Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corporate Startup

As the title alludes to, I'm looking to start a minor faction that's based around a corporate structure. It will be a Factory-subbed company, and I would like to maintain a somewhat active presence on Chaos. Members would be welcome to fill part time roles, obviously pursuing their major faction's (if applicable) endeavors first, though when required you would be expected.

Leadership wouldn't just be one CEO and a bunch of peons - I'd like to have an active Board of Directors with several characters fulfilling a variety of roles based on their interests and characters' specializations (i.e: CTO, CFO, SVP/EVP for etc.), though if more field/grunt based work is more desirable, it cold most definitely be arranged.

I'd like to build this company with people, pool all of our ideas and interests into a common goal which we can launch the company from.

If you're interested, feel free to post here, PM me, or via Discord (post your username).

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