Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clean-up On Aisle Glee

The dominion of Glee Anselm recently finished (thanks to all who participated!), but I'd like to see the story there continue.

This is a little heads up of a thread I'm starting up soon. Anyone interested in participating are welcome to do so. :)

For those who weren't there, the Anselmi were egged to go to war against the Nautolans. With Sith support, they gained a lot of ground, and devastated Nautolan lands. Now the tables have turned. The previous government of Glee Anselm proved incapable of dealing with the threat. This is when we Sith show what we do best, and why being under OS protection is so much better.

This is the thread for all you who love battle and slaughter.

The Sith lead the Nautolans in a war to regain lost land and take new. At this point, the Anselmi have been beaten back. What remains is one big battle, one last stand.

Anyone wanna join the party?

Darth Timoris

To err is human, to forgive divine. And I'm no god
[member="Tanek Santii"]

I hadn't even had fun in the spaceport yet - so would absolutely love to continue to help restore law and order and bring peace and prosperity to the lovely locals there*

*or kill them, depending on my mood :)

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