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Cloudy with a Chance of Sith (GA Attack on Taloraan)


Well-Known Member
ENEMIES: [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"] ; [member="Darth Rapax"]

He could smell the blood, but Tachon didn't have time to take satisfaction in the blow he landed. He was pushed up against the wall and lanced by at least two of the bolts of electricity. He coughed and fell to a knee at the end of the hall, his body quaking while the lightning ran its course. His eyes shot up, their violet irises bloodshot and strained. He felt it again, that sensation. It was like when you held a small coiled spring between your fingers and there was that moment before it sprung out from there. He felt like he was at that moment before the spring. There was no time to afford to pondering the sensation, however.

At around the same time the Sith was ready again, Tachon rose to his feet and wasted no time. He had to keep up the assault. He loosed another handful of rounds at his young opponent. The blaster pistol hissed from heat and a little orange light flashed. The small battery had lost its charge. He had to let it rest. In a fluid motion, he holstered the blaster and drew a longer blade from his belt. This one was a sword, about the size of a lightsaber, made of duraplast with a vibration core, it was a basic vibrosword that could withstand a lightsaber longer than most materials. It wasn't on-par with the rarer materials, but it would keep him alive without cutting in half right away.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Location: In the skies north of Taloraan City
Allies: [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Enemies: [member="Veino Garn"]
Objective: 3

When her fleft-waft landed with a thud on the ship, Darth Azurea smiled. She could feel the ship buckling and losing pressure from the unexpected weight above it. But suddenly, the pilot cut the power, and her bird went scrambling forward. Flaming exhaust shot up into the air and around the vicinity of the ship. The Knight wasn’t sure which Sith the Alliance pilot was aiming at, but with her fleft-waft moving in a forward velocity, the back of the bird, including its tail feathers were quite burned.

As the freighter climbed upwards, Azurea’s mount, squawking in protest, was sent into a downward spiral towards the city. She clutched the reigns tight and dug her feet into the stirrups, only experiencing G-force like this during her short stint at piloting (and her lessons with [member="Coren Starchaser"] when she was a padawan). As the tops of the buildings came closer, she finally caught the lightside Force signature of the pilot.

Darth Azurea in an attempt to save her life, jumped off of the fleft-waft, and using Force Slow, landed on some kind of sky ramp, catching it with her fingers. She hung on for a moment until she was able to pull herself up onto the ramp. She watched the bird plummet to its death. With no time to mourn, she stayed alert to the Force Signature. Now it was time to track the Jedi pilot who had taken her down. Likely his ship would also be ailing and would hopefully crash somewhere in her vicinity.
[SIZE=9pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Fight to Zabrak [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Talorran[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [member="Darth Rapax"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"] | [member="Chevu Visz"]

The Zabrak shot another series of blaster bolts at Konrad which he once again deflected with his lightsaber. This time however, the splashes that came from deflecting the bolts burnt more than his uniform. Red welts formed on his right arm against his alabaster skin from where the splashes had touched it.

Konrad glared at the Zabrak, annoyed about the current sorry state his uniform was in. A uniform is a reflection of the solider but, right now, his uniform did not reflect well on his abilities as a soldier and the zabrak would have to pay for the damages he had caused to Konrad’s uniform. With his own blood.

Once Konrad recovered from the series of blaster bolts the Zabark fired at him, Konrad charged at the Zabrak with his lightsaber as the creature drew his blade.
Objective: Battle Sith
Location: Rooftops of Taloraan city
Allies: [member="The Revenant"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Rapax"]

Chevu's levitation seemed to slow Gabriel's plummet towards duracrete, but it wasn't enough to guide him down as gently as she had planned. He smacked into a nearby rooftop with a thud, and Chevu's heart sank. He was going to die and it was going to be her fault. An alarm bell rang out in her head. She was in immediate danger. Turn, Chevu, turn!

The Mirialan turned just in time to see a Tu'kata charging her, baring its triple rows of fangs. Screaming, Chevu's arms shot forward. She sent out a powerful Force repulse designed to send the animal flying backwards. If the creature's attack was thwarted, she would turn and speed towards Gabriel with a fervent desperation to reach him and make sure he was ok. Destin and Armaud were not going to lose their father on her watch.

Chevu folded by his side, kneeling next to him. He was alive, thank the Maker. Her voice couldn't have sounded less steady as she touched the commlink on her Datalogger and ordered a medical team to her location. She squeezed his hand.

