Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cloak of Deception

Grumani United Charity Gala | Jutrand, Jutrand System | Azula Tindara Azula Tindara

A string quartet was working tirelessly off to one side of the room as beings of all walks of life filtered through the cavernous space. Glasses clinked as those in attendance eagerly took advantage of the libations circulating throughout the room. Servers - both sentient and droid - buzzed liked insects through the crowds, looping back on the kitchens before emerging with a fresh tray of offerings. Dresses swirled about and there was a great deal of adjusting buttons, ties,and hair fascinators. It was easy to pick out those who were nervous ; flitting on the edges of the crowds, either talking in hushed whispers or too loud in order to draw attention to themselves.

The crowds were gathered in the name in charity, an organization called Grumani United. An organization striving to improve this sector of the Outer Rim, to provide resources to those seeking a way of life in the area. Hosting on Jutrand made perfect sense, hundreds of corporations had offices or headquarters on the city-wide planet. Credits flowed through the planet like a river, the organization was wise to try to pry open the coffers of its wealthiest citizens.

While charity might be the main focus on the event, for most it was either a place to catch up or make business deals. Often a mixture of both. Typically at these types of events were a place to get business done. It was much easier to corner someone at a party and hash things out over a drink or four.

Judah didn't drink so he was spending his time on the expansive stone balcony overlooking the city, an expensive Dilnlexan cigar in hand. Smoke surrounded the circle of men smoking fine cigarras. Most of the men were roughly his age, but in this line of work there were also a great deal of older gentleman, eager to complain and be part of the crowd. Judah suspected most lived for these events.

"....its not just the pirates. We have to deal with the constantly changing governments. Not to mention the wars. Constantly on going..."

"The last battle in the 'Rim destroyed quarterly profits. Hard to gain demand for a product when the whole damn planet is on fire."

" Let alone the workers. Either displaced or outright killed. Do you know how much in the way of credits we sink into training? And the facilities, at this point a credit pit!"

Judah nodded along, listening as complaints were swapped. A puff a smoke drifted towards the center of the circle.He had to chime in to rile up the crowd.

"The more the Jedi and Sith tear one another apart, the better it is for my business. We can't even keep up with the amount of scrap out there. Each battle, each little pissing match over their sector of the 'verse is like minting credits."

"Not all of us can be in the scrap business Dashiell!"

"Maybe we should diversify, since Dashiell over here thinks there's too much work to be had in this area."

"....who wants to play garbage collector? Be serious Les."
the organization was wise to try to pry open the coffers of its wealthiest citizens.

They were not the only ones. Dressed in revealing red and black and with her montals decorated in jewels, Azula had been working through the crowd. Many of the older corporate fat cats had a notion of what women like here were after - and in a sense they were right. It was simply a matter of scale and the price she was willing to pay. She would take everything and offer nothing in return.

There was one mogul in particular she was after. Known to keep his personal code cylinder and datapad close on his person, she was hoping to swap them for dummies before the night was out. She had been dancing with a few powerful tycoons through the evening, but had kept her eye on the mark.

Krann Tarl. A man with mines and factories across the outer rim. She followed him towards a haze of smoke.

"....who wants to play garbage collector? Be serious Les."

"And which of you fine gentlemen is playing..."

Kark. There was the garbage collector. She was in trouble.

"... garbage collector?" she continued, the momentary pause likely far too obvious for Judah to miss.
Well, well, well.

If it wasn't the woman he had been trying to dig up information on for months standing right in front of him. Judah had watched the security footage after being alerted to its contents. Was he surprised? Only mildly so. Part of him was also impressed by the facade and the fact the woman clearly did have some type of Force ability. Burning questions had remained and the situation had opened a pandoras box of issues.

A private investigator had been hired and this far Miss Tin'dara had remained fairly elusive. Small glimpses into her location but they were always five steps behind. If only he could break free and call the investigator of his current luck.

Alas, Judah had to keep playing a part. It would be wise not to let Tin'dara know he was on to her. At least not yet, depending on how the evening went it could be possible to glean more information and go from there. Now would it be the truth and trustworthy information? That in itself was another story.

"I believe you already know this garbage collector Miss Tin'dara."

Outfitted in quite the dress, Judah did allow himself to linger on her form. One well ill-timed cough or movement and he would be getting more than the current eyeful. Despite the deceit, one couldn't deny the Tortuga was stunningly attractive.

