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Approved Tech Chwûqkotjan

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  • Intent: Submit a powerful artifact that doesn't involve PVP or similar arms-races.
  • Image Source: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
  • Canon Link: Kyber Crystal
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Chwûqkotjan [Broken Ember]
  • Manufacturer: Cerbera
  • Affiliation: Cerbera
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Kyber Crystal, Blood
  • Classification: Artifact
  • Size: Stationary
  • Length: 2m
  • Width: 2m
  • Height: 2m
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Aura of ability: Within the confines of the artifact's reach the people bound to it have an increased affinity to Sith Alchemy, crafting and other scientific pursuits.
  • Semi-sentient: Kyber crystals have a strange form of sentience and it is no different for the Chwûqkotjan.
  • Aura of power: The Chwûqkotjan increases the potency of the Force within its range.
  • Aura: In its presence the crafter becomes imbued with creativity and the strength of the Force.
  • Sentience: The crystal is semi-sentient. Through thought it can relay meaning with those inside its aura, give guidance, assistance and more.
  • Shackled: Twisted and broken with the Darkside and Sith Alchemy it serves its creator blindly. It only gives its boons to those its creator finds worthy and no other.
  • The Light: The Lightside of the Force can destroy the artifact through constant and heavy exposure.
  • Ysalamir: Exposure to any force-null fields will turn the artifact inert. The longer the exposure the more likely it is that the artifact will 'die' and revert to a simple crystal.
  • Corruption: Heavily imbued with the Darkside its aura seeps everything with its corruption. Anything made under the shadow of its light will be corrupted as well.
  • Range: It has a limited range of about twenty meters. The farther away you go, the less effective it is.
  • Experience: You already need to have a foundation and experience within the fields of alchemy to gain any advantage from this.
It is known that Kyber crystals possess an innate sentience; they can communicate among themselves, with other silicon-based lifeforms and through the Force can pass meaning to those who hold them. The Chwûqkotjan was found on an unnamed planet, in an unknown system by Cerbera during a standard excavation operation.

Larger than other kyber crystals by several magnitudes the crystal was found to be far stronger in the Force as well. This might have been simply because of its age and size, or perhaps it was unique in different ways, but the result was the same: Cerbera found potential. Bringing it back to one of her crafting places the Sith started to experiment on the crystal. Notoriously the crystals are resistant to the Darkside, forcing her to twist it with the Darkside, until it was completely corrupted by its strength and force.

Its hue shifted from radiant blue to blood-red and instead of soft humming vibrations it turned to hushed whispers. With her blood she linked the crystal to herself, ensuring its servitude and loyalty through those artificial shackles.

Through further extrapolation and alchemy Cerbera managed to unlock its hidden strength. Perhaps it once was housed in close proximity to other crafters and through time soaked in their experience, maybe it was close proximity to Cerbera herself in combination with its own limited sentience, but the result was the same in the end: it could enhance the ability of an alchemist and crafter working close to it. Creativity is increased, energy buffed up and an experienced alchemist is capable of feats they normally wouldn't even consider.

This does not, however, grant experience and knowledge to the beginners.

You must already be proficient in the arts of alchemy and crafting to truly gain any advantage from this artifact, but once you do? The alchemist will find their creations to be far more effective.
Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.
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