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Approved Species Chloro-Miri

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  • Name: Chloro-Miri
  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Navrozh
  • Language: No language
  • Average Lifespan: 8 years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: To an observing eye, the Chloro-Miri appear much like a normal Ysalamir except for their skin pigmentation being green instead of the usual yellow. Besides that, there are no real distinguishing outward markers anything is different.
  • Breathes: Type I
  • Average height of adults: 0.2 meters
  • Average length of adults: 0.5 meters
  • Skin color: Various shades of green
  • Hair color: No hair color
  • Distinctions: Besides the green skin, an observer would not be able to tell anything was out of the ordinary about the Chloro-Miri. However, the true genius of the new lizards resides within their cells and genetic code thanks to tampering undertaken by Spaarti Creations and Aurora Industries.
  • Races: No other races
  • Strengths:
  1. Like all Ysalamir, the Chloro-Miri are able to project a bubble within the Force around themselves, completely negating the use of the Force within that circumference. If multiple lizards are present, their bubbles can overlap and cover a greater distance.
  2. Due to genetic tampering by Spaarti Creations and Aurora Industries, the Chloro-Miri's cells have been altered with synthetic chloroplasts, allowing them to derive nutrients and energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. This has also eliminated the need for them to sink their claws into the olbio tree or nutrient frames their cousins need to survive as they can survive on sunlight and a steady diet of olbio leaves and water.
  • Weaknesses:
  1. They are no stronger or tougher than a normal ysalamir. A blaster, a knife, even sufficient blunt or concussive force is enough to kill them.
  2. If deprived of sunlight or the starship equivalent UV light for a period of 72 hours, the lizard will die.
  3. The process done to create them can only be done on embyros, existing lizards cannot be altered into a Chloro-Miri
  4. An odd side effect of the procedure, the bubbles in the Force created by the Chloro-Miri are half the size as their normal counterparts
  • Diet: Olbio leaves, light
  • Communication: Hisses and pheromones
  • Technology level: No technology level
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion or belief system
  • General behavior: Much like their normal cousins, the Chloro-Miri are a docile creature, although as they are no longer bound to the olbio tree, they are rather curious about the world around them. They tend to gravitate towards places of sunlight or where olbio tree leaves are plentiful, laying there to collect energy and nutrients. If threatened, the Chloro-Miri will try their best to climb out of reach or sight of a predator. During mating season, females will emit a pheromone that will entice males to her, but she will not accept any if they do not bring enough leaves as an offering or if their pigmentation is not to the female's liking.

Originally, the project that would create the Chloro-Miri began out of a desire to understand the lizards that were the bane of many Force Users. Taeli Raaf, CEO of Aurora Industries and Spaarti Creations, had tasked several of the geneticists and biotechnicians within the two companies to work together to study the creatures. As a Sith Lady, she wanted to understand and perhaps learn more about how the creatures created their bubbles within the Force, but there was no way to use the Force to do so. The scientists made great strides in examining and collecting data on the specimens obtained on Navrozh, but they were no closer to figuring out how they projected the bubble.

Frustrated at the elusive answer, Taeli had been ready to abort the project altogether when another idea came to her. While the mystery of their ability within the Force remained, the scientists had made a multitude of observations on the creatures themselves and their relationship with the olbio trees or the artificial nutrient frames popular for transporting them. They theorized that they could, through genetic alterations, eliminate the ysalamiri reliance on the olbio tree for nutrients. Taeli greenlit this new side of the project.

Using carefully constructed synthetic chloroplasts and an experimental gene therapy treatment, the scientists from the company began altering several ysalamir eggs and embryos, introducing the new cells into those of the still-developing lizard. While there were some rejections, a few proteins not meshing correctly in subjects, enough of the experimental eggs survived to term, hatching small baby ysalamir that were green in color due to the chloroplasts.

The new babies did not gravitate towards any olbio tree in particular, nor did they sink their claws into the bark. They simply found the sunniest spot in a tree and started eating the leaves. Once full, they started to wander around the lab. When Taeli heard of the success, she immediately ordered Spaarti Creations to begin cloning procedures as she sensed a viable commodity the company could sell... and the gene therapy research was quietly moved to Nar Shaddaa for other experiments.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]

By your own intent, you would like to make a Ysalamir without the one of the few, if only, distinct weakness to the species. That's cool, but I'd like to see a serious nerf to its Force nullification ability in turn, like a reduced radius for its bubble and/or losing the ability ability when in close proximity with several other Ysalamir.
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