Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coffee Addicts Unite!

He asked. Katrine kept watching him, gauging his expression. Karna looked like he really wanted to know. "Like if a child finds some explosives and she ends up blowing up Bunny. People got set up about it but it was actually kind a pretty," she told him, talking about her first pet whom she'd named Bunny. Even Mother had been upset with her that day and the other Witches kept looking her after that like she was some sort of freak. Katrine could laugh and pretend like she didn't hear them but in truth, she knew and back then, she'd wanted to be accepted. "And besides, a curious child should never be scorned and branded a freak by equals for that even if her methods aren't acceptable." There was a touch of a defensive tone in her voice as she pointed out before she smiled. "It kinda really was funny though." It was a different time, Katrine's head was screwed differently than it was now. Kat now would never lay a finger on family and that included the clan herd as well since Nona had always thought her their rancors were family, especially Nadie, who was both Nona's companion and the herd mother.

Her hand outstretched and waiting, Katrine was glad when Karna moved forward, his own pinky wrapping around her as he promise. She grinned happily. "Yay!" Pinky promises were sacred and very important. And since Karna knew how to make one without her needing to explain it, she knew she didn't have to explain its importance. The thought though took a little longer than she was aware, her eyelids blinking several times as she realized she might have been staring for a bit at his face, her pinky unhooking from his and her body straightening back. It was a weird feeling, Kat realized then, feeling awkward. She couldn't remember actually feeling that before. "Bizarre," she said out loud though she wasn't looking at him right now, just more somewhere to the side as she thought about.

"Anything!" The blond happily repeated and nodded twice. He could totally ask her anything. No reason not to. "But by all means don't wait with questions. I won't." Karna as probably getting a clue into that already though he didn't really know her all that well yet. Katrine Van-Derveld never held back her questions, ever. It was how she learned.

Zorrens did bury the dead. Katrine still thought it weird even as as he explained it was it was their way of handling the dead. "Poor dead," she said, with a hint of sadness now, feeling completely bad for them. It didn't seem right. Karna seemed interested in what they did as well. "Well, yeah. We have a lot of ceremonies. The funeral ceremony is witnessed by anyone who wants, sometimes everyone. The clan priestess sings a whole set of the funeral ritual chant before the body is burned. We have to so the spirit can be set free. How else would they stay with us even after they're gone? How could we ask for their help when we cast our spells?" Obviously, Katrine was not a child anymore, she understood how magic worked just as she understood how the Force worked. Nona had taught her well, same as her parents. She understood their history, knew the first caster on the planet had in fact been a Jedi Knight, teaching humanoids a way that would allow them to use the Force when they didn't seem able to use it the same as others though the Dathomiri had broken out of that.

"I'm not a kid, I know how it works but these are our beliefs. We respect the dead and release them from the physical body to allow them peace." Many of their spells called for ancestors, spirits in general, Allya or the personification of Dathomir herself but their beliefs were their beliefs, and Katrine found them to be beautiful in their own right.

Thanked for not being called old? Katrine shrugged. "You don't look old. I should look way younger but thankfully, I'm a Lupine but at the same time, kinda not 'cos my people live way way longer and I'm not one of them. Aging is complicated, I get it." Absolutely complicated. Witches ages slower and lived for centuries whereas Lupine tended not to make it up to the first century. Her Nona at two centuries and a half behind her looked like she was Mother's age. Hell, Katrine could see herself coming to look that old within ten years or soon after. It kinda sucked even if she wouldn't change being Lupine for anything.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
Karna listened to her example, shaking his head as she finished talking. The shaking of his head wasn't because he thought what she did was wrong. Killing one bunny didn't matter in the vast galaxy they lived in, murdering a human was the same. Of course he wouldn't prefer a human death over an animal. "My humor might not be good." he stated before continuing. "But I wouldn't think someone a freak due to being curious. Exploding bunnies aren't exactly funny to me. I don't think it's okay to treat someone like an outcast though. That's just being simple minded." he said what he felt at that time. While he didn't agree about the funny part, he meant everything that came out of his mouth. Humans were flawed, her story proved that much. It is natural for a murderer to be treated differently in society, but this situation was different. The kid found explosives and used them on a bunny. Basically, it was the same as an experiment. People experimented on their own kind as well as animals, what was wrong with killing one bunny? He cleared his thoughts after thinking about it so long, giving a few words of assurance. "Let her be called a freak. One day, someone who values her curiosity will appear. Society can get over itself."

She was happy after they did the pinky promise, showing that with a grin. Seeing her in such a good mood put him in one. Not very many girls visited that were quite like her, actually Kat was very unique. He couldn't remember if anyone was so cheerful. First she was happy to have her favorite drink made, and then because he promised to be her friend forever. Witnessing a sad Kat would be bad, even worse if he made her sad. Karna wondered why she said bizarre after the pinky promise. Asking wasn't going to happen, even if she said to. Then Kat told him she wouldn't wait on asking questions, he chuckled.

Kat had sympathy for the dead, he thought that was normal even though it was for a different reason. He nodded when she said poor dead. Losing his people was indeed sad. She said the way they sent off the dead was through ceremonies, setting a person's spirit free through singing and burning of the body. Karna forgot that she was from the planet of witches. Witches were one of the many groups of force users that he never got involved with. He knew almost nothing about their culture until Kat informed him about it. Karna wanted to be knowledgeable on witches since she appeared to be one. "I admire your treatment of the body." he said speaking honestly again.

He felt good once again when she said he didn't look old. Then she talked about aging being complicated. "Very complicated." he agreed.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
It was a little disappointing when Karna said his humor might have not be as good, relating it quickly to the Bunnie go kaboom story she'd given as an example. Seemed almost like Mother had drained all their luck on finding like minded people when Nono Seth bought her freedom and when she stumbled upon Father in that Coruscant nightclub which seemed pretty unfair but then Karna helped her mood rise again when he said no one should be called a freak for being curious. Exploding bunnies weren't funny to him, her face fell a little bit again but then he kept lifting it up by further explaining, not thinking it was okay to treat anyone like an outcast which was simple minded. "So, no to the funny but a better headset than backwater outdated Witches," Katrine commented when he finished, shrugging. Something was better than nothing. She did like the fact that he supported curiosity and disagreed with the way members of her clan thought. It was a definite plus.

