Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
The moment had been fleeting.

In the wake of the events on Monastery, Hazel had felt an odd sense of peace as she made her way through the remaining hallways and onto her ship. That dark spot; the one that had found its place in the Hapan since Hoylin, had been steadily expanding since that day. It sapped away at the Light with a spreading hunger, pushed with a greed not to devour but to overcome.

For years Hazel had used the healing that the Jedi had taught her. But over the months; or had it already been a year since that day? Either way, that ability had slowly faded from her grasp. The veil she had used to cover her scarred riddled body was nearly gone, and soon the disease that had plagued her for twenty years would quickly follow it.

And it would devour her.

But those minutes after stabbing Nora? There had been nothing, the healing was gone but the illness had also been cowed. Something else had risen from the surface, pushing it back and threatening to consume it instead.

Now it was all gone, and Hazel had to resort to medication to keep things at bay. Although that had been only one or two problems. She had underestimated how much fuel she needed to reach her intended destination. That had forced her to make a midway stop at a nearby planet to refuel - something that took the remainder of the night.

However, what the Hapan wasn't aware of was the fact she had been followed. Ever since she had departed Monastery, right up until the point she had fallen asleep at a hotel. When Hazel awoke next, the warmth had been replaced with cold. A soft bed, replaced by a metal one.

She was on the other side of the galaxy, in a cell beneath the Palace of the Dark Lord.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
The cell Hazel occupied was entirely utilitarian, with blank matte black cell walls and a grated ceiling through which dim light poured through. The 'bed' she laid on was nothing more than a metal slab that extended out from the cell wall, and on the wall opposite her was a simple black ceramic toilet. The door guarding her cell was both made of reinforced metal and ray shielded, which could be heard by the audible humming drone that permeated the cell in the absence of other noises.

There was no clear indication of where Hazel was or why, only that she was in some dark cell and everything except the clothes off her back had been confiscated. She wasn't cuffed, but it was obvious that any chance of escape was rendered impossible without some sort of tool.

A loud whoosh of air indicated the unlocking of the cell door followed shortly by the deactivation of the ray shield and the door folding into the wall and out of sight. Two Imperial Dungeoneers entered, stun batons in hand, and motioned for her to face the far wall and clasp her hands behind her head. Only when their commands had been carried out did they stand on either side of the door to usher in the true mastermind of Hazel's imprisonment, and she was allowed to face him.

Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith.

He wore the maroon cloak of a Sith, black and silver armor hidden behind its crimson waves. The door shut and locked behind him as he entered, sealing all four of them in the small cell where an intimate interaction could commence.

"[member="Hazel Zanteres"]. Former Doctor of the Sacred Lotus, now a Jedi Killer. How fate twists and turns."

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
It was how hard the 'bed' felt, that finally snapped Hazel awake. The hotel she had stopped at didn't have the greatest of beds, but it at least felt relatively soft and had some actual warmth to it. Blue eyes opened to the dim lighting above, and the panic set in. Hazel quickly sat up, head snapping around rapidly as she took in her surroundings.

But then it lessened, and the Hapan calmed her breathing. This wasn't her first time in a cell after all, nor was it even her first rodeo of waking up in a completely different place.

She had spent over ten years as a Battle Medic for the Republic, so it came with the territory. Only this time, she didn't have her old squad at her back, ready to help break her out.

Hazel took a deep breath, slowly sliding off the slab and placing her feet down against the floor. The entire cell looked cold and she had never been more thankful to still have her boots on. She began to assess her situation, immediately noting the fact she wasn't cuffed.

Either my captor doesn't consider me a threat, or I'm so deep in this place that the thought of escape is laughable.

It wasn't very hopeful, especially because she had no clue where exactly she had been taken. But it was the least of her concerns, as it became more apparent that everything had been confiscated. Sure, she was still dressed in the clothes she had fallen asleep in; having not bothered to change out of the simple high-collared shirt and trousers. What Hazel was more concerned about was her medication - it was nowhere in sight.

