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Approved Tech Cloak-Ring

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  • Intent: To create a ring to hide force sensitives from other force sensitives
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Cloak-Ring
  • Manufacturer: Myra's mother.
  • Affiliation: Myra
  • Modularity: No components can be swapped out as it's just a ring..

  • Production: Semi-Unique (There's 5 in total)
  • Material: Alchemically altered Obsidian
  • Classification: Artifact Ring
  • Size: Very Small
  • Weight: Light

Hiding in Plain Sight: The ring allows any force sensitive to hide themselves from other force sensitives, being completely undetectable.

Thought Protection: The rings are able to mask the wearers thoughts, hiding their real thoughts behind simple inconspicuous ones if anyone tries to read their mind.


Heavier than Expected: The ring ways a bit more than expected.

Corruption of Darkness: Those who wear the ring for long can slowly be corrupted into the dark side of the force.

Nullifiable: Void stone or similar force negating bubbles/areas make the ring's special abilities useless.

Exorcism: The ring is weak to the light side, and can even be purified of its abilities this way.

Who ever wears the ring cannot detect other force sensitives while the ring is on.


The Rings were first created by Myra's mother, a high ranking witch of Dathomir as she made her way to the inner core, hoping to found a sisterhood within Coruscant. These rings were designed to help hide her and her potential followers whereabouts if they ever came into conflict with other force using groups there. Since then the rings have come into the possession of Myra, who wears her ring near constantly.


King of Pumpkins

An interesting submission. A few points though.

Void stone suppresses the force of anyone near it within 100 meters, making it hard for them to use it. Doesn't mean you can't still be detected as far as I am aware.

What you are looking for I feel is this Which you could flavour to make your mind nigh impossible to read or alter much like hutts.


[member="Tom Taff"]

I was kinda hoping to explain it that the Sith Alchemy kinda altered that property, refining it into what the ring is. If that doesn't work then I should probably do some more research and resub it later, so could you move it to the pre-factory or wherever this needs to go till I'm ready to sub it again?


[member="Tom Taff"]

Ready to be moved to the factory?

I really only changed one thing, which was the material because I can't really think of what else to expand on. Do you have any ideas?
Factory Judge
[member="Myra"], [member="Tom Taff"], Since it has been a bit since any responses of this thread, I will go ahead and add to this.

If you are doing this simply by stones and metals, A small void stone would be fine. However, if other Force users would enter within the influence of the ring, they too would feel their connection to the force wane. As well, if someone loses their connection to the force, even temporarily, someone else from the outside would find it extremely difficult to sense people within the bubble of its dampening effects. Because the "bubble" the wearer would be in, Force effects of all kinds would be dampened. Including sensory based.

However, if you want to dampen ONLY the wearer of the ring without others noticing, these force powers would likely help you in coming up with a Force-imbued/Alchemy based ring.
  • Force Stealth - The Force ability to hide your "signature" or presence within the force.
  • Dampen Force - The direct ability to dampen ones force connection. Can be done through various means.
  • Force Suppression - The ability to suppress any form of the force within an individual to the point where abilities such as Force Valor or Mind Meld would not work with them.
  • Thought Shield - for the mental defenses.



Really all I want it to do is hide the wearer from other force users, make them look like your average person while also hiding their thoughts.

So I think Thought Shield and Force stealth would really work out really well... Do I just say the ring is imbued with those abilities?

Also, what negatives would you suggest as they're necessary, and how would I justify them? Sith Alchemy is a little new for me tbh.
Factory Judge
[member="Myra"], [member="Tom Taff"],

Since you specifically mention Sith Alchemy, I will go ahead and link you the Alchemy Wiki page, as well as the Sith Sword Wiki link. These two are very much tied hand in hand. Rarely ever do you see these links separated from one another. Typically when an item is alchemized with the properties of the Dark side, specifically metals, a good go to reference is the Sith Swords. Not for the sword aspect, but because you are altering a dense material to be resistant or have abilities. I highly recommend referring to these for any future submissions, and even linking them in the submissions of the future and current.

Here are a list of what pros and cons Alchemy constructs.

  • Extremely high durability in various cases.
  • Can absorb Lightning or in unique cases, other force abilities and be redirected.
  • Can reflect blaster weaponry in cases of armors or weapons.
  • Weapons can be supernaturally sharp.
  • Items typically tend to be heavier than normal. Your average sword is around 1-2 kgs, where as a Sith sword is anywhere between 3-6 kgs.
  • Difficult to hide in the force because of a dark presence, Unless specifically designed to hide or not be felt through the force.
  • Corruptible within the force the more the user uses or the longer the person wears the item.
  • Void Stoned, or Force nullification bubbles of any kind can dampen or even temperately remove desired effects from the artifact.
  • As a Dark sided artifact, Usage of Force Light, or any "Purifying" ability within the Light Side of the force can damage, render inert, or even destroy the item.
These are typical of many submission, and are seen throughout various sources. Any other strengths and weaknesses can be added or taken away depending on the item, its purpose and function.

For this ring in particular, you would likely use all of the weaknesses, except for the Dark Presence weakness. With your strengths only being the ones you have listed, as well as being unnaturally durable.

If you have any questions, concerns or snide remarks, let me or Tom know and we will be able to answer you.


[member="Auberon"] [member="Tom Taff"]

Alrighty, I went ahead and edited it. Can we move it to active judging now or are there more edits to be made?
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