Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Crashlanded

"You are too pure for this sinful galaxy." He whispered under his breath, but realised rather quickly, as revealed by the pink that overtook his face, that it was not quiet enough, again another time his composure built upon by the Mistress of Deceit and Lies had cracked at the mere presence of the woman before him, the one who truly was... so unlike the others who he had seen.

That had not been made ideologues to the light or darkness.

Nor were so ignorant to the machinations of the galaxy at large to be considered blind to them.

She simply was...

And she called to him so.

He coughed into his fist, attempting to dispel such thoughts, dispel such feeling, dispel such physical reaction, and her words provided him with the perfect enough cover.

"Ah, but my fine noble, my curiosity grows with every word you say. Teasing me with your mystery, I'll be dotting after you ever harder. Your plan on wooing me must be working!"

She chuckled, a lighthearted and energetic laugh. Free of sorrow, and burning with warmth and purpose.

She had an adorable laugh he decided, one which could break a hundred hearts, and make a thousand more overjoyed in splendour. He grasped his own in dramatic fashion, more than willing to play into the role that he had known all his life, as he leaned in closer, his breath against hers, as he smirked knowing at what that would do.

"Do you disapprove of the dark and mysterious noble, who has so swept you off your feet? Some dream of such an encounter in the pale moonlight of night..." His began twinged with huskiness, as it grew quieter, "What do you dream of?"

She had no idea how truly dark and mysterious he was, and if it all went well, she would never know, yet, it would be good to play into it to some degree, he could lie by omission, but he could not lie by commission, not to her.

"But if you must ask about me..."

She sat up straight, shoulders broad and posture poised with the training of someone with combat experience. "The noble, it seems, has met a knight in shining armor."

She briefly grimaced, for a millisecond. Okay, that one was a bit cheesier. The awkwardness passed, however, as she continued on.

He could not help the smirk, beautiful beyond measure, and cute and adorable within, it was a true irony that she looked so much like Adeline, yet their personalities could not be further apart. Where Adeline had an aloofness and danger that made her someone to be viewed from afar, to be saught and pined after, Elise was someone who he could simply sit by the fire with, to discuss and talk, to be blush and show weakness as his feelings emerged out of him.

Where Adeline had been one who knew of her beauty and would willingly use it for her gain.

He had a feeling that Elise could not imagine what her state of dress had him feeling, what thoughts he desperately suppressed as she held a figure that left little to the imagination.

Still, there was only one woman between them that elicited such thoughts from him now, only one which he thought of, as the other drifted further, and further away, no doubt something else for him to feel guilty for.

Yet that would be a problem for Darth Malum, of House Marr.

Tonight he was simply Malum.

And apparently today, he was playing the role of the lady.

He gave out an exaggerated gasp, laying out his hand in front of the Mandalorian, "Truly, if you are a noble knight as you so claim, you would know the proper etiquette for a noble such as myself, before demanding of me my favour." He noted how awkward she looked as if she thought she had made a mistake, he would throw himself into the flames if it meant showing her otherwise, withdrawing the hand as soon as it appeared, with a smile on his face, he would not pressure her into this, even as a jape.

"I am Elise Vizsla, of Clan Vizsla. A Mandalorian, a protector."

"I'm a Novanian too. A Dreamseer of the shamanic coven."

He froze.

The latter words bounced off of him as if they were not important at all, interesting certainly, and in any other circumstance, he might have been interested in hearing them.

Yet all that mattered to him at that moment was that name.


She was noble too, in the queer way that the Mandalorians might consider nobility, and far more importantly, part of the one Mandalorian clan who might, and it was a strong might, that could be seen as having Sith, or at least darksider allegiance, or at least sympathy. It was difficult to keep the hope flooding through his heart, maybe, just maybe.

They could be together.

He could be true to her.

"Vizsla... as in Pre Vizsla... as in... Ra Vizsla?" The leader of Deathwatch, from hundreds of years ago, and the Mand'alor of more recent days, yet still beyond his time, Mand'alor the Wrathful, Mand'alor the Undying, both men who knew that the Sith and Mandalorians need not be foe, that the Mandalorians and Sith could be allies, in the days of the Sith Empire, wherein even after what they tried to do at Dromund Kaas, what the Sith did to Moridinae, where Mandalorians had been loyal members of the Empire.

His voice was careful, and measured, watching the reaction he would draw from her, even as excitement burned through him, was Elise too one of the Mandalorians who knew the truth?

Knew the truth that would allow him to reveal himself?

He so hoped so.

Her body heat grew as she tried to find more to tell him about herself. She was an extroverted chatterbox, so it came easy. "And, well, I'm a good medic and healer! I was always really good at fighting and healing, and I was top of the class in seminary! I love history, and philosophy, and plants! I love spending time in nature. Well, that much is obvious. I like to cook too! And I, uh, what else?"

Her eyes widened, realizing that she was spilling way too much out to this poor boy. She nervously smiled, hugging herself self consciously, "S-sorry! I talk too much..."

It was difficult to resist the urge to hug her as she went through her triad, feeling embarrassed and curling herself up, Malum leaned forward, an innocent and genial smile upon his features, "You talk the perfect amount, your voice is like honey to my ears..." He chuckled, leaning even closer, "Yet... your words only confirm what I already know... no doubt I would be dead if it were not for your healing, I would be very bored these last few hours without the knowledge swimming about your head... and I would be starving if it was not for your meals... much better than mine." He snorted at that, before realising how undignified the sound was, and blushing himself, as he looked anywhere but at her.

"...I have a sister named Elise, ironically enough," He finally stated, staring into the fire in a bid to avoid any further awkwardness or embarrassment, realising he had not spoken to her, or his other sisters in quite a while too, "Certainly will make things amusing if you ever meet he-"

He paused, as he seemed to choke on his words, why would he mention something like that to her? By all likelihood, he would never see this Elise ever again, and yet he would bring up meeting his family. "My... apologies, that was presumptuous of me."

At the very least, another nugget of information from him, perhaps would be enough to allow him to conceal his identity for a little longer.

He doubted it, Elise was not one to let such things go.

A quality which he admired greatly, even if it would inevitably hurt them both.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira




"You are too pure for this sinful galaxy."

Elise heard the comment from under his breath. But if he would have caught it, Malum would see the instant doubt and guilt in her eyes as they darted away from him. Her cheeks reddened, but it was the ugly wretchedness of her own sins that made her face burn with shame. She had not been the sister she had been to Mevia; and she feared that contributed to the monster she had become. She betrayed her family, watched her mother weep for her. She fought other vode, killed other vode. She felt the weight of it, immeasurable and heavy. She felt herself drowning in their blood and tears. She was no pure soul... she was a murderous demon, masquerading as a heroic angel.

"Do you disapprove of the dark and mysterious noble, who has so swept you off your feet? Some dream of such an encounter in the pale moonlight of night..."

Elise was unable to look back to him, let herself be wrapped around his finger. Her own self hatred was making her want to scream; as she started questioning if she deserved this fun she was having with him. Did someone like her, a traitor, only deserve pain?

"What do you dream of?"

Her eyes, which had nearly been flooded with tears, snapped right back to him. Her face turned crimson, and strange feelings erupted in her body. His deeper voice, and that question, snapped her mind into another space entirely. Malum was succeeding in grabbing her, hook line and sinker. She paused for a moment, mouth opened a bit, as she muttered.

"I... never took the time to dream of such... things..."