The Hapan cursed quietly, trying to think back to when she had taken the last dose. It had been before she had slept, and that gave her some slight hope that time was on her side here. But it was a matter of how long it had taken for her kidnappers to move her to this cell.

Hazel was partially hoping she had somehow stumbled across some shady operation at the hotel, and simply ended up far beneath the building. However, she suspected that was just wishful thinking. After that, she rolled up her left sleeve and examined the numerous scars that crisscrossed along her forearm. They were reasonable faded, but some were deeper and more clear. A sign that the healing veil was nearing its very end. The Hapan sighed quietly, rolling the sleeve back.

Then a moment later the door slid open, and the shield was deactivated.

She saw the two guards enter, and before they had even motioned for her to move - Hazel already had her hands up. She knew how this went, and walked over to the wall they indicated and placed her hands against the back of her head. Now, if she had a more trained connection to the Force, she might've sensed the presence of the man who had entered. But even then, there was still a heavy feeling in the room once he had stopped. Slowly, Hazel turned around to face whoever had come to talk with her.

Never did she expect to see [member="Darth Carnifex"] standing there. And to her credit, Hazel didn't immediately panic, but there was no doubt there was a growing feeling of fear that began to settle deep down. She gradually removed her hands and let them settle at her sides, listening to what the Sith had to say, raising an eyebrow at the 'Jedi Killer' comment.

"Kaine Zambrano. Former Arch-King of Panatha, now Dark Lord of the Sith Empire." There was barely any emotion in her voice, it was purely matter of fact. After all, she certainly wasn't going to be snide in this situation. "Might I ask why you've had me kidnapped?"
The Dark Lord permitted himself a chuckle, "I prefer the term involuntary relocation, Doctor Zanteres."

Kidnapping was such a crude term, bereft of sophistication and implying that his agents were common thugs. Though I suppose in the end they were just that -- thugs. Definitely not common, definitely not that. He took pride in his subordinate's abilities, they performed their tasks with spectacular professionalism and with as little arduousness as was attainable.

This operation was no different. They were in and out within forty minutes of Zanteres being located, and managed to avoid any security on their way.

"And as to the reason why you find yourself in my clutches, well that's simple." He reached down to his hip and unclipped a holoprojector from his belt, powering it up to project a small three-dimensional image of Nora Lithos' body being tended to in the aftermath of her gruesome encounter with the Doctor. It would be rather alarming to realize that the Dark Lord not only knew about the incident, but also possessed first-hand footage of the aftermath from what was obviously a first-person perspective. Though the identity of the individual recording was still a mystery.

"What would compel someone like Hazel Zanteres to brutally inflict such injuries on her friends, her colleagues? That sort of betrayal intrigues me, Doctor. Care to enlighten?"

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Tempted as she was, Hazel refrained from rolling her eyes in response to the answer. Kidnapping or 'involuntary relocation', it was all the same no matter which way you described or disguised the words. But the Hapan didn't open her mouth to retort, having experienced first hand what usually followed when you talked back at a Sith.

In that same line of thought however, Hazel knew not every Sith just immediately jumped to violence. Which in this instance was a good thing when in faced with the Dark Lord of the Sith.

There was obvious suspicion in her eyes, watching as Kaine grabbed a small holoprojector and held it before her. The device sprung to life and projected a small image that Hazel immediately recognized. A spark of surprise, before she narrowed her eyes; not in anger, but to try and analyze what she could see.

It was clear that Nora was the subject of the recording, being tended to and hooked up to a few machines. At least now it was confirmed the Arkanian had survived, something Hazel suspected after Nylea had passed by her on the way out. But did the Hapan feel anything about that?

No, she didn't.

Her eyes flickered away and landed on Kaine's again. The fact he had this recording, meant he had a spy within the Lotus. Most likely for a long while, as there was no way he would just so happen to send one in time to catch that. Nor was it a particularly farfetched idea in general, especially if the rumours of his pre-Sith life had any standing. Even after moving away from that part of his life, he still maintained some aspects from it.

