Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Children of the Wastes

Definitely wasn’t what Jared wanted to hear. He may not be a strict Jedi any longer, but he was his father’s son. He wanted to help those who needed it, and normally? That meant bringing home certain beings alive. But if she had been abandoned here? Before? Who was he to get in the way of something that didn’t concern him? The traveling Force user was willing to listen.

But she was going to get out of this properly.

“Left you to die, or as a sacrifice? They mean two things, last time I checked…” But who was he to judge a group from a desert wasteland? He grew up on the Core and found himself on some weird Rim and Unknown Regions worlds. And Light knew the Chiss had their odd habits when it came to proof of skill and ability.

“I… I’ll do as you say.” He was honest but didn’t sound sold on the idea.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

A faint shudder in Choli's eyes, a flicker that darkened them to a steely grey of a final decision edged with melancholy at Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser 's question. The weight of her choice was palpable, a burden she carried with a mix of determination and sorrow.

"A sacrifice."
The act had been devoid of malice, a necessity in the grand scheme of things. Choli's demeanor, far from bitter, was resigned. It was a decision that had to be made, and now, there was no turning back.

"Thank you."
Choli understood that it was a hard ask. Honestly, if Trextan Voidstalker Trextan Voidstalker had been here, he would have likely not been able to follow through with the ask. It might have turned into an arguement. But this had to be done the proper way. Much like he had said that he trusted the Force to search for his crystal in a Sandstorm, Choli had to follow the rite as expected by her clan. Otherwise, how could she stand proudly and call herself an adult and a warrior without it?

"I know it is a big ask."
she added, before gesturing for the Mirialian to follow her.

"I just have to stick as close to tradition as I can to make sure it counts."

She tossed him back a look; this time her eyes shone green in mild amusement.

"I am not planning to die tonight, Jared. I want to live."

Wasn’t exactly what he wanted to hear. Jared didn’t get along too well with folks who were sacrificing anyone, least of all one of their own. But he was not going to fault Choli for what had happened to her. He’d be here to support her, even if he was going to have a grand time allowing himself to walk away should the worst happen. Still, his whole attitude changed from one of excitement for the coming fight to one of almost sorrow for her.


“Are there anyone that should … nevermind, I assume your R4 will know everything…”
Who to contact?

Did she have a family?

But as they continued speaking, and walking, he nodded. “I get that, tradition counts. Jedi, even Witches have their traditions.” And with her follow up statement.

“Of that, miss Choli, I had no doubt.”

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

“Are there anyone that should … nevermind, I assume your R4 will know everything…”

Choli gave a pause, understanding what Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser meant. "Chloe, my master. Arr-Four would know how to reach her. She is due to come back in a couple of days soo..." She flashed him a wry grin, as if the morbid conversation of her potential death was everyday conversation. "If the ancestors so decide, she would be the one."

Did she have family? No, Chloe was the closest thing to a family Choli had. Other than that, there was -- no, odds were he wouldn't want to hear of me.

With that in place, Choli took a deep breath and then broadened her grin, "Alright, let's go."

Choli let Jared out of the cavern into the moonlit desert. A gust of wind brought with it the scent of desert sage and grit. As familiar as it was bittersweet.

"What traditions do you hold dear Jared?" curious, as she began to lead him away from the cavern towards the gullies and canyons to search for Sand Demon tracks.

Chloe, the one she was mentioning as a Warden of the Sky. Jared figured that yeah, the droid would be able to find her, but if not? His father sure as hell could. “If it so happens, I’ll be present to tell the tale.” He understood the passing of life too well, with his mother and several comrades having fallen. And giving that news to the next of kin? Never easy.

When she was ready, Jared tried to sweep that morbid conversation from his mind as he followed the woman out of the cavern. Should they have met on better terms, that could have a been a very interesting evening for the both of them. Minus the pending ritual and fighting whatever that was in the cave. Looking back to his droid, he nodded.

“In the way of the Force, or personally? I’m a product of many a different traditions, if I’m being honest. Compliments of a less-than-traditional family.”

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

While it may seem that Choli was not paying attention to Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser because of how focused she was on surveying the trail ahead and the conditions around her, she was.

"Whichever you deemed were the most important to your identity," the Warden replied, her voice quiet but clear for the Mirialan to pick up. Her brows furrowed, pensive, and every now and then, she would bend down to a hovering knee, her hand carefully pulling up a handful of dirt and sand before sniffing it.

Acrid. Acidic. Yet it did not contain the coppery scent she was looking for.

"This rite for me would officially allow me to be considered an adult." at that she tossed a glance back at Jared, giving a half grin and a small shrug as if saying, yeah I know, I already look old enough.

