Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Conflictions

"I'm sure that you'll figure something out for him. Maybe even as a weapon's tester in battle scenarios, I dunno. He wanted to be my personal security guard, like Arla. But I don't think that's possible now."

If word got out about all of this, more rumours would spread and she'd be in further trouble with Rex. But what else could she do? As Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson said that she had to stop worrying about what others thought. Now was the time to be as she used to be, more carefree and headstrong. Lives weren't at stake, so that was a good thing.

She raised a brow as Dorthea mentioned religious contacts that could help. "Religious nuts, huh? They aren't trying to turn the station into a temple, are they? Cause I don't think that we should allow that. But co-operation is okay." Religion was one of the leading causes of war and she didn't want to be responsible for one.

"I'm not going to burn out...not yet anyways. After Var is safe and adjusting I'll go visit my brother. Maybe I could get his help too."

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
“Well they have a temple on the station,” Dorthea admitted, “and they are a growing congregation. But the station isn’t fully defined by their faith as of yet. They appeal to spacers, mainly, which is an overwhelmingly prominent demographic here, but not all the spacers wanna listen to prophecies all day.”

The part about Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ’s brother was interesting. Caedyn Arenais was enigmatic, yet reputable at the same time. Last time Dorthea checked, he was taking more of a background role in the galactic scene, “I haven’t had the opportunity to meet him yet. What do you think he’ll be able to do?”
"Having a temple is fine. Just so long as the station doesn't become a temple itself. But I trust that you know how to be sure that it doesn't. I don't want another incident like the one at the expo."

Everybody listened to Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson it seemed. That was why she was so good at her job. She was stern most of the time, and never shy to speak her mind. Plus she was great at diplomacy. It was why Lori took lessons from her once the arranged marriage was done. She needed to learn how to handle the political arena.

"You'll meet him some day, if I can get him to come over here. As for what he could do? I'm not sure. He has plenty of skills and luckily for him, we aren't crawling with Sith trying to overtake the station. Not even warlords! It's great! So at least he won't feel like he's being used for the Jedi aspect of things. There's no need for it."

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
"Having a temple is fine. Just so long as the station doesn't become a temple itself. But I trust that you know how to be sure that it doesn't. I don't want another incident like the one at the expo."

Dorthea laughed and rubbed the back of her neck nervously, “heh, yeah, I’ll see what I can do. Thankfully, the group seems to be mellowing out for the time being.”

In truth, Dorthea wasn’t sure what she could do if they got out of hand, but at least the twins seemed to have a handle on it. If things heated up again, she had a few moves she could play, but they were all theoretical at best. She wasn’t sure how things would go if they wanted to cause trouble of the organized sort.

"You'll meet him some day, if I can get him to come over here. As for what he could do? I'm not sure. He has plenty of skills and luckily for him, we aren't crawling with Sith trying to overtake the station. Not even warlords! It's great! So at least he won't feel like he's being used for the Jedi aspect of things. There's no need for it."

Dorthea winked her assurance and said, “All I know is that Caedyn Arenais is a friend of yours, and that makes him welcome in my office any time. You could say that I’m more interested in helping him than him helping me. Just because he’s one of your people.” Dorthea meant that. She didn’t have many friends, so she exercised the loyalty she felt for the ones she did have to the extreme. It was the closest thing she had to a moral code.
Having a religious group around was something new to both Lori and Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson . But they'd surely figure out how to handle them. Hopefully they wouldn't become a problem. And if Dorthea says that they were mellowing out, then that had to be the case.

Lori snickered as Dorthea spoke about her brother as though he was just a friend. "He's family, Dorthea. My twin brother. He's older by a minute, but a lot more mature. And he's done a lot more than I have. Plenty of people respect him, even his enemies as far as I can tell. So you'll probably like him a lot and think he'd be a good influence on me or something. He's more disciplined than I am." And rightly so. Somebody had to be in order to counter-balance herself. Yet it tended to lead to arguments as well...But not always.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
"He's family, Dorthea. My twin brother. He's older by a minute, but a lot more mature. And he's done a lot more than I have. Plenty of people respect him, even his enemies as far as I can tell. So you'll probably like him a lot and think he'd be a good influence on me or something. He's more disciplined than I am."

Dorthea smirked at that, “Well don’t forget where I come from. Amongst Dobsons, there is a rift between those who are friends in the family and those who are not. For people like me, the distinction is something that comes naturally.”

“That being said”
Dorthea continued, “you understate your own accomplishments. So if you truly think that Caedyn has surpassed you, then you Arenais kids are certainly a force to be reckoned with, using you as a gauge.”

Dorthea managed to hide her irritation well her behind her compliment. She held Lori in high regard, so for Lori to sell herself so short here was actually pretty aggravating. Lori was a much more deserving person than the way she treated herself.
"Well there's no rift between us. It's more like...competition. Though I suppose that it's mostly on my end." Lori knew that it was. But it was just something that she couldn't shake. She was always the last to be noticed, the last to be able to do anything, and always the first to be pushed away for her 'safety'. Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson herself had seen her being snubbed by others before, even as she stood right in front of them. And that incident on Alderaan wasn't the only time that it had happened either.

"Though no doubt our parents would be proud of the both of us. Neither of us had fallen or destroyed the Galaxy as of yet. We've only done our best to help people." Even if that meant fighting in wars. It was civilians that they protected.

Dorthea Dobson

Chief Director of Damascus Station
“It sounds like you and Caedyn have a pretty healthy relationship. Better than me and Severus, anyways. Mind you, anything is better than me and Sev.”

A thought came to Dorthea and she casually grabbed her datapad and loaded another document onto it. She then surreptitiously slid it back over to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun . Might as well sneak a few more documents in while I have her here today…

Dorthea then continued the conversation to distract Lori so that she might sign the paper on a mental form of autopilot, “what can you tell me about your parents, anyways? If you don’t mind, of course. After these years, I realize we never talked about them.”

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