She didn't answer initially, attention returning to the holoprojector until the Hapan finally spoke.

"My place there was diminishing, what I once had was gone and it was time to move on." A bare minimal answer, avoiding the truths that were kept hidden within. "She simply got in the way of my departure, and didn't take no for an answer." Which wasn't entirely true, given Hazel's anger and frustration at the time played into her snap decision.

Either way, Hazel felt neither regret or remorse for her actions. Not even as she gazed upon the recording of the woman she had stabbed.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
He monitored her reaction closely, and she didn't disappoint.

There was no remorse, no regret... There was only the cold analytical precision of a well-seasoned doctor. Her answer was similarly cold and detached, regarding poor Nora as little more than an obstacle for her to overcome and leave behind.

She was well on her way to fully embracing the Dark, but even now the Dark Lord could sense the faintest hint of reservation lingering within.

"Quite brutal of you, Doctor. Gutting that woman and leaving her to die, not something I would have expected of your notoriety as a defender of life's integrity." He switched off the holoprojector and pocketed it again. "You've set yourself on a very particular path, burning bridges as you boldly embark on your journey towards your destiny. The old Zanteres is slowly withering away, dying with every passing second as you new self -- your better self -- rises from its ashes. But you're not fully there, are you? You have fully committed to what you are becoming."

He chuckled, a knowing laugh. "That is why you are not my prisoner, Hazel, despite these draconian surroundings. I brought you here because I could sense that whatever is holding you back cannot be overcome by yourself, you need help. You need that extra push."

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
The act of stabbing Nora; with the intent of killing her, had done nothing for Hazel or felt anything. But reflecting on it, the Hapan had realized it was meagre in comparison to the first time she had killed. Sure, she had known that the Arkanian was bond to live through it, but it would've still had some weight to it.

During her journey away from Monastery, Hazel thought about her early years as a Battle Medic. Where she had to end the life of a soldier that had been mortally wounded, with no means to help him. Giving him a peaceful death had been the only option, and the Hapan had been duty-bound to see it through.

It had scarred her, as did the next several times it happened. But over time she had become dull to it, as if it had become routine by the end of her tenure on the battlefield. Corellia breaking had pulled her away from that, gave her a breath of fresh air to look at things with a more clearer head. It eventually led to her more neutral mindset, to heal all no matter their alignment in the Force, or their allegiance to one side or another.

But somethings never leave, no matter what you do.

She listened to what Kaine had to say, almost letting out a chuckle at his words. He was speaking almost exact to what her line of thought had been the past few days, and he probably didn't even realize how true it was.

The 'old Hazel' was indeed dying, withering away from the inside out until the day it would inevitably best her. She needed a way to overcome it, to shed the decaying shell and become something new; something better.

And Hazel wasn't a fool, she knew what she'd have to delve into, to even have a chance of surviving this. The Dark Side, the same thing that had been steadily building for months now. Rather than letting it just wrap around her, guiding her hand into action. It needed to consume her, before the illness could.

She was fated to die no matter what. But there was an option laid out before offered chance.

"What exactly do you have in mind?"

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
"A couple things."

The Dark Lord opted to keep things vague, no need to tip his hand so early. There was plenty of time for all of his machinations to unfold naturally. "But for now I will grant you this, the Dark Side needs fertile ground to grow. The seeds have been planted, all they need now is someone to cultivate them."

It was plainly obvious just who he was referring to; himself.

The cell door opened again, and undoubtedly to Hazel's surprise the Dark Lord gestured with his left arm that she may exit the cell of her own volition. "As I said, you are not my prisoner. If you are going to truly embrace the Dark Side, then I will have to show you what it has wrought." Many assumed the Dark Side was corrosive and inherently destructive, and while it certainly possessed similar qualities it was far greater than such simple skewed observations.