Then he'd given a little bit of a confusing statement, saying they could call her a freak, confusing her. One day, someone would valued her curiosity would appear and society could get over itself. A brow rose as she watched him. "Mighty complicated finding someone who values my curiosity," she told him. Obviously, she didn't mention some other things. Father and Mother were fine with taking lives, even for the fun of it, at least they used to be in the stories they told. Kat herself could take a life she had no ties to, especially if said person was aiming to kill her. Like the other day, she had struck the soldier on Mikko because he had attacked her, even if she had aimed to taunt him. The alternative would have been her own death which made the killing perfectly acceptable. Mother had had her start in the neutral spectrum, insisting she, like her siblings, would choose their own path when the time was right. They had also taught Katrine that whatever she thought about killing later in life, in the scenario of kill or be killed, there was no second guessing because that was what got you killed. Kat took that part to heart.

Karna said he admired her treatment of the body. Kat looked at him a little bit confused. "It's not my treatment of the body. It's an age old ceremony. I've never actually had cause to perform the ceremony myself. I'm neither the Priestess nor have I ever seen a family member die. They like to wander off, then again so do I so we all have that in common." The ceremony certainly wasn't hers to perform even though Nona had taught her the lyrics to it a well, just as any Witch had to learn all the clan's ceremonies but she'd never known loss the way Mother and Nona had. It was frightining to even consider those sort of loses. Mother had bore witness to the death of her Father, Kat's real Nona had perished the same night. Others had died, she'd seen it all, while being a small child. In truth, the Lupine had been rather sheltered in that regard, raised in the time of peace and able to grow in a harmony Dathomir possessed in the future.

Very complicated. Kat giggled briefly, a smile staying on her face as it died out, watching him. "Very," she'd only added.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
He laughed at how she referred to the witches that treated her bad. It probably wasn't supposed to be funny, sounding more like an analysis, but he thought it was nonetheless. "As a man who lost quite a bit in life, my humor might not be as good as it used to be." he said explaining why exploding bunnies weren't funny to him. Karna didn't think his humor was completely bad though. Many things were funny to him but the only time he laughed at death was situations where someone deserves it. He could remember one specific time when he laughed as a person died by his hands. Deciding to tell Kat the story, he took in a deep breath and then exhaled. "I dont know if this counts but I always feel amused when I remember a certain story. Keep in mind I was cuckoo at the time, Lily was just murdered. The guy who did it got caught so I went to his holding cell." he stopped. "I'll leave out the details, but watching a killer be killed is very funny." he was a psychopath at the time. Karna, even now, found amusement in remembering the scene. The right emotion to feel would be anger in a normal person, his emotions were just all over the place. I bet she thinks I'm weird now. he told the story expecting some sort of negative reaction.

Kat said it'd be complicated finding someone who values her curiosity. Karna felt like saying he valued her curiosity, however he doubted she would believe him. "It may be. Still, I'm positive someone exists in this galaxy just for you." he wondered if the wording was right. "The fun part is finding that person." he said smiling at the thought. Karna only had one romantic relationship and that was with Lily. Yes, only one after over 900 years of living. It would sound strange to anybody if he told them that, most people go through many relationships. As a Jedi, he followed the code strictly and did not desire to be in any relationship. He learned thinking that way was unnecessary after being with Lily though. Karna smirked, a joke forming in his head. "Who knows, maybe that person likes blowing up people." he tried to hold in his laugh, ultimately failing.

She gave Karna a confused look before correcting him. He understood a little more after she explained. "I see." he really did respect the way they did things. Remembering she said the ceremony set spirits free, he wondered what his ancestors were doing. He chuckled at the thought, not to mock her beliefs, but because he imagined them stuck there in the ground as spirits. Dad would defiantly kick my arse. he hoped that wasn't the case, personally he believed people just died and that was it. If they were actually stuck down there, he'd feel sad.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
It didn't seem right, relating loss with humor. Katrine didn't really follow what the relation was there. "What's that got to do with anything?" She'd questioned as soon as he'd said it. "By that logic, Nona should never laugh at all." Nobody had lost as much Nona had. Her parents, children, grandchildren, great great grandchildren. In every generation after her, Nona had lost someone and sometimes even more and some of them all on the same day. Yet Kat knew Nona could laugh when things were funny. Not quite at everything Katrine found funny but she knew her to laugh, sometimes even be just a little bit more open minded than the others. Not a lot and she was extra serious in comparison to her Mother but still.

Since Karna had started talking again, she realized they were going to be there for a little bit, that she picked up her cup and went around the counter, still actively listening what he was saying, her head forming questions as he spoke. Like apparently he was cuckoo at the time so naturally she wanted to know how and why. And he'd said Lily had just been murdered. So who in the fanged goddess was Lily since she knew the name hadn't been mentioned before. Katrine still stayed quiet, putting the washed cup into the coffee machine she had seen him place it before. Karna was talking about the guy who had done it being in a holding cell so he'd went. A small frown formed on her forehead as he said he'd leave out the details but the ending was great, making her smirk while her blue gaze studied the buttons on the coffee machine.

"How were you cuckoo at the time? How can you be cuckoo at a time? Why were you cuckoo at the time?" First range of questions came out of her mouth before she looked at him. "Who's Lily? How did she get murdered? Why was she murdered? What do I press on the machine?" Her questions came in perfect order of his story and how she'd taken it, depending on where she had been at time. Last one might have seemed out of place to him but it made perfect sense to her. "How'd the guy get caught? Did he get a trial?" Her arms folded. "Don't leave details out, that's no fun for the story. And what do you mean watching? Who was doing the killing?"

Her eyes returned to the machine, her finger rising to the buttons without actually clicking anything. It seemed pretty straight forward and yet it hadn't been. Kat could remember his movements as he'd made them and she could mimic what he had done in preparation but she was missing this one thing since buttons were turned away from where she had stood before so she was missing this one thing.

Karna did agree, it was complicated in finding someone who appreciated her curiosity. Though he seemed positive someone did exist in this galaxy just for her. The fun should have been in finding that person. She thought about it, leaving the coffee machine finally and sitting up on the counter, her face obvious she was thinking through, her gaze lowering. It was way more complicated than she had actually clued him in. "It's probably a little more complicated than that," she had quietly said. If there was someone who existed in this galaxy just for her, that someone probably someone who existed in the time she should have been in. "I don't even exist in the now so it wouldn't make much sense for that someone to be in the galaxy for me now." Way way more complicated than she let out. It would have been at least six more decades before Mother had Chloe and then another few years before she had had her. So while Katrine was willing to accept Karna might have been right, she did not think now was the time and if meeting her older self had taught her anything, once she had put the pieces together, it didn't seem like she as going home anytime soon or ever.

