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Cleansing Flame (open to all)

After a business meeting with the Hestilic clan, Charzon was reminded of the very reason why she was on Nal Hutta to begin with, by simply looking around the meeting site that the Hestilic clan seemed to despise because it was owned by a rival clan, the Desilijic clan. Said clan is by now only a shadow of its former glory. It may have been one of the most powerful criminal entities in the galaxy during the Clone Wars and up until the destruction of Death Star III, but today the Desilijic clan is just a criminal cartel like another, much like the nondescript Black Sun of today is. Ringovinda StarYards never really liked criminal elements unless they actually did what their fronts claimed to do. Like Star Tours: they launder money and smuggle merchandise all across the galaxy alongside legitimate freight and passenger hauling activities. But for Star Tours, smuggling is more of a side activity by now...

"Now, I have some business inquiries about Pizza Hutt. I would like to invest in Pizza Hutt; how may I contact the head office?"

"Why would non-Hutts invest in a Hutt enterprise?" the Twi'lek female waiter asked.

"To make it cease committing crimes, to make it cease using slave labor"

"Much better"

"At least you actually have a brain in your tails, unlike some of the more vapid waitresses I have known in restaurants across the galaxy"

Ringovinda StarYards stockholders, including but not limited to, the Ringovindian government, pressured Ringovinda StarYards to diversify their assets and activities and not to concentrate too much on vehicles and vehicle components. Much like Otoh Gunga Pension Fund back in Darth Jar Jar's day, which began as the real estate arm of the Gungan government under Darth Jar Jar's watch. The Desilijic clan will soon realize that Pizza Hutt is going to be the target of an hostile IPO.

[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Interim Oversector Governor's Office
Mygeeto System, Mandalorian Empire Space

Where equity was involved, bar Ammon Holdings was tracking. Normally he didn't involve himself with criminal syndicates, but money talks, and Gael had money. When the CEO of Ringo Vinda StarYards put out the offer to go in on a business venture, Gael couldn't help but to reach out to go in on the deal.

Typing on his datapad, he sent a simple message to her. The younger CEO's response would likely shape the direction Gael took with his credits.

//To: Loulan, Charzon
//From: bar Ammon, Gael

Please forward me the details of the business in question, as well as any applicable numbers (i.e: gross and net revenue, owners, operations, etc.).



[member="Charzon Loulan"]
"The headquarters of Pizza Hutt are taking up this building in this office park" the Twi'lek showed on a map of the Desilijic-controlled region of Nal Hutta alongside the financial statement, which was on the reverse of the map.

"Thank you"

Turf wars were as common among the criminal clans of Nal Hutta on their own capital planet as they were in the greater galaxy. This Pizza Hutt location was the only one in the Hestilic-controlled region, and the Pizza Hutt headquarters was about 400 km away from the Pizza Hutt in Hestilic territory. Before she could take off again, she would type a message to her would-be investor in Pizza Hutt. It was a Mandalorian-controlled company, but money spoke and... law enforcement, too. Despite the Republican ties of Ringovinda StarYards, surely the Mandalorian Empire could set aside differences when it came to taking a peaceful corporation out of criminal hands, especially when the main products sold by the majority purchaser were mostly non-combat vehicles, land and space (the minesweeping vehicle and the bomber were secondary products when compared to their main products). The Hutts were known galaxy-wide to be criminal businessmen, and surely the opportunity to root out a criminal enterprise would be attractive. If Merr-Sonn Munitions could own HomeLand Buffet, surely Ringovinda StarYards could own Pizza Hutt!


ATTN: Gael bar Ammon

Because the majority stockholder of Ringovinda StarYards, the Ringo Vinda planetary government, has edicted a new strategy consisting of purchasing as many criminal-owned businesses as possible and, once purchased, make them law-abiding corporations, Pizza Hutt was an obvious target. As for the requested information, the Twi'lek waiter gave me a highly simplified balance sheet, using the main parts of what Factory Judges use. As is common in Huttese GAAP, the financial information was given in truguts; the exchange rate is assumed to be 10 credits for a trugut:

Corporation name: Pizza Hutt
Headquarters: Nal Hutta
Locations (primary): Nar Shaddaa, Toydaria, Tatooine
Operations: Fast-food restaurants
Tier: 2
Ownership: 97% Desilijic clan, 3% other private investors
Number of restaurants: 350
Gross revenue: 75 million credits
Net revenue: 5.7 million credits
Total assets: 72.3 million credits
Total liabilities: 3.4 million credits
Net equity: 68.9 million credits

Charzon Loulan


Meanwhile, rumors abound in major light-sided and Mandalorian stock broker markets about Pizza Hutt: with this clearly hostile IPO forthcoming, many look at buying their slice of the pizza, with the stock rising. Just as Anastasia took out a mortgage on her Lanteeb properties to buy as many stocks of Xi Char Cathedral as she could possibly get, buying 2-credit stock, capitalizing on the Republican takeover of the company.