Her duty obsessed mind had always been focused on getting stronger, learning more, and stepping into the role of hero in the galaxy. To get that next combat maneuver right, to memorize the next history lesson, to save the next life. With regret, she remembered that she had not always been with her loved ones the way she should have been. And now... she was their enemy. For the first time, she was starting to see her mother's despair. She had cared little for the galactic games of power, or being the best warrior, or even fighting for her home. All she had ever wanted was her family... and that family was constantly out of her reach.

Without the support of her mother and father, feeling the disappointment in her grandfather, and recoiling under the wrath of her sister; she began to see it. The death of her auntie hung over her head, something she could never get back until she too died. She had never dreamed of simpler things, of the most important things. Her dreams had always involved the galaxy's plights and strugges.

And now, this handsome man asked her in a way that made her feel seduced, what she dreamed... Yet, as much as the seduction attempt worked, it did way even more than that. Once again, she was taking a step back and reevaluating... everything.

"Vizsla... as in Pre Vizsla... as in... Ra Vizsla?"

Elise frowned. It was a bitter and remorseful frown. Once more swept away by her demons, she looked away again.

"Yeah... them."

She sighed, looking up to the sky, "Of course you don't remember the heroes of my lineage... only the demons. Then again, those monsters were the most impactful."

She was quite happy when Malum switched to subject, and once again dived into the sea of their bliss. He called her voice soothing as honey, and he complimented her over and over. He thanked her, and she blushed as she nervously tucked her hair behind her ear once more. A nervous tick, brought on by both bashfulness and delight. She wanted to hear him speak of her all night long; tell her that she was some wonderful angel descended from the Ashla's Light. Even though, she knew it was not true. The blood on her hands refused to wash off, no matter how much she tried. She looked to the campfire, crackling and glowing in the night. Could... fire... remove the stains?

Or would Elise have to listen to the sugar coated dotting of this noble to make her feel better about herself?

So desperate to cling to the great lie of warmth Malum gave her, Elise didn't even get flustered when he talked about meeting his sister. Elise only laughed. She laughed, amused at his own awkwardness. It was a relief, him messing up like she was messing up. It matched her own lack of competence in this... strange realm of courting.

She jokingly jabbed the air surrounding Malum's arm. It was an attempt of a teasing jab, without the actual jab. "Another piece to the puzzle, sir Malum! I'll decifer your codes and secrets yet! I'm trained to interpret dreams, you know."


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He knew instantly he had said something wrong, yet surprisingly enough it was not at the mention of those members of the Clan Vizsla that could charitably be called problematic and controversial. Oh indeed she did react to such, he expected it to a degree, indeed even though he had hoped a fool's hope that she would see those of her clan who had been far from... normal, as great, for their allegiance and alliance with those of the Darkness, he could not truly, rationally believe she would entirely.

He had heard that even those of the Clan of Vizsla had a strange, complicated history with their past.

But no, it was clear that it had not just been his reaction to her name that had caught her still. He so desperately wished to deploy his true sight, his Consume Essence upon her, not to steal, not to harm, but simply to know what she was feeling. Yet he stayed his hand, not only for the potential it would give himself away.

But because... stupidly enough.

He wanted to do this correctly, he wished to experience the misunderstandings, the awkward pauses, the moments of strife.

For were not in their lowest moments, that they grew to appreciate the highest even more?

Yet, there was even more to it still.

He could not use his powers on her.

It would not be right.

But when had the Sith ever cared about right?

When had he ever cared about right?

Right and wrong were simply rules and regulations laid out by the Galactic hegemon to maintain their power, it was what they decreed was lawful and true, and the rest of the Galaxy would follow without another thought or consideration. Yet it was through passing through that veil, emerging out of it to see the truth. that one had the power and the will to overthrow the tyrannical giant.

The Sith could not be forced to accept the current status quo of immortal tyrants as their rulers, and unending juggernauts as their foes, they could not play by their games, for if they did, all they would have is defeat. Evolution was the word that his Mistress had championed, to go beyond the status quo and their rules, such was the only way that the Sith would triumph.

He gulped, blinking rapidly as he realised he lost himself to his thoughts. She was still withdrawn, his words had impacted her in a way he had not expected, he could not comfort her how he desired, the psychometry was too much of a risk, while words... words... had failed him so far in so many different ways.

So a compromise.

His hands darted out, softly gripping her shoulders where her clothing protected him from his touch, his eyes glimmered with an odd mix of geniality and desire, the former on purpose, the latter which he could not control, "I am sorry if my words caused you offence... I..." He let out a grim chuckle, one that was filled with the truth he knew but could not ever reveal, "Seemingly, I cannot trust my tongue around you, your very presence is intoxicating, and makes me speak words that while the truth... no sane man should say." Intoxicating? Why was he making this worse? "But perhaps I am simply mad, would be an apt explanation, no?" He snarked, a joke, a jape, hopefully, what would save him from this vaunted effort of being embarrassed, of this scheme which had accidentally forced the Mandalorian to feel ills.

"I... never took the time to dream of such... things..."

"You are the woman men dream of, that men would fight wars for," There is breathiness to his voice, as need, desperation for her to accept what he said, to see her smile once more from the darkness which he had accidentally put her under, "...I would fight a war for you..." His eyes widened, again, he found himself so entranced that sense had flown out the window, speaking words that he would never say.

Speaking words that Malum, of House Marr would never say.

But words that Malum... just Malum... seemingly did.

"Yeah... them."

She sighed, looking up to the sky, "Of course you don't remember the heroes of my lineage... only the demons. Then again, those monsters were the most impactful."

She gave him a convenient exit, and his mind thanked her fully and utterly, his heart beating rapidly against his chest, he needed to be careful, "They were great... in their own way..." She could not know he was a Sith, he could not outright praise those figures who had been Galactic terrors, who had realised the truth that the Sith need not necessarily be their foes, "Not good perhaps, but they fought for their people, they fought for what they believed was right, and they rallied the Mandalorians behind them, that much can be admired, despite the wrongs they committed, no?" He was not sure if it would be possible to convince her, but convincing her was so utterly necessary if he desired this happiness, if he chased it as desperately as a dog, "Tell me of your heroes, I would certainly be interested," His hands by her shoulder were growing wet through his nerves, it was a regrettable thing, as he moved them away, the last thing he wanted was to make her both uncomfortable physically and inwardly.

She jokingly jabbed the air surrounding Malum's arm. It was an attempt of a teasing jab, without the actual jab. "Another piece to the puzzle, sir Malum! I'll decifer your codes and secrets yet! I'm trained to interpret dreams, you know."

Her hand followed his withdrawing one, he could not help but the smile that cracked his features at the joking jab, feigning pain in the arm, as he leaned back with an exaggerated groan, "Perhaps I will give you enough, my lady Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira that you will finally kno-" He ceased, the last of her words finally catching up to him.

She could... interpret his dreams?

She had mentioned she was a Dreamseer, but... he had not fully internalised the meaning of that.

He could not control his unconscious mind, what if he dreamed of something far beyond what any noble should dream of?

If he dreamed of Jutrand, of Fiviune, of Saijo, of the Sith Empire.

She would know... had it been pure luck that she had not seen something the last night? That he did not remember himself dreaming?

He coughed into his hand, "Dreams... so you can enter my mind?" He asked carefully, cautiously, desiring not to set her off, but so desperately curious.




What sort of effect could Elise possibly be having on this man? Intoxicating? He spoke with bumbled honestly, yet his words made her senses tingle and her heart jump. Someone liked her... that much... someone was... attracted to her.

