Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Code of Honor

Cai walked into the training hall. It was private, the type normally only reserved for those wealthy enough to afford them. This was something different though. Tests showed he had the ability to use the force, such abilities had be nurtured. He had come to the training hall to meet his new master. Rumors were abound, but he was told the man was no true Echani. Apparently one of his parents was a non-echani. Cai didn't have a problem with aliens though. He sat down on the mats and waited for the man to arrive.
Let the rumors fly. Most of those that spread them only did so because he could whip them in a fight. Years of experience on them, both as an Echani warrior and a Jedi, gave him the advantage. Half-Echani was still Echani, and he was damn proud of both parts of him. If someone said anything to his face, he'd be issuing them a challenge and then whipping them in front of everyone.

Walking into the training chamber, as he'd been told there was a youngling that wanted training, he was surprised to see his cousin's son. The resemblance was remarkable. The air about him betrayed him.

"Stand." He commanded as he walked over to stand in front of him. "Your mothers name, what is it?"
Cai stood up. He read the mans body language. Whatever else he may have been he moved like an Echani. "Aliya." His mothers name echoed through the hall. What purpose was this serving? His eyes narrowed studying the man and wondering why he would ask the question. It wasn't curiosity, there was something more to it, but Cai remained silent and didn't ask.
Kamon nodded.

"You are my third cousin."

The speed and fluidity with which his hand snacked out towards Cai purveyed his distinct pleasure at meeting a new member of his family. Not only that, but a member of his family that was born of the cousin that had taught him what he knew of their people. Without his mother, Kamon would not be where he was. It was great that he'd managed to find his cousin's child to teach. The snaking hand reached out towards the young mans shoulder, aiming for a light strike. This was not a true battle. More of a dance in learning.
Cai saw the blow coming but it was too fast for him to block effectively. Instead he stepped back away from the blow, hopefully making his opponent over commit. This man was his family, as weird as the meeting seemed. He could tell from the body language that this wasn't a real fight. As he stepped back he used the momentum to redirect and strike with an open palm at Kamon's chest. Family? The movement was clear.
Kamon redirected rather than stumble, sliding his foot forward to maintain his balance. His new apprentice came in towards him with a strike aimed at his chest, but his hand swept in so the strike hit it, and he turned it aside to step in and slap his hand against Cai's shoulder. The answer to his question was a resounding yes. He left it at that, though. The nature of this training required actual verbal communication. So, he stepped away.

"You seek Force training. As much as I wish I could train you through combat, it is not possible until you've mastered the ability to touch the Force. So I have a question for you. Are you ready to learn?"
Cai stared assessing the man before him. He of course had heard of his extended family and knew they were not entirely Echani, but he never expected to meet them. The idea of having family for a teacher, however, was appealing. "I am ready to learn anything which you will teach." He would become a great Jedi, a blademaster like the Legendary Echani heroes of old. At least he was determined...
"Good. It was your mother that taught me the ways of our people. Only fitting I teach you the ways of the Jedi."

He stepped away and pointed to the ground before sitting himself. They had much ahead of them, not least of which was the more boring parts of learning to use the Force. He knew, as an Echani, that this method of learning was less than preferred, but that didn't make it any less important. If he wanted to learn the Force, he was going to have to exercise some patience.

"Do you know anything of the Force?"
"Only what everyone knows. To some it is a mystical power which binds the universe, to others it is a source of magic and superstition." Cai sat down on bended knees. "They say many things about the Jedi. You are heroes who defend against darkness, protectors of the innocent, or that you are deviant witches. I suspect the latter is false and the former is only true if you are one of those being protected. I imagine that a man on Lianna or Lorrd might have a very different view of the Jedi." It wasn't a statement meant to provoke, but merely a statement of fact. You could look at the Jedi from a myriad of points of view. To emphasize this fact, in case his cousin couldn't read his body language while sitting, the young man said, "Regardless of what others believe, it would be the greatest honor to be among the Jedi's ranks."
"There are, actually, witches. One of them is the mother of my children and a former padawan of mine."

That was a matter for another time, though. It wasn't really that important. What was important was that he understand the nature of the Force. He knew it existed, but most people knew it existed. Knowing it exists and knowing what it is rarely coincided from what he saw. At least not amongst those outside the circles of its wielders.

"The Force is life. It is everything. It flows through you, me, and every living organism in this galaxy. There are few beings that are dead to it, such as the Yuuzhan Vong. However, because it flows in and around us, we can utilize it to manipulate our surroundings."

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small metal ball which he held in his hand and then made lift, spin around, and settle back into his hand.