The corridor beyond the cell was similar in design to the cell itself, each wall lined with alternative sealed cell doors with a single lift positioned at the far end of the hall. It was this lift that the Dark Lord would use to ferry Hazel to her destiny high above.

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Hazel felt a degree of trepidation from just those three words. It was unavoidable when they were spoken by the Dark Lord of all people, of Kaine Zambrano who had a history steeped in the Darkside. She recognized the fact he wasn't playing his hand right out of the gate, not revealing what exactly he had in mind.

And they both knew the Hapan had barely any other choices in how she was going to proceed from this point.

Kaine was her only option here, even if she left what other choice did she have? Wander the galaxy to try and find another solution?

No, she had a potential one right in front of her. It was only a matter of how far would she go before risking drowning in it all.

Hazel stepped forwards cautiously, moving towards the now open door. It was an instinctual response, only fading away when she realized she wasn't about get hit in the back with a stun baton. Her eyes lingered around, taking in the aesthetic of the corridor as she moved towards the elevator.

Once everyone was inside; guards included, the doors slid shut and a silence followed as it ascended.

Until Hazel spoke up.

"I have a question." And a request, but she wasn't going to get ahead of herself. The answer would determine if she would ask or not. "How long has it been since you had me taken from the hotel?"

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
The turbolift continued to rise for several minutes before the metal tubing gave way to pristine transparisteel that revealed the full grandeur of the Imperial Palace's interior, a massive pyramidal structure that towered over everything around it at a staggering three kilometers tall. From their elevated vantage point one could see the hustle and bustle of the Empire, thousands upon thousands of officials and dignitaries busying themselves with their work with a single-minded determination that left little room for distractions.

Her question caused the Dark Lord to side-eye a glance towards the smaller woman, "Nearly seventy-two hours, Doctor. The journey from Monastery is one of great distance, and you were placed in stasis for the duration of the journey."

He knew why she asked, it was because of the affliction eating through her. It was something that the Dark Lord could sympathize with, if he were capable of sympathy. His mind hearkened back to those days before he had discovered the path of immortality, when his once powerful body was being consumed from the inside-out by the Dark Side of the Force. It had been the price of power, his body couldn't handle the weight of it all.

But that was years ago, and he had become so much more powerful since then. His limits were ever expanding, the barriers he once thought impassive were broken down. His rise was meteoric, as was his Empire's.

"I sense your reservation, speak candidly, Doctor."

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Her attention was transfixed on the sights beyond the window, almost immediately after the turbolift had ascended enough to reveal it. The interior alone was both impressive and intimidating, watching as the crowds of people bustled about far below. It certainly eclipsed how busy Sanctuary was, even during the earlier days of its inception.

That, and you certainly couldn't get a view like this.

When Kaine spoke up however, Hazel's attention was brought crashing back to the matter at hand. Her breath hitched, skin grew pale and there was no hiding the fear that could be felt coming from her within that moment. Immediately, Hazel began trying to make sense of things - how was she still alive? The medicine barely lasted for twenty-four hours, so how had she not already died?

It was answered seconds later, and Hazel sighed in relief. And while she didn't directly look at the Dark Lord, she did glance at him with a grateful expression. Hazel had taken the last lot right before she had fallen asleep, and if she been put in stasis then it meant she still had nearly a full day's worth of the medicine in her system. But that also meant...

Kaine knew she had a disease threatening to kill her.

Did he know the details? Maybe not, but it certainly made it a bit more clearer just what he knew of her situation.

Then the topic shifted back, and Hazel remained silent for a time - trying to collect herself first.

"I am...uncertain." Years had passed since she had been on a battlefield, where she had been thrown into one situation after another. There was no time to think on uncertainty, on what could potentially await her across the ridge or battle scarred field. "I am heading towards territory I'm unfamiliar with, and I have no great amount of knowledge to help ease it."

She was afraid.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
He could sense her fear, could practically smell it on her.

That was good. Fear tempered recklessness, paved the road to caution and contemplation. Those who were fearless often ended up dead, but it was equally disastrous.