And so, she accepted his hand on her shoulder. She breathed in every word. Leaning close to him, she took in his scent. He was so nervous, he was sweating. But Elise was sweating too. She leaned in, resting her clothed shoulder against his arm. She needed... to chase this...

But as he spoke of people like Ra Vizsla, spoke of them in a more positive light, Elise grimaced. Ra Vizsla had massacred his own people, plotted with Sith, and committed to the genocide of all Force Sensitive vode. How could he possibly be seen as someone admirable?

But then, Malum asked Elise to talk about her own heroes. Elise blinked, realizing that she had... seldom few. Her father was her hero, but he was gone. Her grandfather was her hero, but he had wrecked his image in her eyes. Her auntie was her hero, but she was dead. She did indeed have a hero in Siyarr, however. He had been the fatherly figure she had needed growing up.

"My hero is far more personal than a historical figure. Although, he's left his mark in history. My mentor, Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran . He took me into the coven, trained me. But he did more than that. He helped to raise me. He was caring, understood my struggles. He put up with my high energy and helped guide me to better control my Force abilities. He's fought in wars, he did some bad things in them, and he has his scars from them. But he's been strong, to keep fighting on in life. And to teach me what he knows. That's my hero..."

So absorbed in her tirade was she, that the question of her ability to enter dreams never crossed her mind as suspicious.

"I could, if I tried to. But that's an invasion of privacy. It's all a process willingly conducted by the Dreamwalked, so it's not something I have to fear like my Psychometry."

The fire was beginning to die down. Looking down to the flames, then up to the night sky, Elise realized that it was getting late. As much as she enjoyed talking to Malum, she realized that he probably needed his rest. And so, she slightly nudged him with her shoulder, "Hey, you probably need to get some shut eye, keep your strength up. The tent is yours, I enjoy sleeping under the Archais stars."

Elise reached down and placed a calming hand on Malum's knee, leaning her head close and blushing as she spoke, "I would love to talk more in the morning. But we also should make plans for fixing your ship when it's daylight."

Elise didn't like mentioning fixing that ship. She didn't like the idea of Malum leaving. She didn't like the idea of her life returning to normal, and this dark man not being there for it. It was... bizarre... how quickly she had grown to like him in such a short period of time. She patted his knee, then withdrew.

"Goodnight, Malum."

She moved to stand up.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


"My hero is far more personal than a historical figure. Although, he's left his mark in history. My mentor, Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran . He took me into the coven, trained me. But he did more than that. He helped to raise me. He was caring, understood my struggles. He put up with my high energy and helped guide me to better control my Force abilities. He's fought in wars, he did some bad things in them, and he has his scars from them. But he's been strong, to keep fighting on in life. And to teach me what he knows. That's my hero..."

For some reason he felt the name familiar, it was not outwardly famous at the very least, but if she believed him to be somewhat historically important, he was willing to believe it. For as much as he loved history, for as much as he had himself thrown into his scholarly ventures, one could not know every aspect of history when so much time had passed, even more history lost, and there being so many different minute historical pursuits.

Malum even as a lover of history, could not claim to love all aspects of it.

"He certainly seems like a man to meet," Malum offered a grin, not that he ever would, after all, their time here together was destined, fated, even to be too short, "If I might ask, what wars did he fight in?" There was complex calculus to the question, with what Eli-... Elise... still so strange, thinking of such a woman thoughts while she shared a name with his elder sister, still, using what she had said, it was likely the man as most probably a Novanian, had fought the rest of the Archaisians, and that likely meant that he had fought the One Sith.

That was not exactly conducive to convincing her that the Sith were misconstrued, not evil, simply misunderstood, if her hero fought against them, and taught her to hate him and his kind.

Yet that still left the most prevalent question of them all.

Why did he care what she thought?

She would never find out what he was.

This simple dalliance would end far beyond that.

Yet, then why did he care so much to improve her opinion of him?

"I could, if I tried to. But that's an invasion of privacy. It's all a process willingly conducted by the Dreamwalked, so it's not something I have to fear like my Psychometry."

He breathed a sigh of relief he had not even realised he was holding, he could only hope she would not question it more than the excuse she herself had given, that it was an invasion of privacy, "Would you like to see into my dreams? After all, I seem to have a shining beautiful star in my thoughts tonight," he smirked, leaning in close, needing to distract her, lest she think anything suspect was happening here.

The fire was beginning to die down. Looking down to the flames, then up to the night sky, Elise realized that it was getting late. As much as she enjoyed talking to Malum, she realized that he probably needed his rest. And so, she slightly nudged him with her shoulder, "Hey, you probably need to get some shut eye, keep your strength up. The tent is yours, I enjoy sleeping under the Archais stars."

He simply stared at her.

It was hard not to.

It was no exaggeration to call her enchanting, his breath was taken away as she looked to the dying flames, and then to the dying night sky. He gulped, trying to quench his drying throat, there was a finality to everything, he knew that, as this night passed them by. This wonderous moment left them behind for the day that came next, with all its questions, mystery, and uncertainty.

He found himself faced with a strange thought.

That he did not want to face the new dawn without her at his side.

"...If it all the same to you, might I join you? It is not every day one gets to experience a vaunted Archais night sky," He offered a smile that was filled with nerves, such that his eyes finally drew away from her, the embarrassment having grown too steep, even the light jape was unable to change how bold the knew the statement was, how much of a risk it was to say it.

Yet it had left his lips, and there was not much to do about it now.

Elise reached down and placed a calming hand on Malum's knee, leaning her head close and blushing as she spoke, "I would love to talk more in the morning. But we also should make plans for fixing your ship when it's daylight."

He flinched from the touch, as a sharp sensation ran up his spine, it was an unexpected feeling, both those things, yet he could not feel himself resisting, indeed, he embraced the sensation, turning back to face her, the corner of his vision upon her hand on his knees, still yet held back from touch by his clothing, yet the first time she had initiated contact since she had bandaged him. It felt... momentous, monumental in some way he could not be certain of.

The first time she had touched him without any utilitarian motive.

It felt nice.

That was an understatement and a half.

He blushed as he leaned forward as well, matching her motion, their breaths once again against each other, so tantalisingly close, yet kept apart by both fear of her psychometry, but fear of something far more human as well.

Whatever this was.

"I... will admit, I fear that this might all be a dream, that I will awake and you will not be here, that... whatever this is, was not real," He weakly chuckled, it was so pathetic, but as he felt the weight on his chest, he knew he needed to say it. It did not even need to be said, the energy around them made it evident enough.

Repairing the Lochris, leaving this world, returning to his men, and continuing to their fate on Fiviune?

It was the farthest thing from his mind tonight.

And the idea had far less lustre to it, than any moment before.

Elise didn't like mentioning fixing that ship. She didn't like the idea of Malum leaving. She didn't like the idea of her life returning to normal, and this dark man not being there for it. It was... bizarre... how quickly she had grown to like him in such a short period of time. She patted his knee, then withdrew.

"Goodnight, Malum."

She moved to stand up.

He could not help himself as she stood, her hand on his knee leaving, that comforting presence, that warmth, disappearing as quickly as it came, he found himself standing, his hand acting before his brain could react, finding itself around her wrist. Yet, even his emotional self had enough self-control enough to fear her psychometry still, his hand wrapping themselves around the band around her arm, as he breathed deeply, nerves and fear finding him, as courage had brought him to this precipice.

"I... cannot, simply say goodnight to you." His eyes were raw, emotions of unknown nature and quantity running through rapidly, as he did not have any idea of what he was doing, or why he was doing it.