Back to playing his part, Judah smiled broadly, gesturing to the group assembled.

"Gentlemen, may I introduce Miss Azula Tin'dara, a true jewel of the Outer Rim. Miss Tin'dara did some security consulting work for the company months back. Truly went above and beyond her station. Any one of you would be lucky to be in her presence this evening."
Kark karkedy kark kark.

Azula hadn't walked away from that station harbouring any ill will towards the owner of the salvage empire. In fact she had been pleasantly surprised by how he looked after his workers.

Azula had come from the bottom, she knew what it was like to be trodden on from the top. The Force had been the gift to change the balance of power.

But there was always someone with an even heavier boot to put her back in her place.

Just one more job to break free. It was always just one more job.

"A security consultant? Weren't you saying..."

One of the mogul's she had danced with started to say. A brief glance and he didn't even finish the sentence. Whatever Azula had said to him, he hadn't been listening.

Hopefully no one else had listened too carefully when she had explained she was a representative of an investment firm.

"Such high praise," Azula said, "That I'm sure I didn't deserve."

A faint smile.

How are you going to play this?

"I think garbage collector is selling your impressive operation short."
"Such high praise," Azula said, "That I'm sure I didn't deserve."

No, you certainly don't.

Judah had watched the exchange, cigarra in hand, doing his best to take in the interaction. Tin'dara had stumbled for a second after his mention of working as a security consultant. Obviously she had crafted some other type of loose persona for the event. Not quite unusual -it happened at these events in some form or fashion. However, considering the evidence against Tin'dara, he knew another story.

"Impressive operation? Miss Azula I believe you give Dashiell too much credit. Perhaps you need to take a visit to a salvage collection site and then get back to us."

"I agree. If you want to see something impressive, come visit one of my shipyards.Nothing is as impressive as a capital ship being built piece by piece."

"Well, once your capital ship is blown to pieces in the latest war, I can run a tidy profit with minimal work. Often times working harder or flashier doesn't equal substance, isn't that right Miss Tin'dara?"

Judah couldn't help but offer a small smile. He was itching to call his security forces, itching to dig a little deeper into the Azula Tin'dara mystery. He wondered how many men and women she had already robbed this evening. It had to be at least one thus far. Yet did it really matter? It's not as if he had any real emotional or moral ties to whatever the woman was doing. More of a soap opera on the HoloNet type interest perhaps.

"Gentlemen, Miss Tin'dara ; if you excuse me."

He nodded to those in attendance, drifting back indoors. Maybe if he did a lap around the room he could lose the Tortuga.
She offered a polite little laugh, tilting her cheek and placing one hand to her throat. Several sets of eyes followed her hand and then lingered, rather than meeting her gaze. Mr Tarl was offered a polite smile and a slight incline of her montrals.

"Gentlemen, Miss Tin'dara ; if you excuse me."

Kark, fething Kark.

Whilst the company was droll, she had to assume that Dashiell was leaving because of her.

Technically she hadn't stolen from him. Legally she might have, given that the box had been on his ship. Given that Judah didn't even know it existed and it had been more important to her, she did not see it as technical theft.

"Excuse me too," she said to the others, but only when Judah was out of earshot.

Maybe if he did a lap around the room he could lose the Tortuga.

The Togruta stepped out of the crowd on front of him. Declaring loudly for several people to hear:

"You must be wanting that dance we agreed on?"

She offered her hand.
Judah had been working on trying to send a quick message to security about the Tortuga. He wasn't particularly worried about the woman as a whole. Concern was now more of a potential of the woman trying to weasel herself into another one of his facilities and gaining access. It appeared she was a master of disguise and he had no doubts that given the opportunity she would attempt a stunt once again.

Datapad slid seamlessly back into his breast pocket as Tin'dara called him out.

"Of course Miss Tin'dara. I'd be remiss if we didn't dance at least once this evening."

He took her hand, leading her out towards those gathered to dance. Pulling her close, Judah took the lead as they seamlessly worked into the crowd. A quick glance showed there were quite a few people of both sexes working hard to close a few deals on the dance floor, whether it be business or a bit more personal.

"Are you enjoying the Gala, Miss Tin'dara?"
"Are you enjoying the Gala, Miss Tin'dara?"