"The ball itself is outside of the Force. It is not alive. However, because the ball is within space that the Force exists in, the Force can move it. Now, I want you to close your eyes and focus. Should be easy for you. Reach inside and find that place where the Force is lurking and let me know when you've found it."
Cai did as he was instructed and closed his eyes. He imagined it was like the meditation practices that certain Echani followed. He focused deep inside himself, controlling his breathing, matching it to his heart rate. He slowed his bodily functions and focused inward. This wasn't an enemy that could be fought, but a journey of self. In many ways he felt unsure of himself, wondering if he could penetrate the inner mysteries of the force. After a few minutes he could feel a small spark within him, perhaps that was what the force was. Cai concentrated on that spot, "I think I feel it," he said. "What now?"

He rolled the ball around in the palm of his hand.

"Reach out to it in your mind. Take hold of it. Let it open itself to you. You'll be flooded with feelings and sensations from all around you because of all of the living organisms nearby. Don't let it overwhelm you, keep it in check."

Tossing the ball from one hand to the other, he continued to watch his young cousin. There was potential there, they just had to work on it, much as they did with all padawans.
Cai was concentrating on the ball, watching it go back and forth in Kamon's hand. His face contorted as the ball moved back and forth. He tried to concentrate on the well of power within him and expand it around the ball to stop its movement and control it. It felt like that was what he had to do. Following his instincts he reached out to the ball, concentrating and then to his great glee watched as it wobbled in midair and was redirected out of Kamon's hand.
Kamon blinked. Well, that was certainly unexpected. One moment he had the ball well under control, the next it wasn't anywhere near his control. Lifting his eyes, he looked across at Cai, watching him curiously. The young man had just seemingly made an extraordinary discovery. Not to mention an advancement in his training.

"That was impressive. Now put it back in my hand."
Cai stared at the ball and frowned. He hadn't really moved it before, just directed it off course. It was a giant leap, or so it seemed from Kamon's expression. He concentrated on the ball and tried to will it back into the mans hand. The procedure was much the same, he felt the ball and tried to wrap the near invisible tendrils around it. He tugged onto the strands trying to move the ball off the ground and into his cousins hand. He failed miserably managing to only to make the ball roll a little on the floor.
Kamon watched. Any ability to move something with the Force this early in the game was an accomplishment no matter how far Cai managed to move it. His cousin could only make it roll a little this time around, but that was alright. So long as he kept trying and managed to make it move.

"That's good. You're already beyond where most apprentices are at this point. Now relax your mind and be calm. Don't let your emotions get in the way. Envision the ball and what you want it to do while holding onto the Force. It will come. Just don't force it. Be patient."
Cai enjoyed Kamon's encouragements, and beamed a little smile. It was good to feel special, as long as such things didn't interfere with his training. He concentrated hard, and the ball.... sat there. It didn't move, the harder he tried the more the object seemed to mock him with stillness. "I don't feel like I'm beyond where any apprentices are," Cai said after a minute. Taking a deep breath he relaxed a little and tried again. The ball wobbled a little bit back and forth and started to roll tortuously slow toward him. "All the Padawans in the holovids can do much more impressive things." Although he doubted they had his skill in combat. The ball gained a little momentum, not from Cai's power but from simple physics, and started into a proper roll into it his Cai in the leg. "Would you like me to pass it back?" he asked assuming this was to become a game.
"The padawans in the holovids aren't just beginning. Most take a long time to even learn to touch the Force."

The ball rolled after a bit and Kamon tried to assess the situation as best he could. Nearest he could tell, Cai was trying too hard. There was tension there, and it was easily visible to him. Tension was just going to make what he was trying to do much harder than it already was.

"Yes, pass it back. But this time relax and take your time. You're wound up, trying too hard. Will it, don't force it."
The young man bit his lower lip. "I'm trying too hard then." Cai flashbacked to his childhood and classes at school. He was always forcing things in fights with other children, it took him years to master the more easy flowing elements of Echani form. The ball rolled across the floor back at Kamon. "So it isn't all lightsabers and galaxy saving adventure?" he asked to try and ease the tension. He obviously knew it wasn't like the holofilms. "The fans of Jedi General would no doubt be upset." Jedi General was a local holodrama set to various ancient conflicts.
A nod was offered at what his cousin said. Yes, he was trying too hard. It was a matter of respect of the Force, and a willingness to allow it to do what it did without forcing it to do something that it didn't want to do. He watched as Cai rolled the ball back across with some small effort. Clearly he'd figured that out.

"In fact, most of it is mundane. We have a lot of different roles to fill. Fighting is only one of many."

Picking the ball up, he held it in his hand, and smirked at his cousin.

"That holo wasn't very good. Should watch Jedi Dawn instead."

Holding the ball up, he forced Cai to focus on it, and then placed it back into the palm of one of his hands.

"Try and make it float off of my hand now."

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