Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connor Leaving the Silver Jedi </3

No jokes. No witty one-liner.

I've done a couple of these over the years but now, with a heavy heart, this is my official notice of leaving the Silver Jedi, with my Admin position sadly retired.

After nearly 3 years OOC and over 10 IC calling this place my home and the writers/characters my RP family, my on-going story has taken Connor down a path he can longer walk under the security of the Silvers nor represent them as a Master. I will be sure to tie up all my duties to others in IC, fear not, so you will know where you all stand.

Probably in January 2017 when I'll really make the move, but now I'm tying up threads and also offering to do any with those who want to for any reason at all.

If you want to, just shout and I'll be happy to, now or in the future. Don't ever hesitate to contact me at all!

I hope in future, whereever our stories take us, we can all continue to write together as much as fate lets us, as allies or enemies. Scary, I know, but for me RP leads the development of my Connor and I can't lie to suit the status quo - if he goes a certain way, I have to follow it through to give me new emotions and challenges as a writer I hope to share with others who read my stuff.

Thank you all, seriously though, for your support and friendhsip in the Silvers. I hope I have been able to give you and your characters the support and guidance you may have needed, but either way it's been great fun, and I will really, REALLY miss this place that I called home.

Don't ever give up to external pressure, IC or OOC, when it comes to the Silver Jedi. It's a fantastic and unique Faction and is still going strong even in the face of recent events. Fight for it. Life it. Love it. Make me proud.

Thanks guys. See you out in the field. <3

May the Force of others be with you.


Oh, and I'm keeping the cloak.
The end of an Era Master [member="Connor Harrison"].​
But I do look forward to seeing where Connor goes from here. And Coci and he will meet again, as we spoke.​
Although Connor may be gone from SJO .. another will arise and we will see you about .. ;)
((OOC: Thank you so so much for all your work for SJO over the years! It is much appreciated by myself, from the start when another was in charge. In recent times you continued to be there for us and do whatever you could to assist. Again thank you))​
[member="Connor Harrison"]

I didn't really get to interact with you much IC, but I'd like to thank you for the support in the past. Good luck, and have fun.

Connor Harrison said:
Oh, and I'm keeping the cloak.

As my first Shadow mission, I shall be retrieving that fabulous cloak.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Our timing is really quite a shame, I would have liked to RP with you on mutual grounds though I do also hope that we will cross paths in the future.

This is a big move for you, given the history and what I've heard. I wish you all the best with it :)
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Say the word and we shall make it happen, my friend.

I'm sure we could figure out some excuse to cross paths in the near future. Perhaps a mutual acquaintance and what not :p

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

At least I was here to see him off, I suppose xD
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Our characters may not part ways in the best way, but OOCly I want you to know I have no beef whatsoever with you leaving, brother. :flower:

Besides, we'll still see each other around. Nothing's changed in that regard. ^_^
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] If there's one person I can write anything with that is nothing but 110% IC, it's you. So there is no love lost with me either, and Beardy has played such a vital role in helping Connor blossom. So thank you.

And we will see each other again. All the good heroes/villains/anti-heroes do. :)

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