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Coalesce [PM for Permission, pref.]

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Everyone acted like they knew something. The only problem was that none if it was Saera's doing. Crimes had been observed and were being punished.
The hailing was received, but the crew had left it open at Kurah's order so that all may hear what she'd have to say.
"This is Warden Rrusho to Mr. Dashiel of Salacia Consolidated. Countess Xyhn is not present amongst us, nor is the girl."
"I must question your claim to morals, as refusal of the acceptance of a valid bid and moreover the termination of Ms. Saera are acts of discrimination. It is discriminatory that a reputable individual such as herself is treated with such hostility and distrust due to her lineage. We do not live in such savage times that lineage or birth defines us."
Kurah's tone grew even more bold, firm and commanding than its natural way.
"It is that same discrimination that has alerted us, and that same discrimination that brings us here as diplomats and guards to protect her from whatever harm might befall her here, and now. Ms. Merrill has made threats against the life and welfare of Saera and her family. And I will give no quarter to a coward who threatens the life of a child."
"This armada comes in peace, and with the sole intentions of upholding justice. It will not fire nor will it interfere with Levantine Sanctum operations unless fired upon or engaged first. Any act of aggression against my people is an Act of War and an Crime against Sentient Life."
"...And Mr. Dashiel. That station was for my people, as a humanitarian effort to improve the quality of life of the colonies and native villages of Crystalsong to Cuu'rha Prime through trade and regulated traffic. It was to be fully funded by Ri'ess Regal Drives... the company that Saera is the operational director for...."
A tinge of sadness escaped in her voice with her last words. There was no morality. There was only the higher payroll and the silence that always followed.
Kurah waved for the communications officers to close the channel.
It saddened the woman greatly to see people flock to money or greed so readily, even those claiming to be morally correct or noble. She was no saint, but even one such as herself would not bring such a fate upon a child, no less one who was innocent of all her rival portrayed her to be.
"Transmit the letters sent to Saera. Let them at least see bare the corruption that their precious asset Merrill has sewn."
"Aye-aye, Warden. Transmitting data... now...."
The termination notice... the letter... the opaque but clearly implicated threats... the proof of publicity of information... the bid history... the indictment... all were made public for every last member of the Sanctum to see. The galaxy at large could see it now.
Things would be so much simpler had Rave just saw trial like everyone else, made amends and moved on. Her last chance at continued good public relations had turned sour as the truth flooded the world. No doubt, many would ignore it. Many would deny it. Few could ever claim it false.
Kurah was willing to die for that cause... even if none shared in her sentiment. For the first time, she felt how it did to be so appalled, so repulsed, that she could not live to stand for it to continue. For the first time she knew compassion.
"Shipmaster. Tell the wench that she may be entitled to a Trial by Combat. I will prepare myself now."
"Right away, ma'am..." the shipmaster quizzically nodded off in disdain.

These people were supporting a demon, and they were doing so blindly and without question.

[member="Delila Castillon"], [member="Judah Dashiell"], [member="Ayden Cater"], [member="Rave Merrill"], [member="Cross Ikon"], [member="Manamune Lumina"], [member="Seydon of Arda"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Isaac Ideus"], [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], [member="Sarkin Vance"]​

Nohemi Allaneh

Order of the White Current
"The Fallanassi are pacifists, are they not? What could they send against us?"
"Being a pacifist isn't the same as being helpless. The Fallanassi have many defenses."
―High Lord Sarasu Taalon, and Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker​

Niloo Van Dara Allaneh would motion for her daughter to sit beside her. All eyes were upon the holographic message before them. The silence would engulf them both, until finally the Niloo would give a nod.

Nohemi would give a small incline of her head, "Alright." came her soft words, before turning to leave. Only the soft padding of her footsteps would whisper as she left her mother to continue watching the progression of events.
Finger and thumb squeezed the bridge of her nose for a brief moment in an attempt to ward away the headache that lurked behind her eyes. Four subjects dead, eight staff killed. It was an improvement from the last time she'd tried to put the beats together, but it was not the result she was after. She dropped the datapad on the desk and sighed, rising from her chair to move to the transparisteel view port that granted her a view of the expanse of the Mircin she was traveling on and the black expanse of space that framed it.

Hands clasped at the small of her back, she closed her eyes, slowed her breathing and slipped into a meditative state. She needed to remain calm, she needed a clear head to find answers. A soft chime behind her brought another soft sigh from her lips and she opened her mouth. "Ori'vod?" she said softly. A miniature hologram rose from her desk, a minor add on to help her keep track of on goings on the prison ship.

"It's a message from Seydon of Arda, Levantine Sanctum. They are requesting assistance."



"Ask the captain to adjust our course."