"We're going to get you out of here."


[SIZE=9pt]Objective:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Hunt. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Location:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Behind the his Mirialian prey[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Allies: [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"][/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Enemies:[member="Tachon Zur-Ksi"] [member="Chevu Visz"][/SIZE]

So close ..yet to only be denied again. He was close to sinking his teeth into her flesh until he was sent skittering back by her push. He changed back to his original state and saw her approach [member="The Revenant"]'s unconscious corpse...tempting as it was he had no intention of 2 on one...espically against the green ones master....he snarled and spoke to her. " Enjoy your small victory time i will have your blood." He said that before he dashed off into the city some where.
Objective: Objective 3
Location: The bottom of the world
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Chevu Visz"]
Enemies: Pain, The lingering presence of [member="Darth Vornskr"]

He exhaled, the pain intensifying as force body withdrew from him. Even the adrenaline seemed to run it's course, the severity of his wounds in a pain that would have toppled him. If not for the fact that he had already crumpled. As she gripped his hand, the one not attached to the dislocated shoulder, it shook as he opened his eyes with a tense of his jaw line. Odd, the very same horizon that was there when he closed his eyes last. Except now there was a Mirialan there, improving the view. He didn't so much as laugh as he did cough, though the gesture was effectively the same.

"You caught me..." He let out a growl, he felt like his back was broken. Not the sort that causes paralysis, more the sort that made you wish you were paralyzed. His eyes darted in response to the pain as he tightened his hand in hers. It came in waves, the pain. Intense movement followed by brief moments of slightly less, oddly coordinated between breaths."...Just in time." He whispered through clenched teeth. "I had to make sure..." That the Voice was removed from the equation. "...For them." For the twins, for the rest of the Alliance, for her. For someone.
Location: Platform
Objective: 1 and 3
Allies: GA
Enemies: OS
Gear: First post

Few mere moments when the whole team, whose mission was to steal the Tibanna Gas from the refineries, were dashing and sprinting to the nearest refinery lost their momentum when soldiers began to fall for their injuries or because their souls and spirits ferried on to the realm of the dead. There was the option of calling in an air strike, but that would hurt the Alliance as much as the Sith. It would cause damage and destroy some refineries which would probably destroy the repulsorlifts maintains this city at such height. He had to do something quick before he was on shortage of men and have the personal shield of his armor be drained out from taking slugs and plasma projectiles.

Via voice command he activated the jetpack on his back and shot up in the air, and would then shut off the jetpack when the Clone had the appropriate velocity to fly to front lines of the enemy that were defending the refinery Canal and his team were aiming at. As he was in the air he would use the grenade launcher of his DC-17m weapon and fire two rounds of grenades at lines of defense. The explosions killed, injured, and sent a wave of panic to the morale of the Imperial Troopers and their allies of Taloraan. With this diversity it would give his team the chance to continue their approach with minimized hostile fire.

As for the soldier when he was nearing the ground he, again, activated his jetpack to not suffer the consequences of the impact and slung his primary weapon. He landed near an Imperial hostile that survived the attack of the Clone and was full of confusion which gave Canal the advantage and opportunity to grab the man's head and bring it down just to knee him in the face. A broken noise and blood oozing out from the Imperial's nostrils was the result of this maneuver due to the strength of the soldier and the duraplast plates the face of hostile made contact with. After this, the Clone went behind the enemy and had his left arm wrap around the neck of the man, so that Canal could use the entire body of the soldier as a shield against enemy fire that was concentrated on him. With his right, free hand he grabbed one of his pistols and began aiming and firing at threats that were on his right side. He was successfully gaining all the attention which would come with with a grand price if the whole content of his team didn't hurried and took them on by surprise.
When Gabriel's eyes snapped open, Chevu burst into tears, some relieved, some worried. His body was mangled from the fall and Force only knew what kind of internal injuries lay within his muscular frame. Kneeling next to him, her green hands fluttered around his body. She wasn't sure where to put them, in fear of making his injuries worse. She finally landed a palm on his forehead, and gently moved some rogue strands of grey out of his vision.

"It wasn't enough to break your fall," Chevu sobbed. "Force knows I tried."

Onyx, tear-stained eyes glittered anxiously around in expectation of an ambush from Darth Rapax, but just like the cloud of dark energy that encompassed him, the Sith was gone. Still, there was no telling when a nest of Sith would drop out of the sky. The Mirialan turned her panicked gaze back to the wounded master, a man for whom she would face an army of lightsabers.