A smile crept to her face slowly, eyes shifting to look at him. Maybe that person liked blowing people up. It cheerful her up, that was for sure. "Doesn't have to be people. I'd settle for places. I'm not picking. We can't all get a massmurder romantice gesture to start the story," Katrine was of course talking about her parents, having loved hearing the story many times but as she had told Aston a few years back, she'd setle for an explosion. Not picky.

He chuckled at something after she'd corrected him. "What?" Of course, Katrine had asked, wondering what had amused him so after she had spoken, not sure if it was what he'd said or if some different taught had come to his mind, which wouldn't be so surprising to her since it happened to her a lot.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
She questioned what loss had to do with humor, he didn't understand. Karna thought it was natural for death to change the way you feel. Kat said Nona shouldn't laugh at all by that logic. That made him even more confused, he would try to explain himself. "You're Nona is tough." he said before going any further. "Everyone is different. Losing important people might affect my emotions differently than someone else, your Nona for instance." that was the best way he could explain it. Karna didn't think his humor was that bad, he'd laugh at most things meant for comedic purposes. Death just wasn't one of those things, unless the person deserved it of course.

While he was speaking Kat went to make her cup of coffee. Then, she asked many questions at once. By now he could keep up with her quick talking but so many questions made his head spin. After taking a second to breathe he was ready to answer all of her questions. He chose not to answer her first few questions on his cuckoo state. Telling her who Lily was instead. "Lily was my wife. The killer used a six inch blade. Never got a chance to find that out." he stopped talking for a moment when he heard her ask about the coffee machine buttons. "The coffee should already be brewed, place the cup under the dispenser and press down on the lever. Be careful it's probably boiling hot." he paused forgetting she probably wanted to learn how to make coffee on that machine. "Feel free to make new coffee if you want. I'll guide you through it if you would like that." the question was defiantly out of place, afterward he answered the remaining questions. "Lily's associates found him a few days after we discovered her corpse. Unfortunately for him, he didn't live long enough to get one." she folded her arms and said not to leave details out. Finally, she asked who killed the killer. "The one who killed the murderer was me." details about the way Karna ended that man were better left out.

Kat sat on the counter after messing with the machine. She said something quietly but he didn't catch what she said. You old goof, listen. he told himself. Karna was listening the next time she spoke and it intriguing him. Kat said something about not existing now. He didn't really comprehend what she meant by saying that, but he was still interested. "I'm not sure what you mean." he said a little confused. "You can share your problems with me, ya know." Karna noticed she seemed down, offering up his ears if she wanted to talk. "We're friends, if it's within my reach I'll help you. However, I understand if you want to keep those things private."

Karna stood there for a little bit frozen when Kat responded to his joke. Assuming she was serious, he couldn't hold in a laugh. Kat said she wasn't picky when deciding what blows ups. That's the main reason he thought it was so funny. "It's good that you're not picky when it comes to those things." he said joking again.

The silly thought he had cause him to chuckle, Kat was curious why he did. "Oh I thought of something stupid. I was thinking of my dad being trapped in the ground instead of being set free, because we don't do the ceremonies." he still though it was funny, a grin on his face.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
Nona was tough for sure, his words making her nod firmly. Nona was by far one of the toughest women Katrine knew and if she was less uptight than Kat saw her to be, she'd totally want to be her so maybe just parts of her. Everyone was different, that much she could agree to though he claimed losing important people left mark on his emotions differently than someone else. "How did it affect your emotions exactly?" She obviously wanted to know, since the subject had been opened. "And how many did you lose?" The question was a natural progression for her. It seemed like it wasn't just one or a few the was Karna talked about loss.

Katrine frowned almost immediately as Karna began to answer, telling her who Lily was, skilling over not one but three questions at once in order to address the fourth. She inhaled a deep breath in an attempt to focus on the answer to the fourth question but the skipped questions were very much distracting her. He said something about Lily being his wife, the killer using a six inch blade but he didn't find out why. "You skipped. You're not supposed to skip questions. How were you, how can you and why were you... cuckoo at the time?" Her questions melted into a single one, though each of the three noted in perfect order. Katrine couldn't exactly skip over a question once it had been asked, needing to file an answer into her mind into the vacant spot left for it. Karna was going to have to learn about that. "You can't skip, Karna. My head requires answers to formed questions." Her expression turned slightly worried, trying to stress the importance of order.

He did however tell her that coffee was done, she just had to pull down on the lever. Kat turned to look at it, reaching for it and slowly pulling down, making sure she got no more than a third of the cup full before she release it, moving on to add additional bits to make it perfect just as she liked it. "That would be a waste. I'll make it next time," she said with a small smile as she took a sip from the finished beverage, finding it as tasty as the last one. Lily's associates found said murder but there was no chance for him to have a trial. Which was fine.

A great big smile spread across her face when Karna informed her he had been the one to have killed the murderer. "That's so sweet. How did you do it?" Her eyes widened just slightly as she asked for the details. All and any details. Honestly, Katrine had always thought Father killed to make Mother happy. She heard a lot of the stories in great details. Mother was also protective of Father but Father tended to react faster. Gruesome details therefore wouldn't upset her at all, so hopefully Karna wouldn't hold back. "And don't leave anything out," she insisted.

Words spoken had caused a confusion in Karna, Katrine looking up at him all confused now too as she realized just how much she had told him. She never intended on spilling but as it turned out, she didn't exactly lie and words sometimes came out whether she wanted them to not. Karna reminded her they were friends and he would help her if it was within his reach while the blond just kept looking at him the entire time, actually not talking. She shouldn't have told him, it was supposed to be a secret. Since her arrival here, Katrine had always caused irreversible changes to the future and she still didn't know what that entailed or she would, unlike her other older self, actually find a way home. And yet, at his reminder of them being friends, the words had come out all on their own: "I was born in the future. About six decades in the future. As was my older sister. She got lost and ended up here. My Mother started remembering her in the past and so I went after her to save her. So you see, I don't really exist in the now so it doesn't make much sense for someone right for me to exist in the now, right?" She might have still been a little down when she was thinking about it actively. Nona would tell her there was no rush when she was younger but Katrine was always quick to point out that Mommy and Daddy had met when she was eighteen and besides, she was a Lupine, her lifespan was far shorter than that of Dathomiri Humans. Nona might have had two centuries with Nono Madoc but she wouldn't have that. It seemed natural for a little girl to want a grand love story like her parents. "Nona would tell me there's time but she's had two centuries with Nono and I've got about fifty years ahead of me. Seems pretty short in comparison, you know." It all made sense in her head.

