Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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croissant temple raid

(plese excuse the spelling mestaces i am dislexic but please join whether your character is jedi or sith or even a bounty hunter that wants to get there hands dirty this is just for a bit of fun so join defend or destroy but pleases enjoy yore selves.)
the sky brined red with the evening sun as a fleat of sith starships entered corasonts atmosphere accompanied by one sleak pich black ship that bore no makings or distinction its pilot smiled contentedly as he sat behind the helm his mismached eyes fixed on the temple ahed of him it had been years since he had last seen it but it was still as beautiful as ever but that was about to change he was doing this one for free the sith had approached him with a proposition a chance to destroy those who had wronged him in the past a chance to destroy the jedi at there core and of corce he had exepted revenge was someting he had longed for for 40 years and know he the contractor he the man who had once studied in that temples walls under the name of Cthod Zole wold take revenge and whiht a little luck find something use full in the temple a voce came across the comlink he didn't recognise it he didn't have to all he had to do was listen and listen he did "initiate the attack leve no survivors" the order had come and he followed it gladly he pushed the joystick forward gunning his ship into the attack driving it directly into the fornt of the temple whit an allmity crash the ship smashed into the pillers at the front of the temple and he got out of his seat walking calmly to the exet redying for battle as he left more ships landed around him there drivers clambering out.
Kalin was in the area when she heard the crash, she sprinted over. She drew her pistols and saw hew fellow shadow brotherhood in the area. "hello contracter, room for a small one" she shouts. She deactivates her helmit and walks over.
"my my my what a surprise i wold not mind the help mis opran but any hlocronsin the temple are mine" his mouth twitching into a grin as he saw her then sensing the movement behind him he ducked the blade of a light saber terning to face his opponent un sheathing his bow rifle form the holser on his back.
[member="Kalin Opran"]
"Deal" She grins "Im just here for sport" She activates her helmet and spins her blasters. She fires the blasters. Blue and red energy fires from her blasters hitting two unsuspecting Jedi. She holsters her blasters and draws a Cortosis blade and strikes another Jedi. He blocks it, looking surprised it didn't break, he must have been a padawan she pushes forward and kicks his chest. She drives her sword through him. [member="the contractor"]
facing the jedi in fornt of him he worls swinging his staf round to strike his opponent the jedi brings up his saber and blocks the blow. smiling the contractor presses a botten on the staf and the blade of a sith slides out of the staff carving a deep grove along the face of the jedi infront of him then even as the jedi begins to scream he kicks him backwards werling again and taking the jedis head off whit a single dsiive blow the body drops to the floor behind him but the head flys into the air and as it comes back down the contracter spins and kicks it at his next target pressing the attack.
Kalin watches in amazement as [member="thecontractor"] kills his target. She hears the sound of a lightsaber activating she brings her blade up with one hand. She had been in this position many times. She grabbed her Dl-44 out of its holster and shoots the Jedi. She decides to take of her helmet and puts it in one of the ships. She activates her jet pack and flies up. This is why she became a bounty hunter. She shoots a Jedi and another and another. She turns and lands. Someone begs for mercy. "Second chances are for failures" she mutters and shoots him in the head
after dispatching the jedi the contractor terns and sees the carnage the young opran girl has cursed smiling and thinking how she wold have maid a grate sith if only she had a connection the the foce he sidesteps a wild lunge from a padawon and trusts a blade of force energy into his side twisting and maneuvering it intill ti persed his hart then he dispels it the body collapses beside him calling to kalin he says "shell we move to some where more interesting or are you happy hear?" he had bearly finished specking when a familiar voce rings out threw the cort yard "zole" it yells he terns to see his old master standieng there blood soaking his robes his sapphire blade glowing with that energy that the contracter had always loved "ah my old fend have you come to dye by my hand or to beg for yore temple because if it is the second one then you might want to talk to one of the sith about that" the old jedi just growls and begins to carge the contractor chuckles and flicks his wrist the ends of his staf folding back and the mechanism inside activating firing up the concealed saber blades he so loves the blades the same colors as his eyes he wrls to parry the blow form his old master.
She hears his question and is about to answer when she sees the Jedi. She hears their voices. Better leave them alone she thinks. she kneels down and picks up a blue Jedi Saber, "interessting" She activates it. Seems like her blade. She cuts down a fleeing Jedi. She looks up at the temple. She runs into combat. She has her blaster and the saber drawn. She counts her kills. 5,10,15,20. She throws the saber "always wanted to do that" She lets her anger loose. Killing too many Jedi too count.
Peace begins with a smile.
I assume this is an alternate timeline in which the Sith do not yet hold Coruscant. So, I'll drop in as opposition.

Alarms blared and people scurried through the corridors of the Jedi temple. Some running towards the danger, others running from. The Sith had attacked; their worst fear had been realised. How bold were they to strike at the heart of the Jedi. Their surprise had claimed the lives of many, but the Jedi were now mustering, and the planet's military forces would be mustering at the Sith's back.

Jedi Knight, Kaia Vullen came into the grand hall where the Sith had attacked. Her jaw dropped a little as she saw the sea of destruction before her, and clenched in determination as she saw the bloodshed. Her eyeless sight first fell on the duel between [member="thecontractor"] and his opponent. Then, she saw [member="Kalin Opran"] dealing out copious amounts of damage. She had to be stopped, one way or another.

As the bounty-hunter threw the sabre, Kaia extended her hand and pulled it to her. As it came spinning towards her, she ran in the direction of Kalin, caught the lightsabre by the hilt, and activated her own silver-bladed weapon to point at Kailin while she called for her attention.

"Stop right there bounty hunter!"

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