Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Create a dedicated LFG forum


Disney's Princess
Suggestion to Staff
w commentary welcome from the community


So the front page of the Roleplay Discussion Forum is pretty crazy for me this week. I'm not used to having my active OOC being shifted to the second page in less than 24 hours. (Also, woot for activity!) ...But I digress. I'd like to suggest to Staff that a dedicated *Looking For Group* forum be set up below the Roleplay Discussion Forum. A place were anybody who uses the Prefix *Looking For Group* can pick up a party. I firmly feel that a dedicated LFG forum will be beneficial for all.

I do not expect this suggestion to be a permanent addition however. Tef is fond of just trying things out, and I completely expect that to happen at some point. (If Staff entertains the idea at all.)

So yeah. Thanks for reading. Cheers! :D

- Between H & K on your keyboard


I agree with this idea, though I'm not sure what happened when you already tried this out (if you did, not saying you didnt). LFGs get left behind so many other things in the Roleplay Discussions.


Disney's Princess
Did we? IDK. I've got the memory of a NFL running back with six concussions. But seriously... seriously... seriously guys. Seriously. srz'E.

(We should try it again) :p


Mercenary, Artist.
I think this is a really cool idea. Maybe save RP Discussion for threads that are already going/formed, and the LFG subforum for making groups? If it makes it easier for people to meet up and do things, I'm all for it.
I definitively remember having it as a subforum of the RP discussion forum. However, times have changed, the board is getting more populated ever since the movie came out and we expect to get even bigger in the spring. OOC discussion of role-play threads is something that needs to be looked at for optimization, though. We're aware it's getting crowded.

Thanks for the suggestion, Staff and I will be discussing it this week.

[member="Jay Scott Clark"]

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