[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Because it was her money to invest, she chose to invest half her money, five million, for a 15% stake in IGR Brokerage, and the other half of the money would be awarded to another company. Since it would appear that her approach to investment was to invest in stuff people would need regardless of whether the location is at peace or at war, real estate and food. Her new target would be Pizza Hutt. Even when the Ringovindian government announced that taking criminal business off criminal hands was part of their plan, and, in effect, nationalize Pizza Hutt, Cathul feels like it is best for the interests of the Clan to invest their money. Far from her the idea to become an investment banker, Cathul decides that she may want to own a Pizza Hutt franchise on Mandalore.


ATTN: Charzon Loulan

This is Dr. Thuku from Clan Lok. By now, as a witch doctor, I made a serious amount of money and I wish to help you out in your desire to take Pizza Hutt from criminal hands. Given the current amount of equity in the corporation, and knowing that, to Hutts, equity is the same as the valuation, I am therefore announce my intention of purchasing a 7% stake in Pizza Hutt on behalf of Clan Lok.

Dr. Cathul Thuku, PsyD
Clinical psychologist
Mandalore Psychology Clinic


[member="Gael bar Ammon"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
If what Cathul said was true, then how would one account for the discrepancy between equity and valuation on non-Hutt stock markets? Cathul may want to emulate Darth Scabious... but does she have the financial resources to do such? Pizza Hutt wasn't overly risky as an investment, just that Pizza Hutt was the proof that a Hutt kajidic could operate legitimate businesses, even if the kajidic itself was a criminal enterprise. Despite bar Ammon Holdings pulling out, at least there is still Mandalorian money in the enterprise. By now she is prepared to enter the headquarters of Pizza Hutt, after flying for a short while, with an offer in hand. Just that they needed to iron out the details with Lorca the Hutt, the majority owner and CEO of Pizza Hutt, or Lorca Desilijic Tiure to other Hutts. But he seemed wary of non-Hutts buying their property. Lorca the Hutt is not the patriarch of that kajidic but one of the chief lieutenants of the Desilijic kajidic. She couldn't understand Huttese, and she was grateful for the protocol droid.

"His Excellency Lorca the Hutt bids you welcome. What is the purpose of your visit?"

"I am here regarding a bid for the purchase of Pizza Hutt"

"I hope that you're not like the last one who tried to purchase Pizza Hutt: the Otoh Gunga Pension Fund showed no understanding whatsoever of Huttese GAAP or Huttese mergers and acquisitions practices"

"Theysa not know dat, for buyen a Hutt-controlled company, yousa buyen theirsa equity" Charzon said, in her best Gunganese. "Mesa buy yoursa equity"
Meanwhile, the baat'kaysh was receiving a patient while Charzon was busy with Lorca the Hutt. She didn't suspect that the Mandalore Psychology Clinic would actually own such things on a galactic scale as a real estate office and a fast-food chain. But the patient was a NFU and she feels that the patient is losing patience about Cathul's lack of attention. She was about to take part in a hostile takeover of Pizza Hutt; the disturbance probably had to do with that. She had to tell the patient about the disturbance in the Force, before she loses her cool. She had to say it before she actually does lose her cool.

"I feel like there is a disturbance in the Force; and no it doesn't relate to you"

"What do you mean, it doesn't pertain to me?" the patient clamored.

"The disturbance in the Force is centered on Lorca the Hutt"
The Hutt was puzzled as to why Charzon suddenly spoke Gunganese. And even more so when the Hestilic kajidic seemed to want to get Pizza Hutt off Nal Hutta, finding the very existence of Pizza Hutt offensive. She does not wish to be involved in Hutt turf wars, and Jessica would be made to feel uncomfortable were she to win the bid for the citizenry carrying out attacks on Sith factions' facilities. Charzon is just waiting for conditions by the other party. Probably some guarantees pertaining to maintaing the jobs, assets and headquarters, as well as honoring the contracts with the suppliers and the planetary governments. Fairly standard terms, Hutt corporation or not. What caused the Gungans' attempt to fall apart? Is it because they thought equity to be different from the market value?