Only knowing he had to.

"Please tell me... what is this? This emotion, this feeling, between us," His breathing somehow grew heavier, as if every breath was restoring into him a strength that was fading with every word, "Tell me you feel it too, I need to know." He was wrong before, this was the precipice, this moment, where his heart stood upon the cliff, gazing below to oblivion.

And it had decided to throw itself off.

To victory or defeat.

To success or death.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira




His hand holding her wrist, all the words he said, the way he said them. Elise looked down at him, blushing, as he asked her just what was going on between them. The question made Elise pause. She wondered... what was this? These feelings? And what did they spell for the future? Their future?

Elise's mother, Gwyneira, had once been a player. She ran around her Arkanian college finding any young man able to give her the attention she craved so desperately, if only for a night. She had been a flirt, a minx, until she met Eliz, Elise's father. Like anything else, it had started as a one night stand for Gwyn. But they kept meeting again, and they developed deeper feelings until they realized - they were in love. Because of that love, the Mandalorian Eliz had brought the aruetii Gwyn into a new life; a life with the Resol'nare. He brought her to Kranak Vizsla, who adopted her as his Foundling. And the rest was history.

Gwyneira, when questioned by her daughters on her love life, always regretted her old ways. They brought no true happiness to her... and even made her feel devalued more as a person. She had been a desperate, lonely young woman dying for something she had never known existed... love.

What was love?

Elise knew Storge love, and the Pragma love that followed it, very well. She grew up in a loving family, even if it had been wrought with pain at times. Gwyneira had been the most amazing mother she possibly could have been. When he had been around, Eliz was a kind and protective father. Mevia was her dear little sister, who had slowly grown from timid and fearful to bold and passionate. Kranak Vizsla was Elise's role model and grandfather, whom she had wished to become. Shai Magi, despite being outcast from her old Mandalorian Clan, was cherished around the Vizsla daughters and looked up to. Yuri Magi, Shai's son, was a fun loving and knightly cousin, looking after his little cousins the best he could. Even the droids has been cherished in the family. Minimech was an old and snarky astromech, constantly chidding his loved ones in keeping healthy. Cabur'tomad, Gwyn's basilisk war droid, was the family dog... if dogs were humongous, plated with beskar, and could smite one's enemies. And within the Dreamseer Coven, Siyarr took on a fatherly mantle for Elise when her father disappeared. They cherished each other deeply, as if family themselves.

Elise knew famillial love well.

Elise knew Agape love as well. Growing up, she had been taught by her mother to be compassionate to anyone in all walks of life. Elise learned through Mevia how to nurture the emotionally wounded, and as a Novanian Shaman she learned to care for others within her order. Elise revered the Ancient Ones of Archais of old. Elise had a love and respect for nature, even the ugly parts. She traded her family, and her vode, to fight for unfamiliar strangers on distant worlds within the Galactic Alliance. Out of compassion, she chose to fight the injustice of the Enclave.

Elise knew universal love and compassion well.

Elise knew Philia love as well. She had several mutual friends in the Dreamseer Coven, or at least once had. Prior to betraying the Enclave, she found fellow Mandalorians she enjoyed the company of. Eman Kandar, who Elise was sure had the hots for Mevia; and Runi Kuryida. Unfortunately, it seemed that many of those friendships were destined to fade, as Elise turned her back on the Enclave and its warmongering designs.

Elise knew the love of friendship, even if not as well as others.

But what of Ludus love, which was playful and flirtatious? What of Eros love, which was romantic?

Elise knew her parents loved each other, but they didn't display their love in front of their kids that often. Elise had never paid attention to romance, or even light flirting. She had always been mission minded and focus driven. That was why Elise hardly pursued platonic friendships either. But now, looking at Malum as he asked her just what they were, Elise was dumbfounded.

They had spent the night playfully teasing, flirtatiously bantering, and sneaking lustful glances at each other's frames. Was that Eros? Or was it meagerly Ludus? Could Ludus and Eros be one in the same? The more Elise thought on it, the more she realized... she did not want Ludus. She was having fun with Malum as they played with their attraction towards each other, certainly. But by default, Elise wanted something beyond that. She wanted something meaningful. She wanted something that would last. She wanted true Eros.

But was Eros something she could possibly pursue Malum for? They hardly knew anything about each other. Elise certainly knew less about Malum than Malum knew about her. Was it possible to commit to someone she most certainly was drawn towards, but knew little about? Was it possible to try? Elise looked down at Malum, blushing, and contemplating.

After a long moment of contemplating these things, Elise spoke. "I... I don't know, what this is. What we're feeling. It's something I never felt before."

Elise nervously chuckled, eyes darting away then back to Malum again. She had never removed her wrist from his grasp. She looked back at Malum, smiling.

"Whatever it is though," Elise decided, "I like it. A lot."

"And I intend to make it last."

She had no idea how, but she did know that she and Malum had plenty of time to get to know each other. Elise was on an isolated retreat to recover from her battle with the Enclave. Malum's ship would take a while to fix, especially since neither were dedicated mechanics. Elise gently pulled her wrist from Malum's hand, softly. She blushed as she looked towards the tent.

"I'm fine with you sleeping out here. I'll grab some spare blankets and pillows. A noble deserves to be comfortable, after all."

She turned and walked towards the tent, her blush deepening. She realized, as she walked in, that she had been wearing the same clothes ever since yesterday evening. She felt suddenly vulnerable and exposed, at the thought of changing even in here. She turned, and without looking Malum in the eyes, closed the tent drapes. She looked towards one of the crates where she kept her clothes, and she gulped. She changed, very quickly, into a new outfit. It was a smooth, loose, white dress that could stand in for a modest, but beautiful, nightgown. She wondered, in the back of her mind, if her guest would like it. She still felt grubby, and she realized that tomorrow she'd like to bathe in the nearby pond.

"Oh... Fo-ocus, Elise!"

Elise gathered up most of the pillows and blankets she had in the tent, and she stumbled out nearly tripping over them all. She knew her way around the camp by heart, and she soon had plopped her pile into a clearing near the edge of camp. She started arranging the blankets and pillows into two sleeping mats. The one for Malum was far more cushioned than the other, with plenty more pillows and more layers of blankets. Elise kept herself busy, grabbing a pistol and laying it under her pillow in case of an animal attack. The fire was all but dead, but the Moon and stars cast down a brilliant, pale, silver light. It was gorgeous as always, in this savannah.

Elise sat down on her mat, blushing still. She looked over to Malum, and motioned for him to get comfortable on the mat a couple feet away from her's.

She was strangely nervous, despite her comfort with Malum at dinner time. In the back of her mind, she knew how meaningful it was for a man and woman to share a bed. - But she stopped herself! No! This was different! There was some distance between their sleeping mats, and they were not going to engage in any... intimate... activities together. No. They were just two people, laying under the stars, and observing their beauty. Elise looked up at the sky, convincing herself that this was exactly the case. She pointed up to the sky, smiling as her childlike wonder took over.

"Archais' night sky is still one of the most incredible night skies I have ever seen. The constellations, the moon, the lights. It's perfect." She looked over to Malum, excited and passionate, "I could show you where some constellations are!"

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


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After a long moment of contemplating these things, Elise spoke. "I... I don't know, what this is. What we're feeling. It's something I never felt before."

Elise nervously chuckled, eyes darting away then back to Malum again. She had never removed her wrist from his grasp.

