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Approved Starship Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter

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Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter

Image Source: HERE
Affiliation: Select Customers
Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics
Model: CH-22
Modularity: Weapon Package(s) may be chosen at purchase, otherwise no.
Production: Mass Produced
  • Durasteel (Hulling)
  • Alusteel (Skeleton)
  • B’Sant (Viewports)
  • Steristeel (Instrumentation)
Classification: Starfighter
Height: 14 meters
Width: 11 meters
Length: 9 meters
Defense: 8
Armament: 15
Note: All missile launchers have three warheads unless otherwise noted

Choose ONE of the Following Packages:

  • One Concussion Missile Launcher OR One Ion Cannon (Nose)

  • Two Of: Composite Beam Laser Cannon Turret OR Two Dual Laser Cannons (Wings)

  • Two Of: One Repeating Laser Cannon (Wings)

  • One Homing Concussion Missile Launcher OR Dual Ion Cannons (Nose)

  • Two Of: One Repeating Laser Cannon (Wings)

  • One Dak-6 Gatling Laser Cannon (Nose)
NOTE: Additional packages may be bought at original purchase only, up to one of each package offered per fighter, at additional cost (though this gets exorbitantly expensive in quantity). Greenstar fighters may change out their payload ONLY between missions/threads

Squadron Count: 6
Special Features:
  • Standard Shield System
  • Standard Sensors Array
  • Encrypted Communications Array
  • Advanced Targeting System
  • Astromech Droid Slot
  • Standard Life Support System
Maneuverability Rating: 3
Speed Rating: 3
Hyperdrive Class: 1.5
  • (+) Versatile: With the variety of option to choose from, the Greenstar is capable of filling multiple battlefield roles
  • (+) Twinkle, Twinkle: With the speed, agility, and hyperdrive class of the Greenstar, it is going to swiftly close and retreat
  • (-) Flimsy: Despite firepower and it's movement abilities, it does not stand up well in a long and protected fight. This ship is a raiders dream.
  • (-) Power Flux: Like many Corellian designed customizable starships, it suffers power fluctuation issues.

The Greenstar starfighter is actually almost resembling a speeder craft, except in a sleeker wedge hape, and with more guns than have ever been dreamed of for a speeder. The base loadout alone makes it a formidable surprise attack and raiding craft.

However, as with most designs from Coronet Hypernautics, this craft is not just a static raider... It comes with multiple configurations, suiting it to various battlefield roles. Overall it will never be a standup slugger, but if you want to run circles around slower crafts with superior firepower aimed at their throat, the Greenstar may be your best bet in that regard.

Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: A top-tier mass produced starfighter
Who Can Use This: Select CH customers
Primary Source:

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
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