She laughed at his joked. Kat totally wasn't picky on it, as long as it was one hell of a ride as life should have been. "Indeed. As long as it's an adventure!" Kat declared, with a bit of a pitch to her voice. She looked forward to all the adventures life gave her and since being alone in the galaxy, she had learned adventures were just around every single corner.

Karna was thinking about his Father being trapped in the ground instead of being set free, her lips forming an 'o' again as if she was going to say something 'oops' but she hadn't actually said the word. "We can go set him free after the party?" She suggested, half-serious and half-joking. Kat would. "I happen to be certified to perform a funeral ceremony." Certified was the wrong word really, it was just something all younglings learned on Dathomir. One of their many ceremonies since one never knew when it would be necessary later in life.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
As time went on his sadness kinda faded, it'd be hard to tell exactly how it changed him. Part of it being because of memory. Of course he had good memory, the moment when he changed was just so long ago. He would have to guess on this one. "I don't remember much about my youth but I do know that my humor was way better then compared to after I joined the Jedi." he didn't really answer her question, though he had a reason for that. She wanted to know how much he lost, remembering names would be difficult but he knew numbers. Karna went to many funerals for Jedi, some he knew and others he didn't. They still fought beside eachother in battle so he considered them important. "My father and mother you already know are dead. My Jedi friends deaths led up to my parent's so after awhile, people dying didn't faze me. But if I remember correctly... I'd say over a hundred. I'm sure you can see why friends dying didn't make me sad as time passed." even saying it like that was harsh. His parents and Lily were different when they died. Karna only had one dad and mom after all. It brought back the feeling off loss again, he could no longer follow the Jedi way because of it also.

Kat wasn't going to let him skip the questions about cuckoo Karna, repeating them. Adding that he must not skip them because her head requires answers to formed questions. He didn't know her brain worked that way, in the future he would try to keep things in order since it seemed to trouble her if they weren't. "Sorry. I'll do my best to go in order next time." he said before answering. "My mind wasn't thinking straight. The cuckoo me only lasted for a little bit. Why? My wife was murdered, would you not be incredibly mad if someone killed your boyfriend?" he said hoping the answers satisfied Kat.

She said it was sweet that he killed the murderer, asked how he did it, and didn't want any details left out. Sweet? He assumed she meant it was nice of him to avenge his wife. Describing how he killed someone wasn't something he did normally, he could try it out though. Karna looked at it like he was confession. "This isn't a joke... but if you want to know, fine." he stopped, taking a moment to remember. "Lily's murderer was a pretty normal guy, other than being a killer. No notable skills really. This man could take a few heavy punches without passing out. I didn't go to his cell for a fist fight however. Whether someone's normal or a trained assassin I don't care. He probably should've researched more about her husband." he shook his head, remembering made him disgusted. "Anyways, I went to his cell as soon as they caught the man. They had already beat him up pretty good. He thought I was there to beat him some more, I simply grinned and walked over to him. I grabbed him by the throat and slammed his body against the wall." he laughed at the next part. "Do you remember the knife? I pulled out his tongue and pinned it against the wall using that knife. The noises he let out were so funny, I couldn't help but laugh. The eyeballs came next I believe." he didn't feel like sharing the rest. "Im sure every bone he had was broke by the end." he said too much anyways.

It made much more sense when she talked about existence like before now. Karna believed her and everything, but Kat just admitted to traveling through time. Is that even possible? he asked himself not sure what to think. Many things sounded impossible, being proven possible later on. Kat didn't seem to be joking. Karna let out a sigh, she was full of mysteries. "You're right, this is certainly complicated." thanks to Kat's explanation, he understood why the person for her probably wouldn't make their appearance. "I guess it's good I'm your friend then, Gummie Bear. You'll always have a friend from the past who accepts you." he said trying to make her feel better.

After the party, Kat offered to go set his father free and said she is certified to perform a funeral ceremony. Karna seriously thought his father was trapped now. "Wait, is dad really stuck down there?" he asked, concern in his voice.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
He didn't remember too much of his youth but he did recall his humor being better before he'd joined the Jedi. Kat's eyes went wide right then and there, staring at him now. Did Karna just confirm what Mother had always been telling her? He totally did. "Oh. You poor thing. See, they are filled with the disease of boredom. It kills humor." Not that Kat didn't think Mother was right before but she hadn't actually gotten confirmation until this exact moment. He answered her second question too, reminding her of his parents. Death didn't seem to faze him for a while but he did have a count of sorts. Over a hundred. "You didn't count? Is that what happens when you age so much? You stop actually counting people who aren't closest to you?" Honestly, Kat didn't count the death of people she didn't care about but she assumed it was because of who she was and how she was raised. Family came first, before any faction. Blood over anything else. That was her siblings and parents, the Hawks and Van-Dervelds she did know. Obviously she couldn't care too much for names of people she hadn't met, it seemed silly.

There was an apology once she'd told him he couldn't skip. Kat nodded slowly and waited before he explained but then, it didn't really seem to have much to do with cuckoo at all. He wasn't thinking straight because his wife had been murdered. He called it mad in his question. "I'd be upset if anyone I cared for was killed but that doesn't have anything to do with madness itself. Anger. I'd be angry if anyone one of my family or friends were harmed." Katrine knew madness. She was surrounded by it throughout her entire childhood. Anger and madness were unrelated but if combined could make a person very dangerous. The something clicked in her head and her head tilted as she watched him. "What's a boy friend?" She'd admittedly heard the term before but she didn't really know why Karna chose to single out a boy friend being killed. "I have several boy friends. Though does it matter if I have boy or girl friends?" Katrine honestly didn't know why that could be related to a wife or mate being killed, as if it was somehow related. She imagined if she had a mate and said mate was murdered, she'd pretty unhinged. She couldn't imagine what sort of havoc her Mother or Father could reek across the galaxy if one or the other had been killed.

