Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Espionage (PM for Briefing)

Planet: Commenor
Location: Chasin City, Sith Occupation Barracks, Royal Palace
Equipment: Sith Armor, Lightsaber (Hidden), SIF-71 LMG, Assassin (Suppresses)

Here for another round it would seem, the Republic SIS stated that the Commenorian People were getting restless in their new age of occupation. SIS Sentinel Division was to assist with the transportation of weapons, information, and credits to select Rebels and get their job done. He was on another job all together however, search for the Communications Room and Slice through the command terminal to secure encryption codes. Supposedly these codes were used to communicate with the Sith Command elements, and breaking their encryption could allow them to gather better information.

Commenor itself was chosen as it was a weaker secured world that the Sith had control on. The battle of Commenor was bad, and everyone knew that planet was part of the Sith Empire now. Republic High Command designated it as to dangerous to deal with at the current time, however, SIS could do as they wanted to harras the Sith as long as it did not lead back to the Republic.

This why they brought on [member="Kit Symthe"], an old Republic Operator that was skilled and came with high regard from the old Director. Seemed he was working with a veteran spy.

They both wore Sith Armor that blended in with the rest of the garrison on the planet. This helped with their blending in to gather what information they could from the area. He looked over to Kit, "I have the blueprints of this place so just follow me and we can survive this mission, thought I am sure it will blow up as soon as we enter the palace," He paused as one of the other Sith Legionary Troopers walked by, "They scan your badge as you enter, so lets hope those data pushers got these key cards updated."

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
Alias: Kit Symthe Lieutenant Aldor Nestina
Equipment: Sith Combat Armor, SIF-7 'Minos', H.T.E Pistol (Surpressed)

Sith Occupation Barracks, Chasin City // Commenor
Interacting with [member="Giddean Kuat"]
"Tight knickers and knee-high boots. Didn't miss you."

It didn't require much convincing. Hell, he even offered them a discount rate. It was a nice change, after all. The word 'Contractor' has a nice habit of attracting illicit attention. Thugs, crooks, even the Imps were offering the Human Popsicle a variety of jobs. It was a much needed change, working for the supposed 'good guys'. Though they bore the name title as his prior nation, for Kit, this new Republic still had much to demonstrate before he found himself willing to fly their banner. Employer aside, Kit was always willing to drive a thorn into the authoritarian gut of the Sith. The bundle of credits were simply sprinkles on the cake.

The Agent shuffled about uncomfortably in the heavy plating, equipment he never quite had the pleasure of wearing during his tenure with the Agency. Despite the unwieldy garment, Kit displayed no visual signs of unease, partially to maintain a display of stoic mysticism towards his younger coworker. He couldn't have been barely more than a man, let alone an experienced spy. Perhaps this was the cause for his employment. Slightly confusing, if it was, Kit didn't remember including 'babysitter' in his ad.

As is coworker beckoned him forth, Kit entertained his apparent lead with a curt nod, hands settling on his hips like a proper up-and-up Imperial officer might, chin tipped up just modestly enough to give off a slightly-too-natural sense of arrogance. He was really playing into his part. "Hmm, yes. Lead on, soldier. The little I have to spend here, the better..." He spoke, adopting a prissy, educated Imperial tone. "You best hope so, or we'll be charred beef 'fore you can say 'This is a mistake'." Kit whispered with a sharp hush, his natural accent briefly snapping back in place.
Planet: Commenor
Location: Chasin City, Sith Occupation Barracks, Royal Palace
Equipment: Sith Armor, Lightsaber (Hidden), SIF-71 LMG, Assassin (Suppresses)

The two Sith imposers walked up to the gates of the Royal Palace that was currently occupied by the Sith Occupation Legion. He only took a deep breath from behind the Helmet. Looking at [member="Kit Symthe"] once again he calmed himself, looking to the guards at the door he grabbed out his Identification Card. Handing it over felt like a duracret brick being handed over, the guard took their Identification, and the time before it was handed back felt as if the century passed him by.

In truth however, only a minute had passed and they were waved in without any cause to be stopped. After they were deeper within the palace they were alone within the building. He lead the other agent into a maintenance locker room of to the side and opened a secrete compartment under one of the false floor panels. "I have been here before and we will need this equipment," He pulled out two black maintenance uniforms with a Imperial Cap, as well as a n-12 Virus Droid and two Hidden Data-Pad for the both of them, "These will come in handy to help us complete the mission, Virus Droid and Data-Pads with Hyperwave Communicators, we can test the encryption codes with these to find the correct ones."

Giddean got ready first and then guarded the door as he waited for Kit to get ready as well and get out of their armor. "If there are any questions about what to do next best to ask them here, this room has no cameras due to it being a low maintenance room."

Kit Symthe

Information Changes Everything
Sith Occupation Barracks, Chasin City // Commenor
Interacting with [member="Giddean Kuat"]
"Lots of 'what-ifs'. What if you had a plan?"


Kit shuffled behind his partner in illicit activity, presenting a pompous twist of the head towards any troopers that might even consider glancing upon his cleanly waxed plating. After all, what's a eloquent accent worth if one doesn't look the part. Hovering closely behind the young agent, Kit managed a slight, yet superbly 'punchable' smirk towards the gate's sentry, presenting his identification forth as if he were flashing an invintation to the Officer's ball. He seem convincing enough, catching a few short glares in the corners of his peripherals. The two stood close enough to the perimeter to make a made dash, or, at least, one of them did. Kit liked the kid, he certainly seemed to have a spunk to him, but Force be buggered if he'd'be the death of him.

Seconds ticked by, a staple of the infamous first crucible that oh so often made or broke infiltration. Yet this first test would not be their downfall, meeting success as the sentinel motioned for the pair to advance. A legitimate grin worked its way into the corner of Kit's lips as he nodded, a hand returning the trooper's salute, before pressing on, hands clasping behind his waist. "Suppose I can't completely discredit your version of SIS. Though, don't get your hopes up. Even the most surface-level smugglers can snag an ID." The Spy idly commented as the pair advanced on. Eight hundred years later and the Empire still had a taste for bleak, depressing decor. No wonder they're always so angry.

Soon enough, the agents reached their next stop on their merry trip, the notorious locker room. As Giddean collected the required equipment, Kit couldn't help and examine the room with a hint of nostalgia. Between games at the Academy and a few, err, violent and comforting moments, the Agent could create a rather interesting list of transgressions. With a flush of fabric, Kit glared down upon the change of clothing, a quiet groan shifting out from his throat. He was just starting to like roleplaying as a pompous son-of-a-bantha. Without nary a protest, however, the Spy obliged, swapping plating for fatigues. "Quite the operation. Count yourself lucky they sent you. Executions tend to be the hardest part." Kit spoke, placing the finishing touches on his loadout. Fixing his H.T.E beneath the concealment of his blouse, the Agent turned about, hands fixing the brim of his cap as he presented a nod. "Ready when you are."

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