Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Comes the Conqueror


For Millennia it has stood as a beacon of hope, justice, and peace. But the Republic came.

The Shuttle Faith Balor-Organa and Draco Vereen arrived on was followed. Was followed by the most terrifying ship at Draco's disposal. The almighty Alor-class Dreadnaught bearing the black dragon of Clan Vereen on its prow and the mighty red Mythosaur skull on either nacelle. Technically owned by the United Clans, this was the class provided as a flagship for each Clan, and Clan Vereen had come to defend its allies like an angry nexu defending its cubs.

The other ships started dropping out of hyperspace behind it, scattered around the massive beast. Three Keldabe Type-Two Battleships, a Guardian-class Shield Support Carrier, a Warden-class Sentinel Frigate, two Jahaatir-class Electronic Warfare Frigates, a Krayt-class Light Cruiser, and three Haran'uliik-class Light Frigates. Behind the Alor-class, The Ori'Drahr, towed an Ocelot Defense Station, procured during Draco's time as foreman of the Techno Union as a central defense piece.

Draco wanted to rush to the bridge of the Ori'Drahr and command it personally. Being on such a vessel was like being a god and laughing at the insignificance of those that sought to be your undoing. "Lady Balor-Organa, I would like to invite you, and Lady Organa to the command center of the Ori'Drahr, Clan Vereen's flagship."

Behind these there were others, slower than these ships, or vessels that didn't sprint straight to the finish line, that took the route through Vulkan's friendly space, but those would remain away, tucked in uninhabited systems unless needed. The vessel in system almost immediately began orienting themselves facing away from the planet the Saber-class sitting in geo-synchronous orbit with the capital of the planet, pointed outwards. What the fleet lacked was a massive number of troops, but that was because this was a defense fleet, sent solely to ward off attackers, not occupy the ancient bastion of peace under Mandalore's rings. All the sisters had to do to remove the fleet was ask. Until then, it would fight to the death to keep all uninvited guests out of the system.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]
"Yeah, buddy, I dunno." Jorus interlaced his fingers behind his head and squinted at the periscope readouts. The cloaked Gypsymoth drifted alongside an asteroid, maybe an ancient chunk of Alderaan before whoever-and-whatever-it-was put the world back together. "Look, they've both got good people and bad, good structures and bad, Lightsiders and Darksiders. Hell if I can see a bit of difference between'em, so I ain't comfortable picking sides."

The graying Wookiee in the copilot's seat -- the Claatuvac astrogator named Beyyr, Jorus' longtime copilot and fellow Underground General -- wrrrufffed somewhat.

"That's what I'm thinking too. Evac. Medevac if we have to. Could dig up some old medical ships, maybe talk with Silver Cross or Eden's outfit. Like, look at that right there. That's gotta be, what, eight, ten clicks of Mando warfleet sitting in Pub space, pleased as punch?"

Beyyr yowled.

"You'd know. Glad to hear it. Those routes'll come in handy if we need to get in and out of this system from -- how many angles you figure?"

Beyyr whurrrled.

"That many? Interesting."
Bella sat in an infiltrator looking across the border, she knew that somewhere out there just a smidge to the right was Alderaan.

She had never been to Alderaan, even though she had family there, though they had all come to Atrisia once, before everything changed. Before Muadie disappeared, before her father disappeared.

But over there on that little world was her family, two sisters, one brother. Bella contemplated every day whether she wanted to risk everything and try to go there. Would she be welcome, or would she be....shown the door.

Bella chewed her lip nervously, as she thought about what to do.
The Fleet was impressive she had to admit, the number of ships, and personnel that came under the single command of Draco Vareen. She still was calling him Draco and he had not corrected her to do otherwise.

Draco was here to insure that the wishes of the Royal Family were kept. No one would come to Alderaan without permission. This fleet was most assuredly a deterent for anyone approaching.

Would Tia come home now? Would she feel safe again on Alderaan? She had left prior because Republic tensions had grown so much that war seemed eminent between the Mando'ade and the Republic, and now once again war could come.

"I wasn't exaggerating when I said that the Mando'ade were on the cutting edge of technology and ships. I'd love a tour of the Dreadnaught" Wow she kept thinking.

