Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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CQC Characters to Train With


Ashe is an awesome concept, and I'm glad I kept her through thick and thin, but I will admit that she does lack something - martial skill. She can throw fireballs or pick up gatling guns with the Force all day long, but she has almost no lightsaber skill and no martial skill. That's a disaster, because CQB is half the fun here and she's incredibly dodgy but still easy to overpower.

Wrestling, brawling, martial arts, straight up street fighting; I don't care what it is, we should spar together to educate Ashe. It would be much appreciated. :)
Hi [member="Ashe the Reaper"] - I am happy to RP with you if you need it.

I have some characters who could try and encourage that power and fight in you?

Krius Syonis is one who believes all those with the Force should be Gods/Goddesses and will encourage you to fight the good fight to get what you need without holding back

Asterion is my Sith Knight who as much as he has a lightsaber, can't help but use his fists and melee combat to deliver a message and battle.

I also have a Rogue Jedi Padawan who doesn't always follow the rules, a NFU Sith Archer who chooses CQB over other fights, and a FU Mercenary.

Just shout if you think they could interest you. :)


[member="Krius Syonis"] - Awesome! Kriius sounds interesting. Whichever one is least likely to, oh, kill me or break something important, let me know and I'll put up a thread. Thank you! :3
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Haha! Well, Krius wouldn't want to kill you as you're a FU and have lots of potential. And he's not THAT strong himself, like a Sith Knight or anything, so he would probably be best!

Have a look at my bio, get a feel from him and feel free to go where you like with it, all good to me!

And you're more than welcome, glad I can try and help. :)
Tristan is a force user AND a brawler... so I guess I could join in this whole thing if you two don't mind

Also, before ANYONE asks why he is also a brawler, he has learned a lot besides The Force over the century

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
If you're wanting to learn from the people that're best at it, both IC and in OOC fight-writing, Alen Na'Varro is probably the site's best unarmed combatant and a top-ranked sabre man.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Darron Wraith"]
So far I'm off LOA for a ) Factory, b ) helping make sure my buddy's intro thread doesn't die, and c ) nothing else.


Tag me, manwench. Tag. Me.

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