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Approved Tech Copero's Lament

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  • Intent: Honorific daggers for the allies who stood by the CIS at Copero.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Manufacturer: [member=Adron Malvern]
  • Affiliation: Closed Market- {Copero Invasion-CIS Allies]
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Ultrachrome Blade, Herdon Leather Pommel, Marble Pommel Cover

  • Classification: Specialized Dagger
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy

  • Wrath of Copero: These Daggers are capable of releasing powerful explosive lightning streams on mental cue. These streaks of lightning are best compared to Sith lightning. The streaks that lash out from this blade have the same power as the ability and can even be amplified by someone powerful enough in the Force. Through meditation, even those not touched by the Force may mentally bond with their weapon so that it will obey their mental commands and release this powerful blast.

  • Exceptionally Resistant: These daggers are made of a powerful metal that can easily withstand the blade of a lightsaber, blaster fire, and slugthrower rounds. The Ultrachrome this blades are forged from is exceptionally resistant to most common forms of assault, they will even resist metal-eating fungi.
  • Force Lightning: These blades have been specially alchemized to hold a powerful Sith spell within them. The power of Force lightning is at the user's hands whenever he/she sees fit. Although the daggers are only able to maintain a stream of lightning for a limited amount of time they are still very effective.
  • Sharp Blade: These blades have been sharpened to perfection, even without this blade's powerful Sith lightning it is still a capable weapon to be wielded against the user's enemies.
  • Key to Success: The daggers of Copero are a distinctive honor, only given to those who served the Confederacy in it's time of triumph. They serve as the signs of a hero within Confederate territory and bring a good deal of respect and privilege with them.

  • Heavy: These daggers have thick alchemized blades which makes them heavier than your standard dagger. As they are already considerably large, it causes their weight to increase even more. Wielding this blade for too long could cause some fatigue if you are not used to it.
  • Force Light: Though they do not drip with the Dark Side these are still weapons forged through the Sith ways. They are especially weak to the ability Force Light, which can leave them damaged for some time, unable to access their Sith lightning.
  • Force Void: Within a field that voids/dampens the Force these daggers are unable to use their special ability. They are still handy as a close quarters weapon but will be able to discharge their Force Lightning until they leave the nullification field.
  • The Dark Side: Though these blades are not wholly corruptible, the taint of the Dark Side is upon them. Though it is a very mild effect, the more a person holds to the light side of the Force the more the use of this dagger's abilities will have a chance to influence their presence in the Force.

The battle of Copero was a victory for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a near flawless one at that. Following the battle, [member="Darth Metus"] and [member=Adron Malvern] set out to reward those who fought for the Confederacy. Ones such as [member="Khonsu Amon"], [member="Shia Kryze"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member=Aeden Miles], [member="Rick Kaloo"], and others were all awarded this special dagger as a sign of gratitude from the Vicelord.

Each dagger was forged from a powerful metal, Ultrachrome, and blessed with the Dark magics of the Sith so that it could unleash powerful blasts of Force lightning upon mental command. [member="Darth Metus"] would teach them all how to appropriately bond with their blade so they could ensure it's effects were perfect. The blades were made of Ultrachrome and the hilts designed with a special leather, yet each hilt had a shiny pommel cover made of a precious marble. This marble was plucked from the ruins of a Chiss government building and redesigned as a mark of the Confederate victory. These blades are costly and unique, but most importantly they are an extension of friendship from the Confederacy to it's allies.
Factory Judge
[member="Adron Malvern"], Sith lightning is a very corruptible ability. Using it, as well as being victim to it can cause many Jedi to fall to the Dark side. So I feel adding this weakness in could deter Lightside users from using this weapon. A well, since it allows the effectiveness to be used by anyone, Including Non-Force Users, how could this corruption affect them?
So one of the reasons I had the ability alchemized into the blade was to kind of give the corruption a place to host into ,however I see your point. Would a weakness stating the more used the more chance of corruption work?

Factory Judge
[member="Adron Malvern"], We can go half and half.

Using it still has the potential to corrupt, but not nearly as effective/drastic as the real thing being used. Idea of mine being that the more light sided you are, you will still feel the effects, but those who are dark already will hardly feel a difference in any "adding of the corruption."
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