Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coercion is the Best Form of Persuasion | TSE Dominion of Chad / Centares

Rowan Devonshire

Location: The Aviary, Centares
Objective: A Little Wicca, BYOO

Between Sedgwick's attack and the searing flame within the mind by the White Witch, the creature seethed in pain. It lashed out shooting dagger-like shadows toward both Rowan and her companion. Sedgwick found himself on the receiving end of the creature's bullets carved from the very trees within the Aviary. "LEAVE THIS PLACE!" It shouted and the ground beneath her feet seemed to rumble. Rowan's vision darted across the Aviary where she could see the lines of ichor. "Ichor, in the ground!" The magenta hue turned green and there it was seen a pure form of ichor here on the planet, but how? Rowan wouldn't have time to question or investigate right now, not with the Shadow Bird in full attack mode.

The pain from the mental effects seemed to make the creature's attacks more volatile and that much more erratic. Sedgwick in his demonic form let out a sonic scream before returning to his feline form and racing toward Rowan's shoulder. "Reaps Wodahs!" Rowan formed a spear from the shadows and launched it toward the bird. The spear landed in the bird's foot. It let out a sonic wail of its own, forcing Rowan at the very least to the ground. The wail summoned a near immeasurable amount of smaller skeletal birds that screamed toward the lot with an aim to take them down.

"Sedgwick!" Rowan cried as the cat was lifted off by a larger skeletal bird.

Quarterstaff in hand, Rowan took off on foot following the bird, "your lot is gonna be nuthin' but potion stew when I'm done."

"You foul black magic creatures, you play the fool such as the Dark One that came before you - and for such insolence, you shall pay!"

Branches and vines launched out toward them as if fighting off the skeletal bird army hadn't been enough.

[member="Jenmae Ophiro"]

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Gil cocked his head to one side, keeping silent. Did this Sith think he was an idiot? A Jedi he could probably fight on the ground. They had qualms about certain uses of the Force that could end fights in an instant because they usually resulted in death. The Sith on the other hand?

The droid rumbled and took a step forward in response, its photoreceptors glowing a deep red.

"I rather like my saddle. Heated seat," he quipped and fired his blaster again.

In the space above them two Mandalorian frigates dropped out of hyperspace alongside an old Ash'amur I . An alarm was sent to Gil's helmet which made him pause his advance on the Sithling. With a grunt he stored his rifle.

"Sorry kid, play time's over." The droid fired several missiles around them and bolted into the air under the cover of the explosions.

When they were far enough from the Sith Gil opened up a secure channel.

"All Resistance soldiers, time to go! Get to a ship and meet at these coordinates!" The droid sent the coordinates over the secure channel as it headed back to the rebel base towards the corvette stashed away as a get away vessel.

[member="Eye of Solomon"] [member="Jair Ordo"] [member="Karsan Munin"]

Eye of Solomon

Objective: Kill The Rebels
Location: Centares

Kadurin backflipped through the air to evade the missiles, which impacted the ground around the two combatants and exploded violently. By the time Kadurin landed and regained his bearings, the Mandalorian had already boosted away into the sky beyond the Princeling's reach. Snarling in frustration, Kaduring was just about the give pursuit when his wrist-communicator chirped to life. Angrily he pressed the button to accept the incoming call.

"What do you want?" Kadurin growled, "My Lord, rebel ships have jumped in from hyperspace. Two frigate class, one destroyer class." Kadurin paused for a moment, the cogs in his mind whirring as he quickly pieced the dots together. "That must be the rebel's means of escape, divert fighters from the ground assault to attack the capital ships. The fight is all but over here, all they can do now is scurry away." His vigor and tenacity in hunting down the enemies of his father overpowered all of his other desires, even though he would have liked to see more destruction heaped upon the rebel base he knew that there was little else that could be achieved planetside.

Within minutes, the Sith fighters and bombers that had been harassing the rebel's ground positions veered away and retook to outer space. There they regrouped and moved against the rebel ships, taking particular caution around the larger ship and mainly focusing on destroying enemy fighters and any vessel that made the transition from Centares to the space around the rebel formation. The Imperial fleet also moved in to engage the rebel ships, having a numerical superiority with their five ships against the enemy's three. The Marr-class destroyer would engage the Ash'amur-class ship-to-ship, it's heavy cannons swiveling to bear on the near-equally sized warship.

