Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clean up of the rules.

I agree on this basis alone:

1. What's to prevent Padawans/Acolytes from using Force Abilities outside their use.

2. How much killing of pvp is going to happen? Granted, it's up to the writer (defender) to protect themselves....but not everyone is a master pvper. So now the less uneducated are now food for more apex predators.

3. If such a rule is enforced....then a counter rule should be implemented, such as what each rank could use.

4. I love Star it!
Darth Venefica said:
1. What's to prevent Padawans/Acolytes from using Force Abilities outside their use.
What stopped them before?

Darth Venefica said:
2. How much killing of pvp is going to happen? Granted, it's up to the writer (defender) to protect themselves....but not everyone is a master pvper. So now the less uneducated are now food for more apex predators.
Hasn't that always been the case?

Darth Venefica said:
3. If such a rule is enforced....then a counter rule should be implemented, such as what each rank could use.
Well Luke Skywalker with only a few days real training from a master was able to best a Sith Lord. Anakin Skywalker was one of the most powerful Jedi to ever live as a Knight. Jacen and Anakin Solo as Apprentices far outclassed Ganner Rhysode, an Experienced Knight. Kyp Durron with assistance of Exar Kun put Luke Skywalker in a Coma as an Apprentice. Jaina as a 15 year old was able to kill more Yuuzhan Vong than numerous experienced Knights throughout the NJO Series. Darth Talon was able to murder the crap out of her master right after she finished training. Boba Fett put the hurt on Darth Vader once (still lost in the end).

Basically, being a Master doesn't make you better than anyone, its how you use it.

And Yeah I can Support cleaning up the site rules, getting some precedents written down where folks can see them
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Could I suggest (here) that we add a spot in the Character Creation rules under the Transfer Characters spot a brief description of where you would post all of the information requested by the staff?
  • Please list all role-plays at your previous board that are relevant.
  • Please list what roleplay board you're transferring from.
  • Added here
[member="Draco Vereen"]

I'm well aware of any rank defeating any rank.....I'm more concerned about people flashing abilities beyond their character's abilities.

And Luke Skywalker.....what a joke. Mark Hamill voiced a better Joker than he ever did a lightsaber. :)

And I'm a nice pvper, I won't abuse my rank or put people in a position where they feel they can't do anything. PM is my friend....I'll work work with my opponent rather than jump around screaming, "I beat that!"
Darth Venefica said:
And Luke Skywalker.....what a joke. Mark Hamill voiced a better Joker than he ever did a lightsaber.
Luke Skywalker by Mark Hammil was my favorite portion of star wars, and that includes my favorite Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn.

On the other hand, I tend to dislike EU from 4 ABY to 27 ABY.
Darth Venefica said:
I'm more concerned about people flashing abilities beyond their character's abilities.
So then either A) Let them know about it or B ) Write yourself out of the situation and then discontinue writing with them.

Worst comes to worse you can report and/or ignore them.
If these issues that keep getting mentioned have happened before when the rules were official they obviously didn’t prevent it.

If these issues are fears about what might happen at some stage, let’s see if it does before throwing out dread predictions of doom….

[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]

Did you have any particular place in mind? Bio? Welcome thread? PM to Admin? Blog post?


Disney's Princess
Captain Larraq said:
Not always an option.
Always an option. I've left duels during an Invasion because the other member was flipping out. Just rerouted to a new opponent and left the other guy to fight npcs all by his lonesome.

You can seriously ignore anybody, anytime you want.
Lily Kirsche Kuhn said:
Luke Skywalker by Mark Hammil was my favorite portion of star wars, and that includes my favorite Jedi - Qui-Gon Jinn.
My nephews would agree with you.

So then either A) Let them know about it or B ) Write yourself out of the situation and then discontinue writing with them.

Worst comes to worse you can report and/or ignore them.
I don't report anyone.......I rather spend days/weeks working out a solution. It's my passion in RL, a society of happy people.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]
I would think that the request for rank titles/faction titles/name change thread would be the most organized place to put it, since you're already asking for it there.

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