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Public Come Join the Panty Raid!

Panty Raid Parlor

Flipping on the little switch, the Neon Lights for the Tattoo Parlor flickered on for a moment before glowing brightly. Their continued glow had an animated "OPEN" sign that changed lettering every so often to grab peoples attention. Written in Basic so most people in the area could understand. I mean, it was called Basic for a reason. A couple other people showed up to work today. Mostly those who were trying to get more hours than I was able to provide. So coming in early to help set up shop, disinfect all the tools before and after every use, then make sure that all the tables and rooms were ready. Having an entire room cleaned up for preparation was necessary in this line of work. If someone wanted a tat that was in a place they wanted to keep secret, or in a place that might otherwise may be embarrassing position while getting it, then they would have some privacy if so desired.

Flipping the second switch showing a little neon sign that showed a blaster behind the figure of a lightsaber with a circled slash over the top. Identifying that no weapons were allowed to be brought onto the premise. To be fair, some people broke that rule because it was hidden, and I mean... I did run a shady business on the down low. So if you showed up to sell a weapon, or buy something, it was going to be extremely discrete, and done one at a time. If two people were working together and came in? Sure they could both go back there. But if you came alone? You entered alone, and you would have to wait your turn.

"Alright peeps. Opening time."

[OOC: Please no fights or weapons unless selling or buying.]
Luc didn't like to linger around Nar Shadaa for too long, but luckily he'd been on the moon after their Captain decided to stop by on what amounted to a a hint of business mixed with mostly pleasure. He had a few contacts on the world- some were friendlier than others, but so far there weren't any obvious attempts on his life. The streets were relatively calm in that regard, and Luc took full advantage of it while he had the pleasure of traversing the planet on a bit of business of his own. While the rest of the crew were handling the last minute preparations before they left the planet, Luc decided to use his few remaining hours to handle some business of his own. Mixed in with a bit of pleasure, too, if you could call it that.

A trio of knocks modestly banged on the door to the Panty Raid Parlor, a local tattoo shop that he'd heard through the grapevine of being capable of catering to more than just his desire for some ink. He let himself in a moment later, removing his jacket to reveal an uncharacteristically empty pair of shoulder holsters, which was a first for him entering anywhere located in Hutt space. Looking around for a second, he rested in his hands at his side as he checked out the parlor before committing to the actual tattoo. It was a clean get-up, the name of the establishment aside, and it was far more reputable looking than the last few places he'd scouted out before heading to this one.

Spotting Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr among a few others, Luc would approach him, assuming he was the owner of the parlor. He walked up to the man with a grin, a hand extended forwards to offer a handshake out of respect. "I take it you're the owner, or at least the best artist in here." He said, then withdrew his hands back into his jacket regardless if the handshake was accepted or not. "Well i'm here for my first tattoo- and to make a separate 'business inquiry' as well."
Nar Shadda. Home away from Home. Yes, it was a cesspit full of vipers. Yes, it was full of forlorn, outcast, and lost souls trapped because they arrived with nothing or had everything stolen or swindled from them. And no, Zlova did not care one bit. The moon was a paradise compared to the endless struggle within the heart of the Sith Empire. Surviving on a world run by smugglers and thugs was easy -- especially when Zlova had lived here in an effort to Not. Get. Involved. If you followed that principle you didn't anger anyone worth remembering.

So it was some time ago that Zlova had unfortunately violated that for a cute, young woman. It had precipitated the Twi'lek's need to stay gone for a time. Sadly, her time as a dancer for a clean club had passed. Well, it had been a pleasant reprieve while it lasted. If nothing else it helped remember the feel of a good saber in her hand and the joy of putting them to use.

Today was a special occasion... Zlova felt like returning to the dark little moon on some personal time. No grand adventure. No cause of stamping out evil or whatever it was bleeding hearts did in the galaxy. She missed the dank, dark, soul-crushing atmosphere. The eye-bleeding lights. The outrageously clubs of a world that did not care what you did so long as credits flowed. The Confederacy gave her a chance to build something new again, but they had laws. Some forms of entertainment just weren't possible under their watchful eye.

A tattoo parlor was hardly illegal though. It was only one of many places Zlova had seen as she moved through the streets. This one caught her eye because it was outrageous. Painfully so. It had drawn a smirk from the red Twi'lek that stood before its storefront for a moment admiring the sign.

