Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I just killed [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"].

It's the first PC I've ever killed (I honestly haven't personally killed too many NPCs, either.), so one might think this were a momentous occasion for me. Truly, it kind of is.

Kind of.

The reason I am writing this post is not to brag, but to give the respect due to a writer who I really appreciate having on this board. Almost all of us grow attached to these fictional people--perhaps because we put so much work into them, or because they teach us about ourselves, or because they teach us about others, or because they just do things that are cool and otherwise impossible--especially if they have been around a while. I've seen 50-post characters die and there's not much to be excited over in those instances.

But I've seen Lysle's character go through a journey, from his start as that aspirational casino racketeer in that little minor faction I joined last year (but sadly, never got too involved in) called the Blue Cardinals--or something along those lines. :D

I've also seen my characters grow--particularly Corvetta Salvo and, perhaps more well-known, the alt I'm writing this post with now. It's hard to think of killing my beloved characters at this point. They have had so many adventures and changed as they've lived and experienced. How would I let go of them?

Life does not go on forever, unfortunately. Death is the final journey for our characters, and it's something that we seem to loathe, just like death in the real world.

Which is why I feel like the writer who makes the kill deserves nothing but a little footnote on their character's profile. The writer who sacrifices their character to seal them into eternity (AKA the Archives) deserves all the accolades.

Thank you for the story, Lysle, and I hope to see a newer, more awesome character of yours surface in the near future.

RIP Lysle

I'm sorry for being a Rebel. :'(
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]


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