"Stay with me, Gabriel." she begged, trying to force a smile for him, so he wouldn't catch on to how bad he looked. "Help is on the way."

[member="The Revenant"]
[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
The pilot was good.... really good, as Mythos banked the enemy made a full round and was now heading directly towards him. The blade screamed in the cockpit as the alarms of shields waning filled the ears of the sith lord... that ship had more firepower than he anticipated... Mythos smiled as he hit the thrusters and let rip the volley tri-linked blasters and the Autoblaster while he flipped the blade upside down and decided it was high time they had a little game of bravery.

The Cortan blade was armored with beskar plating,and when the shields went off due to the insane measurement of the enemy guns the beskar stepped up to continue the job. The blade rocked hard as the fire of the enemy ship became more intense as the rounds needed to travel less and Mythos was flying directly into the stream of fire like a comet in a blaze while upside down. "You ready M?" Mythos said over Comms to his flight companion.

Martha strapped and ready in the tail of the blade manned the quad-lazer turret and prepped to fire as soon as she saw an enemy on the six. "Quads ready sir" She said nervously, she was the leader of the Jar'Kai,not a gunner of any sort. She felt like part of her skill was eliminated up here in the sky where a stray bullet or a torpedo could end everything in a blink. "What's wrong M? You sound unsure" Mythos screamed over the sound of splitting beskar, a smile adorning his face, a testament to how fearless he was in the face of death.

Martha replied through her teeth as to not bark out a less than respectable response. "I hate flying"

Mythos pulled up on the stick just as the ships neared each other and headed down to a dive that would normally bait the chase, he angled the blade so as to give it's back to the enemy and then Martha would lock and rip the quad-lazers and end their pesky opponent in a single blast of the quads. The blade had taken a beating really quickly, however Mythos punched the ship and pushed it to the very limit of where the thing could go.... it was his job for four good years after all... Flying was in his blood before the order of the OS was.
[member="Lord Mythos"]' plan would have worked really, really well.

If Mara had solely been firing laser cannons.

Her lasers did nothing to that beskar plating. But once the shields went down, and go down they did, even beskar plating could do absolutely nothing to prevent the massive rotary ion cannon from paralyzing the systems of the Cortan Blade. Nor did the ship have any of the specialized gear -- cap drains and combat de-ionizers -- that could have mitigated the effects. A quad laser blast dropped her forward shields to ten percent, but the quad emplacement facing her would take the brunt of the eight-shots-per-second ionic assault, likely disabling it before it could get off a second shot of its own. Other systems likely disabled would include, say, engines and repulsorlifts -- because the volume of ion fire now crashing into the unshielded personal transport was designed to disable ships significantly larger than this.

Now, being disabled wasn't the worst thing in the world, unless you happened to be inside the atmosphere and gravity well of a gas giant.

The safe assumption here was that Mythos' dive had just turned into a very long and crushing fall. Keeping an eye on her Force instincts just in case, Mara arced away into the Taalorani clouds. Maybe he could reactivate his systems before he died, but that would almost certainly take a good while; that, at least, was her guess. The beskar hull would give him some extra time to reactivate and repair systems; it could resist the crushing force of the gas giant's depths for a while. Mara's own shields were down to a good ten percent on forward and zero on aft. She equalized them to five and five, in case of stray fire from the rest of the engagement.
"uh oh" Mythos' eye's popped open as soon as the lights in the blade went out.

The Blade plummeted down and no systems were responding. "Uh oh!? What do you mean uh oh!?" Martha's composure faded away as soon as the blade started going down. High in the air the blade was going down fast and Mythos started to punch every ignition circuit he could to no avail. This would have been the end to his story had he not had at least some minor understanding of mechanical systems in fighters, had he not built this ship with his bare hands, had he not been a part of one hundred percent of it's construction. Yet even that was little help.

Quick as a fox he plunged his ignited lightsaber in the controls, split the main panel open and pulled on the stick back, using the force to amplify the strength he needed to pull it back. With his other hand he summoned the power of sith lightning to his fingertips and extended his hand to the open panel in the ship and the lightning whipped to the systems like a miniature storm.

Lights began flickering on and off and the power of the blade recovered but not before blasting Mythos with electric feed back that scorched his assassin clothes. The entirety of the systems were not back,but the controls were and that is the only part of the ship that could have saved him, the blade arose from the clouds in the bottom and rose high in the sky aiming for the floating city.

