Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Choose Your Own Adventure

Lately a lot of my threads have been suffering from what I call “baby duck syndrome.” This is where one or two peole keep the thread moving and other people just sort of follow like baby ducks without really throwing in changes or guidance.

In the past I’ve done a style of thread like those old choose your own adventure books. At the end of each post the writer lists options that the next writer has to choose and start their thread with.

Here is an example:
Post #1
Bob walked into the cantina and could not believe his eyes. It was dollar blue milk night! He went up to the bar and ordered a drink.

A) the bartender pours him the milk but says there is a new tax because of a horrible accident.

B) The bartender claims that Bob owes him money.

Post #2
Susan glanced sideways at Bob. “Do you really owe this guy money?” She offers to pay his debt so that the bartender will get them those drinks.

A) The bartender accepts and pours the drinks
B) Bob speaks up and says he does not owe money and the bartender must be mistaken.


With the above example we don’t get 10 posts of someone merely entering a room. Each post theoretically moves the story further and hopefully if the story is moving then interest won’t die out.

Would there be any interest in a story like this?

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