It wasn't a joke? Kat got a bit confused and frowned, not following. "Why not?" Her question didn't came necessarily because she thought it a joke but because Karna had went on to stress it in his words before he'd go on to tell her what he'd done to Lily's murderer. She listened carefully same as she listened to any story her parents told her about their adventures, imagining it play out like some sort of cartoon in her head. He'd grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the wall, cut off his tongue and pinned it against the wall. Her brows rose a little as he added the detail. The noises entertained him. And he went on to mention eyeballs and every ball broke in the end. Kat kept looking at him before a small smile crept to her face. "You really loved your mate," she concluded in the end after the story. It was entertaining, the story and it had also provided a whole new light for her to watch Karna in. He didn't have to be a madman but the fact that he did have it in him made her glad she'd walked into the coffee shop today. "I like you. I'm glad you're my friend." Honestly, she needed more friends like Karna in her life.

Complicated, he'd agreed. Kat gave a firm nod to his sentence. He found it good that he as her friend so she would have one in the past who accepted her. "Yep. And who knows, if I ever do find a way back home, you can come ask for on Dathomir in about seventy years. Nona would tell you. She's very accepting of outsiders." Nona was very open minded. Given the right motivation to believe a stranger who'd showed up in the Singing Mountain looking for her. She'd help him for sure. "But you'd have to be careful. Witches like to claim strangers." Katrine however hadn't realized she had neither told him Nona's full name, the name of her clan or even explained the claiming process. All this seemed normal to her so she didn't think to do so.

After she'd offered to perform a funeral ceremony for Karna's father, her new friend looked concerned when he asked. Katrine shrugged. "Probably. Burials are pretty mean to the dead." She didn't know exactly, it was what she was taught. It made sense, imagioning it play out, the way the burning liberated the spirit by destroying the body, leaving nothing but ashes that would spread by the wind. It also wasn't something Witches did but rather something they happened so Katrine assumed it was the will of the Fanged Goddess. "It's up to you if you want to do it. I'm really fine with doing it."

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
Karna laughed when she said the Jedi are filled with the disease of boredom. Most Jedi were boring in his past, though some also didn't take their position so seriously. He was the boring type, focusing on getting stronger and serving the order. Following the Jedi code strictly until the end. Now that he's experienced being one, looking back maybe they were pretty dull. Even if the Jedi aren't all that exciting, he respected them. Kat asked if aging causes you to stop counting deaths of lesser important people. "Yes, for a 900 year old man. Lifespan plays a big part in it. I've outlived so many of my friends, it's unfair." it really was unfair. Karna couldn't remember them but he did feel bad for those who died before him.

She answered his question, saying she'd be angry if someone close to her was killed, but not go insane. Kat tilted her head and asked what a boyfriend is. Karna showed concern on his face because Kat mentioned she had several boy friends, and then asked if the gender mattered. Since she asked what a boyfriend was, he didn't assume she meant several romantic partners. After thinking about it he let out a sigh of relief. "When you are in a romantic relationship with a male, he is called your boyfriend. Lily was my wife, but before that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. The gender is purely preference." he probably didn't need to explain it that much. Karna hoped she understood now.

He said it wasn't joke, the story he was about to tell. Kat asked why not, he was confused again. Karna knew she said not to skip questions, he decided on what to say. "I wouldn't make something like this up." he said quickly. She formed a small smile after he was done telling his story, concluding that he really loved Lily. Kat added she liked him and was glad he was her friend. Karna smiled in response to her kind words. "Thank you."

Kat talked about Karna visiting her in the future if she returns, her Nona would let him know where she is. Witches like to claim strangers? He chuckled thinking it was a joke. "Will they put a collar on me and attach leash?" he asked jokingly. Karna would go see her whether they tried to claim him or not. The witches did sound intimidating though.

The possibility that his dad could be trapped in the ground made him sad, but he wouldn't ever go back home. Shaking his head, he explained. "No, I appreciate your offer. Going back would be hard for me." Zorren lost their home to immigrated species the last time he went back. There's a good chance his people's graves are destroyed anyways. So there's no point. "Dad will be okay." he said with confidence.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
You lose some and it is sad, but you gain others and it is a blessing, hi'ja, she remembered what she'd been told about living long once as Karna said lifespan played a part in it, and that it wasn't fair to have outlived so many of his friends. "It's sad when you lose but a blessing to gain more," Katrine shared the words of wisdom that had her wondering once. Of course, back when Kat had asked, she was just learning the fact she wouldn't be living as long as other Witches so it had left a bit of a shock to her system because while she was a Lupine, she was raised among the Dathomiri.

Karna did answer her question but he talked about being in a romantic relationship with a male, he was called a boyfriend. Lily was his wife but before she was his girlfriend and he her boyfriend. A small piece of her forehead wrinkled slightly as she thought about it. "I don't get it," she admitted finally. Why would someone with whom you had a romantic relationship with be a boyfriend or girlfriend. "Why would you call it like that. A friend is a friend." She kept voicing out, trying to comprehend. "You meet, you have fun, you claim someone you should be with. And they become your mate. A husband or wife, as you'd say." Nobody told her about this romantic relationship titles. Nobody could really. She'd listened about relationships from women who had met and claimed their chosen mates, not being like other Witches who claimed more than one and regarded them as slaves rather than mates. Chloe had a boy friend once, he was definitely a friend to her who was a boy.

He wouldn't make something like it up. "I didn't say you made it up. You used the word joke, not me," Katrine pointed out.

A laughter erupted from her when Karna asked if witches would put a collar on him and attach a leash to it. Sounded pretty funny to her, imagining him with one of those. "Depends who you end up with and if you're in to it. I think some Witches like that," Katrine pointed out jokingly. "No, claiming is a secret and important act. It's means a man, and sometimes a woman, is property of the Witch. Some Witches literally claim a person to be their property, their slaves. But we're not supposed to say that anymore since we're all new and modern and they're servants." She'd been explained that very early on. All part of the culture, really. "Claiming means taking a mate really though. Hawks claim for life or until death of their mate. They don't claim more than one person at a time." It was serious and important, even if he'd started out with a joke and she'd added to it. Nona claimed when she was twenty-six, Mother claimed Father when she was eighteen. "Hawks also take is so seriously that they don't have children with anyone other than their mate once they've claimed. Some Witches do. Aunt Kytarra had children without claiming a mate. Nona had twins with someone else though it was through the Force. I'm still a little confused by Nono Madoc let the man live though. Father wouldn't stand for it. Mother wouldn't do it though." She liked Aston, she really did, but she didn't really get it why Nona had gone to have twins not of Nono Madoc considering she did know the older woman well enough to know it was very uncharacteristic of her to do so.

