Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cruelty is a Desirable Trait

Holding her ground as he shoved her away, she simply skidded along the floor for a moment while still on her feet. Though noticing he deactivated his sabers, she deactivated her own, releasing them as they clipped themselves back to her waistline with a simple expression of her power. With a moment to breathe and gather herself, the light began to fade from her eyes as they returned to their normal state.

"Praise does no one any good unless they earn it. Do not praise me until I can defeat you."

As the droid made its way in she approached and grabbed a container of water from the tray, taking a large sip from it and then grabbing a protein ration. She hated to need the items presented though it was true she may very way collapse without them. So in the span of a minute she finished both, putting the container back on the tray and turning back to Carnifex.

"Let us continue then. If you're so eager."

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
He let out a short laugh, his dark eyes watching over Valeska as she replenished herself by devouring both the available water and protein ration ravenously. His apprentice's eagerness to jump back into the fight despite the overwhelming gulf in the power difference between the two was admirable, something that would serve her well to survive his brutal training methods. "Very well then, apprentice. I believe it is time for you to test your combat abilities in a shifting environment, one fraught with danger as a battle between the Sith and the Jedi rages on around you." The protocol droid scuttled away back through the door it had entered, which closed and locked behind it.

The Emperor reached out through the Force to activate the training room's modular systems, setting in motion one of his pre-programmed simulations crafted from personal experience. The floor of the training room was laid out in a gridded pattern, each grid roughly a square meter in size across the entire floor. Those squares now began to elevate and lower to form a complex series of uneven terrain much like one would find on a battlefield uprooted by artillery bombardment and natural topography.

Several doors on the room's walls opened to reveal droid soldiers dressed in the common uniforms of the defunct Galactic Alliance and the Galactic Republic. Though originally programmed to recognize the Emperor as an enemy, they had been recently tweaked to recognize Valeska as an enemy instead. Upon activation, they hopped down and initiated their anti-Jedi combat algorithms by forming up into small squads, taking cover, and opening fire with their stun rifles.

Meanwhile, the Emperor, taking up the role of a Jedi Master, renewed his assault against his apprentice with both of his blades ignited. "A Jedi will not just fight you one-on-one, apprentice. Wherever they go, their soldiers will not be far behind! Adapt or fail!"

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
As the firing began she started blocking the incoming fire with one of her sabers first, and then her master joined the fight. Shifting into a sort of dance the girl began dodging blaster fire and blocking the incoming attacks of the relentless man before her.

"For one, you are near twenty times as powerful as any Jedi Master, and two, really would they have an entire squadron on only me." Her words came between the shifting steps across the terrain, weaving her way back towards a higher raised square for some cover against the droids, however they were in every direction.

Coming to her mind for a brief moment would be another strategy, one that would have required yet another lightsaber. Something to always try later. Though what she could do now, was focus more on her defensive movement. Blocking two of his strikes, the girl snapped her sabers together to form a staff in half a second between the blows.

"You know very well this is unrealistic for an apprentice, though you don't treat me like an apprentice." A slight smile tugged at the edge of her lips showing her razors for teeth.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
"You are more than just a simple neophyte, Valeska, you are my apprentice. I hold you to a higher standard."

But, she did have a point!

Another button was pressed in the command console through the Force, and several more doors opened up along the outer wall. Emerging from them were droids similar to the ones dressed up in Republic gear, except these new automatons wore the white and black Legionnaire armor of the Sith Empire.

And they were programmed to view the Republic droids and the Sith Emperor as an enemy.

Carnifex pushed Valeska away with the Force, deflecting several stun shots back at the legionnaire droids with quick flurries and flicks of his two lightsabers. Two droids collapsed to the floor, their circuits sparking as their internal systems went haywire. A third droid attempted to get the drop on the Emperor, but without even lifting a hand he throttled the droid with the force and snapped it completely in half before flinging both ends to the floor.

One could only imagine how that would have been with an organic enemy.

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
With a moment of distraction her ally droid provided, and it really was only but a moment, the girl managed to do the same to a few of the droids on Carnifex's side.

Flinging one droid into the other with incredible speed she leaped over a barrier before them and deflected several blasts back. Taking down two, three, four droids as she ducked behind her own cover now. Thankfully the door before them had closed, and she only had a few more to worry about, oh and of course her Master.

Looking over the field her moment was over, and the other droids began their approach, the final droid from her own side letting out a few shots before being taken down.

"Please tell me our soldiers aren't truly all that useless."

The snarky comment was made as a mark was left right beside her head by an opposing droid.

Oh that's just not fair.