Across the border though was the Sith, would they see this as a build up, but then...they had [member="Darth Vulkan"] here surely he could sway them.

[member="Alyesa Organa"]
Draco smiled at the Alderaanian woman warmly, for now Vulkan's personality suppressed and pushed to the back with the bestial one. One of the benefits of Vulkan was he used his will to suppress the third personality when he was inactive, which allowed Draco to be free of constraints and worries. So long as he didn't draw on the Dark Side too heavily he had nothing to worry about. She called him Draco, which was correct for this situation. "You asked for help. I am a man of my word. Mandal Hypernautics is without equal when it comes to ship production, and ArmaTech has branched into it enough to build niche support ships for the Mandalorian fleets."

The ships oriented themselves, facing outward from the planet, using its own sensor network for the most part. Most planets had basic long range sensors to detect incoming ships, and Draco understood that he couldn't cover a whole planet without significant risks to each vessel, and so he had elected to arrange the fleet somewhat away from the planet with the Ori'Drahr forming the massive center of the force. In the far back the Saber-class sat waiting, oriented outwards linking up with the Warden-class and its battle analysis computer and data relay system. The first shot for any approaching warship would be one hell of a warning shot. The Keldabe-Type Two Battleships formed a triangle around the Alor-class letting it have ten kilometers between the trio with the Alor in the center of the shape. The pair of Guardians sat one on top of the other, the bottom one inverted with only a few hundred meters between their ventral surfaces about standard turbolaser range away from the primary formation. The left flank was shored up by a Krayt-class, Haran'uliik-class, with the right flank defended by a pair of Haran'uliiks. The two Jahaatir-class and the Warden sat in between the Guardians and the primary formation, just below the Alor-class on the plane.

"This, however is a temporary measure Senator Balor-Organa. Without the Clans' support I cannot hold this system indefinitely. This will provide you time and defenses to prepare for the next step. I know you are not a military strategist, and I know that the Senate isn't filled with them either, but this is a border world, and a source of a rare material, and one of the wealthiest planets in the Republic. No tactician would willingly let your world slip from their grasp facing a war on two fronts." His voice wasn't raspy anymore, it was clear, deep, and he had a kind tone about him, even his Force Aura wasn't exceptionally dark at the moment.

"But, I feel you should try. You should appear before the senate and ask that they relinquish control of Alderaan to the Mandalorian Clans. They won't like it, but relinquishing control to independence would likely result in a One Sith Invasion of the planet. I have allies in the One Sith, but I couldn't gaurantee anything when dealing with them. No, Alderaan would need to fall under the protection of the United Clans for the time being, but of course would maintain its sovereignty even if I have to give your family my seat on the council. In the meantime, I will request assistance from the Alor'e Council, just as Rygel Larraq did before taking the fleet to Roche." He slowed, taking a deep breath, preparing to explain the gravity of the situation.

"If the Republic will not relinquish control, then the clans must take it from them. That is why I am here. So that worst comes to worst, we can keep the fighting off the surface of the world." All in all, Draco was truthful, even genuine with his concern for the planet. He had warriors and their families on the surface helping the Royal Military take total control of the planet. He had two motives in addition to simply seeking to make up for all the evil that had been done in his name. He wanted the end of the Republic, as they were now more dangerous to the Clans than the One Sith. And he had no qualms impressing the pretty, flirty, princess of the world. Somehow the former slave had an eye for royalty.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Jorus Merrill"]
[SIZE=12pt]“Amazing, you should work with [member="Alyesa Organa"] she enjoys getting her hands dirty to build ships, and weapons.” Faith smiled broadly as she took in the view before them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Alderaan with all this might and protection she never thought she would ever see it so. If only someone had come to their aide before like this, perhaps, well just maybe they would not have lost so much.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Draco, even as a temporary measure this is more than anyone could ask for truly. I realize that the Clans may not agree and hopefully by the time the discussion is over, the Republic will have agreed to let Alderaan go, and to not try and place someone else in our senate seat to make laws that we wouldn’t adhere to.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]No she wasn’t the strategist, [member="Dar'yaim Balor"] was the strategist. She had watched him at work many times and marveled at the number of moves he thought of ahead of, or just in case. Faith began wringing her hands something she often did when she was thinking, or contemplating.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“If the Republic lets us go, the Sith may come back. Yes, I’ve thought of that..and it is a grave concern of mine. I could not bear to see it once again fall into their hands.” She had nightmares to this day about it, not that she would admit that to anyone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked over at him when he began speaking about relinquishing control of Alderaan to the Mandalorians. "Alyesa must agree to this strategy Draco, as heir to the throne this situation requires her blessing. For me to not know she agrees, and I go forth and make such a request, she and my mother…well…aside from the family tension, the High Council could see it as treasonous. “[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She wanted her home world safe, she wanted her mother safe and decisions like this were the time she needed focus the most. Needed to keep the needs of the people of Alderaan first and foremost in her mind. So many had died, so many had stayed and died, too many for her conscience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Her voice got low, “Treason is punishable by death, and I’d like to live a bit longer” She stopped wringing her hands, “What would it take to convince the Clans to protect Alderaan?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked up at him now, she was seeking what he knew of the Council that she did not. “It isn’t credits they want, it isn’t technology, and so what is it?”[/SIZE]

