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Approved Tech Chrisyakova Special

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Intent: (Example: To create a personalized weapon for Veronika Fleischer


Image Source:

Canon Link: N/A

Primary Source: N/A


Manufacturer: Maple Harte

Affiliation: [member="Veronika Fleischer"]

Model: N/A

Modularity: No

Production: Unique

Material: Specialized Polymers, Ceramics


Classification: Slugthrower Pistol

Size: Very Small

Weight: Very Small

Ammunition Type: Slugs

Ammunition Capacity: 007

Reload Speed: Very fast

Effective Range: Personal (30 meters)

Rate of Fire: Low

Stopping Power: High

Recoil: Average


Composed of special polymers and ceramics, which render both it and the bullets inside undetectable by scanners

Completely silent.

Bullets were shaped in such a way as to fool forensics experts into thinking the shots came from a rifle at a greater distance than what the pistol is capable of.

Great stopping power

Good for mutiple types of ammo

Easily hidden


Counter-Forensics: The gun and bullets have been fashioned in such a way that if a ballistics or forensics expert was to examine the impact point they would conclude that the pistol's target was shot not only by 7.62 x 51 mm Rifle (due to its ammunition being cut down rifle rounds) they would conclude that the target was killed from 900 meters away

Stopping power: Using cut down rifle rounds the bullets have a good chance of downing a person in medium durasteel armor

Custom ammo: Can take armor piercing, incendiary, cryo, electric, and acid and poison rounds

Concealment: Small enough to hide easily in a medium sized boot or jacket pocket. In addition the gun is not composed of metal but special poymers and ceramics which render it and the metal bullets inside it undetectable to all but the most sensitive and advanced military scanners. And even if detected, its signature would be so slight it might well be interpreted as a glitch on the scanners part. Lastly the gun is totally silent when fired.

Accurate: The weapon being designed by a firearms specialist with a background in assassination, this weapon has a very good chance of hitting whatever is in its range.


Range: It has a range of thirty meters.

Ammo limits: At a paltry seven rounds, its enough to get the job done but not much else. Good more for singular encounters as opposed to extended fights

Delicate: While merely dropping it on the ground by accident won't damage it, it is still not as durable as other guns. A weak strike from a hammer or other sufficient force could shatter it. In addition, very hot or cold temperatures coul warp the frame, rendering it unusable.

Low rate of fire: Must be cocked after each firing.


Designed for Veronika Fleischer by Maple Harte, the Chrisyakova Special is an assassination weapon crafted for the celebrity on the go. Based of weapons Maple designed and wielded while still a member of The Marksmen, this pistol is for those times Veronika must throw others off the trail, or cannot resort to Force powers or a lightsaber. Accurate, using cut down rifle rounds for stopping power, designed to throw off ballistics and forensics specialists, as well as near completely silent, the weapon is limited only by its relative delicacy, range and the limited amount of shots and rate of fire. But when a pistol like this can also fire special ammo, the trade offs are worth it. Named for Veronika's company, and to make sure someone Maple cares for deeply is never without a last resort.
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