Down below, Kadurin would continue his advance into the Rebel base, cutting down any who would stand between him and victory.

[member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Jair Ordo"] | [member="Karsan Munin"]

Amaya Cardei

Chadra-Fan hadn't been so far from Galidraan as to escape its influential eye completely. It had once been the dairy capital of the galaxy and had slowly regrown to this status, but the tidal waves and greenhouse effects made the world a challenge. A challenge to colonize as far as the Galidraani were concerned, agriculture and husbandry were two areas where the Galidraani were experts. Once [member="Darth Wyyrlok XXIV"] had finalized the deal, ships bearing Sith-Imperials and Galidraani colonists and administrators began to arrive. It was understood that there would be little use for permanent structures as they would be washed away when the hurricanes arrived. So it meant making the most of their time outside of the hurricanes.

Soldiers soon followed after as TIE Fighters screeched across the sky. Weather balloons and sensors would also be deployed to keep an eye on the severe weather on the planet. All of it moved across the planet as the curtain of the Sith Empire's territory moved to engulf Chadra-Fan. Captain Aermoira Cyone would be among the many scientists dispatched to the world, she and her crew would be responsible for analyzing weather patterns and providing solutions to the Empire. As for some of the residents there, few would come up missing, but those few were of the type that would not be noticed by the populace the outcasts and discarded ones. They would be taken either to [member="Taeli Raaf"] or one of the Sith Empresses for experimentation.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one

Something wasn't right. He realized it as he finally took a chance to look at the ship readouts. The old man cursed under his breath when he understood what it was. The battlecruiser was missing. Sure the Ash'amur could take a beating, but the ship was nearly thirty years old now and had been mothballed for fifteen. It alone wasn't going to hold off a Sith barage for much longer.

As the ship he'd boarded entered space and he made his way to the bridge his eyes widened at the sight of the Sith fleet prepared just for them. This tiny resistance cell had warranted such a large-scale assault? Their own ship shuddered as a turbolaser blast rocked against their shields, bringing the battle to them. If they were already targeting them...He swivvled his head to the the other resistance transports. One exploded as a green turbolaser blast cracked its unshielded hull.

As the triangle shaped Sith warships became larger and larger during their approach he began to furrow his brow worriedly. Had they miscalculated? Had the Sith already captured the ship?

"Where's the-"

As if on cue the massive Mandalorian dreadnought dropped out of hyperspace, its cannons not hesitating even a single second. Ion cannon fire and turbolaser fire rained from its broadside cannons and trenches as it put itself between the armada and the Resistance fleet. Its massive hangar doors creaked open to accept the resistance transports and its ventral hangar bustled with activity as they prepared to accept the last remaining corvette. Gil's shoulders sagged with relief as he felt the vessel's tractor beam begin to pull them in to its belly.

[member="Eye of Solomon"]
[member="Karsan Munin"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

One by one, the rebels fending off the Sith assault were falling back but Jair didn't notice that until it was too late. He had been to focused on the upcoming waves of Sith, along with Karsan Munin and the lost detonator for the detpacks. Only when a missile hit near his position, he realized only the two Mandalorians remained.

"Karkin' aruetiise!! They've fethin' bailed with no word to us!" Jair shouted out at Karsan. "I got here on a rebel shuttle but looks like there's none left for us." He looked up as various resistance vessels pierced the atmosphere and disappeared into orbit.

What the hell, General?

"Mando, we need to get the kark outta here. I ain't plannin' on dyin' for some aruetiise's cause."

Eye of Solomon

With the fight on the ground all but ended, the Empire turned its focus towards the fleeing rebel ships. Starfighters surged after the transports, opening fire on their engines to both disable and outright destroy them. Rebel fighters mobilized to counter the Imperial fighters, and a vicious dogfight broke out near the Rebel warships. The Imperial formation continued to close the gap between them, heavy turbolaser batteries just coming into range with multiple volleys were lobbed towards the aging Mandalorian destroyer.

It seemed as if the Rebels were on the brink of destruction, the Empire finally closing the noose around their necks, when the arrival of the Mandalorian battlecruiser briefly turned the tide.