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco nodded at her. "Of course. The key here is to go through all the proper channels, Faith. If your sister's blessing is needed, we must have it before taking all the necessary steps. But I know alone Alderaan will fall to the Sith once again. If the clans won't agree to liberate Alderaan, I'm afraid you might have to choose between to evils." The Republic was certainly an evil neither of them had any control over. The One Sith, he had some pull there, but probably not enough to keep them free if the opportunity arose.

"I don't know what to do if the Clans won't agree to help you and your sister. I need her approval before I go to the other Alor's. I can't go to them and have to call it off because she said no at the last minute. Once the clans are in motion there will be no stopping them. Roche should serve as proof of that." He was proud of what happened on Roche, the clans rising up and storming the system in a matter of ours. A total route of Republic Forces with what was technically only minimal casualties, even if most of those casualties were civilians. Even now the World Slayer himself sat aboard his flagship in Roche readying for the next strike should it become necessary.

"I don't speak for all the clans, but we took Roche to protect it and our assets there, our people. Alderaan would be different. Alderaan we would be claiming as liberators, and that is messy. It has resources and people to contribute with, as it did the Republic, but normally clans lay claims to worlds, like Rekali and Yavin. If it came to that, I would be willing to lay claim to Alderaan. I promised your sister I would do everything I could so that Alderaan remained free. I meant it." Draco was excited, anxious about the future. It was clouded in mystery, and a lot hung in the balance.

"I personally don't see away around war with the Republic, but Ember is the Warmaster. The clans will not march as one without his say so."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]
He sounded so sure that the Sith would come. It was playing on her fears. But she had to stay strong not let what she feared most control her. It was difficult. ,

She folded her hands trying not to wrong them. "I know what you say to be true. I know there are good people in the Republic. But my mother and Alyesa has seen and heard so much that they only see evil. I know that what Ember showed to me was also evil." Faith stepped away her mind moving through events she had seen.

"I believe Alyesa will give her blessing. That it is better to see the wide of family friends and the alors than to risk a Sith invasion. Or continuation under the Republic. "

She shook her head, "I don't want war Draco it has already cost so much. And the people I don't know if they can endure it. "

Faith stared ahead wringing her hands as she thought, "I can mobilze our military and send agents into the Republic to see if there are whispers that have not crossed my desk." she had one other thing,"I can call Jack and see what his thoughts are" she wanted to know.

"Ember is a reasonable man my uncle says he is wise. I believe he will weigh the options." no. The Republic will not try to keep them. Everything she knew said no.
Draco nodded quietly, finding a seat in the antechamber of the massive ship they stood upon. "That seems to be the problem with the Galaxy. There is always war. I've tried to settle down twice before, leave war to others, withdrawal and protect only my own claims." He smiled making himself comfortable on the love seat in the room they were in. "It never works out. If there is one lesson I can teach, its: Don't let Peace make you weak. I have before and I have suffered for it each time without fail." The Republic had let itself grow weak after it defeated the Sith Empire, but it had been a slow decline, and it had made sense at the time. No one could see the future perfectly, but peace time was merely time to take a breath, gather your resources and prepare for the next plunge.

