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Faction Conference at Kynachi || Parliament of Autonomous Systems ||

The Standing Parliament




The Galaxy Was Constant War

The entire history of the galaxy could be summarized with a single word Warfare as citizens lost their lives in the constant struggle for galactic supremacy as various galactic superpowers such as the Galactic Empire, New Republic, Ashlan Crusade, The New Imperial Order/Empire, The Eternal Empire all rose and fell one by one across the eons and made their considerable mark in the history datacrons. Entering the Galactic Year 900 ABY, History was repeating itself in the form of the Second Mandalorian Wars which had begun quickly as former alliances were swiftly broken following the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War which destroyed planet after planet until the great enemy had been defeated.

Those Independent Worlds not swallowed up by the remaining superpowers were swiftly being occupied without
opposition. The World of Kynachi had been spared this fate so far but it was only a matter of time before eyes glanced upon its inhabitants; enlisting them to fight. As such the world had been chosen to be the bedrock of a New Power emerging within the galaxy.

The Parliament of Autonomous Systems which seeks to protect these small independent worlds from being swallowed up by the larger powers has established themselves on this world and seeks allies and recruits in its struggles for


Objective I
Suggested Characters: Politicians, Corporations, Ambassadors.

Within the Capital City of Kynachi lay the Hall of Hess'Minster where the Lord Speaker is hosting the 1st Session of the Standing Parliament. This will allow representatives, corporations and ambassadors from distant worlds a chance to voice their own ideals on how the government should function and how they can protect their citizens from encroaching powers.


Objective II
Suggested Characters: Parliamentary Armed Forces, Foreign Combatants

The World of Kynachi is not free of conflict as a ruthless criminal gang called the "Chain Devourers" have taken over the KynachTech Factory, a formidable prison turned war factory once owned and operated by the Trade Federation of Planets during the Clone Wars. Should the Criminals be allowed to keep it they will launch raids and disrupt commerce. Elimination of Criminal Gang is top priority.

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Marga Ili Plum



"It takes only a single person to change the course of the galaxy" - Bodhrans, Bothan Philosopher

Those words echoed in the mind of the Lord-Speaker as they moved from the small private office located within the Hall of Hess'Minster to the larger chamber. The galaxy had changed much since the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War which saw hundreds of worlds ransacked and brought to the brink of collapse by the Brotherhood of the Maw which sought to obtain the complete destruction of the galaxy. Although they ultimately were pushed back over the World of Tython by an alliance of galactic superpowers then finished off by the Alliance alone in a pyric victory over the Sith World of Exegol which scattered the remaining remnants into the cosmic sphere.

The Parliament which the Quarren had helped form was only really getting established as representatives of various worlds and corporations would arrive soon to actually get a proper idea of how this faction should be governed and its defined purpose. The Manifesto said many things about preventing the neutral worlds from being swallowed up by the larger powers but such promises were unlikely to be kept given the current state of the military force.

There was only a small chance of success but that was enough given the circumstances that they faced, the Independent Worlds needed a voice in the galaxy and the average citizen has well. The Parliament would stand even if war was the only option on the table to secure power and influence. Such thoughts haunted the Quarren Leader as they moved into the larger audience chamber where the event was already beginning to form.


A voice rang out amongst the audience loud enough for them to hear. As the Lord-Speaker slowly made his way down in a simple ceremonial gown and cape.


Derron found himself wearing his executive suit for the second time in recent memory.

It was not his preferred attire. Nor, truth be told, was this assembly comprised of the sorts of people he preferred to rub elbows with. If you had asked him if he'd be here in a year's time, back when he was putting together his ambitious research and discovery corporation, he'd have laughed at you.

Well... no. That wasn't true.

Derron rarely laughed.

But he'd have been incredulous.

However, Derron was a man who could accept and adapt to new data as it manifested, as long as it accurately described reality.

One thing he'd learned over the past year was that credits made the worlds of the galaxy turn. No matter how pure your endeavor, no matter how detached it should be from financial concerns, its foundation was always mixed in with that essential reality:

You couldn't do a damn thing without money.

The only thing more insidious than the need for money was the need for regulatory approval. Like the tusks of a bull rancor, money and regulatory red tape threatened to gore any endeavor you undertook in this life until it was dead.

And so... it had come to this.

Derron sat in a room full of politicians and businessmen, hoping to bring about the success of a free-market nation. This, merely so that he could perform his research and exploration endeavors in peace.

In this room, his status as a scientist meant very little. His interests as a Chief Executive officer meant everything.

The Lord-Speaker was announced.

'Lord Speaker.'

It was a title that did not bode well, suggesting that pomp and circumstance remained as important within these walls as they were without. Time would tell if those gathered here were really interested in reducing regulatory requirements, or whether they would fall too much in love with their power, prestige, and control.

It could be a hard thing to be given hands, and then to withhold yourself from grabbing whatever you wanted.

He stood as the speaker entered.


And waited for the business of the day to commence.
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A droid at a function, this was rather unusual. Though then again, unusual circumstances make for strange bedfellows but fantastic chances for business. Flicking a few buttons on his large overcoat, the Human Replica Droid was part of the Hafey heritage line of droids. They were known for being some of the most innovative ship builders in the Galaxy when they put their minds to it, having some of the most exotic materials in their possession and being possibly the top of their field with concussive munitions, it was no wonder their name had spread in the Galaxy. Though it has been tainted a few times, they been known to associate with strange people at random times, they have supplied several large governments with fleets of starships and most notably, outfitted them with some of the latest defensive technology.

Though the main reason why Angelus was here, was how much that name Hafey still carried weight. They had the experience in seeing how governments rise and fall, they had the experience to understand that things may not work out...they knew the dangers and they knew exactly how bad things can turn out. Sitting down at a table, he would effortlessly pull out a deck of trading cards as they make a soft clack on the table. A deck of trading cards made of shaved filings of a particular metal, making each card a few pounds. The deck itself with the box, was almost eighty pounds...anyone wanting to even examine it, better have the strength to pick it up.

Hearing that the Lord Speaker was approaching, he stood up in respect and waited for the man to fully come thorough, tipping the hat down a little bit in respect. Strangely their most universally known aspect was how in appearance, they all resembled old holo-net outer rim outlaws or lawmen. Whether by design or not, no one ever truly knows.

Derron Daks Derron Daks Kartemur Qel-Somm

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