She scoffed.

"Of course not. The people here are - for the most part - both self-obsessed and incredibly dull at the same time."

She smiled, stepping back gracefully to arms length as the dance called for it before being pulled back in.

"Tell me Mr. Dashiell, if someone did a good thing for a bad reason, how would you judge them for it?"

She found she was genuinely interested in his opinion. Azula was not just trying to gauge what he was about to do. She had saved a lot of his security team, but because she wanted to take something from his salvage yard.
"Tell me Mr. Dashiell, if someone did a good thing for a bad reason, how would you judge them for it?"

Brow furrowed, considering the question proposed to him. A small twirl of Miss Tin'dara before drawing her back close, wondering if the woman was aware of what he knew.

"First, I'm not sure I would be a high authority to judge someone. Morals can be a gray area, with varying levels of nuance. I think there are some general agreements across various cultures ; no killing, no harming of the innocents...children, vulnerable folks. I'm sure there is something else I'm missing but those are the big two that come to mind."

There was a moment of silence as he considered his next words.

"I think good people are often forced into bad situations. Its hard to recognize the situation and harder I think to escape the snowball affect or slippery slope once these decisions are in motion."
That was an interesting answer, she decided. It was either followed by a remarkable guess, a rare piece of insight or some deep research into her own background.

The clean break from her past had not lasted. Someone could have pulled on that thread and worked out she had a ledger with a powerful Hutt family that would never be paid off.

It was that or the man was trying to give her a generic lecture to try and change her ways.

She hoped it wasn't that.

Azula pulled him closer. Bodies were gently pressed together and she could drop her voice to a very low whisper.

"Nothing vulnerable about the men mocking your organisation, is there?" She asked.
"I have no idea Miss Tin'dara. Every man does have his weaknesses."

Judah wasn't avoiding the question. He truly was unaware of the lives of a majority of those he did business with or ran in the same circles. There was a small overlap of people he could consider friends and business associates but those individuals could easily be counted on one hand. It was most likely wiser in certain regards. Often times, mixing the personal with business could cause too many entanglements.

"Why is that such a sticking point for you? That a certain group may not appreciate what I have built, that may scoff at the value of certain roles and jobs within the galaxy."

Brow furrowed as he studied her face for a reaction.

"You seem to place emphasis on what people think of you. Why? What difference will it make in your life? Spending nights awake wondering if someone will accept you for circumstances beyond one's control is no way to live your life."

"Perhaps you're a bit more vulnerable than you first let on, Miss Tin'dara."
Her eyes narrowed just a little at his comment. Azula had never been a spy. The cracks would always appear eventually when she was wearing a persona. Her act as a jedi master within the Silver Jedi had lasted several years - much to her surprise - but it could never have lasted.


He was hitting the mark with a little too much accuracy. She was beginning to suspect Dashiell had learned more about her since they had crossed paths. That would be concerning.

"Don't think I was so concerned for your reputation," she replied. She watched him watching her. She smiled and canted her head to one side. "But I think I would struggle to find any respect for them."

By contrast she did hold a little for Judah based on their limited interactions. For the dance she advanced in long, sweeping strides. Technically, she was supposed to be following but the dynamic didn't seem to be so one-sided.

"Shall we find out what your weakness is, then?" She asked, eyes narrowing just a touch.
Azula Tindara Azula Tindara

"Who said I respected any of them? There's a reason I said business associates and nothing more."

Miss Tin'dara was leading the dance as she studied him, they took a few strides around the floor as she seemed to study him. Judah wasn't quite sure where she was going with her line of questioning. Brow furrowed at her comment, unsure of how to respond. Several moments of silence passed between them as the wheels in his head struggled to crank out a response.

"Are you threatening me or flirting with me Miss Tin'dara? I'm inclined to believe the former..."
"I don't believe that I suggested you respected those men," she replied.

Her stride was purposeful as she walked around him in a slow circle - as called for by the dance - but her smile was genuine.

She vanished from his view for the space of two breaths and then caught his gaze again on his left.

"I don't think I was threatening you," she added, "I was simply curious."

She took his hands and drew herself close. Then she backed away and offered a slight bow as they song drew to an end.

"You'll have to follow me if you want to continue the conversation," she said, turning smartly on her heel and walking away.

