely quiet, and could lead one to assume they haven't even been activated yet if an opponent is expecting audial clues.
  • SHORTsabers Both blades are identical, and produce a beam that is only one foot long. Sacrificing heavily in the range department.
  • Cortosis These weapons have an extremely high chance to short out and cease function for some time should they come into contact with Cortosis.
  • Sibling Crystals The Ghostfire Kyber Crystals used in creation were found entwined, and had to be carefully removed. Testing has shown when one crystal is too far away from the other, neither saber will activate. A peculiar, but noteworthy development.
On the night Shalaa Se "died" and became Crysis, as witnessed by her Master Kathal, he gifted her with two Ghostfire crystals for her rebirth as his pure weapon. Twin Crystals that would aide her on her path to becoming an invisible knife in the night. She set out on her own to acquire the metal for these weapons, and used old Trooper armor inlays for the grips. Having already trained in Saber Forms with training sabers, she needed to relearn some things to avoid killing herself with these new weapons, as lightsabers, most especially ones that give no true indication of place or movement can easily kill their own wielder if they aren't careful.

That said, on the night Crysis died, these were at the top of the chasm she fell down. Though not there when she climbed up from her grave. Presumably they are in the possession of the Scions of the Truth still. These weapons hold her will, and her intent. Likely just holding these weapons in her hands will give her a mental jolt that could recover old and wounded memories. Only time can tell.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Crysis Crysis

Nice ones! Ok, I accept the picture link, because all of this are weird site what I found, and I suppose all of will be deleted soon...
Real problem, You cannot use Kathal as manufacturer without their permission. So please ask this, or delete them from the Manufacturer.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Crysis Crysis

Unfortunately this is not good, you need to ask why and to what you want to use his character. Or they need to say, like "I, >insert the name> give a permission to <insrt use or character name> to use my <insert the character name(s)> in their submission as a Manufacturer." You can find a guide to this.
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