Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crashing a Party

Vorhi Alestrani was on the Black Citadel of Roon. Not for gentle reasons, or kind ones. No. Vorhi Alestrani was here for what was his. His research, his life's work on Force Traditions, regardless of their moral or spiritual tenets. He had studied the monks of Borann-durr, who put their brains in jars stuck to robot spiders. He had studied the writings of the Sorcerers of Tund, an order that had been dead for over 8 centuries.

He'd even inscribed the works of the Templars before their..."transition" to the Obsidian Knights. And frankly, he was here, in the archives, on Roon. He would take what was his. He was followed by no men or women. No allies. Still, it was a small matter to walk into the Citadel. He'd known the weaknesses when he had lived here, and there were a few ways for him to still fly under the radar.

Still the old man walked into an antechamber from the small canal that moved through the Citadel, having been built on old ruins with surprisingly large drainage tunnels. He dusted off his robes and looked around the hall, waiting to see who'd noticed him first. After all, at least a few might recognize him from when he was still in charge. And a building full of force-sensitives, one or two were bound to notice the sudden intrusion. Probably.

(OOC: no idea who's actually interested in poking the blind master with a stick or who is still in the bloody Obsidian Knights. Feel free to jump in if you'd think you'd be in the Citadel--I'm sure I've got a sharp tongue for some of you :p)

[member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Dagora-Kel"] [member="Gerion Ardik"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"] [member="Adekos"]

Jennifer Blanchard

Jenn was a member of the Obsidian Order, the proper evolution from the Templar of the Confederacy. Did she like her place here? Yes, she did. Her sort-of-Master and sort-of-corporate sponsor in Marek Starchaser had helped her transition into the Order and now she was part of the network within it devoted to learning, both with and without the Force. She had studied a fair bit of the past, to know what enemies were going to show up, because she did help Net Bha’lir as a battlefield commander.

No, she had no skill for battlemind or battle meditation. But she could do a lot of damage with a computer, and that meant pushing the right people in the right direction to end battles.

It was like playing Starcraft Empire at War, but with real people. So, really, it didn’t change how she looked at it, at all. But now? She was on recruit duty. She didn’t really care for recruit duty. But it had her walking around the Citadel. And checking out that no one was like… drowning. The trick now? Something was… different. Something didn’t feel right.

What was she saying? She didn’t know the Force that well. But still, it was off…
It wasn't as if she spending a lot of time in a place like this no days. It seem that she became more and more business with her acting as CEO of a board voted Organization of her company Agriculture. It had been expanding at a better rate then she had once hope.

It was coming to figure out what she would learn next in her every ending training in the force. It started as a tangling at first. It was strange of what she felt it only got stronger. It couldn't be after all this time her old Master.

Shaking her head to this believe that he would come back well it was time to see if it was true or if it was some kind of joke the fore itself was playing with her.

Walking the hallways until she reach where the source was coming the strongest.

"Well, shit beans I be a flying monkey uncle."
[member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"]

The thing about seeing purely through the force is that you noticed things. Strange things, like the deviation in someone's emotional aura when they were in love, or the humming frequency of life-energy within a person when they were prepared to conceive. Vorhi gazed at the room through his mind's eye. The changes were not merely architectural, they were emotional and spiritual. Vorhi hardly recognized the place, the differing force-auras of the storerooms and shifting lattices of the new security systems thrumming in his mind. The emotional energy was here, too. An odd mix of solemnity and Martial temperance that you just didn't see among the Templars. It was both cleaner and colder than he remembered. More surgical and precise. He sighed.

And suddenly, a famliar voice, an aura he'd actually seen before, approached him in the somber room. And she spoke with her usual, casual warmth. The sort of friendly, informal tone he'd known quite well. He smirked, turning around slowly and nodding his covered head to Seanna. "Miss Vel, it has been a while. Tell me, what ever has become of this place? I suppose it's time to have a few explanations...." He said, happy it was someone he wouldn't have to fight. Well, at least not immediately.

"You know, I've never seen a flying monkey. Are they as loud as monkey-lizards?" He said, chuckling slightly as hit cheesy blind joke routine. Had to do what you did best, after all. And Vorhi did the best justice to the worst jokes.

In the distance, another figure entered his "field of vision," for lack of a better term. He had not seen this one's aura before, but it was calm, kind of bluish, but a deep blue, not the optimistic neon of the Jedi. No, it was the cool deep blue of information. He brain was buzzing in code as much as in normal symbolic thought. Interesting. He smiled, walking over to a bench and politely sitting down, pulling three small cups and a gourd the size of his forearm out of his robes. "Would you like a drink, Miss Vel? I feel as though a good stiff drink will help with what happens next...."

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