"You are taking your first steps into a larger world, Doctor. The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural, even the prolonging of life is possible through its power. The disease that eats away at you now would have destroyed you if you had not been so fortuitous as to fall into my hands, but through my magic I can rid you of it forever." The lift finally came to a stop, and the doors opened to reveal a pristine white hallway that was designated as a medical ward. In the distance the forms of white-robbed doctors and nurses could be seen busying about from room to room, various medical instruments clutched in their hands on wheeled around on repulsor-trolleys. Compared to their surroundings, the Dark Lord looked rather out of place his somber and dark attire.

"However, it will come at a price. Not one of monetary value, but of a spiritual toll. To eradicate the disease I will have to flood your body with the Dark Side. The change will be irreversible, and you will find the Light intolerable."

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Hazel didn't let hope immediately flood her, she wasn't naive enough to just outright believe the words of one person. Even if they were spoken by the Dark Lord of the Sith. It was just the simple fact that past experience had taught her that actions were greater than words.

Someone could say anything and it would mean nothing, rather it was in the person's actions that really mattered.

Kaine's last statement; that of a price, had brought a particular question to the Hapan's mind.

Just what could the Light do for her now?

When Hazel had originally been taught to Heal, she had never got taught anything else. Never fell under the Jedi Code or within the teachings any other Jedi would've gone through. She had saw the Light as a tool, something that quite literally could keep her alive. And now it wasn't.

It had failed her. The Light had failed her.

She didn't reply for a time, instead looking around as they walked; watching the various doctors and nurses as they went about their jobs. Hazel found it odd that they were in a medical ward, rather than well...something more befitting what she'd assume was going to be a ritual of some kind.

"If it means I remain alive, and rid of this disease? I'll do whatever is needed."

There was no going back from this, and Hazel wasn't going to spare it a single glance.

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​

He ushered her into an empty room, a single elevated table sitting squarely at its center. "Disrobe and lay on the table, the preparations need tending to."

After that the Dark Lord didn't bother to look at Hazel, his eyes were drawn to a hovercart wheeled in by one of his many no-faced, no-named servants. Under the covered sheet was an array of herbs, talismans, and other reagents that were necessary for the ritual he wanted to conduct. He picked up the mortar and pestle and placed several herbs, including Eol Sha lichen, into the mortar before crushing them into a powder with the pestle after several minutes of rigorous grinding.

Meanwhile his other servants would be preparing the ritual circle by drawing runic symbols onto Hazel's naked flesh with dark blue paint, chanting ancient hymns, and lightning braziers of bittersweet incense. Next the Dark Lord picked up a single talisman from among nearly a dozen of varying size, shape, and purpose. He held the talisman in his left hand, and grasped a hand-full of the crushed herbs in his right as he walked up to where Hazel lay.

"Are you prepared, Hazel Zanteres?"

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
There was a moment of hesitation, the vanity ingrained into her very blood gave her pause.

Hazel looked around at those present in the room, all of them practically non-descript and didn't stand out. The only two that did, were Kaine and one other. A woman; if the Hapan were to guess, completely covered head to toe with the only defining feature being the avian mask covering her face.

A face she would've recognized if she had ever caught sight of it.

With a restrained sigh, Hazel began to disrobe. It was a methodical process, much like her work ethic had once been. Each layer that was removed revealed more of her marred skin. A multitude of scars criss crossed over her body, making her look more like a soldier than a doctor.

But that was just the simple truth, it didn't matter who you were on the battlefield - everyone was capable of being as wounded just as badly.

The healing had kept them hidden beneath a veil. It hadn't even been part of the reason why she was taught, but she was Hapan after all - had to be seen as perfect even though it had been years since Hazel had any real connection to her people. And now that was nearly gone, only a sliver of the veil remained keeping the more deeper scars from being revealed. Though it wasn't enough to keep the most damning one from being seen.