"I'm sure he will, and I am sure the Republic will take his generosity and spit it back in his face." They were known for that these days. Oren had claimed the Republic Delegation would be insulting to the Mandalorians and cling to the moral high ground grasping at straws. "He made demands, non-negotiable ones. So far we are still waiting to see if the Supreme Chancellor will even bother to look at them, but I am preparing for the worst, hoping for the best."

Even now a small section of fleet assets sat across the border of OS space, waiting for word from Kaine Zambrano to support him, or they could be diverted to Alderaan if need be. They were in a holding pattern, waiting for instructions from the Clan Father. "Also, please make yourself comfortable while I try hailing your sister directly. No doubt she's handling a bit of a bureaucratic nightmare with all this commotion."

He tapped a few keys on his control panel and sent a short text. <Clan Forces holding system at your command, Your Highness. At your earliest convenience your presence is requested aboard the Ori'Drahr.>

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"] [member="Alyesa Organa"]
"Yes, no matter where we look there is a war." Faith moved to sit on the ottoman before the love seat. This way she could still carry her conversation, and be comfortable. The Crown Princess of Aldera, sitting with a Sith Lord. Now wouldn't that make headline news somewhere.

"But is not peace what all people should be seeking. Doesn't peace mean they've earned the right to practice beliefs, and laws as they see it?" Faith knew at times she sounded naive, even childish but her ideals she always had felt were simple. Easy going.

"I hope you are wrong Draco. [member="Ember Rekali"] has suffered enough he needs some peace of mind to know that his daughter can rest." Faith knew spirits carried on, sometimes things fell without reason, didn't mean it was a spirit but on the days when it was needed, it seemed to be a comfort.

Faith nodded, "It is good to know that even though I failed to stay at the peace accord that they were able to find terms." She still kicked herself for losing her temper. Feth. Kriff. She thought, then laughed.

She was comfortable, "Thank you, I will. Yes I'm sure Alyesa is very busy"

She looked down, then back to Draco, "So...would it be rude of me to ask to know more about you? I mean, you're here protecting my home, and I only know your name. While you, know my name, and my sister's name. I see it, you are one up on me" She smiled. Faith had been taught the art of talking, many women learned to talk.

But Faith had to admit, she was interested in the weapons he carried. Their design, but...she was suppose to, be a good girl right now...yep....wonder how long that was going to last before curiosity slipped out and...made a bold blazing appearance. Her forward nature was going to slip out soon enough anyhow, she..well...couldn't be this demure little creature at all times.

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco smiled seeing her inspecting him. He didn't know the senator well, but for a former slave he had always found he had an eye for the strong willed women of royalty, especially those that were a little spit-fiery. Probably why he was attracted to the royal types despite his very humble beginnings. While he hated arrogant, powerful men, he was enthralled by it in women. "Well, that depends on what it is you want to know princess." His voice was less stoic, more melodic, and his grin turned into a half smile.

"I wasn't anyone important for a long time. I spent some years as a slave in the mines of Kessel, and I vowed things would be different for me while I was there. I escaped after the Netherworld rapture." Those had been dark times for him, but he had risen and gotten better.

"I've spent most of my life wandering. Never really got good and settled down. I tried once or twice but it never worked out. Either they died or they went missing, or they ran off." He had tried to be a good person once, but the Universe had laughed and bashed him with loss after loss until he broke down and shattered. "So if that was a round about way of asking if I was available, the answer is yes. And you? I know names, but nothing about you besides that Mandalore calls you friend."

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
She blushed, yes she got caught just then but it was fine. Calling her out on her own little fishing expedition.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hate....slavery." She laughed a bit, guess this was her cue to talk about herself. Oh what the heck what would it would hurt some of it. "But it sounds like it made you stronger, more determined." She bit her lip, but forgetting her manners and not wanting to insult him she quickly moved to her..

"Well... me...." She set back a bit on the ottoman careful not to fall off, that wouldn't be very princess like now would it.