He appreciated her off but would find it hard to go. Katrine shrugged and sipped her warm beverage while he declared his Father would be fine. "If you say so. They're your beliefs, after all," she told him in between her sips. His beliefs, his dead. Katrine wouldn't argue the point too much after that. The offer didn't have an expiration date though which she believed he knew even if she didn't say it.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
It was sad to lose someone but a blessing when you gain. Karna agreed with that. He met a great amount of people in his life, losing many along the way. Even though some perished, that was one of the positives about being able to outlive others. Karna could see new faces as others left his mind. Thinking that way was still sad but a good way to get over death. He nodded and smiled. "I like your thinking." he really did. All of his life he saw death as bad in everyway. Kat showed him that isn't the case.

Kat still didn't get it, he let out a sigh before talking again. "It's simply a term used to address your lover after you claim them, until marriage." this explanation should've been much clearer. The way questions she asked made him think her parents hadn't taught her about relationships. That couldn't be true however, Kat knew about marriage. Maybe she just didn't know the word 'boyfriend' due to her birth planet's culture. Whatever the reason for it was, he hoped he explained it well.

She laughed at his joke, that was relieving... but then Kat told him that some witches claimed people as property. Karna wasn't new to slavery, he was just surprised the witches did that. A worried look on his face following her talk about it. She explained how witches claimed people in more detail. Beside the slave part, claiming didn't seem all that weird. Kat even told him it really means choosing a mate. He lost the look and was curious if she claimed someone. Karna wanted to know about both versions of claiming. "Have you ever claimed a person? Slave or mate?" he wouldn't be surprised if Kat had slaves and not because he thought bad of her, she was a witch like the others right? It's natural for a witch to act like a witch.

Karna shook his head when Kat talked. "Its not that. I'd love to see you perform the ceremony. The issue is I don't know where father's body is, going would be pointless." That was a good excuse as any. He also would face trouble if he went back, though that wasn't included in the conversation.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
Karna liked her thinking, a smile forming on her face. "That's not my thinking, it's Nona's," Katrine informed him. She couldn't take credit for something she didn't say, it wouldn't have been fair even if she took it even if Nona wasn't here to find out.

It occured to her quickly that Karna, in the process of trying to explain a foreign word to her, didn't understand at all how claiming worked. "Uhh, claiming is the wedding, as you'd say. The ceremony done in front of witnesses," Katrine explained. "After claiming, comes the marking, that same evening. The private part of the ceremony." Once claimed, the claimed person became the mate or a slave.

Her head shook quickly. No, Katrine had never claimed anyone, not a slave or a mate. "Hawks take claiming very seriously. Only Nona claims strangers not for the sake of having a mate, since she has that in Nono Madoc, but to protect them from being claimed by others who would in fact keep our guests." It was a special sort of claiming performed by the Clan Ma'tra, a small protection statement to allow them freedom of movement.

She looked at Karna when he suddenly said he didn't know where his fater's body was. "Wait, you bury them and then you forget where they're buried? That's rude." Seemed horrible to her. Katrine knew where their funeral ceremonies were performed, even if the spirits were free after that.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
It was Nona who thought that way. Karna nodded to show he understood. He would have to meet this Nona, not anytime soon but one day. She wouldn't claim him hopefully, but saying hi would be nice. Kat talked about her Nona a lot so he was interested in her. "I guess I'll have to meet your Nona some day." he said smiling. Karna didn't have any ill-intent in wanting to see her. Since they were friends he'd encounter her family one day anyways.

Claiming is the wedding. He stepped back a few times, feeling defeated. Then there was the marking? Karna didn't like the sound of that, stepping back again. Something was wrong, for some reason he felt like he was falling. Wait.. thump a chair had tripped him from behind. "What the..." he let out confused for a moment. As he sat there on the ground, some things spinning, a metallic object rolled across the floor. Karna looked at Kat, remembering they were in the middle of a conversation. "Let's pretend that didn't happen." even though it hurt a little, he did think falling because of a chair was pretty funny. He stood up grinning, and fixed the chair. "Sorry, I misunderstood. Let's say it's the period where you have fun then. Lovers but not married."

Kat spoke more about Nona, and she sounded like a good person. She said Nona had a mate but claimed others to protect them. Karna had a smile on his face. He had another question, a straight face replacing the smile. "Isn't there someone from Dathomir in the future that you have a crush on?" he wasn't interested in romance as a young man, well young for him. Karna assumed she had at least had those feelings once.

Karna didn't think it was rude. The planet probably changed after a few centuries. He didn't tell Kat about that though."My home is probably no more. The terrorists most likely have built over the burial grounds." he guessed that's what happened.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
Firmly nodding, she agreed. "Totally," she agreed. Kat was sure Nona would like Karna. She was very non judgmental towards strangers, no matter what their beliefs or affinities were. "Nona's very cool with strangers. She gives everyone a shot." It was just the way Nona was, Katrine thought, not something that required so many questions. She just believed it was who she was despite her upbringing, of which Kat actually didn't know much about which was pretty strange for the Lupine considering who she was.

Just after Katrine had explained the claiming, Karna had moved back, tripping over a chair and falling down, causing a very confused blond. She didn't actually realized he'd reacted to what she said. "Are you...?" She'd began to ask if he was alright when something rolled across the floor, her head jerking towards it. Hand extended in a second, focusing on the object and pulling it towards her. It flew into her extended hand, her fingers wrapping against the cold metal. When it was in her hand, she realized exactly what it was, igniting the beam into the air. "Pretty," the Lupine muttered holding it, giving it slight movement to hear the familiar sound of the weapon. Kat didn't much care for lightsabers, not in the way Father did, owning not one by two. Mother had taught her to use firearms instead, her preference for the slugthrower using acid slugs for the sheer amusement of it. Nona, however, had given her plenty of lessons in using both lightersabers and swords because it was the way of the Witches. Karna was saying something about pretending, though she didn't hear everything, deactivating the beam a few short moments later, looking up at him. He fixed up the chair from behind him, finally explaining that he was referring to the type of having fun. Lovers but not married. "Oh," she finally said. "So why the silly name? A lover is a lover. Witches have those. They're not always willing and it's kinda degrading to not want to claim the man but still, you know. It happens." Katrine went on before extending her hand and offering back the lightsaber hilt she was still holding.