Once the high collar shirt was gone, the marks around the Hapan's neck were visible. It marked the time she was a slave, barely a blip in the larger scheme of her life, and yet it had left a nasty piece of evidence all the same.

Hazel moved over to the table once she was finished, laying down on it as instructed. From there the attendants began the process of preparing the ritual. The Hapan twitched and fidgeted a first, not use to having people drawing symbols on her body. But she eventually settled and simple stared up at the ceiling. This didn't change when things were finished, and Kaine walked up to the table.

Her eyes remained fixed on the ceiling above them.

"I'm ready."

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
Without further ado the Dark Lord leaned in close, and blew the hand-full of crushed herbs right into Hazel's face.

Immediately the effects of the powder would take hold, seizing Hazel's mind in a euphoric hallucinogenic state as images of her past, present, and future flashed before her eyes and were distorted and warped beyond all sane recognition. Eventually all three would blend together as her fears and doubts were manifested before her, followed shortly by her hopes and dreams, her lusts, her loves, everything that comprised the personality and consciousness of Hazel Zanteres would be put on parade before her waking eyes.

Meanwhile the Dark Lord quickly got to work, placing the talisman in the cleft of the doctor's breasts as lightning wreathed both of his hands. Discharges of crimson lightning would dance along the doctor's skin, the harrowing voice of Carnifex chanting an ancient Sith mantra as he bathed her body in dark energies. The room grew dark, the air stagnant with darkness and decay. Distant cries and the baying of animals encroached on the silence between the Dark Lord's blasphemous hymns and the crackling of energy as it poured from his fingertips. The Dark Side swelled within Hazel until every cell was swollen with the tainting Bogan energies, the disease that had long threatened to consume her suffocated and consumed by a far more damning malaise.

Everything rose to a deafening crescendo until at last the energies within Hazel reached their peak, and burst forth to knock over tables, scatter tools and instruments, shatter the glass window separating the room from the hall, and send everyone but Carnifex tumbling backwards from the concussive force. The weakest of which died, their souls siphoned to fuel the hunger that now gestated within Hazel.

Hazel Zanteres was, for all intents and purposes, 'cured' of her previous ailment.

But at what cost?

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Hazel had not expected to have the crushed herbs blown into her face. The Hapan assume she was going to sneeze as a result, but instead she felt herself suddenly lock up - eyes fixed open staring up at the ceiling.
Although that quickly warped into something else entirely. It was like a slideshow of her life, spanning from her earliest memories to present day. There were her troubled teenage years, her time studying and learning. The enslavement...and the damage that had caused to her body. Learning how to heal, then throwing herself into a war spanning many years.

The day she met [member="Xerxella Zanteres"], and the time they've spent together.

The moment she stabbed [member="Nora Lithos"]...

It was all a blur for Hazel, but she could still feel them. Recount what she felt in those times, the pain and anguish, all the negative emotions were being drawn out of them. But it was the future that enticed the Hapan the most. She attempted to grasp ahold of them, to discern what exactly she was seeing. It was impossible though, everything was moving too fast and gradually they were all blending into one.

Outside of her mind however, changes were happening to Hazel's physical body. As Kaine poured more of the dark energy into her, the Hapan's form was responding. It was inevitable, given that the Dark Lord was quite literally flooding her body with the Dark Side of the Force. It eradicated any semblance of the light within her, as the last speck was erased from existence.

Then Hazel died.

It was only for a moment, as the healing failed and the virus was able to progress immediately. But the darkness latched onto it, consuming it with a hunger befitting a monster. It took hold of Hazel's body, her skin turned more pale and grey. Blue eyes still starring hazily, twisting to become a corrupted yellow.

The ritual continued to build to a crescendo, growing louder and more tense as it rose up. Then nothing. Just for a second there was a silence, before deafening boom broke it and sent everyone around Hazel flying into the surrounding walls. In that moment, orange tendrils lashed out from the Hapan's form, striking any living being in the room. Even Kaine wasn't exempt from its sights, whatever it was - it was hungry.

