Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crash Course

Rod Nobell

Rod saw that he was right behind a airlock. He sent his good leg shooting towards the pirate's leg. The pirate stumbled back and Rod managed to push him inside the airlock and then slam his hand on the airlock. He was about to press the button and would if the guards did not stop him.

Rod Nobell

"I would rather space him but shall we get to the escape pod?" he asked. He then stumbled towards the escape pod.
The thermal detonator that had been thrown would explode, creating a clear path for the duo to advance. Rushing up the hall way, the metallic clank of their boots against the floor would be all that was heard, until the commotion ahead made itself apparent. Lifting his gun, the man would take aim at the pirate who had captured Rod. However, [member="Jaycob Lynx"] would shoot him first, the pirate sprawling backwards into the air lock where he would most likely die of his wound. Approaching the bounty-hunter, he would shake his head in annoyance, aiming his blaster at [member="Rod Nobell "]this time. "There'll be no escape this time, you're coming with us." He spoke, before turning to Jaycob. "They've killed the main generator, we'll have to take over their own pirate cruiser." He would say, a look of doubt upon his face beneath the Republic helmet.

Rod Nobell

"I ain't going with no one, you republic scum", he then attempted to run off but would fall down, due to his wounds. He would slowly pull himself up, "You don't understand, they will get the whole story mixed up and I'll get arrested for attempted murder, again!" he then insulted the troopers with some expletives.
"Keep your mouth shut, bounty hunter!" Ace would yell, seeing as he was annoyed at this point. This scum was getting on his nerves, but he would have to remain calm. It wasn't like Republic officials to abuse their prisoners. "You'll keep silent as we push forward, seeing as you're useless at the moment." He spoke. "To even think I was debating on whether to lend you my blaster pistol." He spoke, lifting his arm before he walked off towards a hallway. Waving his arm at the group, he would motion for them to follow him, seeing as he was heading in the direction of the docking bay. "No doubt there will be more ahead, we'll have to be real careful.." Ace would speak.
[member="Rod Nobell']
[member="Jaycob Lynx"]

Rod Nobell

"If I had a blaster..." he followed the men, but then a guard would run down the corridor screaming. It would be difficult to hear and you could only make out a bit of what he was saying. "THEY ARE GOING THROUGH THE-" but the guard was quickly shot down. What was he trying to say?
Ace's head would lift, looking at the soldier as he turned the corner, screaming loudly. Suddenly, a blaster bolt zipped through the air, catching him at the last moment in order to strike him to the ground. The man's armored body fell to the ground as he was rendered lifeless. "Damn it, going through what? The vents?" He would say, realizing that some of the prisoners may have been killed by the pirates, giving them the same idea. "poodoo, we need to watch the vents, be weary of everything you hear and see." He would command to [member="Jaycob Lynx"], still making his way down the hall cautiously. Arriving at the trooper's body, Ace would peak around the corner, before speaking to [member="Rod Nobell"], "Take that weapon if you want to live...Jaycob, keep an eye on him."
Looking around the corner, the group of pirates Jaycob spoke of were there, he being true to his word. "Yeah, leave it to me and the bounty hunter. Watch him for the time being, make sure he doesn't try anything. We need him to trust us, and us to trust him. Maybe we can cut a deal, hunter." He spoke, as he pointed at the pirates. "Fire!"

Rod Nobell

He would slowly slip behind Ace and Jaycob, pretending to avoid blaster bolts. He would then spin around and attempt to sprint down the corridor as fast as he could, hoping to not be noticed.

Rod Nobell

He ran into the engineering room and looked over all the equipment. "Ok...I got this..." he looked over to the terminals but had no idea what to do. He quickly sat down in the dark room and hoped no one would find him.
Pausing, Ace would quickly move back to his cover, blaster bolts shooting right by him just as he made it behind the wall. Turning to look at [member="Jaycob Lynx"], he couldn't help but notice that [member="Rod Nobell "]was not in the area. "You idiot! You let him get away?!" He would yell angrily, as he unhooked a thermal detonator from his belt. Activating it with a slide of his thumb over it's surface, the soldier would toss it, it bouncing along the ground until exploding. The powerful release of flame and death would barrage the pirates ahead, instantly evaporating them as they came in contact with the detonator's explosion. Pointing down the hall that the stray bounty hunter had no doubt gone down, he would order, "Go find him, I'll push forwards, regroup with me once you find him." He would say, charging up the hall opposite of Jaycob's objective's destination.

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