"I was raised on Alderaan, my mother raised all her children by herself. That would be me, Theo my brother and Alyesa. I'm the tomboy type...I love...riding, fighting, standing up for myself, I don't like being....well...anyhow. I met my father a about 9 years ago, and found out he is an Atrisian Noble. When we went to visit him I found out that I had another brother and sister. Seems my father really loved my mother, and he knew they couldn't be together because of his....affiliation with...the dark side. He had her dna, and through some kind of test tube manipulation he created Arabella and Garith. So there are 5 of us...if you can imagine that."

Faith shook her head, "I know I didn't imagine that, not in my wildest dreams...not once." She looked down for a moment collecting her thoughts.

"Anyhow when I was 16 I met Dar'yaim Balor he came to Alderaan." Faith got a far away look in her eye, "I knew almost from the moment I met him he was the one. He was older yes..but...he had the biggest heart, and he was so intelligent and saw things are they were...' she stopped collected her emotions. "We had a son and when Bud turned 5, Dar wanted to take Bud on a trip. Father son getaway....out into the wilds. Said it was a learning experience that Bud needed to understand the mandalorian way of life. I mean we taught him language, and educated, and did everything according to the 6 laws....they never came home. Ship pieces were mother..says..but I...a widow before 25 I could have handled his death in a war, but not both at once. not like that."

Yeah she wasn't going on with that story, she'd end up curled in a ball. She looked over to Draco..."And then my mother decided I needed something to do so Off I went to learn politics, the Junior Senator...lots of listening, lots of mistakes....and I've been there ever since. Course during this mother became queen after the old queen disappeared assumed dead. And all of House Organa is now the Royal House of Alderaan, and Aldera. My Aunt Rianna who is married to Field Marshall [member="Ordo"], has started a planet dedicated to healing, refugees and we are a busy lot with our visions of the galaxy."

She stopped there, letting all that...well sink in.

"Course there are all those tales of me with freckles, and falling out of trees, and learning to dance, ride, and all the other things they think little fancy pants girls like me need to know, or do...sounds boring doesn't it?"

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
Draco sat on the love seat in the antechamber, staring into her brown eyes with his own stormy grey ones, listening to her intently wearing a coy grin. He didn't mind sitting swapping life stories with a beautiful princess, especially when she was clearly also interested based on her blush when he called her on it, at least to a degree. A bit more than her sister, but not as into innuendos as Alyesa was. "Well, I like the tom boy type fine. Women like you share more interests with me, and I don't have any problems with that." He said, flashing a toothy smile as she spoke about her younger years.

Her being a widow wasn't all that different from his own situation. He leaned forward, getting a little closer to her, propping his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands out in front of himself. "I'm sorry that happened Faith. I know how difficult that can be. Like I said, my own child is sick, most likely her condition will claim her life. I've not felt the same experience as you, but I can assure you it is difficult to watch them slowly wither and fade. Rest easy that they are one with the Manda and at peace." The last bit wasn't something he could really say. Abigail was off trying to be a Jedi, and he had let her go because he couldn't try and leash her if her condition was as bad as he anticipated.

His warm smile returned after she changed the subject to something a bit more light hearted than their losses. "Its an honorable vision to pursue, Faith. I can admire that. Its certainly more admirable than what I do. All I do is fight in other people's wars for money." It had made him exceptionally rich though, and he had a decent wealth of associates from all walks of life. The one thing he abstained from associating with was Slavery for obvious reasons. Granted he wasn't charging Alderaan money for protecting their planet, not really.

"I don't think those sound all that boring assuming you can find the right person to join you, though I myself prefer sitting out on a tropical island, drink in hand, laying out in the sand, waves lapping up against my feet." His tone was warm, and fairly inviting. He was a Sith by circumstance, and held no true loyalty to the One Sith. He held loyalties to individuals, not governments.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

Old Izrul, Capital of Kiribi:

It wouldn't be long before news of the disturbing appearance of Mandalorians over Alderaan reached Suravi on
Kiribi. Every since she had taken her post in the Senate, she had always been suspicious of the Organas. She thought it had been in bad judgement for Chancellor Sparrow to allow Minister Organa to negotiate with the Mandalorians on her own. She felt they were too close to the Mandalorians. So she had been keeping close tabs on Alderaan with personal assets, waiting to see when the Oraganas would reveal their true colors. It looked like that time was now.