Ducking out from behind cover, three daggers went launching across the room into heads of the final two droids opposing her, sparks flying as they collapsed down. Then there was only Apprentice and Master.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
Stun bolts rained across the simulated battlefield as the Emperor tore through the faux Imperial Legionnaires like they were papier-mâché, tearing apart their bodies with the Force or scything them into smoldering chunks with his crimson lightsabers. True to his personality on the battlefield, the Emperor wasn't above using still active soldiers as physical shields by levitating them in the path of his enemy's blaster fire before ultimately closing the distance and wreaking havoc.

The last Legionnaire attempted one final attack, but with a twitch of his fingers the Emperor grasped the droid with the Force and crushed him until he was just a compacted ball of broken metal. "Sentient ingenuity can be imitated, but never replicated. A droid army will never surpass one of flesh and blood." The Empire utilized battle droids, but only as a means to support Imperial Legionnaires and their Sith counterparts, never as a baseline soldier.

Oil and sparking circuits covered the training room floor, and only the Emperor and his apprentice remained.

"Your move, apprentice."

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
"We are simply back to square one." Valeska stood there holding staff in hand, staring down her master from across the room.

"I need more training before I stand match against you on the battlefield, lest you wish to senselessly spar. I'd prefer to actually learn something." Retracting the blades on her saber she separated them, twisted and clicked them so they were back to two separate blades. Then she set them on her belt. Reaching out with a hand she called back both daggers from the heads of shattered droids and placed them beside the sabers.

Taking a moment to breathe, she relaxed, however she was always ready to call blades to arm once more should her Master decide not to take the latter option.

"Perhaps time in the library, or working on force abilities? Something not so mindless as combat against droids would be wonderful."

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
"A wise move, apprentice."

The Emperor likewise deactivated his lightsabers, clipping them at his waist as the training room reverted to its original state. Labor droids emerged from the doors bordering the room to retrieve the dismantled robotic bodies that littered the chamber floor and clean up any excess oil and other fluids that might yet linger.

"You've expended enough energy for today, clean up and take some time to study the deeper mysteries of the Force in the library, apprentice. In two hours we'll reconvene and continue your training, this time I will test your grasp on the metaphysical."

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
With nothing more than a nod the girl stepped off and climbed the stairs out of the training arena. Making way to her room she quickly switched clothing, grabbed a physical notebook to write in and pinned up her hair as she made way to the library.

Pulling two books from the shelves she sat in the far back of the upper levels out of sight from any others that may possibly enter and began peering over the information.

What she had chosen to review this time, as she had time and time again, was the study of the use of what many call Transfer Essence as she skimmed through the book itself she compared it to the pages of notes given to her from her former master, that had been given to her by her master. At least one good thing had come from Imperia's death, the knowledge of real former sith lords.

Stiffing a chuckle as her harsh thought she continued to review the ideas presented and how it was used in the past, the concept was something she understood, the usage was not. And so she lost herself in her study, focusing in on her enjoyment of knowledge.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
As Valeska retired to her chambers, the Emperor secluded himself in one of his many private sanctums within the Imperial Palace. In it was many of his personal items, mementos collected over nearly five decades of service to a higher Imperial power. On one pedestal, raised above all overs, was a small lightsaber that barely fit into the gargantuan Sith Lord's hand, scarred by the faint echoes of an explosion. This was the lightsaber of Grandmaster Teferi Efreet who had died in battle against the Sith Emperor Darth Moridin during the Second Battle of Junction, discarded after the Emperor had delivered the killing blow to the diminutive Jedi Master.

Moridin had collected the Grandmaster's lightsaber as a trophy, but it had been passed down to several Sith after his abdication until it eventually found its way into Zambrano's hands. Now it was forever enshrined in his sanctum, a reminder of the victories the Sith have had over the Jedi over the years.

Carnifex meditated before it, drawing on the captured essence of Efreet's death within the weapon to empower and strengthen his connection with the gracious dark. In doing so, he also spared time to reflect over his apprentice's progress. She was making great strides, and he had much faith in her potential to become a powerful Sith Lord in her own right with due time and diligence to her studies. She still had much to learn, as did they all, but the Emperor found her worthy.

Worthy enough for her own title? Perhaps.


[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
After well over thirteen attempts at transferring herself to some inanimate object in the room and failing miserably, the girl packed up the books, set her materials back in chambers and made way to the training field once more.

As she walked her mind repeated over and over the study of the transfer and merely led herself to frustration.

You'll never be good at anything little runt. The words played again as they had ten years ago on her home planet. Though, she had always proved them wrong then, perhaps she would continue that trend.

