Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Complete profile art rework

This is a big ask, and I honestly don't expect most of it to be done, but it's worth a shot.

When searching for a chiss picture online, I noticed how few there actually were, and that there's a lot of overlap when it comes to rp with chiss characters. To that end, I'd really appreciate it if someone created a chiss avatar for me. Also, I'm looking for a signature if someone could make one for me. I'm happy to discuss both over pm if anyone has ideas.

Thank you

Generic Fill In Account #1

[member="Tirtus Vex"]
I can recolour, and have done multiple Chiss in the past.
If you find artwork (It works better with art then it does with RL images I'm happy to recolour it for you)

For example of my previous work:


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