Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Manufacturer: Royal Naboo Shipwrights, Plasma Energy Engineering, Praxon Technologies
Type: N/A
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: N/A
Size: N/A




  • Robust:
    • The combination of durasteel, transparisteel, impervium, and titanium makes the orbital shield gate, and only access point to the planet, exceptionally strong.
  • Advanced Warning:
    • Integrated with Coruscant's defense network, the shield includes a sophisticated warning mechanism that can detect and analyze potential threats at a considerable distance before they even reach the planet's atmosphere, allowing for early strategic responses.
  • High Security:
    • The CDS is monitored by a dedicated security force composed of elite Galactic Alliance Marines and Jedi Sentinels. Their presence dissuades potential attackers and ensures rapid response to any breach attempts.
  • Bountiful Energy:
    • The Theed Power Generator coupled with the molecular shielding technology, allows for optimal energy use and can reroute power to necessary defense systems during a crisis.
  • Pyronium:
    • The inclusion of pyronium in the construction of the shield's generator and systems offers a significant advantage, as it is highly resistant to EMP and ion-based attacks.

  • Resource-intensive Maintenance:
    • The complex nature of the CDS requires regular, highly specialized maintenance to remain operational.
  • Maintenance and Repair:
    • The complex technology and the vast array of components that make up the shield system require constant maintenance. Damage from debris or sabotage could lead to certain sections becoming vulnerable until repairs are made.
  • Single Access Point:
    • The shield gate, though heavily fortified, remains the only entry and exit point during full planetary lockdown. This could be exploited and become bottlenecked during evacuation or supply runs, especially in times of crisis. Additionally, were the orbital shield gate to be damaged in some way, the entire shield system would go down.
  • Power Consumption:
    • While having multiple generators ensures efficient power management and supply, the shield's overall power consumption is massive and heavily reliant on the Theed Power Generator and its backups. Should any of these be compromised, the shield integrity would falter, if not be rendered completely useless.
  • Potential for Overconfidence:
    • The sense of security provided by the CDS could lead to complacency among the populace and authorities, potentially underestimating the ingenuity of adversaries or neglecting other forms of planetary defense.


Conceived as a gesture of goodwill and a step toward a defensive alliance, The Kingdom of Naboo offered up their own team of renowned engineers to the Galactic Alliance so they could combine their own expertise in harvesting plasma energy, that'd been previously used to safeguard their own world, with the industrial might and technological advancements of the Galactic Alliance to fortify Coruscant ahead of escalating tensions with the Dark Empire.

The offer was met with enthusiasm, and a joint task force was established, comprising the Royal Naboo Shipwrights, Plasma Energy Engineering, and Praxon Technologies.

The initial design phase saw extensive research and development poured into it, focusing on adapting Naboo's planetary shield technology to the unique requirements of Coruscant. The planet's dense landscape and high population density necessitated a shield that could operate effectively, even under heavy strain, to protect the countless masses that pulsed through the planet's urban veins.

Design and Construction
Thus the CDS eventually began to take shape, constructed from a combination of durable materials, including durasteel, transparisteel, pyronium, impervium, and titanium. These materials ensure that the shield gate, the sole access point during a planetary lockdown, is exceptionally strong.

Powering the CDS was a newly built and minted Theed Power Generator, a colossal engine of energy that drew upon Naboo's vaunted technological heritage. Augmented by an array of backup generators, the system ensured a deep well of energy reserves, vital for the continuous operation of the massive shield. But sheer power was not enough; the system was further enhanced with molecular technology, a breakthrough that allowed for the precise allocation and conservation of energy throughout the structure, offering a fail-safe mechanism to allocate and preserve energy across the shield's expanse, ensuring continuity even when faced with the failure of one or several, backup generators.

Although the CDS is not invulnerable, this particular design grants the Galactic Alliance defenders the precious time needed to strategize a response.

Performance and Applications
In its operational phase, the CDS performs exceptionally, excelling in intercepting and neutralizing a wide range of threats, from orbital bombardments to invasive ground forces. The shield's advanced warning systems are invaluable in providing early alerts that allow for coordinated defensive measures. However, its reliance on continuous maintenance and the vulnerability of the single access point underscore the importance of ongoing vigilance and the integration of complementary defense systems.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a defensive shield to protect the planet of Coruscant and its people.
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Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, The Kingdom of Naboo
Model: CDS
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Pyronium, Impervium, Titanium
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