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Character Constantinius Zambrano

Constantinius Zambrano

Constantinius Zambrano


NAME: Constantinius Zambrano

FACTION: The Sith Empire

RANK: Prince

SPECIES: Epicanthix/Shi'ido Hybrid

AGE: 32

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 12ft

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: White


Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Mother: Izazsh Zambrano

VOICE REFERENCE: Gabriel Angelos (Dawn of War)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strategic Mind: Costantinius possesses a honed, intellectual mind, capable of formulating strategies and battle tactics on the fly, making him a far superior tactician than most.
Incredible Strength: The son of the Sith Emperor is incredibly strong in both body and force capabilities, the Epicanthix portion of his bloodline, combined with the numerous genetic enhancements and augmentations he regularly undergoes, have made him a force to be reckoned with in physical combat, capable of dishing out and sustaining himself against incredible amounts of damage.
Limited Shapeshifting: Though diluted by his mixed bloodline, Constantinius is still capable of making changes to his form when wished, though this is an ability he rarely uses, seeing little need for it in his present role.
Honourable: Unlike most leaders amongst the ranks of the Sith Empire, Constantinius maintains his own code of honour, and is known to be quite merciful to his enemies if the situation allows it. This has left him less bloodthirsty than others amongst the Empire, which may earn him disfavour from some of his peers, but earn him respect from his foes.
Too Eager to Please: Despite his many beneficial characteristics, Constantinius will always be a son looking to constantly keep his father's favour. A battle turning against him might cause him to take direr actions to ensure victory, even if they might hinder him in the long run.
Ego: Despite being the nobler of Darth Carnifex's children, Constantinius is self assured in his capabilities to egotistical levels, which might be exploited by a particularly wise opponent.

Constantinius could be described as the pinnacle of masculine perfection. His chiseled features and muscular form are statuesque in design, though usually hidden beneath his bulky, towering powered armour when out on campaign. Unlike most in the Zambrano bloodline, he possesses blonde hair, though he can change the colour of such whenever he wishes, he prefers to stand out a little more amongst his peers.

The genetically enhanced son of Darth Carnifex and Izazsh Zambrano, Constantinius was once the ruler of the Sith colonized world Paradisum. An unparalelled tactical genius amongst the upper echelons of the Kainite, he was considered missing after the Ashlan Crusade's conquest of former Sith space, with no contact heard from him or his forces on Paradisum in the chaotic aftermath.

That has recently changed, however, with recent sightings of the Pride of Magnus lurking on the borders of the Sith Order's new territories in the southern reaches of the galaxy...

Primarch-class Power Armor
Blade of Fire

Pride of Magnus




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