As the bodies finally settled, only two remained alive aside from Hazel herself.

Kaine and Doctor Vain.

The rest had been drained of every last bit of life force they had.

Hazel's hands were shaking as she slowly sat up. She immediately looked down at them, finding them back to a healthy colour, but most importantly in her eyes anyway - the scars were all gone. She couldn't believe it, and didn't until she reached up and touched her neck. The marks of a collar were no longer there, leaving nothing but smooth skin.

She laughed, one might argue it was somewhat manic. Hazel looked around, eyes now back to their original blue, surveying the damage she had caused. That was when she caught sight of something impossible.

The face of a dead woman.

Doctor Vain's mask had been knocked off upon getting thrown into the wall. Before the woman pulled the hood over her head, Hazel got just enough of look to recognize the face.


[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
The hungering tendrils only got so far before they were warded off by the Dark Lord, who had managed to remain standing on steady feet despite the typhoon that had erupted from Hazel's being. By proxy Doctor Vain was also saved from being reduced to a shriveled, lifeless husk; though she was still subjected to the impact of her body against the far wall by intense concussive force. The wall dented from the collision, and the Doctor tumbled down to lie in a crumpled heap at its base, her mask knocked loose from her face as he wearily peered up.


Vain's eyes went wide as her head snapped up instinctively, for the face she wore was the face of the deceased Doctor [member="Irajah Ven"]. Her wild hair hung down in her face, lightly obscuring the bright vermillion eyes that radiated a darkness not unlike the one residing inside of the Dark Lord. Those eyes now scrambled to locate her mask, which she practically pounced on in a desperate rush to hide her face from Hazel's prying eyes once again.

Kaine, however; hardly acknowledged what had transpired. His gaze was firmly fixated on Hazel, her body bereft of the blemishes inflicted upon her by a life of suffering and hardship. Now she was reborn, smooth and sculpted, powerful and hungering.

Darkness sung through her flesh.

"Doctor Hazel Zanteres, allow me to proclaim your ailment... treated."

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Vain's reaction was enough for Hazel to know she wasn't hallucinating in seeing the supposed dead Doctor's face. She watched as the woman hastily grabbed her mask. It alerted Hazel to the fact that she wasn't supposed to be showing her face. It became apparent to her that she could feel the darkness within her, and identify it's similar nature to the Dark Lord. Something the Hapan was incapable of sensing before now.

But there were still doubts lingering in her mind. As far as she was aware, Irajah Ven had died in a fire on Dosuun. It had never crossed her mind that it might've been a cover up, but from what she knew of Kaine Zambrano; she could see him organizing such a thing.

It begged the question though, why? Why would someone like Irajah enter the service of a Sith?

That line of thought was disrupted however, too many questions on her mind while there was a more potent factor pulling her attention away. Hazel looked at her hand, turning it around, curling and stretching her fingers out. To anyone else, it looked as though the Hapan had never seen her hand before. But to those that still remained in the room knew otherwise, that she was looking beneath it.

Power was surging under her skin, a similar sensation to the crawling nature of the disease she was now free of.

She could feel it sparking, simmering down from the outburst moments ago. It was a hunger that had been sated, for now.

"So it would seem..."

Hazel slid her legs over, allowing her to shimmy to the edge and place her feet down onto the floor. She moved rather gingerly, as if expecting her legs to give out from under her. To her surprise however, they had never felt stronger. It was then that Hazel returned to looking around, taking in the fact that everyone but the three of them were dead.

"I do hope none of these people were of any importance."

[member="Darth Carnifex"]​
"If they were, they would not have died so easily."

The servants that now laid sprawled out across the floor were nothing more than that, servants whose life force was given and taken at his whim. They had served a purpose, and now that purpose was expired; same as their lives. They fed the hunger that gnawed away at Hazel's soul, but it was a hunger that could not so easily quelled into submission.

She would hunger again.

"How do you feel? Powerful? I can sense your strength amplifying, quite a wondrous feeling isn't it?"

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

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