Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Commenor (Commenor System).
Founded: 16-September 2016
Members: 41

The Faction of Commenor first started out as an image of a galaxy not so heavily polluted in war, where governments could come together no matter their relationships and stand together upon neutral ground, to delve into diplomatic talks, to settle conflicts without the loss of good men and woman, without the invasion of armies taking the fight into cities filled with innocent lives soon to be taken by the will of men who had never armed themselves with a blaster rifle let alone put a bolt across into someone else. With the establishment of Embassies ranging from the First Order to the Silver Jedi Order, Commenor has seen a number of organizations and governments who would for the most part be thought to oppose one another on the moral spectrum have flourished in their business dealings with the Trade World, thanks to the promise of good quality trade supplies and the freedom and security to meet upon a world harboring a cease-fire policy, Commenor has set itself up to become the heart of Democracy in a galaxy rife with Chaos, War and Death.

Governed by the former President and now Queen Monarch Lady Kay, until recently guided by the Counsel of Elders of the World, Commenor has outlasted both the Galactic Republic and the Governance of the One Sith Empire to establish its own independence free from the subjugation of outside organizations. In a bid to open up trade and expand their political interests, the world of government has reached out to a broad variety of other worlds seeking to establish civil movements both in commerce and political alliance.

Commenor is the center of trade and diplomacy within the Rachuk Sector of the Colony Worlds situated upon three trade routes, (The Commenor Run, The Quellor Run and the Trellen Trade Route) reaching into the Core of the Galaxy. Within Commenor's Hex there are a number of worlds formerly of the Galactic Republic of whom now deal in business with the World of Trade, establishing supply lines to fuel the progression of systems no longer overseen by a larger presence in the sector.

Peaceful in nature, the World of Commenor is not a Military State despite it's fleet and personal defenses, those established purely out of the need to defend their people should aggressive parties come fourth with the intention to disregard all channels of diplomacy and force war onto their doorstep; Commenori Government would sooner see a pacifist attitude put to all related dealings with the world and it's people within their sector, this including their neighboring worlds of which range from the Order of the Sacred Lotus' territories to Terrijo and Cyrillia. Should the need arise that the integrity of Commenor be challenged in a state of conflict, the recently established Knights of the Commenori Order will move to the front lines alongside the Navy and Ground Forces. These deployments are of a last resort in every sense and will not be stationed without first seeking a moral route that might lead to peaceful negotiations.

It is a popular belief to those within and representing the Commenori Government that while many other worlds may be quick to jump to arms and negate the proper channels for peace and continued security of peoples most innocent, that Commenor may lead by the example of democracy, Integrity for a greater future.

Government Positions (IC Leadership):
  • The Monarchy: [member="Lady Kay"]
The Queen Monarch is the leading figure head over Commenor and responsible for all peoples military, government and civilian.
  • Minister of Defense: General Omar Santiago
Responsible for the security and defense of Commenor, the minister of defense presides over all military endeavors. With a number of embassies and governments visiting on a frequent basis, the matter of Commenor's security is of the utmost priority not only for its sake but the security of other Factions interests there too.
  • Minister of Finance and Trade: [member="Darben Skirae"]
Overseeing all matters of Commerce and Enterprise, this is a numbers crunching position and an extremely social endeavor to ensure that all parties of trade are progressing smoothly. Be that through trade agreements with neighboring worlds or within Commenor's organizations itself, the Minister of Trade is the one to thank for much of Commenor's wealth.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Delegating with Foreign parties whether for Civil Negotiations or otherwise in times of conflict resolution, this member of government carries with them the face of Commoner wherever they are to go. This position requires a empthetic and tolerant mind as they represent the ideals of the government, the integrity of a world focused on trade and diplomacy and are expected to prove this through their dealings with outside organizations and governing powers.
  • Minister of Justice: [member="Darlyn Excron"]
The Residing Official responsible for the consistence and the deliverance of law enforcement across the World of Commenor, collaborating with the other heads of court and law enforcement agencies across Commenori territories, the Minister of Justice has complete jurisdiction across all court proceedings ranging from War Crimes to Civil Injustices.
  • Head of Security: [member="Macoda Haberon"]
Charged with the Queen Monarch's security and protection, heading her personal security team as well as the overall safety of the Royal Palace and governing body of the World of Commenor, where the Minister of Defense oversees all military and defensive matters of politics, the Head of Security handles all internal priorities of safety, most often accompanying the Queen herself.
  • Head Engineer: [member="B'enor Benjeel"]
In charge of all construction and engineering needs for the Capital, Chasin City as well as heading the Engineering Corps overseeing both military and civil engineering needs.
  • First Knight of Commenor: [member="Veiere Arenais"]
Founder of the Knights of Commenor, a Force Order of which stands upon the front-lines of Commenor's defense against the Dark-Side and those who would take the world of Commenor by extreme opposition. The Force Praxeum itself has been established for the training of such individuals, looking not only to learn more about the Force and themselves, but to aid the World of Commenor in any way necessary.