"Who are the buyers?"

"I will not touch the portion of Pizza Hutt owned by non-Desilijics. Cathul, on behalf of Clan Lok, will own 7%, Ringovinda StarYards will own 90%"

"Ringovinda StarYards. My master is surprised that a shipyard would purchase a restaurant chain"

"If Merr-Sonn Munitions could buy HomeLand Buffet, why wouldn't we be able to? We have the liquidities, we have the money, and we intend to expand outside Hutt space. Like Ringo Vinda, Coruscant, Hosnian Prime..."
"My master informs you that you will have to offer more than the guarantees to keep all restaurants open and the guarantees to maintain contracts with our suppliers"

"On a trial basis we offer to open new locations on Ringo Vinda, Coruscant, Hosnian Prime, Mandalore and a few more select worlds and ensure full compliance with galactic regulations"

"Do these select worlds include Ruusan or Chalacta? If not, suitable replacements in dark-sided space would have to be found"

"I'm afraid that, for now, Sith factions are off-limits. The First Order is just fine, because Pizza Hutt already operates on Lipsec no problem. It can expand on Bespin, Dosuun or Lanteeb no problem. The logo would be retained, too"


Ruusan and Chalacta were off-limits because, as far as the SSC is concerned, this would amount to building restaurants in enemy territory, and it could be seen as a provocation. They were at war between one another. Pizza Hutt will become no more than an appendage of the SSC by now and, to a lesser extent, the Mandalorian Clans. Nevertheless the Republic would still allow Pizza Hutt to be operating on their territory. They themselves would welcome extra economic activity despite the loss of territories. Plus that ought to take care of their pizza cravings. Charzon pondered why would Lorca the Hutt need to ensure that not only light-sided worlds but even Sith factions would need to have access to Pizza Hutt locations. The One Sith was plagued with economic problems, but at least Charzon could stomach them as far as restaurants are concerned. When Charzon took office the One Sith was the monster to slay; now it was little more than a gremling.
"Rendili, Togoria would perhaps play host to a Pizza Hutt franchise. The One Sith has no economic filters anymore, perhaps they would let us have Pizza Hutts there"

"Have proof of your claims?" Lorca asked, a little skeptical.

"They let IGR Brokerage, which is majority-owned by an Alliance general, operate unimpeded on Coruscant prior to Operation Blackout being launched. To the One Sith, real estate brokerage is the same as restaurants: restaurants and real estate are pacific industries and hence they can operate without additional restrictions that domestic businesses operating in these industries do not already have"

"Just take advantage of their economic ineptitude"

Will the Sith Triumvirate economic policy prove different from the One Sith, only time will tell. But the One Sith completely and utterly neglected their economy. Economy has never been their forte. For them power is mostly confined to the military and they think very little of how to maintain it. Dulvoyinn is now known as the graveyard of the One Sith navy, losing many ships such as the Hungering Mynock, the Immortal Titan, among others, while the Alliance fleet only met light resistance on their way to Coruscant. And Directive 12 caused so many deaths that even the First Order condemned the wanton destruction that Phases 2 and 3 wrought, and they even contemplated placing a bounty on Darth Centax for he was the one responsible for the destruction that ensued. Being the commanding officer of the 5th Army, he would be difficult to track down and then the Alliance and the First Order relented.
"We believe we agree on the main terms by now. So the agreement can be drafted by His Excellency's lawyers and he'll get back to you soon"

Though the protocol droid, Lorca orders his general counsel, i.e. his lawyer, to draft a memorandum of understanding for the sale of Pizza Hutt to Ringovinda StarYards and Clan Lok, with 90% and 7% stakes respectively, notwithstanding the mentions of expanding to Rendili and Togoria, the terms appear otherwise fairly standard. So Ringovinda StarYards invests 62.01 million, Clan Lok invests 4.82 million, and the remaining investors, all of which are non-Hutts, see their own share increase by about 32% or so since the intentions launched by Ringovinda StarYards for a hostile takeover were made public. Goros the Hutt, bar Ammon holdings both left but the transaction could get through nonetheless. Which means Cathul is left with 180k credits for her operating expenses. Of course, the Hutt, having sold his business, wastes no time investing his money in other ventures, even though he is still nominally the CEO of Pizza Hutt for the time being.

"Bu che copah!" Lorca tells Charzon upon signing the memorandum of understanding.

"Payment? There will be a money order sent your way with the requisite sum in truguts soon"

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