Stepping inside the short dark eyed Zabrak made her way down the stairs to the center of the area to await her master. After all, she was slightly early, early was on time, on time was late, and late was unacceptable. In the meantime as Valeska kept eye to the door, she also practiced the theory that came to her in the midst of battle. If she could control another saber aside from the two she held, it would give her advantage against others with the same number of appendages. While it would take work, perhaps she would be able to master it in equal power to a regular strike.

Releasing a saber from her belt, she held it aloft with the sheer force of her will, practicing holding it in different directions and swinging it about with careful ease.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
He rose from his shrine, his mind cleared of all distractions and his spirit aligned with the Dark Side that coursed through his physical animus. Changing out of his grungy and worn out robes and tunics for a clean set, the Emperor redressed quickly as he recounted the ancient hymns of the Sith under his breath before leaving his ancillary quarters. The Gelian Sentinels that lined the hall snapped proudly to attention as their Lord passed, their bodies still as statues as they held their rifles at their sides and watched the Emperor's halls with unwavering vigilance.

The door slid open into the partition, revealing the sight of the Emperor's apprentice embroiled in an attempt to wield a lightsaber through the Force. Carnifex walked up towards her, and silently regarded her efforts before finally interjecting.

"I once knew a man who could control a hundred small metal spheres with the Force and could whirl them through the air with the same speed and power as metal slugs. And I have known Sith who have attempted to master telekinetic lightsaber combat, including the man who trained me." Carnifex removed his own lightsaber and willed it to levitate, activating its crimson blade and spinning it about with greater deftness and control than what was displayed by his apprentice. "And there are legends of Force users capable of controlling more than one at a given time."

He deactivated his lightsaber, returning it to his hand. "But this was never my way, the Dark Side has gifted me with insurmountable physical strength. I prefer to use it against my enemies."

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
Their discussion would continue on for some time, the girl discussing the ideas she had on combining physical as well as mental combat droning on until they began their next session of training. For the next few months they continued practicing these things until Valeska thought herself worthy of a side distraction, a mission she had planned for herself for near a year.

In the middle of one night Carnifex would be informed his apprentice along with her ship and fighters had left the docks and taken off into the night, giving a guard the simple "tell him I will return in a few days" before taking off into the dead of space. During those days she had gone to seek out Darth Imperia, from contacts, conversations and a few bits of luck and insinuation, the apprentice recently rediscovered the life of her former master and though it was time to track her down and earn her due.

It had been roughly two days before she found where the voidlight cathedral hid, and with a simple request she boarded. Only then did she discover her Master was thoroughly displeased, and attempted to tie up loose ends and prevent the knowledge of her existence from getting out. After a battle ensued, Imperia was beat after a fair fight between the two of them, Valeska managing to drain some of her knowledge and a large sum of power from the Sith Lord, barely escaping with her life and one less arm.

After another day of travel, the girl returned to the palace, eyes glowing like lanterns, skin cracked, and one arm stump sewn, wrapped, and bandaged, to soon be healed if she survived. Though with her return, the Emperor could feel the stench of death following her, however her power resonated strongly, perhaps it was time for her to finally push her study.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
Her absence had been noted.

His wroth in response had been quiet, contained.

Seething anger at her abrasive departure without his consent, and without his approval. It chafed at his authoritarian nature, the desire to see all creation ordered and working in accordance with his designs. Such blatant disrespect would be punished.

The Emperor was waiting on the landing pad as her ship creaked into a landing, his muscular arms crossed over his chest as his burning eyes bore into her mangled frame with fury and anger. He watched apathetically as she stumbled up towards him, neither him nor his cadre of guards and attendants moving to help her in any way. When she came within striking distance, the Emperor lashed out and grasped her harshly by the throat, dragging her up towards his eye level under her legs dangled above the metal floor.

He huffed hot air into her face, "Disobedience, my apprentice. Is not something I forgive lightly. Whatever foolish errand you found so prudent to pursue, I hope that it was worth it." He flung his apprentice to the hard floor like he would a bit of trash, four Crownguard surging forth to surround and seize the wayward apprentice by her remaining arm and hauling her to her feet. "Deposit her at the medical bay, her wounds need to be tended to."

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
Valeska had planned on starting her process already, though there seemed to be little choice given when her master grabbed her by the throat.

Raising her up, the weak remains of her body hung rather loosely, little strength left of the slowly decaying and breaking form of the girl. Holding her up he would see the lightning burns coating her chest, the blood soaked bandage clinging to her side, and of course, what was left of her right arm.

"Disobedience, my apprentice. Is not something I forgive lightly. Whatever foolish errand you found so prudent to pursue, I hope that it was worth it."

Staring him right in the eyes, Valeska would speak softly in a very smooth sounding voice. "It was worth every moment you will punish me for it, and more."