It was... not the worst answer, indeed he could have imagined far worse, a rejection, a laugh, an admittance that there was no feeling at all, that the electricity brimming through the air was entirely one-sided, that she could not imagine there was any emotional charge between them at all, that she would mock him insidiously for believing otherwise, or perhaps even worse, she would apologise for some way making him perceive what there was not.


This was good.

She felt something, like him.

Just also like him, she was not sure what it was they felt.

She might not hold the answer, any of the answers that would have filled him with utter joy, as she spoke the words out of the romance novels of his youth, yet she spoke of something far more important.

A shared uncertainty, one that strangely enough, filled his heart with hope.

Hope for what, he was still unsure, hope for this, whatever it was.

"I... have only felt this once before..." His eyes widened as he said that, why would he admit to such a thing? He intended to charm her, to woo her, to have her, for what he did not know, yet that was without a doubt his purpose, so why would he betray himself like this?

Because the fool wanted to do this right...

"Adeline, my apologies, it seems my heart has betrayed you, as much as it has betrayed me."

Who knew it would only take the presence of a Mandalorian saviour for him to shift like this, after nearly half a decade of pining after the red-eyed and platinum-haired Sangnir, only weeks after securing what he had wanted for so long, an opportunity to charm her, to woo her, to have her.

He now so willingly forgot such, for the woman before him. The one who twisted his heart in a way he had never experienced, and no amount of hope untwisted it... indeed, it may have grown tighter, like a noose around his neck.

His knees were growing weak, as much a consequence of his emotions, as were they his current physical limitations making themselves felt, as he clung onto her band, or else, collapsing as the injuries caught up with him.

"...Yet, even then, I could not truly claim to know what it was." Even in his most naive states, where he had idly thought of love, he could not claim that was what he felt for Adeline, even in their moments of... intimacy, he could not call it that, even if he so desperately wanted to then.

He knew for a fact it was not that now, if his mind, if his heart, if his soul had shifted away so easily towards another.

Yet that did not answer the most prevalent question.

What this was.

Elise nervously chuckled, eyes darting away then back to Malum again. She had never removed her wrist from his grasp. She looked back at Malum, smiling.

"Whatever it is though," Elise decided, "I like it. A lot."

"And I intend to make it last."

He blushed, he could not help the blood that rushed to his cheeks, looking away as abashedly as she did, finding her smiling face, her smiling beautiful face, as he turned back, risking a look, and being caught, for after her words, he was willing to risk that, and far more.

"Do you intend to keep me prisoner here, then, Lady Vizsla?" Malum asked rhetorically, a smirk coming upon his face, his heart beating a league a second, as he found himself, not entirely displeased with that idea, "I... enjoy it quite a lot as well... whatever it is." It was still so vague, still so undefinable.

But for this moment.

All that mattered, was that it was real.

All else could come after.

Elise gently pulled her wrist from Malum's hand, softly. She blushed as she looked towards the tent.

"I'm fine with you sleeping out here. I'll grab some spare blankets and pillows. A noble deserves to be comfortable, after all."

As soon as she pulled away, he found himself missing her warmth.

He also found himself missing his balance.

It was without a sound that he fell back upon the makeshift seat in which he sat, breathing heavily and hollowly as the sudden pain tore through his legs, his eyes narrowing, watering, as a dull dizziness took over his mind.

"Please... Elise... do not strain yourself for my sake... I am no noble here... simply... Malum..." He weakly chuckled, his own personal joke coming over the fore, as he tried to distract himself from the pain that his body was in, that he had spent the entire trying to resist, only now failing, partially because she was not here to witness him in this state, having entered back into the tent.

Left alone for the first time in hours since her return, he had time to think.

Time to think in silence through the pain that tore through him.

What exactly this was, was a mystery, one which he was not entirely willing to accept was simply something unknowable, it was easy enough to think it various things, lust, infatuation, a simple crush, even... though he was loath to use the word... love.

Ironically though they both would never know, both Malum and Elise would consider such things, yet where Elise would consider the various definitions of love to be her salvation, Malum himself could not even seriously consider it to be such a thing. It was too early, it was too soon, there had been some embarrassing, awkward moments between them, wherein blood had rushed to their cheeks, there had been moments of awe, and wonder, simply entrancing themselves in each other's company, as they considered lust and desire in equal measure, but love?

How could it be love?

He loved few things in this world, indeed, he could count on a pair of hands all those he loved.

His sisters, and his parents.

Those were the only ones he could claim to love, the only ones he knew he loved, the only ones he had been raised to love.

There were others too, no doubt, Custos and Venerandus came to mind, there had been other cousins Marr, that he had also been close to.

Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar ... was harder to place, he certainly thought so, yet the fact he was still uncertain after nearly half a decade of knowing the man, brought up the fundamental problem.

To love, was not to feel, it was to act, it did not matter if it was familial, platonic, or romantic, he knew in his near quarter century of life, that fundamental truth, that love was not simply the feeling at your chest, the fluttering of your belly, the exaltation of the beloved lady.

It was to take action.

It was to give up a piece of yourself, to another for safekeeping, it was doing whatever was necessary for their happiness and health, even if it came to the price of one's own, it was being able and willing to compromise with the loved, to argue and fight, yet still come out stronger.

It was making sacrifices for one's own happiness, for a shared happiness.

To love was to sacrifice.

Thus he knew, for certainty, whatever this was, be it some childish crush, be it some lustful desire, be it some blushing infatuation, it was not love.

And it never could be.

He loved his family, he loved his House, he loved the Sith.

That's all he could love, all others, were weaknesses, were liabilities, were those that could be used against him, were those who would distract him from his greater goals, absolution, and freedom, for the entire galaxy.

He knew all his life, that he would have to marry, when he was younger he had some naive notion that he may fall for his consort, yet as grew, as he was educated, knew much more realistically there was every chance that such a thing would never happen. Such matches between nobles were rarely loving, only slightly more common were they happy.

And with that, was what he would have to content himself.

Happiness, like the bond between his mother and father.

A relationship to produce the heirs of the great Darth Marr, those children that he would cherish and love with all his heart's desire, those children which he could not stop himself from loving, those that none would fault him for loving, those that he would destroy entire planets for, if they would ever come to harm.

They might be weaknesses, they might be liabilities, and they might be distractions.

But they would be his.

And none could come between them.

And after all, they were what he was meant to love, his family, his house, the Sith.

So this was not love, it needed not even be said that it was love, only a fool could call it love.

It was a meaningless fling, something to remember on dark and cold nights.

Something to imagine, something to write poems about.

Nothing more.

No doubt Elise would find another to be with her.

The advantage of being non-noble, of being Mandalorian.

So why did that idea bother him so much?

Elise gathered up most of the pillows and blankets she had in the tent, and she stumbled out nearly tripping over them all. She knew her way around the camp by heart, and she soon had plopped her pile into a clearing near the edge of camp. She started arranging the blankets and pillows into two sleeping mats. The one for Malum was far more cushioned than the other, with plenty more pillows and more layers of blankets. Elise kept herself busy, grabbing a pistol and laying it under her pillow in case of an animal attack. The fire was all but dead, but the Moon and stars cast down a brilliant, pale, silver light. It was gorgeous as always, in this savannah.

Elise sat down on her mat, blushing still. She looked over to Malum, and motioned for him to get comfortable on the mat a couple feet away from her's.

She was strangely nervous, despite her comfort with Malum at dinner time. In the back of her mind, she knew how meaningful it was for a man and woman to share a bed. - But she stopped herself! No! This was different! There was some distance between their sleeping mats, and they were not going to engage in any... intimate... activities together. No. They were just two people, laying under the stars, and observing their beauty. Elise looked up at the sky, convincing herself that this was exactly the case. She pointed up to the sky, smiling as her childlike wonder took over.

