Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company contract thread

Hello everyone. I am wanting to up my teir on Deathtech Incorperated. Wanna start building ships and such. Need 2 Factions and three misc. Threads to get it done. I don't care how it happens. Contract with other companies to form a conglomerate or even dev threads and think tanking. Just random stuff is needed. Anyone want to up their teir then this will help you out too.

Thanks for reading.
[member="Amelia Deathman"]

I'm not hugely active in the company game right now, but I used to be, and here's something that works. When you're looking for business like this, focus on what you and your company can do for the other guy. What do you bring to the table? What does your company DO? What problems can you solve for the other guy? What do you offer that others don't?

People who do business RPs already have to do a ton of threads to tier up. Offer an interesting thread that benefits their company.
That they can [member="Sempra the Hutt"] basicly my company is a defense manufacturing entity. Weapons, armor, munitions, and vehichles at tje moment. All under the premise of defense contracting. DTI has a single melee weapon right now but if there is a market then yes she can design and produce any assortment of melee and holdout weapons needed.

[member="Willard Jamaane"] thank you for the advice.

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