Being flung to the floor she would catch herself with a moment of telekinesis before letting herself gently land. There was little she could do to resist the four guards grabbing her besides the shoves of force energy they would feel every time they attempted to grab her, but in her weakened state, that fighting didn't last very long. She allowed herself to be dragged off to the medical bay.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
The Emperor would rejoin his apprentice sometime later after her wounds had been tended to and her tattered clothes replaced by an unassuming white hospital gown. Her missing arm had not yet been replaced, but instead had been stabbed with a myriad of needles and IV tubes that shimmered with an unknown liquid. Several doctors were hunched over the apprentice's body, whispering among themselves as they continued to take notes on the severity of her condition.

"Leave us."

The doctors quickly dispersed, hustling through the door that the Emperor had entered through and closing it behind them. Now Valeska and her master were alone, silence dominating the air save for the gentle beeping and whirring of the machinery keeping the apprentice stable and alive despite her grotesque injuries. Luckily for Valeska, she resided with one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy with access to the latest breakthrough medical technology. All of the machines currently plugged into her body were fresh from the laboratories and assembly lines, and she would be hard-pressed to find anything better in the wider galaxy.

He didn't know if Valeska could audibly hear him, so instead, he spoke through the Force: "Apprentice, can you hear me?"

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
I feel as though I am trapped in prison. He would hear Valeska call back directly to his mind.

The girl remained still on the bed, looking like a wilted flower, or a dying animal. Her form was quickly withering and only being kept alive by the vast amount of machinery strapped to half her body. Until progression was attempted to be made, there didn't seem as though there would be any recovery. Something that might have been odd in the Emperors mind as he had seen her heal herself time and time again.

She felt his stare, his presence, and wondered to herself if his punishment would begin now, or if he would spare her long enough to heal her wounds, perhaps finally simply leave her decaying body behind and gain another. Other than that, she felt herself remaining relatively at peace, or as close to it as she could. After her battle there was so much new information to process, knowledge to comb through, and most importantly, she got to relish in the idea she was strong enough to defeat a Sith Lord. Though that would be less bitter sweet if she stayed healthy enough to tell the tale.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
He reached out, the tips of his fingers brushing against the increasingly necrotic skin of his apprentice. Smudges of decayed skin clung to his fingers as he pulled them back, eliciting a look of disgust from the Emperor's face as he unceremoniously wiped the grime on the white linens of the hospital bed.

He had seen this kind of cellular degeneration only once before, and it had frightened him down to his core that day.


He pitied the girl, for he knew what afflicted had taken hold of her body.

"Tell me where you went, apprentice. Tell me what you did. I need to know every detail, spare nothing to silence." There was only one form of damage that could cause a body to decay so rapidly and so completely, the girl Valeska Daeranthe's midi-chlorians had been compromised. The cellular bond of her body was breaking down faster than it could repair itself, and the Force was bleeding out of her like water from a faucet. He could see it in the Force, he could see her withering away on a much grander scale.

And only he could save her.

If he deigned to.

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]
I wanted, answers. The force was bleeding from her very essence, and there was no doubt in her mild her Master was going to wait every second he had.

[member="Darth Imperia"], she's alive, I know you knew as well. I wanted answers on all the dead ends she gave me. All the pointless notes that drive you in circles. Eternal life was so close, and she knew the answer. He could almost feel her grin, despite the lack of movement on her dying corpse.

There was no intention of a fight when I arrived, though something in that woman had snapped. Shes no longer mentally sound. She lashed out at me without cause, without reason, and naturally I wasn't going to leave empty handed, and I surely wasn't going to die there, she gave me no choice. The scene played again and again in her mind, the sudden order for the guards to stand down, the arc of lightning shooting across the room, the searing pain as her chest burned and her skin melted.

I spared her life. I stole knowledge, power, though she is still very much alive, hiding further than she was before.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]
Interesting, most interesting.

"It is fortunate that Imperia was not strong enough to destroy you, apprentice. Indeed, I have trained you well." There was the faintest glimmer of pride in his voice as he spoke, the mere fact that Valeska had defeated someone that he considered to be of far greater strength than her was proof that his teachings and methods were well and truly righteous. Still, they could not prevent the gradual destruction of her body, which was now left for the master and the apprentice to overcome.

"But your victory has come at a price. You will die unless we can transfer your consciousness into a new, undamaged body. I can arrange such a transfer, but it is up to you on how it will be done." She would need to decide what kind of body she desired, what species, what gender, every specific that she had locked away in her mind about who she wanted to be and who she wanted to become. The Emperor had often kept his body relatively similar throughout his many transfers, with the exception of some genetic tampering to improve natural healing to a ridiculous degree.

"Make your choice, apprentice."

[member="Valeska Daeranthe"]

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