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Approved Planet Coralius

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Name: Coralius

Region: Outer Rim
System: Coraliusian System
Suns: 1
Orbital Position: Around the Goldylocks zone, but a bit further away.
Moons: Two moons named Merrot and Colbat. There are three satellites up orbiting the planet.
System Features: Two other planets known as Gelitius and Terbucus exist, Gelitius being the third planet away from the goldylocks zone thus being colder with one moon orbiting it and Terbuccus being closer to the Sun and hotter. Gelitius is habbitable, but Terbuccus isn’t. Terbuccus is used mostly as a transport zone for the Galactic Republic.
Coordinates: R, 17, Outer Rim (I think idk)

Rotational Period: 25 Hours
Orbital Period: 368 days

Class: Terrestrial
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: The planet is mostly Sahvanna but it usually matters on where on the planet. The nearer places of the planet are more or less savannas and more northern areas are temperate and cooler with planes.
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Grasslands, Savannas, Mountains, Oceans.

Native Species: Stakerals are the main Sapient species of the planet. Several animals such as. Giraffes, Hyenas, Wolves and other forms of Savannah life exist within the Savannah and usually make up the majority. Hyenas are a threat since they are fierce and dangerous. Basic domesticated animals such as chickens exist on the planet.
Immigrated Species: Humans (80%), Tw’eliks (10%), Mandelorians (10%)
Primary Languages: Galactic Standard Basic, Tiatiel
Government: Varies. Official Representative is a Semi-Constitutional Republic and the planet has dozens of Tribal Democracies, Chieftains and Dictatorships.
Population: 5.6 Billion souls live on this planet.
Demonym: Coralians
Major Imports: Fish, Modern Weapons and Construction Supplies
Major Exports: Precious Metals, Meats, Industrial Supplies
Affiliation: Neutral

Major Locations:
(by Antifan Realy)

The grand capital of the planet and one of the largest cities too. The capital serves as the central hub of the planet where economical, political and militaric sorts of affairs. The city is the more modern looking city in the entire world as it has massive skyscrapers, and paved walkways as well as suitable ports for space ships. Corzel is described by many to be a commerce hub due to the amount of shops that are there. However, Corzel still has it’s bazaars and such, but they are much more busier than other Bazzars on the planet, as this had fruits and vegetables and meats from other planets being sold here too.
(Idk who this is by help)
The second largest city in the planet, Morovan is more or less home to the immigrated human, Twi'lek and Mandalorian population that lives on the planet that are more or less mixed with Stakerals or are humans alone. Morovan is more of a smaller city, but nonetheless, still important and relevant as Corzel. The area itself is home to the main military force of Coralius, and such, is an important militaristic hub for the Corallian Military. In addition, this area has much diamonds, which is a valued commodity by the humans, hence why it's chose as a military base.
Grand Temple of Selsi
(By molybdenumgp03 of deviantART)
One of the last standing temples remaining on the planet, this temple is said to be one of the largest of the others. Selsi was believed to be a widely worshiped God by many of the Stakeral peoples, and was once their religion before abandoning it. It is unknown how the temple became in ruin, but it’s a marvelous sight to see. Many mysteries lay within, and much of it’s treasures are untouched. It’s a suitable spot for looters and treasure hunters.​

Culture: The overall culture of the planet is mostly revolved around the Stakeral, the largest group to inhabit the planet, and therefore, much of the culture is apart of their heritage. As such, Coralius has their culture, as well as mixes of others, namely in Corzel. The outerlying cities also have a similar thing to Corzel, but the tribes each have their own. One of the more popular sports on the planet is namely Limmie, and other sports enjoyed by outerlaying tribes. The main military of the planet is mostly composed of the Coralian Armed Forces, a unified force that composes every outlying tribe in a world military. Their Naval force comprises of a few destroyer ships and cruisers, but isn’t that big. Coralius is called “Tenllik” by it’s natives, the Stakeral.
Technology: Inside of many of the cities, namely Corzen, the Coralians use standard Galactic Technology with their weapons, but outside, it usually varies. Some have old technology of the Old Republic or even down to primitive tribal technology, but that is beginning to diminish as more and more tribes gain more better weapons.
History: Coralius was discovered in 500 BBY by explorers and eventually, the planet itself became a member of the Galactic Republic in 485 BBY. Stakerals were native to the planet long before the humans arrived, and had lived there for many years. When Humans colonized the planet, them and the Stakerals had a war which is now known as the "War of the Diamonds" due to the amount of diamonds that Coralius had. Although defeated, humans still managed to settle on the planet either or, and thus, a new age for Stakerals begun. Eventually, Twi'lieks and Mandelorians settlers arrived to live with the humans in the newly established settlement. The area became a key Galactic Empire target against the Rebel Alliance, but eventually, became apart of the New Republic after the rebellion captured the planet during the Battle of Coralius.

During the Gulag Plague, the planet itself saw the outbreak spread to the area. The main government in Corzel saw itself declaring a state of emergency for the entire planet, and begun to quarantine the planet due to this outbreak. But this was not enough, as many had begun to fall ill and died. Reported records of this plague saw itself loose over nearly a quarter of the population dead, and as such, the planet itself was forced to close it's borders to the entire galaxy. This interrupted trade, and making the planet face the worst darkness it had seen in it's history. Much of the infrastructure of the majour cities of the planet had begun to break apart. The Stakerals named this time, "The Dark Age of the Gulag", and lasted for over four hundred years. This gave rise to gangs and various of other anarchists as the government attempted all they can to ensure the planet's plague problem ends.

Four hundred years passed, and with a surprise, much of Coralius was rebuilt, and much of the broken infrastructure was repaired and restored to former glory. Crime decreased as opportunity passed for criminal activity to thrive due to recovery and immunity to the plague had begun. The planet now had turned away from quarantine, and business had returned with the outside world. Trade and such was restored and such, but unemployment was still high, and many Stakerals lived in abject poverty. The government had begun to take more steps to recover the planet's infrastructure and such.

During the Netherworld event, the Coralians had discovered much of their Stakeral population had a larger birthrate of force sensitive children. As such, many of them had became champions of their tribes, and had proceeded to become much better and greater things. Some Stakerals were even taken in as Jedi, but the biggest fear of the Coralian Government is that the Force Sensitive ones might become dark side users, and may use their powers for evil. This especially arose upon the Sith taking Coruscant, leaving Coralius in fear of what might happen to them.

Notable PCs: None
Intent: Since the planet lies along a majour trade route, I think the goal for this planet is to namely keep the area safe for traders going into the Outer Rim. It’s of course going to want to become a trade monopoly, due to the fact it’s in the center of the route. The strategical location will also provide some things for the Galactic Republic or whoever takes it.

And done with this too...

Alright so theres some things that need fixing:

History: Coralius was discovered in 500 BBY by explorers and eventually, the planet itself became a member of the Galactic Republic in 485 BBY. The planet’s formation and such remains unclear, but it’s said that the two moons did formed from a meteorite. Coralius was quite unknown, despite it being along the Corellian Run, thus it’s new namesake. Coralius is called “Tenllik” by it’s natives, the Stakeral. The area became a key Galactic Empire target against the Rebel Alliance, but eventually, became apart of the New Republic and such.
I need you to add to this the 400 Year Darkness, the Gulag Plague, and the Netherworld Event.
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