Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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College and Moving LOA - Starting Soon™


Due to my good fortunes I have somehow managed to get myself into college which means I will have to move. From now until the 14th and then until an unknown amount of time into the future, I will most likely put my characters on a hold one after another in order to minimize the amount of stresses that I surround myself with. Considering I only ever really write with so few people, chances are I have sent you this LOA message through Skype.

If not, hello! If you hear the sound of clothes and other helpful articles getting packed, that should be me.

This LOA affects all of my characters, but I will be back (and soon.)

Lurking and RPJing will be a thing though, as always. :)

In a while, crocodile.
[member="Kana Truden"]

Obligated to reply on this character for obvious reasons.

Congrats on school and come back soon!

I'll just eat my feelings away over here while you're gone...


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