He could only begin to understand how focused she was on this task. Jared was the type to work alone more often than not. Not have some sort of team, or even really friends. It made him seem aloof or unlikable at times. BUt that didn’t matter to him. What he was here for was to serve as her number two. Provide what assistance he could, in the way of distraction to the other monsters that they were to find.

And hopefully return a victorious Choli back to town.

No stress, right?

“The most important to me are definitely my upbringing in the Jedi, and the same time, the more Warden of the Sky bend. My father made it known that it was more important to protect others rather than serving some dogma.”
Probably the best way to really put what he was. And made it easier to blend in some of his new skills.

“And what does that provide you among your people? I know in some, if a man is considered an adult they can find a partner. Never really learned what it means for a woman to reach adulthood in those types of groups.”

Did he just accidentally offend?

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

Choli continued with her focus on the ground, searching for the tell tale signs she would need to identify a path that would lead them to a Sand Demon. All the while, she listened to Jared, all the more intrigued regarding the teachings of his father.

"Your father sounds like a good man," Choli replied, sparing the Mirialan a glance and a half smile. "A good teacher."

She took a few more steps and then gave a frown. There was a certain shift ripple on the sand that might prove to be a good sign. Moving forward cautiously, she inspected to see if she could find more.

"The rite would identify me as a full member of the clan -- granted, I am uncertain if I will ever find them again, but it means a lot to me." He also wasn't too far off on the commentary regarding finding a partner, giving a nod, "And yes, the rite would allow me the ability to find a mate. I am considered to be an adult, able to have a partner and also be able to hunt, defend, and train others.... for the longest time I've felt at odds because I hadn't completed the rite... So I am hoping that this would finally make me feel that I can move forward with my life and do something with it."

Silly, she supposed, when by all intents and purposes, she appeared to be a young woman in her early twenties. Nonetheless, it was a line of demaceration Choli knew she needed to cross.

"... I think I found something." she told him, seeing the rippled tracks line the shifting sands ahead of them. They lead into a deep gully.

As a Warden and a hasbeen Jedi, the Mirialan was more than ready to be here. Looking to Choli, he nodded. “My father is a good man, he means the best even if it got him into a war once upon a time.” But she was a Rogue, that meant she was probably in the same circle. Depending on how Illie was playing timelines here.

“He showed me a lot of Jedi skills. And let me know that there are other groups in the Force that are just as important and worth understanding.” He was not going to go into too much of that now, perhaps after, if Choli and he had time. After the defeat of the Sand Demon.

“If you’ll find the clan? Do the Tuskens not have their own territory?” Jared was a wanderer, a warden, and his whole family was the same. Still, Corellia, Sullust, Kattada were worlds that they frequented, but it didnt mean that they were always home. The ships and the location of where everyone was was what mattered to them all.

“Would you return full time here? Or would you become a far ranger, of sorts?” She seemed an adult in her own rights, and if Jared was asked, she wouldn’t have a problem seeking and finding a mate, for sure.

“What do we have?” He watched where she was looking, trying to find a track, all without the Force, but he was definitely missing something here.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn
Timelines were wonky, but Choli would have served one way or another, perhaps in the same circles! We shall use Jon's great hyperspace distortion theory! :D

"Honestly, from what I've seen, there is always one war going on or another. It may not be galactic in scale, but the systems out in the Outer Rim, or Wild Regions get hit hard. One will find themselves tangled up in them one way or another. I did. I was a Rogue pilot for a bit; barely in my teens." she had been the youngest pilot in the squadron.

As for Jared's questions regarding Tuskens, Choli paused, musing how to answer. "Yes and no. Some will migrate based on the seasons -- you'll be surprised there are seasons here, just drier periods than normal. Like the Jawa Clans, there are a few tribes that would move from summer to winter camps. Others, like those that live along Begger Canyon, have carved their homes into the rock hidden away for millennia. Mine followed the seasons, but finding where they are at in any specific time, after all this time... would be a needle in a haystack."

It was something Choli had made her peace with. As for the coming back to Tatooine full time? Choli shook her head, "No. No sense to. I don't mind coming back to visit to haggle with the Jawa clans or be a guide, but there isn't a place for me here now. Not permanently. I think with this rite, I can move past this and just try to find a place where I belong out in the black. I can do far more help up there than down here."

Gesturing towards the ground, a gloved finger would show him the rippling track marks. "These here, are classic sand tunneling signs when a Sand Demon is dancing across the sands." glancing up she saw the deep gully ahead, a deep entrance of seemingly carved stone, with an open ridge on top.

"Let's go inside... I wonder if it created a nest in there." she told him, gesturing for him to follow. As they neared, if this was it, then a flash of a grin over to the Mirialan, "As i've heard it said before--- good luck then Jared Starchaser, and may the Force be with you."