"The Captain does not heed my requests."

Mia turned to look at the form the AI had taken, she didn't need a detailed look to recognize her brothers shape. "Pick another form." the blue image flickered to a whipid and Mia could almost see a smirk. Rolling her eyes she reached for the communicator herself. "Captain,"

"Yes Filed Marshall?"

"Head for Midvinter. The faster the better."

"Sanctum space? What for?"

"They've asked for help."

"We're not equipped for a battle."

"But we are equipped to take prisoners and we do have a handful of fighters that I am sure will help make a difference." There was a moments silence, before the Captain acknowledged her request. She sank back into the chair again. "Ori'vod, let Seydon know we are on our way. Then give me the details."

"Does he know you are alive?"

"Does it matter?"

Behind her, the stars stretched into familiar lines as the Mircin slipped into hyperspace.

[member="Seydon of Arda"] @Everyone else (too lazy to tag)
[ Ides of Duty - Midvinter Geo-Sync Orbit ]

...Something like an accreted disk of sustained, incredulous consternation ruptured from the 'Duty and ploughed outwards, soaking the vessel, attending picket fighters, on station cruisers in a brief wash of psi-pathic anger. The anger focussed, carbonizing from disbelieving irritation and ice into a hard, perfect diamond: of wrath, ruin, of pitched rage that was cracking doggedly at Seydon's cool, unbothered demeanour.

He'd listened to Mistress Rrusho's punitive broadcast. Mr Ayden Caters discrete transmission line was waiting and blinking up incessant 'Msg. Alert' slates at a corner on the holo-desk. At the moment, he was trying to adequately digest Ms. Merrill's silent broadcast depicting thoroughly questionable, if not outright traitorous, behaviour and action. The wench could count herself lucky: men like Jared Ovmar had the insidious capacity to reward disloyalty with permanent, inexplicable disappearance.

For a very long time, cooped in the Think Tank, Seydon ran through a dozen responses. It was possible the next quarter of an hour would decide the fates and freedoms of the nascent Sanctum.

What would Rosa do...?


Captain Hadrian, elderly with brushed, silver hair atop a long, edged face framed with an appropriately trimmed handlebar mustache, jumped at the throaty, gravelling bark. He turned on a heel, ramrod straight, not reaching for a technical salute but giving the approaching Dunaan appropriate acknowledgement.

Winterfang and brother Razorlight were strapped over his back, axe and knife to his waist belts. Dressed in unholy kit and gear, he was a sight of old martial prowess. Hadrian recognized the look. "Sir? We've been receiving a handful of troubled broadcasts looped to stream every few minutes. ...I believe that this rabble is awaiting something akin to a reply. ...You've been vetted for authority here, sir. ...Is there anything you would like to compose?"

"...Open all vessel channels to maximum gain and prepare to transmit across the channel spectrums. All of them. I want this broad, and public. What happens now has to be received as a matter of public record."


A span of fifteen half-seconds and Seydon was alerted by a tingle-ring: channels open. Captain Hadrian gestured to the command lectern overlooking the console bays before the main viewfinder screens. The Dunaan strolled up.

He gestured to the Comms. Officer. The broadcast opened with a hiss of white-noise and static light, just an audio feed. Seydon cleared his throat.


"Ms. Rusho. Countess Xyhn.


...You bring an illegal fleet of corporate raiders, belonging to a union we do not recognize, have our sovereignty ignored and belittled, and make demands that we kowtow to you in exchange for safe proceedings of a trussed up witchhunt? For the benefit of a mewling whelp-brat with more tits than sense?? You bring guns to bear against Free Worlds for the sake of a corporate feud? You tell us to stand down, or risk your wrath?

We don't want your claims for peace and justice. We don't want your excuses of authority.

We want you to get the hell out.

Whatever Ms. Merrill's enacted against your spawn, whatever puerile depths that feud has sunk to, we are not having it come here and give you excuse to burn out worlds.

We are not giving you her.

We are not extraditing a single soul into your custody.

You want Ms. Merrill?

Come. Find her.

But when you do, you will find us in your way, bearing torch and sword.

Bring your cannons to bear and we will burn your vessels out until generations remember the day their skies lit up with the death-screams of Kurah Rrusho. Land a single mercenary to our soils, and they will recall the long days of fire and ruin, sing about avenues painted in their blood.

You will gain nothing. Because we will deny you everything.

We are not weak because we seek peace. We are not soft because we want for gentleness. We keep to ourselves, so that we might spare the likes of you.

You're next transmission better be an admission of retreat, or request for parley.

Because if it isn't?

I am coming for your heads.

My name is Seydon of Arda. And I kill monsters."