Shortly thereafter, Zlova strode in through the door with her chin high and the hood of her cloak already down. Wasn't like she would be embarassed if anyone saw her enter. Bright, golden eyes surveyed the interior of the business as she pulled open her cloak to reveal the leather bra top and black fighters' dress. A good deal of her red flesh covered in black tattoos was on display once the cloak was ceremoniously pulled off and discarded off to one side. "Hello, boys. Have anything interesting for sale?" The Twi'lek's chin had already lifted as her eyes turned to any artwork on display overhead. Surely a place like this had some works they were especially proud of. Not that she'd want anything so... 'fancy.' Gave a woman a good look into the steadiness of their hand and accuracy of their pen, however.

Tag: Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku
Doors opened, unlocked and ready for the day. While it was later in the day than "morning" as most people would be, the shop was actually opened later, and stayed as such till a later time than other places. Where one might close down to sleep, or rest, I stayed til I felt like it. My Employees were able to stay as long as they would like, and earn as many hours as they wanted. Like that was difficult for them to make that choice in a place where Gambling, and paying debts was king. I held no debts upon them myself, however, I knew many of them were... in trouble of a sorts with other groups. And so long as they kept my store out of the way, then they were welcome.

Turning around, I faced a Deveronian who had various tattoos I had put on him myself, and even a couple he did himself. Flaunting them upon his red hued skin with a tank top, and wearing it tucked into his pants with a belt clearly showing off he carried a pistol with him. While it was not there now, the marks upon the belt, and the almost "stained" material of his pants showed he had worn it enough.

"How many hours you want to work today?"
"Till we close if you will have me."
"I am more than welcomed for that. Today, would you mind running the desk?"
"Not a problem."

"The Desk" as we called it, was not only where people paid for their tats, or various body modifications, but also where payments were made for... illegal activity. Speaking of which, a young man entered the store. Not sure if he was older with a baby face, or was really just a younger man. Rolling my sleeves up, exposing the various avian tats on my arms, I turned around and bowed my head as he entered. Taking the jacket off, I indicated the Coat rack if he so wished.

"Welcome to the Raid of all the women's underwear. What can I do for you?"

Walking up, he shook my hand. I accepted it in kind as would any business owner do. Potential customers were always a good thing. Plus, showing hospitality to a new one would liken them to the atmosphere that was... nearly different from the street just outside. He specifically mentioned something. Wanting his very first tattoo. Oh always a prospect for a brand new person, with their very first! But also wanted something a little more. I smiled delightfully as he drew his hands back unto himself.

"Oh the Tattoo will be extremely easy to procure. If you have an idea already, then it won't be too difficult. As for your inquiry, that is very dependent upon what you are looking for, and if we can be of service. First though, I can assign you an Artist who I know will be able to easily help you."

Turning around, I indicated with an open hand, a rather pretty Zeltron Lass. A hue of skin right between pink and purple with bright emerald eyes, and was dressed for the job in booty shorts, and a bikini top with hair pulled back in a bun. Tattoos up her own body, with a couple piercings in her ears, one in her nose, and another in her eyebrow.

"Narene here is likely the best hand we have in the shop. Since its your first tattoo, I will place you in careful hand with her."

I heard the door open again to see a red Twi'lek stepping in. Removing her top to show a rather battle ready figure and clearly someone who had spent some time in combat. She already had plenty of Tattoos, and likely looking over what we had. Investigating how good we were before she made a choice. As any person should do when seeking inked skin.

"When you are done Lad, go see the Deveronian and tell him you need a little help with your blaster."

I then returned my attention to the lady. Speaking in a tone clearly related to a Dominatrix. While there was plenty of work upon the walls of what was done, I smiled once more. This time directed to the lady who knew how to strut her stuff. While Alluring, I had seen many bodies of such, and could hold any "primal urges" that other men would fail to do.

"We have a number of them I can have you look at. Just take a saunter over to my counter and we can see if we fit your style."

I had already been making my way over to the counter. Of course there were various colored piercings for sale, as well as needles, the machines for them, and some small end cybernetics. From behind the counter I grabbed two binders. Pulling the first one open and flipping randomly to a page for her to peruse of her design.

"Tell me my battle maiden, how long have you been getting tats?"