She had a good idea about why Alderaan was hosting the Mandalorian fleet - a protection of sovereignty, self-determination, and all that jazz - but the motives of the Mandalorians remained unclear to her. It was time to ring up her dear friends on Alderaan to figure it out. From her penthouse, she would try to make contact with Minister Organa through her satellite office on Alderaan. The unnaounced arrival of the Mandalorians in Republic space represented a legitimate security concern that the Minister of Intelligence needed to answer for.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[SIZE=12pt]She looked over he was really listening to her she could see it. He looked at her not through her then the lure he liked tom boys. “Should have seen my first dance, I was determined not to be like everybody else, cause the guys look all alike, and the girls look all alike the only difference the color of a flower…well..under my fancy dress and layers of petticoat strangling my circulation, I wore a pair of combat boots. Black, laced up. Thick heels. So each time I had to lift my skirt to do a curtsy, everyone saw them.” Faith laughed out loud, “Oh the looks on some of the faces, I will never forget. Mortified, that their precious dance someone would dare, if they only knew.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Faith caught his smile, well well now, look at that she made him smile. He was getting closer, for a moment she felt a familiar panic, move? Don’t move? The conversation went back to that subject that twisted her inside. Did she see sympathy in his stormy grey eyes, a kinship of pain? She didn’t move.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]A soft voice that understood the pain and concern about a child “I try to remember, I really do.” She didn’t want to think on that, “Your child is sick, my Tia is a healer maybe she can help” Faith in a gesture of concern, of understanding reached over and took one of his hands. Warmth and knowledge that one is not alone were always a comfort, least it is what she thought. She gave his hand a squeeze for assurance. Then she let go.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Fighting has its place for what freedom’s we enjoy came only because someone was willing to fight. Now fighting for profit, I don’t know that I’ve ever given it thought. I suppose it depends on what they hire you to do while you’re fighting.” What did Alderaan have to give him for payment for his services, she didn’t know…guess she’d have to look and see.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“There are choices always.” She understood she remembered when Dar had come home with an Imperial uniform on explaining why he did it, and the credits involved. Those years they were not welcome at home. The War Machine had provided for his family by means of war, it was one of those things that Mandalorians seemed inherently good at. She could not fault someone for finding ways to live.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He mentioned sand. ”We use to have a place near the ocean, got to play on the sand, and swim a lot. I love the water, swimming..the sun. It seems that whenever memories are made by the water, or on the water you never forget. Two years later you can look at that body of water and remember everything that happened. It a familiar friend, that knows how to carry away concerns of the day.” Her voice full of remembrance, longing for days when things were simpler. But she knew simple days were going to be few and far. It was the memories that got her through each day. Faith had not talked so much on a personal level in a long time.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“After all this going on, time on the beach relaxing might be next order given.” If they got through it all. If disaster didn’t strike.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“Tell me about your child, please” He had a child that was sick that had to tear out the heart, the endless worry, the daily question of what to do next? Bud’s first cold she cried because he was sick[/SIZE]

The Republic would begin to ask questions, and the Senator of Kiribi need only reach out to speak to Faith, and she would tell her what her family's position was.

[member="Darth Vulkan"] | [member="Suravi"]
Draco smiled when she reached out and held his hand, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He hadn't met very many people who were genuine and kind, and thus his own out look on life and people was often skewed against their benefit. The Organa's he had always liked though, even during his short time with the Republic. When Faith decided to speak of the next order, he raised an eyebrow, remaining hunched over, leaning in her direction. "I'll have you know, that even though I am under your command, I do not vacation alone." His tone was joking and playful, just a bit flirtatious himself.

"Perhaps a nice day on the beach, assuming I can find the right company, would put my mind at ease." He raised an eyebrow, meeting her shining brown eye's with his own as he spoke. His mind traced back to his last time on the beach, not all that long ago, but it certainly wasn't spent with a princess of Alderaan. Draco had hopes and dreams, and just maybe those could work out.

