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Approved Location Crina's Royal Palace

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Name: Royal Palace of Crina

Image Source: By Jonathan Dufresne

Intent: To further develop Crina and provide a government center for the Remnant and Crinan People

Classification: Palace, Government Center

Location: On Crina, in the valley within a mountain range just behind the Royal Capital of Stefania along the coast.

Affiliation: Crina's Royal Family, The Imperial Remnant

Description: The main center of government power on Crina, the Royal Palace is home to both the Royal Family and Crina's High Command. As such the building itself is properly staffed to support them with advisers, servants, security, and maintenance crews. It is within its walls that the most important matters on Crina are discussed, handled, and reported on. It is also considered to be the most secure grounds in all of Crina, sporting a shield generator, a small barracks, and even a hanger.

It is also constructed with ample rooms. Including but not restricted to staff quarters, Royal Chambers, the Royal Court Hall, the throne room, High Commands council chambers, the Royal Guard's Barracks, the Defense Hanger, Multiple Generator Rooms, the Shield Generator Complex, access points to the defensive guns, the kitchen, guest wing, Archives, and several smaller private meeting rooms and clerical compartments.

The First Queen's Grave is also kept on the Palace Grounds in the valley.

  • 600 Royal Soldiers Equipped with Crinan Armor
  • 2 Squadrons of Crinan Interceptors/Fighters
  • 1 Royal Shuttle
  • 8 Kath Hound Battle Tanks
  • 48 Flak Cannons over the whole premises
  • 48 Dual Laser Cannon Emplacements

History: Order to be constructed some time after Lady Crina took the throne as Queen after putting an end to the world's first major conflict, the Royal Palace has long been the center of authority and what was considered to be the symbol of order and ensured peace on the planet before the later civil war at least. It was from there that the Queen and her advisers along with the support of the High Command that would be formed to keep security forces in check that they would rule over the planet and ensure a world of contentment and safety for all citizens. . . . until the civil war once again.

Very little can be noted of the Royal Palace, except it did not acquire its more militaristic properties until Nicoleta began the Rebellion. It was only then that the High Command pushed for the Royal Family to act and have a shield generator added on site like the Cosmina Academy had done, which the Royal Family readily agreed to in the face of the threat. Though perhaps their focus on defending against direct rebel attack is what led to the rebels successful capture of ships at Andreea.

Nevertheless, throughout the war it was at the Royal Palace that the Royal Army and Navy were directed from. It was where eventually the Royal Family gave into the word of the rebels advance to call in the aid of the Imperial Remnant. And it is now where the leadership of the Remnant may now also have freedom to access and use as it is still substantially a secure outpost on Crina.

Links: Crina, Dev Thread
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This is very nice, has a dev thread and the numbers don't seem that high.

I love Crina and seeing it grow, can't wait to read the planet sub when all the stuff is added and expanded upon.

Approved pending secondary.
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