OOC Background:
Founding Commenor as a faction we wanted to head in a direction that in some ways had been done by others, the likes of the Galactic Republic for example, leading into a democratic Government though in the beginning much smaller, focusing on a single world and it's relations with the rest of the galaxy at large. Building upon the background of the Republic's collapse while at the time, governed within an area held by the One Sith, we questioned how to turn a world held by the Sith into a neutral state able to reach out to all kinds of players without imposing on the current Major Faction residing over us back then. In the final days of the OS (One Sith) and the GR (Galactic Republic), we were allowed a great deal of freedom and found ourselves falling away from the Major Factions across the map, focusing far more internally. What resulted from this was a bit of a mix between the two larger factions, a place where politics held a great deal of importance over the world, where politicians of all backgrounds could share in the role-play and at the same time be able to reach out to other factions and role-play with them too without any real constraints around how they might impact Commenor as their home faction given that the trade world that we had established with lore of our own, held embassies of a multiple number of outside groups and governments.

What we have today is something bigger than we thought we might end up with and are now looking to expanding on our interests across the Galactic Map. We have started to delve into more detailed stories purely for the factions member-base without yet stepping up to Major, organizing Missions, you might say of which others are becoming more and more interested in, Arcs of our own. When we started, we felt very much like the underdogs on the back foot, knowing the reality of the map game and the major factions around us and yet sharing in talks with members both IC and OOC, we have found ourselves quite comfortable gaining friends in those often assumed to be hostile to either ourselves or other Affiliations we hold.

The world of Commenor, and the Faction by extension has turned into a group where players seeking a story driven experience can come and congregate with outside influences often without running the risks of PVP should they not wish for it while others within the Faction have built relationships with factions that are more focused in this regard and are well catered for.

Here we have been given the opportunity to experience a bit of everything where Role-playing on Chaos has been concerned and are now setting our sights higher, that the great experience we've had into building up the lore behind this world, might be soon focused towards building better worlds within our Hex.

OOC Heirarchy: Faction Administrators
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Veiere Arenais"]
[member="Darlyn Excron"]
I'm glad to see this is growing. I might take this character out of his castle for a bit to stretch his legs on Commenor.

I know it isn't exactly ideal for you, [member="Lady Kay"], but it's either him or Revamp, and we both know how that would end. ;)

[member="Veiere Arenais"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Dr. Tyne Desdamonus"]

Haha....I think that both of your characters would bring trouble for us :p

Very funny [member="Lauri Törni"] :p

John Rakugan

C.E.O of Elysium Industries
Tanya Thiran said:
i want to join, but for all my characters i want a Role play reason to. for lauri it's growing up there, and being a member in it's military.
You would get along very well in Commenor. There are lots of active military characters (and military veterans as well).


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Tanya Thiran"]

Most current characters weren't born on Commenor. They all have IC reasons for being there.

As [member="John Rakugan"] said, we have military characters as well. I'm sure we could brainstorm a few ideas together :)
[member="Tanya Thiran"]

The New World Order - Knights of Commenor

I know you already have one character involved but if you wished to join with an alt as it sounded like you do, perhaps you might want to check out this thread. Commenor has a neutral force order setting up to aid both military and civilian operations across the world, training force sensitives like many other Orders do though not falling specifically to on the light or the darkside, the neutral alignment is in part a compliment of Commenor's choice to remain diplomatic; given that we won't judge members by their force alignment but their moral code.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

And [member="Veiere Arenais"] , you'll need to edit in [member="Macoda Haberon"] as Head of Security please :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Count Marlow Venjuta"]

Great :) Can't say that I've come across a character like yours before. Should be quite interesting.
[member="Lady Kay"]

I might make a character for the Commenor, but I would have to go through the trouble of making/converting a planet to make my character a political official in.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Only some of our members are politicians. Others are soldiers, students, business owners, etc.

You're limited only by your imagination :)
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