"Archais' night sky is still one of the most incredible night skies I have ever seen. The constellations, the moon, the lights. It's perfect." She looked over to Malum, excited and passionate, "I could show you where some constellations are!"

Malum had little time to consider, as Elise strode out of the tent with a collection of pillows and blankets. Yet, that was not what caught his attention the most, no... that went to the white nightgown she was now wearing.

Technically far more conservative than her previous outfit, he still found his mouth drying out, and he still found his eyes widening, it had to be white, the irony was laid out too thick.

A white dress, a pure dress, that made him think only of sin.

How was he to survive this night?

He did not know, yet he had dug this grave, he now had to lay in it.

He continued staring, ravenously her back turned to him, as he drank in the view, unable to do anything else, all the elements of his noble etiquette demanding he look away from the lady who was simply organising his place to sleep, under his own request. How dare he disrespect her like this, by continuing to stare?

Yet he could not stop.

Until he forced himself away, blushing up a storm, as blood rushed to his cheeks. Bogan, why did she have such an effect on him?

He limped over to the invitation, doing his utmost to conceal the limp to mixed effect, as he more focused on keeping the pain away from him, having long since wiped off the moisture from his eyes. Laying down awkwardly upon the mat, that was his, he noticed almost immediately though it was far from the grand accommodation he was used to, he would have little reason to complain, it was surprisingly comfortable.

It did help, that looking from the corner of his eye, it was clear that Elise was as lost about this current situation that they were in, as he was.

Still, he breathed a sigh of relief that there would be no awkward silence, as a safe topic was suggested by Elise, constellations and astronomy.

He was but a layman, perhaps worse, but to hear Elise speak uninterrupted by a topic she was clearly passionate about?

That was a treat all unto itself.

He offered a smile as she looked over to him with such joy in her eyes, it was simply infectious, "Please, go right ahead, I would love to hear you speak on the topic," Deciding to help her along, he pointed some constellation in the sky, snuggling into the blankets to resist the cold that billowed over the cold savannah, "What is that one?"

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
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Elise felt his eyes, gorging themselves with her image. They peered, relentless, trying to see everything they possibly could. She sensed the hunger, the desire, and it fed into her own confused feelings. She wanted to hide, to hide everything his eyes were enjoying, and yet... as she blushed, she wanted to kill the shyness, and completely enjoy the attention she was receiving. Attention that she had never realized she craved in this way...

What the kark! What is happening to me?!

She was more than happy to follow his pointer finger towards the sky. She skimmed over a familiar constellation, and she smiled.

"That is the New Novania! An Arkanian flagship, sent away from a plague ridden world to find paradise. Do you see how the ship slopes in the stars, making a tipped arrow? This constellation points towards our city of Novania. Our ancestors' barge guides us home still."

She then traced across the evening sky more, and caught sight of a star close to her heart. She pointed to a bright red star, "Do you see that bright red star? It never moves, regardless of the time and season. The Ancients had never achieved space travel; and since the New Novania landed, Novanians felt the same desire as them: space exploration. Stuck under one planet, one sky, they yearned to fly into the unknown, explore other worlds, and find freedom in the stars. That particular star always points North, telling us exactly where we are even without a holopad or tracking technology. This star is linked to us. When we travel, it gives us something to receive. When we send folks outside, they return changed. That star, our northern star, is the Ajayid Star."

The very stars themselves seemed to sparkle in Elise's eyes. The shaman was deeply connected to her world, on a spiritual level. She giggled mirthfully as she pointed to another constellation, "And that there is the Sivatherium! A local savanna creature, hooved and horned. We cherish it deeply, a symbol of strength and dignity."

She continued to point out stars and constellations, more than happy to be explaining them to someone who actually listened. She let herself fall back into her pillows with a thud, blonde hair bouncing, as she continued to talk about the sky above.

"That one there looks a lot like the Mask of one of our Ancient Ones. If you see that mask in battle, you are doomed, for you have come face to face with the Shaman of that Ancient One, Their champion. But back to the constellation, did you know..."

She started to yawn more frequently, started to daze off. She talked less, and paused more between finding a constellation to talk about. Soon enough, her eyes were drooping shut. But as she stopped talking, she listened. The call of local birds and roaches were in the fields, and she always found their wild sounds soothing. But tonight, there was another sound, closer. This sound filled her with an unfamiliar warmth.

It was the sound of Malum's breathing.

The rhythmic inhaling and exhaling of oxygen. Growing up, Elise had always had her own room. And when she joined the Coven, she had her own little quarters. She was unused to the sound of another soul breathing, but that sound felt... safe, secure. There was someone here, watching over her, accompanying her, and enjoying her presence. Companionship, a type of companionship she had never known. Someone beside her, staying with her. A soft yet strong comfort, which was insured to remain until morning. As she closed her eyes, drifting away, Elise smiled. She could get used to something like this, every night, forever.


Elise opened her eyes. The air was cold and thin. Darkness surrounded her, and an uneasiness took hold. Elise walked across a void, black floor. It was smooth like glass, and cold like ice. Her bare feet slapped against the floor as she cautiously walked forward. She looked around, the hairs on her neck sticking out as she shivered.

"H-... Hello?"

She paused, looking around. She still only saw darkness. Scared, vulnerable, she called out as she hugged herself. "Is anyone-one there? Uh-"

"Elise... how could you?"

Elise's eyes widened. Her breath was stolen from her. She was frozen. "Mfph, ba'buir?"

"Why did you leave us?"

Elise teared up. Doubt flooded her heart. Guilt coiled around her heart like barbed wire, choking it. "It wasn't right... attacking unprovoked like that. Pillaging, killin-"

"-In war, sacrifices must be made. I taught you that, Elise."

The anger rose, alongside the temperature. Elise winced her eyes shut, tears streaming down her cheeks. "But you are the one who started this war. You made the move to make those sacrifices. And look what happened, so many lives have been lost!"


"Homes have been burned! Lives have been ruined! People have died!"


"And Auntie Shai is dead! Because-"

"Silence! Do not raise your voice at your grandfather, your Alor!"

Elise recoiled at the rage, falling to the ground. She quaked in sorrow and fear, hugging herself, "Why-"

"Do not think that I am the one who must answer! You defected, you abandoned your family, you have murdered our vode in battle! You defile my best friend's memory by aiding her killers!"

Elise bowed her head in guilt, shaking. She could not deny the accusations, and the shame that came with them.


Elise dared to look up from the ground. Above her stood her grandfather. The man she admired. The man she had always wanted to be growing up. He trained her, loved her, and guided her. She had some of his own memories locked inside her mind. He was ever enduring, and ever marching on for the Mandalorian people. He had been the one to inspire her to pursue the path of a field medic, a healer. But she looked up now. She wished, oh how she wished, he had his buy'ce over his face. But for the imposing and mighty beskar'gam the Giant wore, his helmet was held at his side. He glared down at her, rage and disappointment covering his face. Her eyes widened.

"I am so disappointed in you."

Elise fell to the floor, defeated. But to her dismay, the torment continued. The glass floor beneath her started to give off an eerie red light. The images she saw, they terrified her. A tank was filled with blood. Blood, filled to the brim of the floor. But it was strangely see through. Inside, the corpses of her fellow vode were floating in the sea below. Forever on and on, the bodies drifted in death's pool.

Elise choked, feeling nauseous.

But she noticed the floor was beginning to crack.