The Harrower cruisers slowed their advance and anchored themselves around the Marr destroyer, their weapon systems shifting priority from the destroyer to the newly arrived battlecruiser. Several of the Harrowers took devastating broadsider damage from the enemy battlecruiser, forcing the Empire on the back foot as the evacuation transports surged into the battlecruiser's hangar bays. Without an interdictor, the taskforce was unable to stop the Rebels from escaping into hyperspace.

"It matters not if the terrorists scurry away," growled Kadurin in a holo-call with the Marr's captain, "Through the power of the Dark Side we will hunt them down no matter where they choose to hide, they only delay the inevitable victory of the Sith. Alert Sector Command and inform them that Centares has fallen, and to dispatch a garrison to occupy the planet. My task is done here."
Karsan looked up at the kid as he finished making his makeshift detonation device. He pulled the kid's head down as he turned and fired at detpack. The sympathetic detonation was a devastating chain of explosions, sending Sith troopers, vehicles, and Sith warriors flying. Space wizards with their fancy magics didn't really stand a chance against a good blaster at your side, or even better, an explosion at their feet.

The assault force was all but decimated, broken and their coordinating effort to attack Karsan and Jair's position was broken, their ability to regroup would be their only hope now. The disruptor pistol was good, better, even best in this situation, to say the least.

Karsan just wished he had another.

He looked up at the sky, then down at the kid.

"How many ships you steal before?"

[member="Jair Ordo"] l [member="Eye of Solomon"]
[member="Karsan Munin"]

"Don't think I ever have."

He ducked just as a bolt passed over his head.

"Time to improvise?"

Jair unclipped a thermal det and tossed it back at the encroaching soldiers before he left further inside the museum looking for a ship or any form of transport to get them outta here.

Eye of Solomon

"Pull our forces back, let's give them something to remember us by."

A line of tripod walkers began to advance on the diminishing Rebel position, most of which had been abandoned with most of their comrades evacuated to orbit. The Sith forces in the area around the museum and rebel base began an orderly withdrawal, collecting their dead as they backed away from the Rebel positions. When they were out of range, the tripod walkers came to a halt and anchored themselves into the ruined ground beneath their feet.

The heavy mass driver cannon protruding from the walker's body angled up as the crew inside calculated the most precise trajectory, and when they had achieved a satisfactory calculation the gun barked with a great and mighty roar. Heavy explosive shells soared up through the air before falling right down among the museum and Rebel base, detonating with enough force to blast down walls and kill any Rebel unfortunate enough to stand in its blast radius.

And the shelling would not stop until neither building remained standing.

[member="Jair Ordo"] | [member="Karsan Munin"]
[member="Eye of Solomon"] l [member="Jair Ordo"]

So there they were, two armored knuckleheads in the biggest shootout of their lives (so far) and things had been going relatively bad (so far). But our heroes weren't about to die yet, no.

They had work to do.

So, they high-fived, exchanged holonetmail addresses (Karsan's was IpunchedKaine69@notamando.mando), and got to work.

By fake surrendering.

"We surrender!" Our heroes cried, hand in the air.

Hand, you ask? Of course, a singular hand.

Because they both were holding onto sidearms.

Six stormtroopers came a knockin', eager to arrest and capture the would-be Mandalorians.

Six stormtroopers found out how fast the dynamic dummy duo could shoot them. But not like they had a lot of time to process it or quantify it.

Because they were dead.

The dynamic duo headed off, escaping the bombardment once again. More stormtroopers came, but only found disintegrated assholes and partially burnt stormtrooper parts.

The duo managed to sneak onto a Imperial ship, and Karsan used his knowledge of Stormtrooper lingo and vernacular to convince the pilot and maintenance crew to come out to check out the sweet Mandalorian they captured. Of course, a bunch of rookies coming out to see a cool Mandalorian and take a holopicture for spacebook was easy for Jair to swing a wrench at them.

Just the one, before you ask, Jair had a wide arc. Clonked all five of them at the same time.

Using his best impression of a Royal Gungan officer, Karsan and Jair got off the planet with an Imperial ship, hitting the jump before the sneaky Sith bastards and their pesky Space emo laser sword wizards could get wind of their daring escapades.

Movie rights were already being requested.

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