He frowned a little when she asked about Abigail. "I guess I can tell you about her. She's one of my secrets, I don't think I've ever sat down and spoke about her to anyone really." He took in a deep breath and looked at his hands, twiddling his thumbs over and under themselves. "I had wanted a family, I guess I still do, but I couldn't find the right woman to start one with. Then, kinda twist of fate, a woman asked me to take Abigail. I adopted her after her mother died giving birth, but I didn't really know the woman. I raised her, with some of Ember's help. She wasn't really raised Mandalorian. Ever since she was young all she wanted to be was a Jedi Knight, and I didn't have the heart to try and stop her, I never could tell her no. When she turned fifteen earlier this year I let her go to join the Jedi Order. She's smart, having spent most of her life reading, smarter than me by a lot. Abigail was always kind hearted, and because of that I was a lot kinder and gentler until she got sick." He pursed his lips, slipping a hand into a pouch, producing a picture of the young teenager Draco called his daughter. His story wasn't all true, but it was true enough. He wasn't going to tell people the truth of how it happened, not even Abigail knew the truth.

"I've tried to have her healed, but it only made her condition worse. I've left the decision of how she wants to deal with the condition up to her. She's been indecisive, but it's her life, her choice. I can't make that decision for her and her die in the attempt." Draco refrained from explaining his multiple personalities that had resulted from her condition. Faith was kindly and beautiful, and so she was dealing with Draco anyway.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[SIZE=12pt]Faith took the picture carefully from his hand, she looked down into the face of a beautiful serene face. Whatever her ailment it did not show here, “She’s very beautiful and has a mind of her own, you should be very proud of her” Faith handed back the picture. “I promise not to tell anyone your secret she’s safe with me”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]But now she wanted to get back to this beach thing, “Now let’s talk about the beach company you’re could possibly be looking for”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She looked at him with all seriousness, even though she was actually making an attempt to be funny, “First those under my command are not required to take vows of celibacy, refrain from drink, and definitely would not be ordered to vacation alone.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Dark eyes sparkled with mischief, “I don’t know, but I would think that you don’t have much problem in finding company, now as for it being the right kind of company. that’s different.” There was a lilt to her voice as she spoke as she played this little charade.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She sighed, and then holding her head up high, giving her hair a little shake, then the look that should say I’m in faux Princess mode, “I am a Princess” she rolled her eyes, “so I have connections” She smiled and fluttered her eyes at him, “If you are a knight-errant serving at my pleasure, and I will assume for all intent right now and this exercise you do serve at my pleasure. It is my duty to find you the right company, so…tell me the requirements of the right company”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Then she gave him a playful smile.[/SIZE]

[member="Darth Vulkan"]
"I am proud of her." Draco said with a smile, putting the picture back in its place on his side, always there if he wanted it or needed it. Then, Draco caught that look, he hadn't been on the receiving end all that often, but he recognized it nevertheless. His coy half smile returned and he played along with the Senator from Alderaan.

"Well, lets see. Your terms and conditions are more than acceptable. I am sure there are some Knight-Errants who would die to be allowed to accept such graciousness." He said, letting honey drip off his words and looking up and to the right, thinking about his ideal company for such a vacation while the pair sat aboard one of the largest, most dangerous vessel's Mandalore had ever built. "Well, I do serve at your pleasure, Princess, as any proper Knight-Errant would agree."

"Let's see. I like women with dark hair, brown eyes, and gorgeous beyond the ability of words to describe. As for personality, for some reason I've always liked a woman that can take charge, that knows what she wants and pushes for it, despite the odds or societal pressures. Someone used to arguing with others to get their way. I've always liked the royal types, but not the bratty ones. If my company is already spoiled there won't be much I can do to appease them. And I've always been fond of being able to shower my companion in gifts and affections." He faked being puzzled with the dilemma while inching closer to her, sitting on the edge of the love seat now.

"So, Princess of Alderaan. Is there anyone in your list of contacts that might fit the bill to vacation with Your Knight-Errant?" He flashed her a grin, all while remaining eye contact with the Princess. Not what he had intended to happen, but he was more than accepting of where he believed the conversation to be going.

[member="Faith Balor-Organa"]

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