Elise looked up to her grandfather as she heard the glass rapidly shattering. She reached out, "Ba'buir!"

He turned his head away, glaring into the distance. He said nothing.


She gasped, feeling a deathly cold, wet, skeletal hand grab her leg. She looked down. Defying physics, the skeletons of her fallen brethren were reaching up, grabbing her. Elise felt the hands rapidly cover her. She choked, tearing up as their blood covered her. Fabric tore, nails dug into her, and the groans of the dead demanded justice. The army of hands yanked her arm down, away from her Ba'buir. He did nothing as she was punished. Glass embedded her, and the hands never stopped relenting. Elise screamed, "Granpa! Save m-"

She was finally pulled underneath the glass, into the red ocean, and consumed by the grasping remains of her former comrades.


A blood curdling scream echoed the morning savanna.

Elise threw her blankets, standing straight up as she screamed in utter terror, dismay, humiliation, and regret. Coated in cold sweat, the pale Vizsla pantes heavily as she stood over her sleeping mat from the previous night. The familiar sights of the camp were blurred before her, as she bawled from her dream. She shuddered, shook, and bellowed as she processed her dream. Her grandfather had been disappointed in her, and he watched her downfall play out before him.

Elise fell to her hands and knees, crumpling, as she vomited profusely.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


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It was an odd feeling, to both not have a single care for the information slipping from her lips, but be utterly entranced by the voice which carried that information...

...That was more rudely put than he would have liked.

Malum never cared for the distant stars, or more accurately he cared for them deeply, staring up from the rooftops of the Marr Manse, the smogs of Jutrand made gazing up at the night sky rather boring, blank skies of simple darkness, simple emptiness, it was still somehow more than most in Jutrand would ever see. Yet sometimes, once in a blue moon, the smog would clear, and the stars would reveal themselves in all their glory.

Such would be the rare days that Malum would gaze upwards in awe of the suns of distant systems, viewable only due to their good fortune of living where the smog was kept at bay by an estate of some of the last green left on the planet. He could perhaps count with a single hand how many times those instances occurred, yet he remembered them all fondly, warmly, moments where his training could be paused, his lessons ended, where he did not need to hone himself as the great Sith warrior, where he did not need to form the mask as the perfect heir of the great Darth Marr.

Where simply, he could gather with them all, Caecia's eyes softened, Elise's care shown, Julia taking her nose out of the book, and Sophia... well Sophia was always easy to understand, and they all gathered with their parents, to watch the resplendent moon and stars shine down upon them.

And he could be reminded, that there was a galaxy so much bigger than the walls of the Manse.

In comparison to that, in comparison to all that meaning and importance.

What mattered if the stars if you squinted and lied, would look like a shape of an animal? Look like the shape of a tool? Look like the telling of a myth or something further.

What matter if others assigned specific meaning to them when Malum had all the meaning he would ever need of them? Memories of those nights with his family, knowledge of all the hopes and dreams he held once he was finally off Jutrand.

Even if all that journey would bring him was...

It had been near half a decade, was he better off now with the freedom to traverse the galaxy, than when he was simply locked away inside the black walls of the Manse?

He threw aside those troubling thoughts, for...

...Well, her voice provided an excellent distraction to those thoughts, and for once, strangely enough, he was deeply invested in the matter of constellations.

As deeply invested as he was in the one who spoke of the constellations.

His eyes followed every star she pointed to, yet he could not help but glance too, at the blonde locks that were freely laid before her sleeping accoutrement her red eyes, so similar to his, glimmering in the moon and starlight alike, she was passionate, she was joyful, she was alight in every word she spoke, and rather than simply focusing on her.

Focusing on the clothes she wore, and all that was promised underneath.

Focusing on her face, sculpted by Bogan himself.

Focusing on her lips, so soft, so tantalising, so necessary.

He was caught in her words.

New Novania, the Ajayid Star, the Sivatherium, the Mask of the Ancient Ones, and all the others. His eyes found them as she pointed them out in the night sky, he saw every star, saw as they took shape, the contour lines forming the very semblance of the likeness she was describing. Of course, one would need to squint, one would have to suspend some disbelief.

Yet he had no issue doing that.

Not when her voice was so clear and excited through it all.

He was silent apart from some murmurings, some utterances of agreement and assent as she went on, simply allowing her to live her bliss through her voice, allow her to empty all the thoughts from her mind, that was melded by the pure happiness of every word.

He said little, as her voice slowed, as the yawns began to take hold, he only smiled, as he watched her drift off to sleep.

"In another life, you might have been a teacher... rather than an animal," It was a jape that he would only make in the privacy of his own world, as soon as he was sure she was sound asleep. While he had more than enough experience with the Moridinizids to be sure they were not the animals that the Imperial textbooks described and vaunted them as. It did not mean, his mind was not entirely clear from the truths of his upbringing.

And thus, his watch began.

Though he too yawned, though too his eyes drooped, though too he desired the warm embrace of his sleeping mat... and well... another type of warm embrace, he found himself pulling the blankets off of him with a groan.

She had done so much for him.

The least he could do was keep watch.

He sat vigil over the embers of the dying flame, as his ears flicked towards any sound, as he gazed around the camp cautiously. Truly, he did not expect there would be a threat to them tonight.

Yet it was only when one did not expect a threat, that it would ambush you.

This was the camp of a Moridinizid, and a Sith was a guest, of galactic threats, their presence so near would be a beacon for goody-doers and others of their ilk. Yet caught in the cold as the savanna winds blew, as the last embers died, he could not help but feel his eyes begin to fall. It would only be Sibby's antics, who had powered down in likely disgust at what was occurring before it, finally activated, coming to rest beside him.

"Beep-Boop-Beeeep." Sibby moaned at him, pushing against his back, as it complained, "What are you planning on doing?"

"I... don't have much of one..." Malum responded evasively, content to lean back against the metal form of his astromech, as his eyes gaze found again, Elise's again, it was far too coincidental the one he had these feelings erupt out of him, would share the same name as his sister, it truly gave him pause every time.

It did not help that they shared their eyes.

Yet that was where the similarities ceased, where Elise of House Marr Elise of House Marr , cared for little, and little else, Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira , seemingly cared for too much, and even more than that.

"We'll stay the course, we'll keep our identities secret, we'll repair the Lochris..." He paused, conflicted, "...and begin the journey back to Fiviune," He finally stated, eyes having never left Elise, reminded of those stories of Prince Charming awakening the sleeping maiden through true love's kiss.

Yet there was no magical curse here.

Only an opportunity to far cross the boundaries, and declare himself a truly horrid man.

"Boop-Beeeeep-Boooooop." Sibby replied, the tone of its binary having just the twinge of judgement and reproach he knew all too well, yet Malum was in no mood for it, "As you wish, Master... just be careful."

Malum scoffed goodnaturedly, as he rested his eyes for a moment, "Wake me up in an hour or two, and I'll continue watch, or if any threat approaches the camp." The beeps were enough for him to know his orders were heard, as he considered creeping back into his sleeping mat, being freed from this horrid cold, yet knew if he did that, he would never wake.

Thus he as content as he could, leaned back upon Sibby, and closed his eyes for good.

He awoke to a blood-curdling scream.

His hands instinctively went to the lightsabres that were at his sides underneath his robes, only to silently curse as he remembered they were held by Sibby.

He silently cursed the astromech further when the sun was blaring into his eyes, he had not woken him.