Weapon systems were down, communications were knocked out, engine systems shut off shortly after the re-ignition of the controls making the blade glide instead of fly. "M any luck on getting the Quad up!?" Mythos screamed, the lack of com headset made it almost impossible for Martha to hear him, yet she did.

Martha was punching the systems, literally physically hammering away at the turret in hopes that it would come online. "I'm sure there can be a way to get Quads up with no power! Why even worry!?" she screamed sarcastically yet her eyes locked into the pursuing fighter... an insane, batchit crazy plan hatching in the entrails of her red haired covered noggin began hatching.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
[member="Lord Mythos"]

Taloraan wasn't conducive to sensor readings in general, due to the planet's strange magnetic field, so when the Cortan Blade rose into view it came as a bit of a surprise. The Force had whispered -- someone aboard that ship had tried something desperate -- but that was about it so far as forewarning went. It flew with a limp, engines stuttering, gliding -- it was bound for a floating city, but it might not make it.

Her finger brushed the trigger, ready to put it down permanently, but there was nothing of worth in a kill like this. It felt wrong. Instead, she just waggled her wings at the enemy pilot and looped away into the clouds again.
Mythos was hard pressed to glide the shuddering ship to the city yet the distance and height of the glide wasn't helping. He expected a blast in his six, he expected to be hit hard again never came. He figured the enemy fighter just thought him dead and broke off as the ship went down the first time. Martha was not so ignorant, she couldn't be, her eyes met the fighter face to face in their six.

Many things went through her mind as she expected to be blasted into ash then her mangled body would fall down an eternity of sky, the first of which was her three boys and her home in Atrisia.... yet the fighter shook her wings and bent back to the clouds to where it came from.

Mythos was too busy to notice the iconic statement by the enemy pilot, he was never shown Honor... normally he was the one showing it, so the statement would have hit him very hard and he would have gained instant respect for the alliance in a way, instead he was met with duracrete at 300kph.

Martha bounced in the cabin hitting her head and getting knocked out, Mythos was blasted with transparisteel and duracrete rubble flying fast enough to rip through skin and bone. The blade landed hard and fell into flames,Mythos bleeding from multiple places and a rather large chuck of transparisteel got embedded between his higher ribs,inches away from his lungs.

With the last of his strength he hit the distress beacon on his wrist com that miraculously survived the ion blast. He was tempted to fade out and give in to the loss of blood... yet that wasn't an option, there was no quit in the king of Atrisia, there was simply no way to get this man to stay down willingly. He kicked hard on the crushing glass and let the air in, the smell of ignited fuel shot through his nostrils and reminded him that this was a ticking time bomb..."M... M do you hear me?" He said through hard breaths, gritting through the pain and the blood to get out of the beskar covered death trap.. he found he could't see from one eye, it was oozing blood and white liquid, had he lost the eye? He could't give himself the luxury of checking it... he needed to get out.

When he stood up he noticed his right knee was shattered, the same knee that was snapped in two during his quest with Naga and the spirit of Daely... he cursed under his breath as he escaped the wreckage limping and bleeding. His vision was blurred, but he could make out the image of troopers making their way to him, were they friendly? if they were not the situation just became worse, if that was even possible...

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]

Darth Atrox

Ten rings of blue flames erupted from the thrusters of a convoy of ten at the sudden appearance of [member="Darth Pyrrhus"]'s fleet. Inside the front of the small group approaching was a Zabrak Sith Knight by the name of Darth Atrox; a member of the infamous faction, The One Sith. The reason for their sudden burst of speed was simple. The Zabrak had been informed to rendezvous with the Voice of the Dark Lord for more instructions.

"Knight Atrox requesting access to land."
"Lowering Hangar shields. You have two minutes until they are sealed."

Darth Atrox lazily draped a vacant chair with his cloak and gloves as the Zabrak entered the bridge where Darth Pyrrhus was commanding the ship. Taking another moment to hastily smooth down his black robes, Atrox cleared his throat and began.

"My Lord. I have arrived."

His yellow and red eyes drifted from the Togruta Sith Lord to a spot behind him, the huge fleet of ships approaching a Gas Giant by the name of Taloraan. Instead of the look of fear that was imprinted in the optics of many an officer in the bridge, his eyes conveyed a different message. Crude excitement at the opportunity of slaughtering many of those souls aboard the enemy fleet. White canines glinted in the unnatural light as Mala's lips parted to form a sneer.

