Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Criminal Organization Interest Check

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
While I was fiddling around today and getting things ready for the Baroness' future on the site; an old idea reared its head. This idea comes from years ago when I was toying with a handful of thoughts and never really got to give it the proper due or creativity that I wanted to. Mainly because of college and other real life issues that kept pushing my activity on various sites out the window. With me focusing more on the Baroness, I thought that she would be the best candidate to use rather than come up with a new character; even more so as I am in the process of having other character's cleaned out.

The idea was for a Criminal Organization; one that I had viewed to be an alternative to the bigger names like Black Sun and Czerka. It was or rather is taken a bit with some liberties from a film series that I love. Those of us whom have seen the series or even read the books will immediately know what I'm talking about when I say the faction I was working on years back on another Star Wars site was.


No not that Spectre; plus that's called 'The Spectres.' For those that do know what I'm talking about; and those who don't. I was working on a faction for a Star Wars version of SPECTRE (Special Executive for Counter-Intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge and Extortion.) I know that if I dig down enough through all my previous rp site links and my files on my pos laptop, I can find the original rough draft and semi final draft for the faction write up that I did.

The main question now is; would there be anyone interested in a new Criminal Organization? Maybe those that don't exactly fit with Black Sun or the Tenloss Corporation; or whom don't feel that they meet the same views as those other criminal organizations.


Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.

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