In the meantime, Narene looked up at the sound of me calling her and patted the seat she was sitting in front of. She held a wipe in her hands and was cleaning some needles for final prep. Once placing them, she removed her gloves and moved over to the Holo. Grabbing a datapad with a pen instrument. Prepared to hand draw a design that this younger gentleman wanted.

"Hey there! So I am Narene, and Kole said its your first Tattoo right? Well do you have a design already in mind or do you want to look at some of the designs we already have and go from there? Its okay if you don't know. Best to make a decision you will know to love, than one you are 'meh.' about."

Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
Luc took the man up on his offer to hang up his coat as the newcomer entered the parlor, prompting him to offer a polite grin in her direction. He was there on business in any case, and while he didn't mind being polite, he was on a tight schedule unless he risk his crew leaving him on Nar Shadaa of all places in the galaxy. Returning back over to Kole and their conversation, he returned his hands into his pockets as he finished letting the guy speak. "Great." He said, shifting a glance into the direction of the Zeltronian woman. "I'll make sure to give the Devaronian' a ring once i'm done."

With that out of the way, Lucien strolled over towards the woman who'd be taking care of his tattoo, his gaze moving across her workstation and her own personal tattoos as he moved to take her up on the offer to sit with a smile. Lucien had come prepared, thankfully. There was a design he had in mind for going on a couple of years by then; a symbol he picked up in his late adolescence while exploring a tomb on some long-forgotten world. To his knowledge, the symbol didn't mean anything in particular, but it had stuck to him at the time for being neat, if not symbolic to a certain degree of how his life had turned out.

"Yeah I had an idea already, if you don't mind checkin' it out." He said with a smile, a hand reaching into his pocket and producing a holoprojector about the size of his palm. Raising it between them, Luc activated it and held it there for as long as she needed to see it. The design emitted in a high enough resolution for the various small details to be fully visible from most angles she could look at it from. "If it's easier you can take the projector, by the way." He'd add in, although a part of him just didn't want to figure out how long it would take for her to sketch the design from scratch. "I'm not looking for anything too big, though I was thinking of having it done on the inside of my forearm-- The left one."

Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Zlova Rue Zlova Rue
With a smile and an ever so slightly raised, tattooed eyebrow, Zlova caught Lucien's ever so polite grin.

It always bode well for the other party when they started by not trying to fondle her lekku. Naturally, it had been easier to expect proper decorum when people knew her as a Lord of the Sith; since that was no longer the case, even though a studious eye could tell the Twi'lek knew battle from the way she stood, such was not always the case. Not that she minded. It was an excuse to lay scum low. Tonight, however, she had not come here looking for a fight. A well-mannered business man was a delightful surprise. Not that Zlova would mind any playful remarks.

At the man's request, the Twi'lek did saunter her way over to the counter. The tattooed lekku gently swung along her back as her hips swayed side to side. Just because a woman didn't want you to touch her didn't mean she wouldn't mind a little appreciation. That and Zlova was a living, breathing, walking trap that could cut a sentient in two if they fell too quickly into her clutches.

As the tips of her fingers lighted upon one of the pages, her golden gaze lifted to regard Kole. "Since the day I was born," she replied smoothly. Truth hardly mattered at a time like this. In fact, truth almost never mattered from Zlova's experience. "Have you ever explored possibilities related to enhancing a tattoo?" The slow flip of a page in the binder punctuated the moment.

A parlor like this was not where Darth Siron had gotten the wealth of tattoos on her body. Oh, no, that process had been far worse. It was a badge of honor among Sith -- and especially among the Twi'lek that survived long enough to earn them. The lekku in particular had been excruciating. You would think the bug had gnawed its way inside and begun feast on your brain such was the honor you could expect to endure. Zlova like to think fellow Sith enjoyed those the most. Yes, any scream would do, but the solid whites of agony of a Twi'lek were sure to be the best.

So, then, Kole's parlor... Zlova like to think there was something extra to be found here. A dark little voice that whispered to her as she gazed upon that imaginative sign out front. Such voices rarely steered a woman wrong. It might very well lead to agony, but always to emerge on the other side better for it. "Your work," her eyes briefly lifted to the craft on the wall and then back down to the pages before they rose to Kole, "says much about your skill. Far above almost any other on Nar Shadda. Perhaps you have learned certain techniques worthy of your talent?"

Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr Kyor "Mute" Jaeirr | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

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