Hadrian nodded, taking especial care wiping down his brow with a japanaghar cloth handkerchief. The Comms. Unit minders were sweating to, strapped back from their consoles, eyes wide and blank with both worry and expectation.


"...Transmit this, on this particular channel, all the encryption particulars. You know what's required."

"Sir," The captain gently stole the holoslate from Seydon's palm, receding to his nest quarters above the bridge-deck. He slotted the device into a sloped desk fashioned of wroshyr and torrrokgyor wood, immaculate in finish and subtly plugged with inlaid tech. A message drew up, crisply. Hadrian depressed the 'Send' prompt.


[ To Ayden Cater, a communique ]
[ Carried by Signal~Wave 78~C/1, Quatre Intra ]
[ Ingress Detail: Midvinter, Beornskald System, Position 3 ]
( Relayed: Divergent m82/q9 )



Transcript Logged & Keyed

Redundant Copy Instilled

Author: [ Unknown/Withheld ]


Mr. Ayden Cater, Chief Innovation Officer of Corellian Engineering Corps, Lord Protector

~Mr. Cater.

We owe you for your help already. We thank you for your efforts in design and fabrication. You say you have your war ships?

Send them, please. Tell your captains to arm.

@Any & All Levantines [member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Nohemi Allaneh"] [member="Rave Merrill"] @


Kurah heard it all, enjoyed it all, and laughed.
"Dear [member="Seydon of Arda"], you are the monster! There would be no honor fighting you who claims peace or gentleness but instigates war and terror. He who preys on the weak and wears his sins."
Transmission source blocked.


I am upset and disdainful of the course of progression of this thread. That is primarily because the Levantine advertises peace, but poses to lop off the head of the first man that walks by them with a gun in his holster, not even aimed or drawn. The clear impression is that nobody actually cares about the crimes nor the resolution, everyone just wants to fight because that is apparently the most entertaining for some. There is no sense of collaboration or mutuality as writers, which many writers and boards value above all else. Some of the demeaning things said about Saera are also hurtful because they are evidently false IC and everyone has seen straight past that IC evidence because either she is or I am associated with Enigma.

Realistically no one would trash an innocent or young girl like that. Most certainly not an entire government.

And none of this was corporate. It was actually federal. Corporate Warfare is definitively unfitting of the situation.

All of these oversights people keep making just makes me not want to participate any longer. It's mostly because, at least I feel, it is not about the hard facts and more about their OOC patriotism.

So if I must send everyone home and step away, I will. I will walk knowing that the Levantine Sanctum is not about peace or prosperity, unless it is exclusively their own, which contradicts the true meaning of peace and prosperity, and I will not waste any more of its time.

Kurah opened up a communication line to the one she'd just blocked moments before.
"I've changed my mind and considered your offer. I will leave once Rave's hirelings leave my world and their ships are nowhere to be seen in the system. It is one thing to expose your criminal, but another to let your kind or those they associate with bring warships to my world and cause distress and harm to innocent people. I don't want your barbaric lies, I want you gone just as much as I to you. What say you?"
The Levantine Sanctum was, in the end, like every other administrative body, only seeking to perpetuate its own power and gain with little regard for those around them.

[member="Seydon of Arda"]​
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
~Ides of Duty~

...and so it was on the fateful day that an unrighteous incursion on the peaceful territories of the Levantine Sanctum that a man was pretty amused by all these events, he was probably the only man amused by such actions, but that was his right as a Sith Lord whose personality had been twisted by the Darkside to a huge degree.

For him this was all a game, a huge game directed on the playing field of the entire Galaxy, but a game the same. Perhaps the Sith Lord just knew what the Schutta of Crystalsong was really worth, perhaps in his cold, calculative state he had already judged her by her bluster and underlined her supposed worth.

Or perhaps it was none of the aforementioned things and Jared Ovmar was simply a cold, heartless bastard who enjoyed the thrill of conflict and strife, a man who enjoyed the meticulous act of Survival of the Fittest.

Such things would have to be left to the interpretation of the descendants of this Galaxy, who would read about such critical moments of the Future and judge the men and women for their actions, instead of the meaningless drivel that so often chance dripped from their beaks.

The Sith Lord stood behind the Sithspawn Hunter and lit his cigar as the last words spilled from the lips of the Seydon. A grin marked his own lips as he finally blew out some smoke and spoke just when the transmission ended.

Had the schutta been my employee they would have come to declare funeral expenses, some just don’t realize how lucky they are… until it’s all but too late to try and amend their mistakes.

He closed his eyes and savored the beat of the river flowing just behind his eyes, it was then that the gal decided to back down on her goad, while attempting to save some small measure of her face by presenting them with demands.

So he spoke yet again, but this time to the girl herself.

