Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Judge Name Color

[member="Cain Laatl"] - Blue is too dark. Green would be better in that respect. Anyways.

The colour of the Codex Judges names in the 'Online Members' section of the main page was discussed at length before implemented, believe me. CJ yellow is a good colour, and while the difference between it and RPJ orange seems subtle when they're put right next to each other, it is still noticeable once your eyes get used to it.

Or... there's a link just below the 'Member of the Month' box (The Moderating Team) that shows you precisely who is what should you find yourself unable to tell the difference, or have difficulty remembering who is what by name alone.
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] - I never realized how huge the Moderating Team is until I clicked that link... o.o

Twenty-seven of us.
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] - It does. XD

No wonder the board runs so smoothly most of the time, there's twenty-seven people working to make sure it does.


Fun little scientific fact when comparing to the other three staff colors of current (Roleplay Judge, Administrator, Factory Judge).
Cyan is the optimal contrasting color for the Codex. Which is neither blue nor green, but both. You were close.

Personally, the fact that cyan factually just works notwithstanding, I also believe they are too similar in color with the RPJ group. Not everyone has the brightness, contrast or gamma settings on their systems or monitors to build a truly discernible distinction. While they might appear different to some with a keen eye, there are simply places where there just isn't a visual difference.


It's not about complaining, it's about good business. You're either doing it right or you're not. In this case, aside from please a bunch of people and spare yourselves from their complaints and comments, it simplifies for many people the process of finding an active codex judge or simply to not confuse the two upon a glance. Do I personally care? Not really. Would I make such a simple and effortless change were I the administrator of owner of this institution? Hell yes. Because it has no negative effects and only serves to make the members lives' that much easier, however seemingly insignificant.

Welcome to running an organization potentially hundreds of people use. It's just called PR.

Edit: I second the movement for Pink. ;P

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