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser
There were so many oddities in the galaxy. Jared was of the Starchaser family, which had seen so much hyperspace and various anomalies in deep space, but no where near what Jon came up with. The galaxy was a weird place.

"Yeah, there are almost too many wars. I know my father wished he could have lived the life my sister and I live, being able to help others, but visit the far reaches of the galaxy at the same time. The Rim has always called out to our family." He nodded. "Sometimes if you keep moving, you can avoid the wars in earnest, but we always end up in the aftermath, at the very least." Was the hard truth about this life.

He listened and took in the pure magnitude. "Your clan doesn't find the same summer and winter camp?" The Mirialan looked at her, then busied by checking his blaster pistol. "Could we bring you to one location and await their return?" If they returned to the same place time and again. But if they didn't? That meant a lot of tracking. He could be of some help, with the Force and his hunter instincts.

"Closing a book then. I get that. It’s always better to close something down rather than leave an open end, and wonder 'what if'." It was how Jared did tend to live, however. Leaving worlds in his wake, people who he helped, people who paid, or people who owed him a favor. Nothing like what a rite of passage would leave open, but plenty of women that would slap him should he return unannounced.

As he followed her into the cave, the Force gave a whisper of what was to happen. He reached for his blaster, he'd let it close in and then bring out his saber. "May the Force be with you, Choli." Jared had no doubts on his survival, very rarely did he. For her? Nothing be surety she would prosper in the coming trial.

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser

"Your clan doesn't find the same summer and winter camp?"

Choli gave a sad, but understanding smile. Her hazel eyes darkening in the shift of her emotions. "No, the desert is constantly shifting. No winter or summer camp is the same."

It was what it was. Choli made her peace with that.

"Closing a book then. I get that. It’s always better to close something down rather than leave an open end, and wonder 'what if'."

Choli gave a nod. It had been one of the many reasons as well why she had broken up with Trextan. It was better that he find his own path, figure out what he wanted to be and do, than have him always wonder if he was doing what he wanted to do, not just following Choli because he wanted to be with her. He had gone through so many emotions and issues with his father, the Jedi, the Sith, that the teenager that he was had been lost on what to do. A clean break is what had to be done to make sure Trextan didn't end up resenting her or wondering if he was really doing what he wanted to do.

With a deep breath, Choli dropped her satchel down, grabbed her lightsaber knife, and secured to her hip, then took out her hunting knife with the other. This tested her skills, hunting abilities, and physicality for the rite. She would have to utilize every bit of knowledge she had to do this. There had been no condition that Force powers were not to be utilized, and to be honest, tales told of a demon of the desert that had such powers. Could that be the one her tribe had sacrificed her to have been a Force user instead?

Ironic considering.

An exhale, then a narrowed gaze. The young woman would move forward slowly, following the tracks leading to the gulley. She had to be careful here, for the tiniest vibrations could alert her presence. If she moved like the desert did, erratic, without a pattern, then she could avoid detection. They call it sand dancing, a swing, and step and hop, not in a straight line, but in odd directions.

As she drew deeper, the polished grain of the gullies grew larger until a wide open cavern was revealed.

A scurrying of sounds could be heard, then everything was still. Too still.

It didn’t take long for the Force to cry a warning before the sand on the ground shifted as the Sand Demon went tunneling underground straight to Choli, bursting out in a splashed of sand, its claws and sharp arms swiveling back then forward to try and stab her.

It wasn’t the only one. As Choli predicted, a smaller clutch of critters came speeding forward.


It was a nest.

A Sand Demon nest.

Things just got even more complicated.

The problem he could see with being here, was that those who lived by the gun and sword, tended to die by the same. Here, it wasn't so much another he was worried on, no gunslinger or beings carrying swords but the sense of control and awareness he had about himself with both of those in his hand? That would be the death of him some day. He only hoped it was far away from here and a long time in the future. Or behind the controls of his ship.

The most Starchaser way to go.

And being here, in a world where summer and winter shifted, and the sands continued to do the same? It made one wary.

Watching the woman he was with pull two knives, he grinned. Brooke was the type who did very similar, she had knives, and her staff. It was a hunting and fishing thing, he realized. Choli did have the look of a hunter. Jared who called,and by all rites was, himself a hunter, kept to his lightsaber and blaster. It was a better way to work. And always blasters, sometimes a long gun, but never a repeater, knew how it worked to be behind your weapons.

How they protected and gave you strength.

Stepping in close, following Choli, he looked around. Wishing for a second blaster, he leaned in.

"So which one are you actually hunting?"

Choli Vyn Choli Vyn

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