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Approved Species Chindi

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[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]Found on[/SIZE]

  • Name: Chindi

  • Designation: Non-sentient
  • Homeworld: Heklor
  • Language: Chitters, sqeaks
  • Average length of adults: 0.4 meters (16 inches)
  • Skin color: Grey
  • Hair color: Dark red fur
  • Breathes: Type I atmosphere

  • Strengths:
  • Skin membranes: Chindi have skin membranes stretching from thier back and front legs, which they use to glide through the treetops. Using these membranes, they are able to glide for up to 900 meters if high enough, which is extremely useful for escaping from Mwitu.
  • Pheremones: Chindi have a unique ability to release a specially evolved pheremone, which acts simiarly to insects as smoke, causing them to become groggy, slow, and passive. Chindi use this to hunt their favorite food source: Vimelea. Although, this only works for a few minutes (less time, oviously, compared to the size of the insect), before the insects 'wake up' again, and the pheremones take several hours to build themselves up again befor ready for another discharge. If this was used on a sentient insectoid species, it would most likely only confuse the being for a few seconds, as it's not nearly strong enough to issue it's full effects. The pheremone is ejected from glands in the Chindi's skin, at will, as is potent enough that even the smallest amount will stun a Vimelea.
  • Quick breeding: Chindi breed ridiculously fast, with four to six litters of 5-10 being produced by every mother, every year. Although, they are quickly eaten as well, so...

  • Weaknesses:
  • Small: Chindi are small compared to most other species of the galaxy, making them easily killed through a range of methodsf, as well as making them ecspecially susceptible to poisons.
  • Short life span: A Chindi only lives for about ten years.
  • Small bladder: Chindi's have miracously small bladders, causing them to need to empty their bladders every half an hour, to an hour. This makes a trail of urine that predators can easily track.

  • Distinctions: Chindi are unqiue rodents, with a skin membrane evolved to allow them to glide, as well as a large tail used both to maintain balance in the treetops, and in the air. They have four paws with small claws, and a small mouth of sharp teeth.
  • Average Lifespan: 10 standard years optimally, usually dosen't live more then a few years- due to predators.
  • Races: None
  • Estimated Population: 10,000,000 on Heklor.
  • DIET : Vimelea insects are their preferred diet, but if unavailble they will supplement it with berries, nuts, and young leaves.
  • Communication: Chitters, squeaks.

  • Technology level: None

  • General behavior: Chindi are timid rodents that stay alive by fleeing at the slightest sign of predators, gliding away from treetrop to treetop to hunt for food as well as flee from even the scent of a predator. When hunting Vimelea, a Chindi will first locate a swarm or small group of Vimelea, then release it's pheremone to stun the insects. Once the pheremone takes hold, the Chindi will glide through the swarm, snatching an insect in it's mouth as it goes through. When the swarm settles from the air, the Chindi crawls along the branches, snacking on as many stunned insects as they can eat before they stir from the effects of the Chindi's pheremones. When hunting for nuts of berries, the Chindi will glide from treetop to treetop, searching the jungle for any food. When food is found, the Chindi will eat it's fill, then stuff as much as they can in to it's mouth, to return to his home.
  • Chindi make their nests in tree hollows, or points of the canopy where branches are woven together, forming a type of hollow. They make their nests by placing leaves, and small twigs together, to make a sort of pile, and woving together stems and small twigs to hold it's shape.

  • Notable Player-Characters: None
  • Intent: To create a natural predator for the Vimelea, as well as another food source for the Mwitu, and to create the bottom of the food chain in Heklor's ecology.
  • This is the last Heklor species, I promise :p
This seems pretty standard, and cute. Never thought I'd see a species whose bladder is a weakness!

One question about the pheromones, how are they distributed? Are they sprayed at the target? How much of an effect are we talking on, say, a human?

Answer that and we should be good to go.
[member="Valeria Aetani"]

Edited it to say that the pheremone is emmited from glands in the skin. :D

It would have no effect on humans, or any mammals though, as it's specific to only effecting insects. :p
A verpine might be confused for a few moments at most, a Killik is probably big enough that it wouldn't effect him, but nothing would happen to a human, rodian, mon calimari, or Tikkari. :p
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