Your demand and bluster suggest you consider yourself in a bargaining position that is either equal or superior to ours. I find within myself a desire to properly relate just ho-.

The Sith Lord stopped right there and sighed, before continuing anew.

You know, I ain’t in the mood for this sort of prose and eighty percent of it is probably wasted on ya anyways. So let me put this in clear layman's terms. You are way over your head here, kid. You think you play in the major leagues? You ain’t even a blip on our radar. Get off our lawn or we will take a bat and smack you off it ourselves.

And with that the Ovmar was done with his verbal tirade, puffing out a bit of smoke out to underline that fact

[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Judah Dashiell"] [member="Nohemi Allaneh"] [member="Rave Merrill"] [member="Seydon of Arda"]

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
It didn't take long for a somewhat familiar voice to break out over the comms, interrupting all channels which had been cleverly sliced by the combined efforts of Saera and her multi-million dollar infrastructural command droid.
"Stop, just stop! No one should be fighting over me. Rave was wrong and I'll adhere to that, but this isn't worth bloodshed! Kurah, let the bounty hunters bring her to justice. The Levantine Sanctum is probably just as intimidated by you as you are weary of them. To [member="Seydon of Arda"], I apologize for this chaos. This was supposed to be a peaceful diplomatic request consisting of only two or three escort ships."
The girl finalized some things in her datapad well before her termination from a company that was quite literally handed over to her mother, who had absolutely no stake it its creation or growth, was a self-interested sellout and would be dealt with later.
"[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"], you have your contracts officially signed and implemented. [member="Cross Ikon"], the Nova Outbound fleet will be receiving its promised experimental weapons within the month."
As a large shareholder, a contingency to backdoor the company herself that Queen Mnemenos would have never gone without, Saera still made the Board of Directors and - ironically - couldn't actually be fired for all intents and purposes.
It should have been evident then and there that Kurah, the Union and her mother were no better than Rave was, and that the Sanctum had nothing to do with their pride, honor or sense of justice. Rave would simply have to be dealt with elsewhere, and that was more than enough to be grateful for. They'd all live to see another day.
"Mistress Kurah. Unknown entities are currently defending both Crystalsong and Solovarna. That is where your true interests lay."
The comm signal broke.

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
(((OOC: He'd like to think that. Considering Saera is there, I think she'd know, and she has legitimate means of communication surpassing the technologies used to attempt a blackout.​
TL;DR: We're trying to resolve the conflict, not perpetuate it. It's beginning to seep OOC.)))​
[member="Mistress Kurah Rrusho"]

"Warden Rrusho, a child should not be meddling in adult affairs. She had twenty million credits to blow, no escort, and was employed by a company. That Madam sounds like the markings of an adult to myself. Do not bully me into feeling guilty- I do not. Perhaps if you were looking to truly do humanitarian work for your planet you'd focus on feeding and housing your people first."

Judah signaled to turn off the comm channel. Clearly this is why young ones should be in school and home before the street lights came on. Hand went through the short wavy hair on his head. It still puzzled him as to why a large fleet was coming out for what....10,000 or 20,000 credits. Fuel alone would run that much. Not to mention crew pay, maintenance, wear and tear. in the end all he could do was slump his shoulders in a shrug.

"Well....I can say this is interesting." Crew of the support vessel nodded their heads, remaining silent as they continued their work. Judah would not reply to the Warden any more, but made a mental note to keep an eye on these people in the future. Especially since they were so close to his chosen home.
Having gotten the call a while ago after all it wasn't like she had been kicking her feet up in her easy Lizard skin chair sipping on some Hot totos. Making sure all her ships made it in from hyperspace. Since the call in from the lovely gents and ladies. Such wonderful people that just had such great Rave. After all what would little sweet lovely Zeltron like her being doing here. Good question she been asking herself only one word came to her mind. Only one reason why someone would call in her Silver Cross fleet in that was for medical support after all they knew she wouldn't take part in such non-sense like shooting or bashing skulls in. No she would live that to the expert. After all she didn't want to break a nail that she just had freshly done up.

Opening a chanel to all, after all she didn't know if their was a block on the comlink or not but she would be relaying her own ships identity signatures. "This is Master Healer Whitelight of the Silver Cross, anyone want some Nerf bacon pizza.", as waited for a responds one that she knew would be coming.

[member="Jared Ovmar"] Mistress Kurah Rrusho Ayden Cater Jorus Merrill Delila Castillon Judah Dashiell Nohemi Allaneh Rave Merrill Seydon of Arda [member="Judah Dashiell"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ In the interests of avoiding further angst, and in line with the wishes of this thread's creator and the leader of the opposing faction, this is going away now that the incursion has withdrawn. It remains canon.
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