There was little time to deal with that though, for the origin of the scream was far more important to their survival. He swivelled around from his seat on the ground, ignoring the searing pain of his body waking from both sleep and injury, as he used Sibby to stand back up.

Only to witness a grizzly slight.

Elise... she looked so pale, so hurt.

Had something gotten to her as he slept? His eyes narrowed, finding nothing, as he simply watched, frozen unable to do anything.

Until he saw her fall to hand and knee, as vomit spewed from her lips, he found his limping legs moving, finding themselves to her, he needed to help her, whatever this was.

"Elise," A hand cautiously went to her hair, wishing to keep it out of the way of the deluge, as another hand went to her shoulder, "Pl-"

His eyes rolled back into the back of the skull.

He had but one last thought.

He had forgotten about the Psychometry.


One moment, Elise was struggling between the waking world and the dreamscape. She was not even fully connected to reality anymore, when she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

And then, she was not even her anymore.

Inside a starfighter, the controls were pounded and slammed as he screamed into the coms, "Retreat! Leave me!"

But his guard refused to leave him. The blurred starfighting was brutal, as starfighter after starfighter was shot down by a shadowed enemy. He screamed their names, banged the glass, ordered over and over again that they must retreat. But they refused to leave his side, ever loyal. And for their loyalty, they received death. And the prince, helpless as they followed him through hellfire, could only feel immense guilt and shame. It was as if he himself was dealing these blows, and he could not stand it.

And so, he forsook his mission.

He retreated.

And finally, his loyal troops retreated with him.

He gasped, falling onto the grass covered ground in agony. He cried out, over and over, apologizing for their deaths. He grabbed the amulet on his neck, screamed as he fought the agony inside. They were gone, lost in the void of space. And here he was, the privileged noble and heir, sitting in a warm camp and wooing the cute girl who saved him. It spit in the face of their memories.

"I'm sorry!"

But then, he realized something. His amulet was gone. He gasped in panic, looking down to figure out where it has gone. He was not himself without that amulet! He- why was he wearing white? Gross! He never wore white! But his confusion swelled and grew. He... who... what...

"Who am I?"

He paused for a moment, looking around the camp, trying to figure it out. But the more he looked, the more everything felt out of place. The arcaic totems, the first and tapestries. The caches, the simplistic tools, the tribal art... but he realized, that it was he who felt out of place. This place was not Malum Marr at all. How did he get here? Why...

"Be strong j@c311!43^"

He gritted his teeth, bringing his hand to his forehead as he heard a foreign memory in his head.

"You think you are alone, but you are not."

And then, his eyes widened as it dawned on him.


She gasped, as if finally emerging from stormy waters that had pulled her under. She looked up to the sky, panting, as she remembered.

"I am Elise Vizsla! Clan Vizsla! Formerly Clan Krayt! Jac'Eli'Serum! Daughter of Eliz Krayt and Gwyneira Vizsla! Granddaughter of Kranak Vizsla! I'm Elise! I'm Elise!"

She buckled over, curling into the fetal position as she felt her panic. For a moment, she had been someone else. For a moment, she had been... Malum-


She pushed herself up, looking over to see Malum himself crippled from the memory swap. A memory swap, brought on by Elise's uncontrollable power. Tears of guilt flooded her eyes, as she bent down to his face and called to him.

"Malum! Snap out of it! Malum!" She had to help him remember who he was. She had to help him return to reality. She thought back to the time they had spent together, and even thought back on his memory she had stolen. And she started shouting in desperation.

"You're Malum! You're inquisitive, brave, intelligent! You're thoughtful, you enjoy the finer things of life, but you're not above the lesser things. You care for your troops, you returned me the help I've given you. You're charming, mysterious, captivating! I want to learn more about you! You're-you're Malum! One of the few people who ever looked at me past my lineage, my people's history, and my skill as a prodigy. You like me for me. And without me knowing what responsibilities you have, or the burdens you carry, or what expectations anyone has placed on you; with no care for how rich you are or what titles you carry; and without the added burden of that weight of the world on your shoulder, I want to know you for you, Malum."

Tears slipped down her cheeks as she tried to awaken him from the pain she caused him. "Remember who you are! Malum!"

She repeated his name, over and over. And as she spoke his identity to him, she realized how sweet the name tasted on her tongue.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr



Her sister's voice was as clear as ever, helmeted or not, she had come across quite the scene, many Mandalorian bodies, still thankfully breathing surrounding her. There would be little way to explain this away, and she had never been after all the best of liars.

Yet she would have to.

To protect her.

To protect them both.

"Mevia..." She answered hesitantly, frozen.

Already knowing.

The jig was up.

Tears flooded her red eyes, as they were locked in battle. Lightning fired across the sky, as the rain fell across the darkened ground, the light of moonlight the only witness of this of all terrible events. A battle between sisters.

The Kal felt heavy, and unfamiliar, Mevia broke the guard, a flurry of attacks angry and ill-thought-out.

But promising utter agony, if they were to strike hi- her form.

It should not have been unfamiliar, it should not have been heavy, what she had trained with all her life, what she knew of her superiority over her sister, meant all the nothing, as the salt tresses covered her sight. She reached out, to use the Force, could end this all painfully, could save them all this heartbreak, all this hurt.


She could not.

Not to hi- her sister.

A voice that buzzed around him like a bee's, a voice so familiar...

Agony gripped her.

Weakness had been her mistake.

And now she would pay for it.

The lightning gripped onto her muscles and refused to let go, where she had thought her own cable would have blocked whatever her sister would have thrown at her, where she had been too weak to end the fight in the beginning.

Now she paid.

As she was brought low onto the wet and gravelled ground, gasping out a great cry, as through bleary red eyes, she made out the moment of pause.

Before, Elise found herself pulled along the cable.

As she found a rifle pointed hi- her way.

Would it all end like this?



That voice again... where did it come from?

Tears intermixed with blood.

If she had thought the electricity of Mevia's whip had been agony, she had not been ready for what would come next. Her buy'ce had long since fallen away, her willingness to resist her younger sister fading away with every agonising moment, as the lightning continued to strike outside, having long since killed those vod she had desperately not tried to kill.

Yet another crime to add to her growing tally.

But what crime was greater than treason?


That voice continued to bother, continued to irritate, still was so... extremely familiar.

Why could it not leave hi- her alone to the suffering which she deserved?

This pain, this anguish, these crimes that only blood could ever repay.

And her executioner stood right before hi- her.

Every kick.

Every punch.

Every bullet.

Every slice.

Every bruise.

Every hole.

Every slice.

She deserved it all for all that she had done.

For all he was about to do.

"You should have killed me! Vod'ika!"" She shouted at her retreating form.


The illusion shattered.


"Malum! Snap out of it! Malum!"

"You're Malum! You're inquisitive, brave, intelligent! You're thoughtful, you enjoy the finer things of life, but you're not above the lesser things. You care for your troops, you returned me the help I've given you. You're charming, mysterious, captivating! I want to learn more about you! You're-you're Malum! One of the few people who ever looked at me past my lineage, my people's history, and my skill as a prodigy. You like me for me. And without me knowing what responsibilities you have, or the burdens you carry, or what expectations anyone has placed on you; with no care for how rich you are or what titles you carry; and without the added burden of that weight of the world on your shoulder, I want to know you for you, Malum."

"Remember who you are! Malum!"

His eyes snapped open.

Red eyes burned at the presence of the safari sun, burning down upon his orbs.

And too... the beautiful rubies of the woman that he... had just been.

"Elise..." He whispered hollowly, as tears pricked his eyes, as all she spoke, struck him.

Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

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