Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chodo Murr

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
NAME: Chodo Murr
FACTION: Ithorian
RANK: Priest
SPECIES: Ithorian
AGE: Early thirties
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'7"
WEIGHT: 250lbs
EYES: Reddish brown
SKIN: Reddish brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Chodo is quite large and strong.
  • Chodo is a journeyman healer, taught in the ways of the Ithorian priests.
  • Chodo has a grounding in Felucian Force traditions.
  • Like some Ithorians, Chodo can speak Basic, albeit with a gronking accent.
  • Chodo has never killed, and rarely resorts to violence.
  • Chodo is not especially fast.
  • Chodo is cripplingly polite.
All Ithorians look the same to most humans. Why should Chodo be any different?

Chodo often leans on an Ithorian powerstaff or carries a Felucian skullblade-bone shield. He has been known to wear various kinds of Ithorian armor.

Chodo Murr was born on Felucia, in one of the many Ithorian jungle enclaves that were established eight centuries ago. As a young male, he voyaged in a herd ship as part of an Ithorian merchant guild, and visited the other Ithorian worlds -- Ithor, Oetrago, Borao, Varunda IX, Kyrikal, and Upell. He met members of his extended family -- Boolon Murr, the Jedi Master; Murr'ika, the noted mercenary. He became deeply rooted in his people's diaspora, and exposed to many variants of Ithorian belief. Ithorians have always run the gamut from extreme pacifism to brutality, with most falling somewhere in between; Ithorians, as a rule, do not use violence unless necessary. Such was Chodo's position, a fairly middle-of-the-road stance, when he began to suspect he was Force-sensitive.

The problem, of course, was that the Ithorian Force tradition -- the nature priests -- adhered to strict pacifism and a conservatism that Chodo did not feel he could fully live. He studied with the priests for a time, learning the fundamentals of plant care and special healing arts, but he and the priests parted ways amicably in time. The Jedi, he knew, were often too militant for his comfort, an issue that had also plagued his cousin Boolon. Other Force traditions appealed to him -- the Wardens of the Sky, the Fallanassi -- but their cultures were not his culture, their goals were not his goals, and their principles were not his principles.

Enter the clerics of Felucia, one of many splinter sects and movements to arise and fall in Ithorian history. An obscure tradition, born of the unity of nature priests, the Ithorian Supremacy League, and Felucian traditional arts, the clerics were long scattered, but their legacy influenced Chodo powerfully. He found purpose in the cause of his people, the dispersed and defenseless Ithorians.





Information Is Ammunition
The Ithorian Diaspora
Tentative Inroads

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