This will be fun.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"] | [member="Friedrich Stahlmann"] | [member="Coren Starchase[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=georgia]r"]
Objective: Objective 3
Location: The bottom of the world
Allies: The Galactic Alliance, [member="Chevu Visz"]
Enemies: Pain

"You did..." He squinted, his hand drifting over the Mirialan tattoo beneath her eye. Wiping away a tear, he smiled through the pain, hoping that whatever rescue team was coming, they would be quick about it. "You did well. No tears...Chev." He tried to shift, a piece of his armor pushing into the gash across his back. He blew air from his lips, biting back a prolonged yelp. "There's quite enough of it is."

He blinked steadily, shifting his gaze back up to the world above. He felt cut off, the influx of the force once a strong wind now turned to stagnation. He felt numb, an odd disparity between pain and existence. Where in one life, he thrived in this blanket of misery, he now couldn't roll to get out of the fire. It followed him, smoke and ash and cinder, as he stretched his neck. Maybe that would help with the breathing. It didn't. His mind wondered back to Taris, back to that night. He thought about Sarah, about her life, had she lived. Maybe she would have been a Jedi or maybe a pilot. Maybe a doctor. He ached having known her as but a tool for persuasion, deserving of far more than the trivial thing she was given. The mother left for the distraught and broken thing, never given a chance for mending. A starving child lying limp in her arms.

He recalled that look in Chevu's eyes, that surprise at such altruism, stricken by something that truly amazed her. And those eyes had changed over the course of the night, a passion and admiration that he hadn't truly felt since arriving at Sullust. Until now, he had never truly known how she felt, never one to speak of it. It left him blind and stumbling about, grabbing at the dark. But that night, he always went back to it, a memory of betrayal turning into something far more important to him.

"Do you think one day...we can go back to Taris?"
He rolled his freighter and shook his head. The call came through from [member="Veino Garn"] and Coren couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, add it to your tab!” He refocused, gripping the controls of his ship and pushing the throttle up again. Breaking into low ‘inner’ space, he looked at his screen. “Porter, let me know when anything gets within 500 meters. And keep me in the loop of the squadron.”

Make my way back home, when I learn to fly.

Space was a Starchaser’s home, and he was going to do what he could to get the Sith out of this world in time for the transports to come in, and pick up the likes of [member="Canal"] and Tachon. “Rek you with me? Keep up.” He had a tally.

Fleet was in sight, and Coren was making his way there.

[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Friedrich Stahlmann"]
[member="Darth Atrox"]
[member="Cyrus"] Tregasser
[member="Darth Pyrrhus"]
Location: Skies above Talooran City
Objectives: Fight Back
Allies: Darth Azurea
Enemies: Veino Garn

As Xavka flew behind the ship aboard his mount, crouched over and with his cloak flying behind him, he readied himself to jump, to lunge at the ship where he would fix himself with his claws. If need be, he was already prepared to use Force Weapon on them, imbuing his claws with the Force and increasing their piecing cutting power. However, his preparation was cut short when the Force screamed an inaudible warning within his head in its typical oxymoronic way as a vision flashed across his mind.

The engines of the ship cutting out for a moment. His face twisted in a vicious snarl as he leapt. The engines flaring once again. The backlash consuming him as his eyes widened in terror. Him, attempting to save himself by wrapping himself in his cloak. Him, falling through the air unconscious, near dead, covered in numerous severe burns. Him, dead.

Orange eyes wide in panic, Xavka pushed off from his mount early, increasing his leap through the usage of the Force while, at the same time, pushing his Flauf-waft out of the danger zone as the engines of the ship he was chasing cut off. His leap, this time, was directed in a different direction, away from the ship and towards the floating city bellow. Behind him, he felt the stream of the engines ignite the air, the flames licking at his bare feet, badly burning them.

As he fell a roar of pain escaped from his lips, soundless to him as he sped away from it through the pull of gravity, as the rushing air aggravated the burns on his feet. Focussing through the pain, calling on his training, Xavka let the Illusion hiding him from view fade away, his falling form flickering into view. Angling his body, he spread it out as wide as he could, increasing the amount of surface area of his form, slowing his fall as much as he could, giving him a bit more time to act.

Reaching out into the Force, uncaring as to whether or not he was detected, Xavka called it to him, drawing on the Dark through the panic that ran like poison through his veins, the anger at the Jedi for his situation, the helplessness, the depression that he might not see his Mate again. All of it, every emotion was utilised to create a bigger path to the Darkness. With a yank, he pulled the Force into his body, running it through bones and muscles.

