Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Contessa Reflections 103

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Intent: To create clothing that doesn’t look like armor and yet provides a degree of protection to the wearer
Development Thread: If needed
Darth Erebos order thread -

Manufacturer: Contessa
Model: Reflections 103
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Minor

Shell Spider silk
Classification: Other
Weight: 2.26
Quality: 4
Special Features: The Shell Spider silk can deflect vibro blades and blaster pistols


  1. Shell Spider Silk can deflect vibro blades, and blaster pistols.

  2. Resembles normal clothing that only an expert can tell is armor
  1. Provides limited protection
  2. Shimmersilk lining can tear
Description: Many of the CEO's that Contessa designs for are men this suit is able to be dyed into three colors, charcoal gray, black, and navy blue,. The first ones were designed for T'zanith Zebron aka Darth Erebos when Claire approached him about allowing her to design suits for him upon meeting him she realized she would also need to cut blindfolds to match his suits. For his order she had three pieces of the material cut and dyed to match each suit.

Claire came to understand she could create a single design, and then tailor each one to the build of the client. The design the jacket with different lapels, single or double breasted, sack, structured, or fitted, pocket styles. It was essentially the same basic design. This would become the foundation of her Men's collection upon which she could build by designing to the individual from a basic shape.

The shell spider silk woven into a cloth provides a measure of protection to the wearer it can deflect a blade or blaster, however blunt force trauma is not recommended. This lightweight armor could allow her customers some protection, or enough protection until security can locate any would be assassin. The suit jackets would be lined with shimmersilk to add value and luxury feel to them. The buttons could be made from any number of materials primarily Alzoc pearl, blue pearl, or phiridum depending upon the order.

Her clients could request detailing such as clan symbols embroidered onto the pockets, or other intricate stitching.

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<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br />-----<br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />Starwars Chaos:<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br />------<br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br />------<br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>
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