If he followed, he would have to catch up with her as she turned down a corridor that only the waiting staff had been using.
Judah watched the retreating Togruta, wondering where all this came from. He highly suspected the woman was possibly trying to rob him, not that he was stupid enough to carry enough credits to make things really worthwhile. Worthwhile for a pick-pocket but for someone to tie him up and rob him it seemed like such a great waste of resources.

It was clear Miss Tin'dara had been trying to get her hands on anything of value this evening - that had been clear when he spotted her in the room. Enthralling the old,lonely, and rich was an easy target. Couldn't say he blamed her but was he also on her radar as well? Or was the woman simply still trying to find out what he knew about that small box she had picked off his station.

There wasn't much to lose, besides his life of course.

He circled around the dance floor, passing the buffet table. Judah carefully slid a serrated knife into his pocket. Not ideal considering the Togruta wasn't a loaf of bread but it would have to do if things got dicey.

Judah entered the hallway, hand in pocket. A waitress bustled past him, there were a few unmarked doors in the space, all closed. Up ahead, it was clear the kitchen or prep area was behind a swinging door.

No sign of Miss Tin'dara.
A door on the side of the corridor swung outwards. A familiar pair of montrals emerged, surrounded an impatient expression.

There was still no real hint given on where she was leading Judah. Azula barely slowed down as she took this corridor instead of the bustling kitchen. She walked quickly, even with a graceful sway of the hips in the figure hugging dress rather than the purposeful warrior's gait he had seen before.

"Come on," she hissed, finally turning into her destination.

The small room was arranged like an office. The monitor with a camera feed of the ballroom suggested some form of security function.

"Close the door."

Azula stepped in front of the table, turned to make eye contact and started lifting and reaching underneath her skirts.

An awkward second and her hands emerged with a holdout blaster and a small data device. She set the former down on the table, turning to lean over the datapad. She plugged the device into the computer and pulled a code cylinder from her bra and plugged it in.

Apparently she was brining Judah along on this heist for some reason.
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"Let me guess, you're going to put the blaster to my head and use me as a shield to escape this place?"

Being a part of of a heist wasn't in his plans for the day. He had expected Miss Tin'dara to show him something she had stole or perhaps give a bit more insights on why she had been on his station in the first place. Maybe even show him what exactly she had taken. Clearly, Judah had some grand ideas on the artifact in question - that wasn't even here.

It was a simple robbery.

"You easily could use one of the men who had been drooling down your bosom the entire evening instead of myself."

Annoyance dripped into his tone.

"Enjoy your evening, Miss Tin'dara."

Judah turned on his heel, grabbing the doorknob to leave.
"Oh nothing so boring," She snapped.

Azula turned away from the computer. The device had already sliced past the passwords on its own and was connecting to something across the net to use the code cylinder.

She checked the safety catch, ensured he was looking with a sharp 'here!' and tossed him the holdout blaster.

"Keep watch for me and you can ask me questions that I will consider answering honestly," she said, turning back to the console.
Judah deftly caught the blaster with his free hand. The Togruta had already turned her back, face illuminated by the screen in front of her. There was an intensity, almost something akin to tunnel vision as she worked. It was going to be her downfall really, even if the woman did have the Force, not staying alert in these situation was unwise.

He came behind the woman, grabbing her left wrist while pushing the blaster into soft skin, roughly near where the kidneys would be on a human. Body weight pushed against the woman, pinning her against the console she had been working at.

"Listen here Azula." Judah was tired of these games. Annoyed really. "You're going to be your own lookout. You seem to be doing fine for yourself, killing innocents to grab a trinket box leads me to believe everyone is disposable in your eyes. So you should have no issues doing the dirty work yourself."

Blaster pushed a little deeper for emphasis.

"Don't come looking for me. I don't want to see you sniffing around my stations again for any reason. If our paths cross again it will truly be too soon. Understood?"
Azula grimaced. Her hands went still.

She hissed through her teeth as he jabbed the blaster firmly into her. Her body did not like something being pressed near her kidneys and there was a flare of hot pain.

"I'm doing fine, I killed innocent people and all for a trinket...

"Well you're wrong on all counts."

A little of the mask slipped, her tone a mix of frustration and regret.

She visibly relaxed, angling her hips a little further from the blaster.

"So what do you want to know? Or did you just follow me to put an end to my evil scheming?"

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