Her head shook quickly. No, she didn't have a crush on anyone in the future or on Dathomir in the future. "Nope. Kinda hard when I spent most of my time with family. And like I said, Van-Dervelds are not into inbreeding. We're not that far off the train." They definitely were not. Sure, she liked one very distant cousin and she didn't think of his as family because she hadn't met him until now and he was really great but Kat wouldn't go so far as to say she had those sorts of feelings. She didn't exactly understand what a crush was to be exactly. "It sounds silly. A crush. You know what a crush is? A spell with which you crush things and people." Three levels, totally a fun spell. Katrine therefore found it completely silly to relate one to the other. "Do you hurt someone if you have a crush on them?" The thought randomly emerged from her mouth before she giggled, knowing full well how silly it truly sounded.

As he responded to her comment about forgetting where the dead were buried, Karna talked about his home probably being gone since terrorists had most likely built over burial grounds. Her face probably looked mortified when she heard that. "Build over the dead?" The whole thing sounded far too shocking to imagine. "That's ruder. You know that's gonna make them angry. There is like way they'd take it laying down even if they were forced under." Katrine gave spirits a lot of power but that had every bit to do with the fact that that a spirit had been at her side through the majority of her life, she wasn't just throwing that out though it probably may have seemed like it. Her expression softed though, taking some more coffee. Those terrorists totally wouldn't enjoy their time there.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
Kat agreed that he needed to meet her Nona one day, Nona gave everyone a shot. Karna couldn't remember if he'd been to Dathomir in his past, maybe he did visit that planet. The mission might not have been of importance though. Being old didn't mean he forgot everything from his younger years but for him to recall it, the memory would have to be noteworthy. Karna wondered if he'd really be welcomed there, since it's possible he killed some witches a long time ago. He decided to share that with Kat. "Your people might hate me. I worked for many people in my lifetime, killing, stealing, and everything else. There's a chance that I did those things to witches in the past." he was being honest, she might even hate him now. The witches he killed were probably not witches like Kat's family, but he thought it was important to mention.

When he stood up and recovered a bit from the fall, he noticed Kat had a lightsaber in hand. He felt around his waist, his saber must've gotten knocked out of place. It appeared Kat knew how the weapon worked because the silver blade shot up. Karna didn't think about it before but she pulled the saber to her hand. Fascinating. he thought while watching her move the blade. To him, at first, Kat looked like a normal girl. At this point he found out that wasn't true, so he laughed. A witch, wolf, and time traveler. The laughing stopped and he smiled. Kat held out her hand, offering to give back his weapon after speaking. Karna pulled the lightsaber to his hand and put it back. "I guess it's convenient for someone to say a male is their boyfriend, rather than their lover." he really didn't know himself.

She had no crush on anyone, saying she'd been with her family most of the time. That was understandable. Karna didn't know what to think when she spoke about a crush spell, his face showing that. Kat said it crushed things and people, she defiantly wasn't normal. He chuckled after remembering his thoughts from earlier. She asked him if having a crush on someone hurt them. Karna shook his head slowly. "No, it actually hurts the one who has the crush." that was true unless the person had success in reaching their crush's Karna.

The bit about terrorists building over the dead probably sounded awful to Kat, considering her reaction. She said it was ruder and it'd make the spirits angry. Karna hated the terrorists for everything they did, including the possibility of building over burial grounds. Though he didn't know much about spirits so he couldnt share that feeling."The average person doesn't care for a corpse, Gummie Bear. That doesn't excuse their actions though. Our beliefs are different but even I wouldn't disrespect the dead."

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
A small wrinkle formed between her brows as she thought about his words. Karna thought her people would hate him because of the things he'd done in his lifetime. He seemed to think that there was a chance he did those things to witches. "But you're not sure?" She wondered. "Have you ever been to Dathomir?" She followed with a second question almost immediately, still trying to understand. "How can you think you killed Witches but not be sure? Old Witches made it pretty obvious they were ones. Nightsisters especially. And Singing Mountain Clan Witches wouldn't hold it against you if you've killed Nightsisters, especially not in the old days. You see, we weren't always on friendly terms with them. Epecially not the Spider Clan which lives in our mountain. In fact, the Spider Clan had personally led an attack on our clan, which resulted in the loss of a lot of our members. Some killed, some sold into slaver. Nono and Nona died in that attack. Mother was kidnapped and sold into slavery and she was still a wee little Witch. It was quite detailed what she had told him, an important part of their history eveven if Unification was now part of their history but if she remembered the story well enough, it was fairly new and fragile at this time.

"They're unified now, all the Witches. They have two leaders, one light and one dark, and a new Book was created to represent this but it's pretty fragile at this early stage," Katrine voiced out her thoughts to him, remembering Nona's words in her head.

He guessed it was convenient to use boyfriend instead of lover. "Excess of vocabulary," Kat said flatly. It was what it really was, an excess of words that weren't necessary. Then, Witches didn't find need in such excess as they did in others. She shrugged eventually. "You have yours, we have ours," Katrine decided in the end. She was pretty sure she wouldn't be needing it. For a Witch, she had been ready to take on a lower for several years now, even more so to lay claim but she hadn't done it really. It was okay, Mother only claimed when she was eighteen, Nona when she was twenty-six. Considering Witch longetivity, it didn't really matter if it happened now or in a few years. Not that the same related to Katrine, which she was well aware of but at the same time, she was raised among the Dathomiri and Nona never permitted those around her to look at her blood differently, even if they weren't human like the rst of them.

A frown formed on her face when Karna said it hurt the one with the crush. "That doesn't sound pleasant at all," Katrine said, not quite happy with that comparisson. "Love isn't supposed to hurt. It's supposed to be strong and give strength. Love isn't meant to be weakness." Despite her little joke, she was quite passionate on the idea of what love was even she didn't know how it felt. Nona said Nono Madoc was her strength in ways Katrine couldn't understand until she felt it. Mother said Father was her ancher and no matter what anyone would say about him or her, he kept her grounded and strong, able to contain whatever darkness that truly was inside her. Katrine didn't need that, she had come to see her victory over Avarisa, she had defeated her own darkness all by herself but it sounded nice none the less to have extra strength in one's life.