His eyes, flared a sickly yellow, the inside of his iris turning red, creating what looked like a ring of blood around his slitted pupils. The veins cross his face became more prominent as his visage paled, making him look deathly sick. At the same time, the Force settled into his bones, increasing their strength and durability. The Force ran through the sinew of his muscles, weaving itself around them to protect them and strengthen them. His whole body became stronger, more durable, in preparation for impact with the city.

When the impact came, it was jarring. The right side of his head slammed onto the side of the building. The crack of bones was loud in his ears as a piercing pain ran from his eye to his brain, leaving behind white fire. The impact sent him into an uncontrollable tumble, his body spinning about.

He slammed into the side of a building with another crack, this time from his single arm, his right.

Crack! His left knee. He hit building after building, pain flaring form the points of impact as the sounds of bone snapping rang in his ears. He struggled to control his fall as much as he could with his consciousness fading, blackness beginning to encroach on his vision.

Bellow him, he could see the ground rushing up to meet him and, before he blacked out, he grinned a sad, bloody grin, droplets of blood flying out behind him, as he pushed out with the Force, trying to soften the impact. The act was his last as he blacked out, never feeling his body slam into the ground.


Well-Known Member
ENEMIES: [member="Konrad von Grimmelshausen"] ; [member="Darth Rapax"]

The blade met the lightsaber with a hiss, and the smell of searing metal quickly filled the air. Tachon couldn't stand on ceremony or duelist courtesy. The metal on its own wouldn't last forever, so he used the deliberately closed distance to reel himself in for a closer assault. He shoved his whole mass forward. The almost-peak condition of the warrior Iridonian imposed on the young Human. Zur-Ksi was sure that the closing move would work, so with the same forward thrust he brought his body around in a twist to unlock the sword and lightsaber and bring his elbow around to the Sith's cheek. In this close combat, Tachon's childhood training shone. Put in him when he was at his most impressionable age, Tachon was a brawler, a hunter, and a survivor. As long as he could keep this Sithling close, he felt he would maintain an advantage.
Rekha nodded, "Yeah still here cupcake, we are almost there" She looked off and then laughed, "you don't get to lose me that quickly." She banked to her right and looked around, then banked back to her left.

So far, so good,

She wouldn't hold her breath though on the keeping up with something good, this was not that kind of a situation, Keep the Corellian safe, main mission and keep herself from becoming a scorch mark on some atmosphere.

[member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Darth Azurea"]

Veino stared out through the viewports as the ship rocked through the air, falling towards the city. A wry smile pulled at his lips as he got the reply from [member="Coren Starchaser"] and watched the figure of one of them plummet from the air and bounce into the city. The ship dropped several meters suddenly, cracking his helmet against the ceiling. Veino bit his lip.

"My tab? One Sith just plummeted to the city. That enough to cover it?"

The ship dropped again before bouncing back up again as the other dove off the top. Perfect. He caught a glimpse of her dangling from a ramp that was quickly receding into the distance. Now where to park? That was the question he really needed to answer. He studied the city below him. There was an open platform with several One Sith vehicles parked there with people scurrying about to deploy. Perfect. It was a shame about the medical supplies, though. Unless...

He leaned over and opened the cargo hatch, dropping the crates of medical supplies to a unnervingly close walkway. They could be recovered and distributed from there. Time to aim for the target. He leaned back, heaving against the controls, just barely getting the nose up enough to crash through a roof, sending the building shuddering under the weight and the ship plummeting towards the enemy vehicles. Excellent.

Veino unstrapped himself and stood, grabbing onto the low roof before walking towards the rear hatch, letting it drop open with a hiss and then drop off completely as the edge of a building ripped it off. The whole ship shook and flung Veino out before continuing on to crash and explode in a delightful display of fireworks among the enemy.

Veino tumbled through the air for several moments before catching up to events, spreading out his arms and pushing off a fast approaching building with the Force to slow his impact, then wrapped himself in a bubble of the mystical energy field, strengthening his body and slowing his fall. He didn't even dent the roof. Instead, he just hit it, bounced, and slid.

He slammed into the ground, knocking himself into a dazed stupor. That hurt. Quite a bit. No more jumping out of starships for a while. Or hopefully, ever. Leave that to the crazy people.

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