The average person didn't care for the dead, Karna had informed her, making Katrine shake her head. It wasn't right, not one single bit. While Karna said their actions weren't excused for it, that didn't make things right at all. Even he wouldn't disrespect the dead even if their beliefs were different. "It's not about disrespecting the dead. There is strength in the spirits, whether you believe it or not. They can get mad, they can strike back. They can even grow strong enough to physically touch the living given enough power," she explained, holding the cup just below her lips before taking another sip. "Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter." Nobody taught Kat that. They taught her to respect spirits, to burn the dead, to sing the song of their funeral, to speak chants in respect to their deceased elders but they had never taught her that the spirits were very much around them and quite powerful in their own right like she had been forced to discover by herself.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
There were many reasons for him not being sure, the main one being that he didn't really care to remember an enemy's allegiance. The objective is all he focused on, talking or investigating his enemy wasn't common. He believed learning about them would cause hesitation when he attacked. Karna may seem heartless to any normal person but he thought it was merciful to end a life as soon as possible... if they must die. That was wrong though no one deserves to die, he knew. However a mercenary usually killed anyway for payment. Kat asked if he'd ever went to Dathomir and asked another question immediately after the first. He would listen to her as she talked about the history of the witches. Karna didn't know much when it came to witches so this information was interesting. "It's possible I've traveled there at some point." he said answering her first question. "I'm old. I don't even recall what I had for dinner yesterday." he said jokingly. He had a feeling a joke would confuse her more but the truth was sad.

She said boyfriend was an excess of vocabulary, he chuckled. He never looked at it that way but maybe she was right. At the same time, boyfriend and girlfriend sounded normal to him. Karna lowered his eyes when she spoke next, Kat told him he had his vocabulary and her people had theirs. "That's true." he let out almost silently. He chuckled. Complicated. a smirk forming after the chuckle. Karna had met many people in his lifetime, out of everyone Kat easily earned the most complicated award. Of course that wasn't a bad thing. In fact, he thought life would be more interesting with a friend like her.

Kat didn't think having a crush sounded pleasant. She added that love isn't suppose to be a weakness, a strength instead. It made sense to him. He realized using the word crush wasn't a good move, since they had different vocabulary. "You're right. Having a crush on someone usually doesn't last long though, so it's not like true love or anything. Some might turn out that way." he lost Lily, his love, bringing quite a bit of pain on him. Karna's view on love and relationships as a whole changed after that incident. "During your time here in the past I'm sure at least one guy has approached you." he was curious about that next. Kat was beautiful, he'd be shocked if she said no. "So has anyone asked you out on a date yet?"

Karna grinned when she said it didn't matter if he believed in spirits or not. "Ill believe you. Gummie Bear wouldn't lie." he said confidentially. I think.. He didn't really have any beliefs from the start other than believing gods exist. If gods existed, spirits certainly did as well.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]
Karna thought it was possible he might have traveled there before though he called himself old, not able to recall what he had for dinner the day before, making Katrine giggle before she took another sip of her coffee. "Silly. If you were on Dathomir, you'd remember," she told him after a few moments. It was a planet unique in its own right. While beautiful, that wasn't the unique aspect of it at all. It was the clans, the women, the rancors, the magic that would have been chanted. Any visit was usually a memorable one.

She heard him agree with her comment about excess in vocabulary, her head moving in a nod as he did to confirm.

He went on to further explain the crush thing, said it didn't last long, not being true love or anything though some could have turned out that way. "So, it's a thing before that may or may not turn into love, Katrine explained it to herself once he'd said it, recalling a story she had been told about an imperial Mother always claimed but was nothing like what she had with Father. "I think I've heard about it but Mother used the word infatuation," she recalled after a moment. "It was nothing like true love. True love hit her quick and fast, she barely had time to process. Which is strange for us, we like to process." It was strange thinking about it like that, there is a whole word that may represent the start of something but doesn't have to. Galactic Basic was proving even more complicated than Katrine had originally thought. "I've been spared a lot of words from your language growing up." She realized at that point.

Had anyone asked her out on a date yet? Katrine frowned, more words that sounded silly. "I'm not good with dates. Thankfully, nobody asks me." Kat tended to suffer from the literal meaning, something Karna would have to pick up on his own because she wasn't always aware of it herself. "Wait," she wondered then. "Is that another excess word?" Even if it had dawned on her that it could have been, Katrine wasn't really following on how it was and what the date had to do with crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends.

Karna believed her in what she said, saying Gummie Bear wouldn't lie. "That's right. Gummie Bear is very bad at lying or not sharing what she's thinking about. Fact." Katrine was literally pretty bad at it, she was well aware of this fact, just as she was bad at withholding things on her mind. People sometimes looked at her funny as she did share what was on her mind but it was simply who she was.

[member="Karna Ramesha"]
She giggled at his joke about being old. He smiled, seeing Kat happy filled him with a similar feeling. Karna smiled and nodded when she called him silly for not remembering if he'd been to Dathomir. "Well, going there might refresh my memory." he said being serious this time.

Kat said that she might have heard of the word 'crush', her mother called it an infatuation instead of crush. She also told him how her mothers experience of having a crush differed with that of true love. That was very true, though he never had the chance to have a crush. The younger Karna didn't look for a romantic relationship in anyone. It was some time ago, but Karna did fall in love with someone. Whether that was true love or not, he could agree with her mother that true love was different.

Her answer to his question kinda shocked him. She hated dates so much that she was happy nobody asked her out on any? Karna hadn't realized her answer was for the other meaning of date. Fortunately for him, she asked about its meaning so he figured out that he'd need to explain it. "Yes. A date is basically when you do something with a friend or your lover, like watch a movie together or shop with eachother. Even eating together can be a date if it's in your plans." he made his best attempt at explaining dates.

She said it was a fact that Gummie Bear didn't lie, as she was very bad at it. Karna laughed. "Good. A man will hold an honest woman closer than others." he was saying that honesty is an attractive quality.

[member="Katrine Van-Derveld"]

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